37,065 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Synthesis of Cellular Automata

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    Synthesis of cellular automata is an important area of modeling and describing complex systems. Large amounts of combinations and candidate solutions render the usage of deterministic approaches impractical and thus nondeterministic optimization methods have to be employed. Two of the typical evolutionary approaches to synthesizing cellular automata are the evolution of a single automaton and a genetic algorithm that evolves a population of automata. The first approach, with addition of some heuristics, is known as the cellular programming algorithm. In this paper we address the second approach and develop a genetic algorithm that evolves a population of cellular automata. We test both approaches on the density classification task, which is one of the most widely studied computational problems in the context of evolving cellular automata. Comparison of the synthesized cellular automata demonstrates unexpected similarity of the evolved rules and comparable classification accuracy performance of both approaches

    Decision Making in the Medical Domain: Comparing the Effectiveness of GP-Generated Fuzzy Intelligent Structures

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    ABSTRACT: In this work, we examine the effectiveness of two intelligent models in medical domains. Namely, we apply grammar-guided genetic programming to produce fuzzy intelligent structures, such as fuzzy rule-based systems and fuzzy Petri nets, in medical data mining tasks. First, we use two context-free grammars to describe fuzzy rule-based systems and fuzzy Petri nets with genetic programming. Then, we apply cellular encoding in order to express the fuzzy Petri nets with arbitrary size and topology. The models are examined thoroughly in four real-world medical data sets. Results are presented in detail and the competitive advantages and drawbacks of the selected methodologies are discussed, in respect to the nature of each application domain. Conclusions are drawn on the effectiveness and efficiency of the presented approach

    An Architecture-Altering and Training Methodology for Neural Logic Networks: Application in the Banking Sector

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    Artificial neural networks have been universally acknowledged for their ability on constructing forecasting and classifying systems. Among their desirable features, it has always been the interpretation of their structure, aiming to provide further knowledge for the domain experts. A number of methodologies have been developed for this reason. One such paradigm is the neural logic networks concept. Neural logic networks have been especially designed in order to enable the interpretation of their structure into a number of simple logical rules and they can be seen as a network representation of a logical rule base. Although powerful by their definition in this context, neural logic networks have performed poorly when used in approaches that required training from data. Standard training methods, such as the back-propagation, require the network’s synapse weight altering, which destroys the network’s interpretability. The methodology in this paper overcomes these problems and proposes an architecture-altering technique, which enables the production of highly antagonistic solutions while preserving any weight-related information. The implementation involves genetic programming using a grammar-guided training approach, in order to provide arbitrarily large and connected neural logic networks. The methodology is tested in a problem from the banking sector with encouraging results

    Identification of cellular automata based on incomplete observations with bounded time gaps

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    In this paper, the problem of identifying the cellular automata (CAs) is considered. We frame and solve this problem in the context of incomplete observations, i.e., prerecorded, incomplete configurations of the system at certain, and unknown time stamps. We consider 1-D, deterministic, two-state CAs only. An identification method based on a genetic algorithm with individuals of variable length is proposed. The experimental results show that the proposed method is highly effective. In addition, connections between the dynamical properties of CAs (Lyapunov exponents and behavioral classes) and the performance of the identification algorithm are established and analyzed

    "Going back to our roots": second generation biocomputing

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    Researchers in the field of biocomputing have, for many years, successfully "harvested and exploited" the natural world for inspiration in developing systems that are robust, adaptable and capable of generating novel and even "creative" solutions to human-defined problems. However, in this position paper we argue that the time has now come for a reassessment of how we exploit biology to generate new computational systems. Previous solutions (the "first generation" of biocomputing techniques), whilst reasonably effective, are crude analogues of actual biological systems. We believe that a new, inherently inter-disciplinary approach is needed for the development of the emerging "second generation" of bio-inspired methods. This new modus operandi will require much closer interaction between the engineering and life sciences communities, as well as a bidirectional flow of concepts, applications and expertise. We support our argument by examining, in this new light, three existing areas of biocomputing (genetic programming, artificial immune systems and evolvable hardware), as well as an emerging area (natural genetic engineering) which may provide useful pointers as to the way forward.Comment: Submitted to the International Journal of Unconventional Computin
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