144 research outputs found

    An efficient method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on irregular domains with no-slip boundary conditions, high order up to the boundary

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    Common efficient schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, such as projection or fractional step methods, have limited temporal accuracy as a result of matrix splitting errors, or introduce errors near the domain boundaries (which destroy uniform convergence to the solution). In this paper we recast the incompressible (constant density) Navier-Stokes equations (with the velocity prescribed at the boundary) as an equivalent system, for the primary variables velocity and pressure. We do this in the usual way away from the boundaries, by replacing the incompressibility condition on the velocity by a Poisson equation for the pressure. The key difference from the usual approaches occurs at the boundaries, where we use boundary conditions that unequivocally allow the pressure to be recovered from knowledge of the velocity at any fixed time. This avoids the common difficulty of an, apparently, over-determined Poisson problem. Since in this alternative formulation the pressure can be accurately and efficiently recovered from the velocity, the recast equations are ideal for numerical marching methods. The new system can be discretized using a variety of methods, in principle to any desired order of accuracy. In this work we illustrate the approach with a 2-D second order finite difference scheme on a Cartesian grid, and devise an algorithm to solve the equations on domains with curved (non-conforming) boundaries, including a case with a non-trivial topology (a circular obstruction inside the domain). This algorithm achieves second order accuracy (in L-infinity), for both the velocity and the pressure. The scheme has a natural extension to 3-D.Comment: 50 pages, 14 figure

    A Cartesian Cut‐Stencil Method for the Finite Difference Solution of PDEs in Complex Domains

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    A new finite difference formulation, referred to as the Cartesian cut-stencil finite difference method (FDM), for discretization of partial differential equations (PDEs) in any complex physical domain is proposed in this dissertation. The method employs unique localized 1-D quadratic transformation functions to map non-uniform (uncut or cut) physical stencils to a uniform computational stencil. The transformation functions are uniquely determined by the coordinates of the points on the physical stencil. In its basic formulation, 2nd-order central differencing is used to approximate derivatives in the transformed PDEs. The resulting finite difference equations can be solved by classical iterative methods. In the case of a boundary node with a Dirichlet boundary condition, the prescribed value can be used directly in the calculations on the corresponding stencil adjacent to the boundary. However, for Neumann boundary nodes, discretization of the normal derivative in the Neumann condition is accomplished using one-sided approximations, producing an approximate value for the solution variable at the boundary. Then, the cut-stencil method allows stencils adjacent to boundaries to be treated in the same way as interior stencils, thus enabling finite difference calculations on arbitrarily complex domains. This new formulation can be combined with the higher-order compact PadĂ©-Hermitian method to produce higher-order cut-stencil schemes. Three different Cartesian cut-stencil formulations based on local 4th-order approximations are proposed and analyzed. It has been shown that global 4th-order accuracy can be achieved when the same order of accuracy is implemented at Neumann boundaries. Comparison of numerical results for some manufactured problems with the exact solution verifies the capability of the cut-stencil method to deal with PDEs in regular and irregular shaped domains. Cartesian cut-stencil FDM solutions are also obtained for some classical engineering benchmark problems, including Prandtl’s stress function, steady or unsteady heat conduction and flow in a lid-driven cavity. This dissertation demonstrates that the Cartesian cut-stencil finite difference method has many desirable features of a high-end numerical simulation code including simplicity in formulation, meshing and coding, higher-order accuracy, high-fidelity solutions, reliable error estimator, applicable in different science and engineering fields, and can solve complicated nonlinear PDEs in complex geometries

    Solution of incompressible fluid flow problems with heat transfer by means of an efficient RBF-FD meshless approach

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    The localized radial basis function collocation meshless method (LRBFCMM), also known as radial basis function generated finite differences (RBF-FD) meshless method, is employed to solve time-dependent, 2D incompressible fluid flow problems with heat transfer using multiquadric RBFs. A projection approach is employed to decouple the continuity and momentum equations for which a fully implicit scheme is adopted for the time integration. The node distributions are characterized by non-cartesian node arrangements and large sizes, i.e., in the order of 10510^5 nodes, while nodal refinement is employed where large gradients are expected, i.e., near the walls. Particular attention is given to the accurate and efficient solution of unsteady flows at high Reynolds or Rayleigh numbers, in order to assess the capability of this specific meshless approach to deal with practical problems. Three benchmark test cases are considered: a lid-driven cavity, a differentially heated cavity and a flow past a circular cylinder between parallel walls. The obtained numerical results compare very favourably with literature references for each of the considered cases. It is concluded that the presented numerical approach can be employed for the efficient simulation of fluid-flow problems of engineering relevance over complex-shaped domains

    A domain decomposition matrix-free method for global linear stability

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    This work is dedicated to the presentation of a matrix-free method for global linear stability analysis in geometries composed of multi-connected rectangular subdomains. An Arnoldi technique using snapshots in subdomains of the entire geometry combined with a multidomain linearized Direct Numerical Finite difference simulations based on an influence matrix for partitioning are adopted. The method is illustrated by three benchmark problems: the lid-driven cavity, the square cylinder and the open cavity flow. The efficiency of the method to extract large-scale structures in a multidomain framework is emphasized. The possibility to use subset of the full domain to recover the perturbation associated with the entire flow field is also highlighted. Such a method appears thus a promising tool to deal with large computational domains and three-dimensionality within a parallel architecture

    An immersed interface method for the 2D vorticity-velocity Navier-Stokes equations with multiple bodies

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    We present an immersed interface method for the vorticity-velocity form of the 2D Navier Stokes equations that directly addresses challenges posed by multiply connected domains, nonconvex obstacles, and the calculation of force distributions on immersed surfaces. The immersed interface method is re-interpreted as a polynomial extrapolation of flow quantities and boundary conditions into the obstacle, reducing its computational and implementation complexity. In the flow, the vorticity transport equation is discretized using a conservative finite difference scheme and explicit Runge-Kutta time integration. The velocity reconstruction problem is transformed to a scalar Poisson equation that is discretized with conservative finite differences, and solved using an FFT-accelerated iterative algorithm. The use of conservative differencing throughout leads to exact enforcement of a discrete Kelvin's theorem, which provides the key to simulations with multiply connected domains and outflow boundaries. The method achieves second order spatial accuracy and third order temporal accuracy, and is validated on a variety of 2D flows in internal and free-space domains

    A domain decomposition matrix-free method for global linear stability

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    This work is dedicated to the presentation of a matrix-free method for global linear stability analysis in geometries composed of multi-connected rectangular subdomains. An Arnoldi technique using snapshots in subdomains of the entire geometry combined with a multidomain linearized Direct Numerical Finite difference simulations based on an influence matrix for partitioning are adopted. The method is illustrated by three benchmark problems: the lid-driven cavity, the square cylinder and the open cavity flow. The efficiency of the method to extract large-scale structures in a multidomain framework is emphasized. The possibility to use subset of the full domain to recover the perturbation associated with the entire flow field is also highlighted. Such a method appears thus a promising tool to deal with large computational domains and three-dimensionality within a parallel architecture

    ADI method based on C2-continuous two-node integrated-RBF elements for viscous flows

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    We propose a C2-continuous alternating direction implicit (ADI) method for the solution of the streamfunction-vorticity equations governing steady 2D incompressible viscous fluid flows. Discretisation is simply achieved with Cartesian grids. Local two-node integrated radial basis function elements (IRBFEs) [D.-A. An-Vo, N. Mai-Duy, T. Tran-Cong, A C2-continuous control-volume technique based on Cartesian grids and two-node integrated-RBF elements for second-order elliptic problems, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 72 (2011) 299-334] are used for the discretisation of the diffusion terms, and then the convection terms are incorporated into system matrices by treating nodal derivatives as unknowns. ADI procedure is applied for the time integration. Following ADI factorisation, the two-dimensional problem becomes a sequence of one-dimensional problems. The solution strategy consists of multiple use of a one-dimensional sparse matrix algorithm that helps saving the computational cost. High levels of accuracy and efficiency of the present methods are demonstrated with solutions of several benchmark problems defined on rectangular and non-rectangular domains
