67 research outputs found

    Locomoção de humanoides robusta e versátil baseada em controlo analítico e física residual

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    Humanoid robots are made to resemble humans but their locomotion abilities are far from ours in terms of agility and versatility. When humans walk on complex terrains or face external disturbances, they combine a set of strategies, unconsciously and efficiently, to regain stability. This thesis tackles the problem of developing a robust omnidirectional walking framework, which is able to generate versatile and agile locomotion on complex terrains. We designed and developed model-based and model-free walk engines and formulated the controllers using different approaches including classical and optimal control schemes and validated their performance through simulations and experiments. These frameworks have hierarchical structures that are composed of several layers. These layers are composed of several modules that are connected together to fade the complexity and increase the flexibility of the proposed frameworks. Additionally, they can be easily and quickly deployed on different platforms. Besides, we believe that using machine learning on top of analytical approaches is a key to open doors for humanoid robots to step out of laboratories. We proposed a tight coupling between analytical control and deep reinforcement learning. We augmented our analytical controller with reinforcement learning modules to learn how to regulate the walk engine parameters (planners and controllers) adaptively and generate residuals to adjust the robot’s target joint positions (residual physics). The effectiveness of the proposed frameworks was demonstrated and evaluated across a set of challenging simulation scenarios. The robot was able to generalize what it learned in one scenario, by displaying human-like locomotion skills in unforeseen circumstances, even in the presence of noise and external pushes.Os robôs humanoides são feitos para se parecerem com humanos, mas suas habilidades de locomoção estão longe das nossas em termos de agilidade e versatilidade. Quando os humanos caminham em terrenos complexos ou enfrentam distúrbios externos combinam diferentes estratégias, de forma inconsciente e eficiente, para recuperar a estabilidade. Esta tese aborda o problema de desenvolver um sistema robusto para andar de forma omnidirecional, capaz de gerar uma locomoção para robôs humanoides versátil e ágil em terrenos complexos. Projetámos e desenvolvemos motores de locomoção sem modelos e baseados em modelos. Formulámos os controladores usando diferentes abordagens, incluindo esquemas de controlo clássicos e ideais, e validámos o seu desempenho por meio de simulações e experiências reais. Estes frameworks têm estruturas hierárquicas compostas por várias camadas. Essas camadas são compostas por vários módulos que são conectados entre si para diminuir a complexidade e aumentar a flexibilidade dos frameworks propostos. Adicionalmente, o sistema pode ser implementado em diferentes plataformas de forma fácil. Acreditamos que o uso de aprendizagem automática sobre abordagens analíticas é a chave para abrir as portas para robôs humanoides saírem dos laboratórios. Propusemos um forte acoplamento entre controlo analítico e aprendizagem profunda por reforço. Expandimos o nosso controlador analítico com módulos de aprendizagem por reforço para aprender como regular os parâmetros do motor de caminhada (planeadores e controladores) de forma adaptativa e gerar resíduos para ajustar as posições das juntas alvo do robô (física residual). A eficácia das estruturas propostas foi demonstrada e avaliada em um conjunto de cenários de simulação desafiadores. O robô foi capaz de generalizar o que aprendeu em um cenário, exibindo habilidades de locomoção humanas em circunstâncias imprevistas, mesmo na presença de ruído e impulsos externos.Programa Doutoral em Informátic

    Analytic and Learned Footstep Control for Robust Bipedal Walking

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    Bipedal walking is a complex, balance-critical whole-body motion with inherently unstable inverted pendulum-like dynamics. Strong disturbances must be quickly responded to by altering the walking motion and placing the next step in the right place at the right time. Unfortunately, the high number of degrees of freedom of the humanoid body makes the fast computation of well-placed steps a particularly challenging task. Sensor noise, imprecise actuation, and latency in the sensomotoric feedback loop impose further challenges when controlling real hardware. This dissertation addresses these challenges and describes a method of generating a robust walking motion for bipedal robots. Fast modification of footstep placement and timing allows agile control of the walking velocity and the absorption of strong disturbances. In a divide and conquer manner, the concepts of motion and balance are solved separately from each other, and consolidated in a way that a low-dimensional balance controller controls the timing and the footstep locations of a high-dimensional motion generator. Central pattern generated oscillatory motion signals are used for the synthesis of an open-loop stable walk on flat ground, which lacks the ability to respond to disturbances due to the absence of feedback. The Central Pattern Generator exhibits a low-dimensional parameter set to influence the timing and the landing coordinates of the swing foot. For balance control, a simple inverted pendulum-based physical model is used to represent the principal dynamics of walking. The model is robust to disturbances in a way that it returns to an ideal trajectory from a wide range of initial conditions by employing a combination of Zero Moment Point control, step timing, and foot placement strategies. The simulation of the model and its controller output are computed efficiently in closed form, supporting high-frequency balance control at the cost of an insignificant computational load. Additionally, the sagittal step size produced by the controller can be trained online during walking with a novel, gradient descent-based machine learning method. While the analytic controller forms the core of reliable walking, the trained sagittal step size complements the analytic controller in order to improve the overall walking performance. The balanced whole-body walking motion arises by using the footstep coordinates and the step timing predicted by the low-dimensional model as control input for the Central Pattern Generator. Real robot experiments are presented as evidence for disturbance-resistant, omnidirectional gait control, with arguably the strongest push-recovery capabilities to date

    Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Motion Generation of Humanoids

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung und Entwicklung numerischer Methoden zur Bewegungserzeugung von humanoiden Robotern basierend auf nichtlinearer modell-prädiktiver Regelung. Ausgehend von der Modellierung der Humanoiden als komplexe Mehrkörpermodelle, die sowohl durch unilaterale Kontaktbedingungen beschränkt als auch durch die Formulierung unteraktuiert sind, wird die Bewegungserzeugung als Optimalsteuerungsproblem formuliert. In dieser Arbeit werden numerische Erweiterungen basierend auf den Prinzipien der Automatischen Differentiation für rekursive Algorithmen, die eine effiziente Auswertung der dynamischen Größen der oben genannten Mehrkörperformulierung erlauben, hergeleitet, sodass sowohl die nominellen Größen als auch deren ersten Ableitungen effizient ausgewertet werden können. Basierend auf diesen Ideen werden Erweiterungen für die Auswertung der Kontaktdynamik und der Berechnung des Kontaktimpulses vorgeschlagen. Die Echtzeitfähigkeit der Berechnung von Regelantworten hängt stark von der Komplexität der für die Bewegungerzeugung gewählten Mehrkörperformulierung und der zur Verfügung stehenden Rechenleistung ab. Um einen optimalen Trade-Off zu ermöglichen, untersucht diese Arbeit einerseits die mögliche Reduktion der Mehrkörperdynamik und andererseits werden maßgeschneiderte numerische Methoden entwickelt, um die Echtzeitfähigkeit der Regelung zu realisieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden hierfür zwei reduzierte Modelle hergeleitet: eine nichtlineare Erweiterung des linearen inversen Pendelmodells sowie eine reduzierte Modellvariante basierend auf der centroidalen Mehrkörperdynamik. Ferner wird ein Regelaufbau zur GanzkörperBewegungserzeugung vorgestellt, deren Hauptbestandteil jeweils aus einem speziell diskretisierten Problem der nichtlinearen modell-prädiktiven Regelung sowie einer maßgeschneiderter Optimierungsmethode besteht. Die Echtzeitfähigkeit des Ansatzes wird durch Experimente mit den Robotern HRP-2 und HeiCub verifiziert. Diese Arbeit schlägt eine Methode der nichtlinear modell-prädiktiven Regelung vor, die trotz der Komplexität der vollen Mehrkörperformulierung eine Berechnung der Regelungsantwort in Echtzeit ermöglicht. Dies wird durch die geschickte Kombination von linearer und nichtlinearer modell-prädiktiver Regelung auf der aktuellen beziehungsweise der letzten Linearisierung des Problems in einer parallelen Regelstrategie realisiert. Experimente mit dem humanoiden Roboter Leo zeigen, dass, im Vergleich zur nominellen Strategie, erst durch den Einsatz dieser Methode eine Bewegungserzeugung auf dem Roboter möglich ist. Neben Methoden der modell-basierten Optimalsteuerung werden auch modell-freie Methoden des verstärkenden Lernens (Reinforcement Learning) für die Bewegungserzeugung untersucht, mit dem Fokus auf den schwierig zu modellierenden Modellunsicherheiten der Roboter. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden eine allgemeine vergleichende Studie sowie Leistungskennzahlen entwickelt, die es erlauben, modell-basierte und -freie Methoden quantitativ bezüglich ihres Lösungsverhaltens zu vergleichen. Die Anwendung der Studie auf ein akademisches Beispiel zeigt Unterschiede und Kompromisse sowie Break-Even-Punkte zwischen den Problemformulierungen. Diese Arbeit schlägt basierend auf dieser Grundlage zwei mögliche Kombinationen vor, deren Eigenschaften bewiesen und in Simulation untersucht werden. Außerdem wird die besser abschneidende Variante auf dem humanoiden Roboter Leo implementiert und mit einem nominellen modell-basierten Regler verglichen

    Bipedal Walking Analysis, Control, and Applications Towards Human-Like Behavior

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    Realizing the essentials of bipedal walking balance is one of the core studies in both robotics and biomechanics. Although the recent developments of walking control on bipedal robots have brought the humanoid automation to a different level, the walking performance is still limited compared to human walking, which also restricts the related applications in biomechanics and rehabilitation. To mitigate the discrepancy between robotic walking and human walking, this dissertation is broken into three parts to develop the control methods to improve three important perspectives: predictive walking behavior, gait optimization, and stepping strategy. To improve the predictive walking behavior captured by the model predictive control (MPC) which is transitionally applied with the nonlinear tracking control in sequence, a quadratic program (QP)-based controller is proposed to unify center of mass (COM) planning using MPC and a nonlinear torque control with control Lyapunov function (CLF). For the gait optimization, we focus on the algorithms of trajectory optimization with direct collocation framework. We propose a robust trajectory optimization using step-time sampling for a simple walker under terrain uncertainties. Towards generating human-like walking gait with multi-domain (phases), we improve the optimization through contact with more accurate transcription method for level walking, and generalize the hybrid zero dynamics (HZD) gait optimization with modified contact conditions for walking on various terrains. The results are compared with human walking gaits, where the similar trends and the sources of discrepancies are identified. In the third part for stepping strategy, we perform step estimation based on capture point (CP) for different human movements, including single-step (balance) recovery, walking and walking with slip. The analysis provides the insights of the efficacy and limitation of CP-based step estimation for human gait

    3LP: a linear 3D-walking model including torso and swing dynamics

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    In this paper, we present a new model of biped locomotion which is composed of three linear pendulums (one per leg and one for the whole upper body) to describe stance, swing and torso dynamics. In addition to double support, this model has different actuation possibilities in the swing hip and stance ankle which could be widely used to produce different walking gaits. Without the need for numerical time-integration, closed-form solutions help finding periodic gaits which could be simply scaled in certain dimensions to modulate the motion online. Thanks to linearity properties, the proposed model can provide a computationally fast platform for model predictive controllers to predict the future and consider meaningful inequality constraints to ensure feasibility of the motion. Such property is coming from describing dynamics with joint torques directly and therefore, reflecting hardware limitations more precisely, even in the very abstract high level template space. The proposed model produces human-like torque and ground reaction force profiles and thus, compared to point-mass models, it is more promising for precise control of humanoid robots. Despite being linear and lacking many other features of human walking like CoM excursion, knee flexion and ground clearance, we show that the proposed model can predict one of the main optimality trends in human walking, i.e. nonlinear speed-frequency relationship. In this paper, we mainly focus on describing the model and its capabilities, comparing it with human data and calculating optimal human gait variables. Setting up control problems and advanced biomechanical analysis still remain for future works.Comment: Journal paper under revie

    Motion Planning and Control for the Locomotion of Humanoid Robot

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    This thesis aims to contribute on the motion planning and control problem of the locomotion of humanoid robots. For the motion planning, various methods were proposed in different levels of model dependence. First, a model free approach was proposed which utilizes linear regression to estimate the relationship between foot placement and moving velocity. The data-based feature makes it quite robust to handle modeling error and external disturbance. As a generic control philosophy, it can be applied to various robots with different gaits. To reduce the risk of collecting experimental data of model-free method, based on the simplified linear inverted pendulum model, the classic planning method of model predictive control was explored to optimize CoM trajectory with predefined foot placements or optimize them two together with respect to the ZMP constraint. Along with elaborately designed re-planning algorithm and sparse discretization of trajectories, it is fast enough to run in real time and robust enough to resist external disturbance. Thereafter, nonlinear models are utilized for motion planning by performing forward simulation iteratively following the multiple shooting method. A walking pattern is predefined to fix most of the degrees of the robot, and only one decision variable, foot placement, is left in one motion plane and therefore able to be solved in milliseconds which is sufficient to run in real time. In order to track the planned trajectories and prevent the robot from falling over, diverse control strategies were proposed according to the types of joint actuators. CoM stabilizer was designed for the robots with position-controlled joints while quasi-static Cartesian impedance control and optimization-based full body torque control were implemented for the robots with torque-controlled joints. Various scenarios were set up to demonstrate the feasibility and robustness of the proposed approaches, like walking on uneven terrain, walking with narrow feet or straight leg, push recovery and so on

    Motion Planning and Control of Dynamic Humanoid Locomotion

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    Inspired by human, humanoid robots has the potential to become a general-purpose platform that lives along with human. Due to the technological advances in many field, such as actuation, sensing, control and intelligence, it finally enables humanoid robots to possess human comparable capabilities. However, humanoid locomotion is still a challenging research field. The large number of degree of freedom structure makes the system difficult to coordinate online. The presence of various contact constraints and the hybrid nature of locomotion tasks make the planning a harder problem to solve. Template model anchoring approach has been adopted to bridge the gap between simple model behavior and the whole-body motion of humanoid robot. Control policies are first developed for simple template models like Linear Inverted Pendulum Model (LIPM) or Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum(SLIP), the result controlled behaviors are then been mapped to the whole-body motion of humanoid robot through optimization-based task-space control strategies. Whole-body humanoid control framework has been verified on various contact situations such as unknown uneven terrain, multi-contact scenarios and moving platform and shows its generality and versatility. For walking motion, existing Model Predictive Control approach based on LIPM has been extended to enable the robot to walk without any reference foot placement anchoring. It is kind of discrete version of \u201cwalking without thinking\u201d. As a result, the robot could achieve versatile locomotion modes such as automatic foot placement with single reference velocity command, reactive stepping under large external disturbances, guided walking with small constant external pushing forces, robust walking on unknown uneven terrain, reactive stepping in place when blocked by external barrier. As an extension of this proposed framework, also to increase the push recovery capability of the humanoid robot, two new configurations have been proposed to enable the robot to perform cross-step motions. For more dynamic hopping and running motion, SLIP model has been chosen as the template model. Different from traditional model-based analytical approach, a data-driven approach has been proposed to encode the dynamics of the this model. A deep neural network is trained offline with a large amount of simulation data based on the SLIP model to learn its dynamics. The trained network is applied online to generate reference foot placements for the humanoid robot. Simulations have been performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in generating bio-inspired and robust running motions. The method proposed based on 2D SLIP model can be generalized to 3D SLIP model and the extension has been briefly mentioned at the end

    Robust and Agile 3D Biped Walking With Steering Capability Using a Footstep Predictive Approach

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    In this paper, we formulate a novel hierarchical controller for walking of torque controlled humanoid robots. Our method uses a whole body optimization approach which generates joint torques, given Cartesian accelerations of different points on the robot. Over such variable translation, we can plan our desired foot trajectories in Cartesian space between starting and ending positions of the foot on the ground. On top level, we use the simplified Linear Inverted Pendulum Model to predict the future motion of the robot. With LIPM, we derive a formulation where the whole system is described by the state of center of mass and footstep locations serve as discrete inputs to this linear system. We then use model predictive control to plan optimal future footsteps which resemble a reference plan, given desired sagittal and steering velocities determined by the high-end user. Using simulations on a kid-size torque controlled humanoid robot, the method tolerates various disturbances such as external pushes, sensor noises, model errors and delayed communication in the control loop. It can perform robust walking over slopes and uneven terrains blindly and turn rapidly at the same time. Our generic dynamics model-based method does not depend on any off-line optimization, being suitable for typical torque controlled humanoid robots