91 research outputs found


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    Automatic emotion detection in text is concerned with using natural language processing techniques to recognize emotions expressed in written discourse. Endowing computers with the ability to recognize emotions in a particular kind of text, microblogs, has important applications in sentiment analysis and affective computing. In order to build computational models that can recognize the emotions represented in tweets we need to identify a set of suitable emotion categories. Prior work has mainly focused on building computational models for only a small set of six basic emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise). This thesis describes a taxonomy of 28 emotion categories, an expansion of these six basic emotions, developed inductively from data. This set of 28 emotion categories represents a set of fine-grained emotion categories that are representative of the range of emotions expressed in tweets, microblog posts on Twitter. The ability of humans to recognize these fine-grained emotion categories is characterized using inter-annotator reliability measures based on annotations provided by expert and novice annotators. A set of 15,553 human-annotated tweets form a gold standard corpus, EmoTweet-28. For each emotion category, we have extracted a set of linguistic cues (i.e., punctuation marks, emoticons, emojis, abbreviated forms, interjections, lemmas, hashtags and collocations) that can serve as salient indicators for that emotion category. We evaluated the performance of automatic classification techniques on the set of 28 emotion categories through a series of experiments using several classifier and feature combinations. Our results shows that it is feasible to extend machine learning classification to fine-grained emotion detection in tweets (i.e., as many as 28 emotion categories) with results that are comparable to state-of-the-art classifiers that detect six to eight basic emotions in text. Classifiers using features extracted from the linguistic cues associated with each category equal or better the performance of conventional corpus-based and lexicon-based features for fine-grained emotion classification. This thesis makes an important theoretical contribution in the development of a taxonomy of emotion in text. In addition, this research also makes several practical contributions, particularly in the creation of language resources (i.e., corpus and lexicon) and machine learning models for fine-grained emotion detection in text


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    SSentiaA: A Self-Supervised Sentiment Analyzer for Classification From Unlabeled Data

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    In recent years, supervised machine learning (ML) methods have realized remarkable performance gains for sentiment classification utilizing labeled data. However, labeled data are usually expensive to obtain, thus, not always achievable. When annotated data are unavailable, the unsupervised tools are exercised, which still lag behind the performance of supervised ML methods by a large margin. Therefore, in this work, we focus on improving the performance of sentiment classification from unlabeled data. We present a self-supervised hybrid methodology SSentiA (Self-supervised Sentiment Analyzer) that couples an ML classifier with a lexicon-based method for sentiment classification from unlabeled data. We first introduce LRSentiA (Lexical Rule-based Sentiment Analyzer), a lexicon-based method to predict the semantic orientation of a review along with the confidence score of prediction. Utilizing the confidence scores of LRSentiA, we generate highly accurate pseudo-labels for SSentiA that incorporates a supervised ML algorithm to improve the performance of sentiment classification for less polarized and complex reviews. We compare the performances of LRSentiA and SSSentA with the existing unsupervised, lexicon-based and self-supervised methods in multiple datasets. The LRSentiA performs similarly to the existing lexicon-based methods in both binary and 3-class sentiment analysis. By combining LRSentiA with an ML classifier, the hybrid approach SSentiA attains 10%–30% improvements in macro F1 score for both binary and 3-class sentiment analysis. The results suggest that in domains where annotated data are unavailable, SSentiA can significantly improve the performance of sentiment classification. Moreover, we demonstrate that using 30%–60% annotated training data, SSentiA delivers similar performances of the fully labeled training dataset

    Multilingual sentiment analysis in social media.

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    252 p.This thesis addresses the task of analysing sentiment in messages coming from social media. The ultimate goal was to develop a Sentiment Analysis system for Basque. However, because of the socio-linguistic reality of the Basque language a tool providing only analysis for Basque would not be enough for a real world application. Thus, we set out to develop a multilingual system, including Basque, English, French and Spanish.The thesis addresses the following challenges to build such a system:- Analysing methods for creating Sentiment lexicons, suitable for less resourced languages.- Analysis of social media (specifically Twitter): Tweets pose several challenges in order to understand and extract opinions from such messages. Language identification and microtext normalization are addressed.- Research the state of the art in polarity classification, and develop a supervised classifier that is tested against well known social media benchmarks.- Develop a social media monitor capable of analysing sentiment with respect to specific events, products or organizations

    Tracking Events in Social Media

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    Tracking topical events in social media streams, such as Twitter, provides a means for users to keep up-to-date on topics of interest to them. This tracking may last a period of days, or even weeks. These events and topics might be provided by users explicitly, or generated for users from selected news articles. Push notification from social media provides a method to push the updates directly to the users on their mobile devices or desktops. In this thesis, we start with a lexical comparison between carefully edited prose and social media posts, providing an improved understanding of word usage within social media. Compared with carefully edited prose, such as news articles and Wikipedia articles, the language of social media is informal in the extreme. By using word embeddings, we identify words whose usage differs greatly between a Wikipedia corpus and a Twitter corpus. Following from this work, we explore a general method for developing succinct queries, reflecting the topic of a given news article, for the purpose of tracking the associated news event within a social media stream. A series of probe queries are generated from an initial set of candidate keywords extracted from the article. By analyzing the results of these probes, we rank and trim the candidate set to create a succinct query. The method can also be used for linking and searching among different collections. Given a query for topical events, push notification to users directly from social media streams provides a method for them to keep up-to-date on topics of personal interest. We determine that the key to effective notification lies in controlling of update volume, by establishing and maintaining appropriate thresholds for pushing updates. We explore and evaluate multiple threshold setting strategies. Push notifications should be relevant to the personal interest, and timely, with pushes occurring as soon as after the actual event occurrence as possible and novel for providing non-duplicate information. An analysis of existing evaluation metrics for push notification reflects different assumptions regarding user requirements. This analysis leads to a framework that places different weights and penalties on different behaviours and can guide the future development of a family of evaluation metrics that more accurately models user needs. Throughout the thesis, rank similarity measures are applied to compare rankings generated by various experiments. As a final component, we develop a family of rank similarity metrics based on maximized effectiveness difference, each derived from a traditional information retrieval evaluation measure. Computing this maximized effectiveness difference (MED) requires the solution of an optimization problem that varies in difficulty, depending on the associated measure. We present solutions for several standard effectiveness measures, including nDCG, MAP, and ERR. Through experimental validation, we show that MED reveals meaningful differences between retrieval runs. Mathematically, MED is a metric, regardless of the associated measure. Prior work has established a number of other desiderata for rank similarity in the context of search, and we demonstrate that MED satisfies these requirements. Unlike previous proposals, MED allows us to directly translate assumptions about user behavior from any established effectiveness measure to create a corresponding rank similarity measure. In addition, MED cleanly accommodates partial relevance judgments, and if complete relevance information is available, it reduces to a simple difference between effectiveness values