87 research outputs found

    The shape – morphing performance of magnetoactive soft materials

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    Magnetoactive soft materials (MSMs) are soft polymeric composites filled with magnetic particles that are an emerging class of smart and multifunctional materials with immense potentials to be used in various applications including but not limited to artificial muscles, soft robotics, controlled drug delivery, minimally invasive surgery, and metamaterials. Advantages of MSMs include remote contactless actuation with multiple actuation modes, high actuation strain and strain rate, self-sensing, and fast response etc. Having broad functional behaviours offered by the magnetic fillers embedded within non-magnetic matrices, MSMs are undoubtedly one of the most promising materials in applications where shape-morphing, dynamic locomotion, and reconfigurable structures are highly required. This review article provides a comprehensive picture of the MSMs focusing on the materials, manufacturing processes, programming and actuation techniques, behaviours, experimental characterisations, and device-related achievements with the current state-of-the-art and discusses future perspectives. Overall, this article not only provides a comprehensive overview of MSMs’ research and development but also functions as a systematic guideline towards the development of multifunctional, shape-morphing, and sophisticated magnetoactive devices

    System and method for operating a follower vehicle in a vehicle platoon

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    Patent no. US9927816B2A method for operating a follower vehicle in a vehicle platoon includes determining, during operation, whether the follower vehicle is operating in a normal state or an abnormal state based on an operation condition of a component of the follower vehicle, or a communication between the follower vehicle and a preceding vehicle in the vehicle platoon. The method further includes selecting a first control mode if the follower vehicle is in the normal state and a second control mode if the follower vehicle is in the abnormal state so as to control movement of the follower vehicle using the selected control mode. In the first control mode, the follower vehicle uses communication data received from the preceding vehicle in the vehicle platoon to control its movement. In the second control mode, the follower vehicle uses data obtained by one or more of its sensors to control its movement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optimization and application of a flexible dual arm robot based automation system for sample preparation and measurement

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    This dissertation describes the optimization of the implementation of the Yaskawa SDA10F dual-arm robot to carry out routine sample preparation tasks in a life science laboratory such that standard lab equipment can be used and the robot can replace humans in sample preparation process. The existing robot control software is changed to carry out various tasks consecutively without interruption. Robot environment and motions were optimized allowing system expansion, multiple batches of samples are made at a time, increasing throughput. The system was validated with the help of two applications

    Research and technology

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    Significant research and technology activities at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) during Fiscal Year 1990 are reviewed. Research in human factors engineering, the Space Shuttle, the Space Station Freedom, space exploration and related topics are covered

    Soft liver phantom with a hollow biliary system

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    Einleitung: Die flexible Endoskopie bietet eine stĂ€ndig wachsende Zahl innovativer diagnostischer und therapeutischer Möglichkeiten bei hepatobiliĂ€ren Erkrankungen. Diese fortschrittlichen Verfahren, die mitunter komplex und gar nicht so selten mit relevanten Komplikationen verbunden sind, erfordern spezielle technische Fertigkeiten, ein profundes anatomisches Wissen und eine lange Lernkurve, die praktisch trainiert werden muss. FĂŒr ein patientenunabhĂ€ngiges Training endoskopischer und endosonographischer Eingriffe sollte ein weiches, naturgetreues und langlebiges Leberorganmodell mit detaillierter Morphologie zur VerfĂŒgung stehen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein praktikables und kostengĂŒnstiges selbst hergestelltes weiches Lebermodell mit anatomisch korrektem Gallensystem vorgestellt. Methode: Mit Hilfe von 3D-Druck- und Weichstoffformungstechnologien wurde ein nahezu realistisches Lebermodell mit einem komplexen, hohlen Gallensystem hergestellt. Die Anatomie des Lebermodells wurde mittels Computertomographie (CT), Ultraschall und Endoskopie validiert. Nach Aufbereitung und Auswertung der Bildgebung wurden interventionelle transhepatische Eingriffe eingeleitet. Zur Validierung der Trainingseffekte und der individuellen Kompetenz wurde ein genaues Bewertungssystem fĂŒr den transhepatischen Zugang etabliert. Ergebnisse: Ein realistisches Lebermodell wurde erfolgreich entwickelt und hergestellt. Die CT-Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Lebermodell die detaillierte Anatomie wiedergibt, mit einem rĂ€umlichen Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) von 0,9 ± 0,2 mm und 1,7 ± 0,7 mm fĂŒr die Ă€ußere Form bzw. den Gallengang. Das endosonographische Bild des Modells ist realistisch und die Dimension der GallengĂ€nge ist konsistent. Die transhepatische Punktion der GallengĂ€nge war durchfĂŒhrbar und ein elektronisches Abtastsystem zur quantitativen Lokalisierung der transhepatischen Nadel in Echtzeit war erfolgreich möglich. Schlussfolgerung: Das vorgestellte kĂŒnstliche Lebermodell fĂŒr das endoskopische und endosonografische Training kommt der RealitĂ€t einer normalen Leber sehr nahe, ist kostengĂŒnstig, einfach zu reproduzieren und fĂŒr die Serienproduktion geeignet. Mit dem elektronischen Sensormodul lĂ€sst sich der Trainingserfolg objektiv kontrollieren. Neben der transhepatischen Punktion könnten an diesem Modell weitere Eingriffe trainiert werden, wie z. B. endoskpischen retrograden Cholangiopankreatographie (ERCP), perkutane transhepatische Cholangiographie oder choliangiographische Drainage (PTC/PTCD), perkutane holedochofiberoskopie (POC), endoskopische ultraschallgefĂŒhrte biliĂ€re Drainage (EUS-BD)


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    PROGRAM AT-A-GLANCE FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2019 7:30 a.m. REGISTRATION OPENS - Lobby of Lecture Wing, Olin Hall 8:00 Aeronautics and Space Science, Session A – Acklie 109 Aeronautics and Space Science, Session B – Acklie 111 Collegiate Academy; Biology, Session B - Olin B Biological and Medical Sciences, Session A - Olin 112 Biological and Medical Sciences, Session B - Smith Callen Conference Center Chemistry and Physics; Chemistry - Olin A 8:00 “Teaching and Learning the Dynamics of Cellular Respiration Using Interactive Computer Simulations” Workshop – Olin 110 9:30 “Life After College: Building Your Resume for the Future” Workshop – Acklie 218 8:25 Collegiate Academy; Chemistry and Physics, Session A – Acklie 007 8:36 Collegiate Academy; Biology, Session A - Olin 111 9:00 Chemistry and Physics; Physics – Acklie 320 9:10 Aeronautics and Space Science, Poster Session – Acklie 109 & 111 10:30 Aeronautics and Space Science, Poster Session – Acklie 109 & 111 11:00 MAIBEN MEMORIAL LECTURE: Dr David Swanson - OLIN B Scholarship and Friend of Science Award announcements 12:00 p.m. LUNCH – WESLEYAN CAFETERIA Round-Table Discussion – “Assessing the Academy: Current Issues and Avenues for Growth” led by Todd Young – Sunflower Room 12:50 Anthropology – Acklie 109 1:00 Applied Science and Technology - Olin 111 Biological and Medical Sciences, Session C - Olin 112 Biological and Medical Sciences, Session D - Smith Callen Conference Center Chemistry and Physics; Chemistry - Olin A Collegiate Academy; Biology, Session B - Olin B Earth Science – Acklie 007 Environmental Sciences – Acklie 111 Teaching of Science and Math – Acklie 218 1:20 Chemistry and Physics; Physics – Acklie 320 4:30 BUSINESS MEETING - OLIN B NEBRASKA ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF SCIENCE (NATS) The 2019 Fall Conference of the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science (NATS) will be held at the Younes Conference Center, Kearney, NE, September 19-21, 2019. President: Betsy Barent, Norris Public Schools, Firth, NE President-Elect: Anya Covarrubias, Grand Island Public Schools, Grand Island, NE AFFILIATED SOCIETIES OF THE NEBRASKA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, INC. 1. American Association of Physics Teachers, Nebraska Section Web site: http://www.aapt.org/sections/officers.cfm?section=Nebraska 2. Friends of Loren Eiseley Web site: http://www.eiseley.org/ 3. Lincoln Gem & Mineral Club Web site: http://www.lincolngemmineralclub.org/ 4. Nebraska Chapter, National Council for Geographic Education 5. Nebraska Geological Society Web site: http://www.nebraskageologicalsociety.org Sponsors of a $50 award to the outstanding student paper presented at the Nebraska Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Earth Science /Nebraska Chapter, Nat\u27l Council Sections 6. Nebraska Graduate Women in Science 7. Nebraska Junior Academy of Sciences Web site: http://www.nebraskajunioracademyofsciences.org/ 8. Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union Web site: http://www.noubirds.org/ 9. Nebraska Psychological Association http://www.nebpsych.org/ 10. Nebraska-Southeast South Dakota Section Mathematical Association of America Web site: http://sections.maa.org/nesesd/ 11. Nebraska Space Grant Consortium Web site: http://www.ne.spacegrant.org

    1995 Seventh Annual IMSA Presentation Day

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    On Wednesday, April 26th, (EX Day), the Academy will once again showcase the research that we as a pioneering community do both here and off campus at the Seventh Annual Presentation Day.https://digitalcommons.imsa.edu/archives_sir/1013/thumbnail.jp

    06. 1995 Seventh Annual IMSA Presentation Day

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    Technology 2002: The Third National Technology Transfer Conference and Exposition, volume 2

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    Proceedings from symposia of the Technology 2002 Conference and Exposition, December 1-3, 1992, Baltimore, MD. Volume 2 features 60 papers presented during 30 concurrent sessions
