6 research outputs found

    Advance Parking Management System.

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    By looking towards scenario of today’s market and business; and approaches of peoples towards their standards ,to deal with the ever growing problem of parking management with issues like lack of space for parking, wastage of time to find parking space this paper proposes an advance solution for managing and monitoring free parking space and automated parking of the car. It aims at implementing smarter and better parking guidance mechanism with architecture which will settle within less land space and reduces significantly vehicle travel time and parking time

    A Visual Sensor Network for Parking Lot Occupancy Detection in Smart Cities

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    Technology is quickly revolutionizing our everyday lives, helping us to perform complex tasks. The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is getting more and more popular and is key to the development of Smart Cities. Among all the applications of IoT in the context of Smart Cities, real-time parking lot occupancy detection recently gained a lot of attention. Solutions based on computer vision yield good performance in terms of accuracy and are deployable on top of visual sensor networks. Since the problem of detecting vacant parking lots is usually distributed over multiple cameras, adhoc algorithms for content acquisition and transmission are to be devised. A traditional paradigm consists in acquiring and encoding images or videos and transmitting them to a central controller, which is responsible for analyzing such content. A novel paradigm, which moves part of the analysis to sensing devices, is quickly becoming popular. We propose a system for distributed parking lot occupancy detection based on the latter paradigm, showing that onboard analysis and transmission of simple features yield better performance with respect to the traditional paradigm in terms of the overall rate-energy-accuracy performance


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    Finding a parking spot in most metropolitan ranges, particularly amid the surge hours, is troublesome for drivers. The trouble emerges from not knowing where the accessible spaces might be around then; regardless of the fact that known, numerous vehicles might seek after extremely constrained parking spots to bring about genuine activity blockage. In this paper, we outline and actualize a model of Reservation-based Smart Parking System (RSPS) that permits drivers to viably find and save the empty parking spots. By occasionally taking in the stopping status from the sensor systems sent in parking garages, the reservation administration is influenced by the change of physical stopping status. The drivers are permitted to get to this digital physical framework with their own specialized gadgets. Besides, we think about cutting edge stopping arrangements in keen stopping frameworks and analyze their execution. The trial results demonstrate that the proposed reservation-based stopping strategy can possibly improve the operations of stopping frameworks, and additionally mitigate movement blockage brought about by stopping seeking

    ParkIt - Plataforma inteligente de estacionamiento público

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    Cities across the world are constantly growing, and the traffic infrastructure of many of them starts to reach its maximum capacity. Different points of these cities are negatively affected by the vast amount of vehicles that try to access congested zones, and that oftenly makes finding an on-street parking spot where to park a car a difficult task. In this context the ParkIt project is developed, which is a platform that offers real-time information about on-street parking availability. This platform optimises the use of free parking spots, and reduces the incurred delays while in search of them. By knowing the location of available parking spots, users of this platform find themselves less times looking for a parking spot, contributing to reduce traffic in up to 30%.A nivel mundial las ciudades tienen un crecimiento cada vez mayor, y en muchos casos la infraestructura de tránsito que permite la movilización de su población comienza a llegar a su capacidad máxima. Distintos puntos de estas ciudades se ven afectados de una forma negativa por la gran cantidad de vehículos que intentan acceder a zonas congestionadas constantemente, y eso hace que encontrar un estacionamiento público donde aparcar el automóvil muchas veces sea dificultoso. En este marco surge el proyecto ParkIt, una plataforma que brinda información en  tiempo real acerca de la disponibilidad de estacionamiento en la vía pública. Esta plataforma permite obtener el máximo provecho de cada plaza de estacionamiento disponible, y disminuir los retrasos ocasionados por la búsqueda de las mismas. Al tener conocimiento de la ubicación de lugares disponibles, los usuarios de la plataforma se encontrarán menos tiempo en búsqueda activa de estacionamiento, lo que ayuda a descongestionar estas zonas.&nbsp

    A Comprehensive Approach to WSN-Based ITS Applications: A Survey

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    In order to perform sensing tasks, most current Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) rely on expensive sensors, which offer only limited functionality. A more recent trend consists of using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) for such purpose, which reduces the required investment and enables the development of new collaborative and intelligent applications that further contribute to improve both driving safety and traffic efficiency. This paper surveys the application of WSNs to such ITS scenarios, tackling the main issues that may arise when developing these systems. The paper is divided into sections which address different matters including vehicle detection and classification as well as the selection of appropriate communication protocols, network architecture, topology and some important design parameters. In addition, in line with the multiplicity of different technologies that take part in ITS, it does not consider WSNs just as stand-alone systems, but also as key components of heterogeneous systems cooperating along with other technologies employed in vehicular scenarios

    Prototipo de detección de aparcamientos libres mediante visión artificial en un parqueadero de la Universidad Tecnica del Norte

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    Diseñar un prototipo de detección de aparcamientos libres mediante visión artificial en la Universidad Técnica del NorteEl presente Proyecto consiste de un Sistema de Monitoreo de Disponibilidad de plazas de un estacionamiento en la Universidad Técnica del Norte, está basado en el uso de técnicas de visión artificial para lo cual se usarán cámaras para recolectar información sobre plazas libres de estacionamiento. Para el diseño se realizó un estudio de la situación actual en cuanto al uso y distribución de plazas de estacionar en la Universidad Técnica del Norte, así como también analizar las ventajas y falencias que este presenta. Para determinar las mejores herramientas tanto de hardware y de software adecuadas para el proceso y envío de información recolectada por el prototipo, se realizó un estudio de los dispositivos electrónicos existentes y se elegirá el que mejor se adapte a las necesidades del proyecto. El sistema cuenta con una cámara ubicada estratégicamente, la cual envía la información hacia una computadora de placa simple que permita el procesamiento de imágenes mediante visión artificial, estos datos serán subidos a la nube para que puedan ser visualizados por los usuarios mediante una página web y también en una pantalla ubicada en una puerta de un acceso vehicular del campus. Se realizó pruebas de funcionamiento en un parqueadero de la Universidad Técnica del Norte en el cual se determinó la funcionalidad del sistema, la prueba se realizó durante el periodo diurno y el número de estacionamientos estuvo por el alcance de visión de la cámara. Se realizó un análisis de la relación Beneficio/Costo del prototipo que además contará con el costo final aplicando el prototipo a todos los parqueaderos de la Universidad Técnica Del Norte, con el fin de determinar la viabilidad del proyecto para que a futuro pueda ser implementado en su totalidad