27,737 research outputs found

    Functioning of the Clothing Networks on the Global Markets - Comparative Analysis

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    In the clothing sector the partnership networks are being created between the economic subject, because such actions are aimed at minimising the risk, as well as to reducing the production and distribution costs. The most often encountered networks in the textile-clothing branch are the franchising networks. The present article concentrates on the competitiveness aspect of the global clothing networks. A comparative analysis of the action of the commercial clothing networks was made, in order to show some features of its operation and proceeding, while focusing on the specified elements of the marketing-mix strategy. The obtained results allowed to show the differences and similarities in the used marketing strategies.W niniejszym artykule skoncentrowano się na aspekcie konkurencyjności globalnych sieci odzieżowych. Dokonano analizy porównawczej działania odzieżowych sieci handlowych, w celu ukazania pewnych cech jego działalności i postępowania skupiając się na określonych elementach strategii marketing-mix. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na pokazanie róznic i podobieństw w stosowanych strategiach marketingowych

    Multi crteria decision making and its applications : a literature review

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    This paper presents current techniques used in Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and their applications. Two basic approaches for MCDM, namely Artificial Intelligence MCDM (AIMCDM) and Classical MCDM (CMCDM) are discussed and investigated. Recent articles from international journals related to MCDM are collected and analyzed to find which approach is more common than the other in MCDM. Also, which area these techniques are applied to. Those articles are appearing in journals for the year 2008 only. This paper provides evidence that currently, both AIMCDM and CMCDM are equally common in MCDM

    Governance and Creativity on Urban Regeneration Processes

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    Governance has become a central topic among policymakers. There is an international consensus that policymaking is evolving from a traditional top-down government approach towards a system of governing that focuses on engaging the citizens within an area (Cabus, 2003). New forms of governance targeting urban competitiveness are increasingly oriented to vertical (between lower and high levels of government and cooperation forms between entities and firms along the production chain) and horizontal (between firms or different municipalities or public and private entities) cooperation (OEDC, 2005). Based on a study research methodology, this article seeks to contribute to answer to the following research questions: i) what is the role of governance in the processes of urban regeneration?; ii) what is the role of governance in the development of creative processes for urban regeneration? and iii) what is the potential of governance to support urban regeneration strategies based on creativity and creative industries?Territorial governance, Creativity, Urban regeneration.

    Evaluating strategies for implementing industry 4.0: a hybrid expert oriented approach of B.W.M. and interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy T.O.D.I.M.

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    open access articleDeveloping and accepting industry 4.0 influences the industry structure and customer willingness. To a successful transition to industry 4.0, implementation strategies should be selected with a systematic and comprehensive view to responding to the changes flexibly. This research aims to identify and prioritise the strategies for implementing industry 4.0. For this purpose, at first, evaluation attributes of strategies and also strategies to put industry 4.0 in practice are recognised. Then, the attributes are weighted to the experts’ opinion by using the Best Worst Method (BWM). Subsequently, the strategies for implementing industry 4.0 in Fara-Sanat Company, as a case study, have been ranked based on the Interval Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy (IVIF) of the TODIM method. The results indicated that the attributes of ‘Technology’, ‘Quality’, and ‘Operation’ have respectively the highest importance. Furthermore, the strategies for “new business models development’, ‘Improving information systems’ and ‘Human resource management’ received a higher rank. Eventually, some research and executive recommendations are provided. Having strategies for implementing industry 4.0 is a very important solution. Accordingly, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods are a useful tool for adopting and selecting appropriate strategies. In this research, a novel and hybrid combination of BWM-TODIM is presented under IVIF information

    Comparative analysis of active and passive portfolio management: A theoretical approach

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    The crises that the world has experienced in the last few years are deeply changing the structure of the world economy and therefore of finance. Human being is probably at the end of 40 years of big deflation and may be at the beginning of a great reflation. This evolution will strongly impact the winning investment strategies, and will push investors to experiment with other methods in order to preserve their income and minimize risks. To achieve this, they must implement effective portfolio management by deploying tools and rigorous processes to manage priorities. Portfolio management can be achieved through either active or passive management. Active management aims to outperform the reference market of the managed portfolio. The manager, using various analytical tools, will select in a discretionary way the products, securities or sectors most likely to grow faster than the market. Conversely, passive or index management aims to faithfully replicate the performance of a benchmark market. There are several reasons why investors may choose between the two methods. Using a traditional literature review, this paper aims to outline the characteristics of each form of portfolio management by highlighting the key differences between active and passive management. This paper also emphasizes that personal preferences, investment objectives and risk tolerance play a crucial role in this decision. The main lessons of this article are that active management has the ability to provide higher returns, but is also accompanied by high fees and greater uncertainties regarding future performance. Passive management, by contrast, offers a more cost-effective approach, but can limit the opportunities for outperformance.   Keywords: active management, passive management, investment, literature review, comparative study. JEL Classification: G11, G14. Paper type: Theoretical Research.Les crises que le monde a connues ces dernières annĂŠes modifient profondĂŠment la structure de l'ĂŠconomie mondiale et par consĂŠquent de la finance. L'humanitĂŠ est probablement Ă  la fin de 40 ans de dĂŠflation importante, qu’elle se trouve potentiellement aux prĂŠmices d’une phase de grande reflation. Cette ĂŠvolution aura un impact important sur les stratĂŠgies d'investissement gagnantes et poussera les investisseurs Ă  expĂŠrimenter d'autres mĂŠthodes afin de prĂŠserver leurs revenus et de minimiser les risques. Pour y parvenir, ils doivent mettre en œuvre une gestion de portefeuille efficace en dĂŠployant des outils et des processus rigoureux pour gĂŠrer les prioritĂŠs. La gestion de portefeuille peut ĂŞtre rĂŠalisĂŠe par le biais d'une gestion active ou passive. La gestion active vise Ă  surperformer le marchĂŠ de rĂŠfĂŠrence du portefeuille gĂŠrĂŠ. Le gestionnaire, Ă  l'aide de divers outils analytiques, sĂŠlectionnera de manière discrĂŠtionnaire les produits, les titres ou les secteurs les plus susceptibles de croĂŽtre plus rapidement que le marchĂŠ. À l'inverse, la gestion passive ou indicielle vise Ă  reproduire avec fidĂŠlitĂŠ la performance d'un marchĂŠ de rĂŠfĂŠrence. Plusieurs raisons poussent les investisseurs Ă  choisir entre les deux mĂŠthodes. À l'aide d'une revue de littĂŠrature traditionnelle, ce document vise Ă  prĂŠsenter les caractĂŠristiques de chaque forme de gestion de portefeuille en soulignant les principales diffĂŠrences entre la gestion active et la gestion passive. Cet article souligne ĂŠgalement que les prĂŠfĂŠrences personnelles, les objectifs d'investissement et la tolĂŠrance au risque jouent un rĂ´le crucial dans cette dĂŠcision. Les principaux constats de cet article sont notamment que la gestion active permet d'obtenir des rendements plus ĂŠlevĂŠs, mais qu'elle s'accompagne ĂŠgalement de frais ĂŠlevĂŠs et d'une plus grande incertitude quant Ă  la performance Ă  venir. La gestion passive, en revanche, offre une approche plus rentable, mais peut limiter les possibilitĂŠs de surperformance.   Mots-clĂŠs: gestion active, gestion passive, investissement, revue de la littĂŠrature, ĂŠtude comparative. Classification JEL: G11, G14. Type d'article: Article de recherch

    "General Conclusions: From Crisis to A Global Political Economy of Freedom"

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    In this chapter I sum up the basic problems for a new theory of 21st century financial crises in light of the Asian and other subsequent crises. My conclusion is that there are indeed deep structural causes at work in the global markets that affect the political economy of countries and regions. Methodologically, new concepts, models and theories are constructed, at ;least partially, to conduct further meaningful empirical work leading to relevant policy conclusions. This book belongs to the beginning of intellectual efforts in this direction. Political economic analyses at the country level, CGE modeling within a new theoretical framework, and neural network approach to learning in a bounded rationality framework point to a role for reforms at the state, firm and regional level. A new type of institutional analysis called the 'extended panda's thumb approach' leads to the recommendation that path dependent hybrid structures need to be constructed at the local, national, regional and global level to lead to a new global financial architecture for the prevention--- and if prevention fails--- management of financial crises.

    Įžvalgi investavimo globaliose akcijų rinkose strategija siekiant grąžos tvarumo

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    The increasing amount of available information on the activities of stock markets and issuers, a rapid expansion of stock markets (increasing market capitalization, growing number of listed companies) and the intensive growth of globalization processes, does not always help investors to make effective investment decisions. Therefore, the issue of stock markets and stock selection for the formation of investment portfolios is particularly important to investors. Although, the issuer’s financial data and the databases of financial markets are very detailed and able to characterise many of the features of the subject being analysed, these data are not fully provided for the purpose of sustainable investments. This problem is being solved in the dissertation – searching ways, how to apply and combine the most commonly used individual methods for equity market selection, stocks selection and investment portfolio formation, thus using statistical data, which are already available, for assessing the markets of different development levels and for the selection of particular stocks to achieve the investment return sustainability. The aim of the dissertation is to develop a methodology for the implementation of intelligent investment strategy in equity markets, which provides opportunities for achieving investment return sustainability in financial markets for various investors. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, general conclusions, literature reference list (283 publications), list of scientific publications by the author on the topic of the dissertation (23 publications), summary in Lithuanian and 8 annexes. The volume of the dissertation is 157 pages, excluding annexes. Text contains 20 numbered formulas, 36 figures and 26 tables. The factors of globalization, which have an influence on financial markets behaviour, were analysed, the possibilities of classical investment methods application for the stock markets and particular stock selection as well as the links between various economic indicators and stock market returns were examined, the concepts of investment return sustainability and intelligent investment strategy were expanded in the first chapter. The methodology of stock markets evaluation, stock selection and intelligent investment strategy for investor is proposed in the second chapter. Experimental and numerical results of the intelligent investment strategy implementation are presented in the final chapter. 23 articles on the topic of the dissertation has been published: six of them in the journals, abstracted and indexed in scientific international databases, three in other peer-reviewed scientific journals, eleven in conferences proceedings and three in the conferences proceedings referred by the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science. The results of the dissertation were presented at ten scientific conferences
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