199 research outputs found

    Distributed urban traffic applications based on CORBA event services

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    Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) in urban environments are based today on modern embedded systems with enhanced digital connectivity and higher processing capabilities, supporting distributed applications working in a cooperative manner. This paper provides an overview about modern cooperative ITS equipments and presents a distributed application to be used in an urban data network. As a case example, an application based on an embedded CORBA-compliant middleware layer and several computer vision equipments is presented. Results prove the feasibility of distributed applications for building intelligent urban environments

    Network-Integrated Multimedia Middleware, Services, and Applications

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    Today, there is a strong trend towards networked multimedia devices. However, common multimedia software architectures are restricted to perform all processing on a single system. Available software infrastructures for distributed computing — commonly referred to as middleware — only partly provide the facilities needed for supporting multimedia in distributed and dynamic environments. Approaches from the research community only focus on specific aspects and do not achieve the coverage needed for a full-featured multimedia middleware solution. The Network-Integrated Multimedia Middleware (NMM) presented in this thesis considers the network as an integral part. Despite the inherent heterogeneity of present networking and device technologies, the architecture allows to extend control and cooperation to the network and enables the development of distributed multimedia applications that transparently use local and remote components in combination. The base architecture of this middleware is augmented by several middleware services that especially aim at providing additional support for developing complex applications that involve mobile users and devices. To this end, previously not available services and corresponding abstractions are proposed, realized, and evaluated. The performance and applicability of the developed middleware and its additional services are demonstrated by describing different realized application scenarios.Eine wachsende Anzahl von Multimedia-Geraeten verfuegt heute bereits ueber Netzwerkschnittstellen. Verfueugbare Multimedia Software-Architekturen beschraeanken jedoch die gesamte Datenverarbeitung auf ein einzelnes System. Verbreitete Software-Infrastrukturen fuer Verteilte Systeme — ueblicherweise Middleware genannt — bieten nur teilweise die Eigenschaften, die fuer die Multimedia-Datenverarbeitung in vernetzten und dynamischen Umgebungen benoetigt werden. Ansaetze aus der Forschung behandeln nur spezielle Teilaspekte und erreichen deshalb nicht den Funktionsumfang einer vollwertigen Middleware fuer Multimedia. Die in dieser Arbeit beschriebene Netzwerk-Integrierte Multimedia Middleware (NMM) betrachtet das Netzwerk als integralen Bestandteil. Die Architektur erlaubt trotz der inhaerenten Heterogenitaet der vorhandenen Netzwerk- und Geraetetechnologie die Kontrolle und das Zusammenspiel von Systemen auf das Netzwerk auszuweiten. Dies ermoeglicht die Entwicklung verteilter Multimedia-Anwendungen, die transparent lokale und entfernte Komponenten zusammen einsetzen. Die Kernarchitektur dieser Middleware wird durch verschiedene Dienste erweitert, die speziell die Realisierung komplexer Anwendungsszenarien mitmobilen Geraeten und Benutzern unterstuetzt. Insbesondere werden neue, bisher nicht vorhandene Middleware-Dienste und zugehoerige Abstraktionen vorgeschlagen, realisiert und evaluiert. Anhand verschiedener Anwendungsszenarien wird die Leistungfaehigkeit, die Effizienz und die praktische Relevanz der entwickelten Middleware und der ergaenzenden Dienste demonstriert

    Architectural support for ubiquitous access to multimedia content

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Telecomunicações). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    An appraisal of secure, wireless grid-enabled data warehousing

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    In most research, appropriate collections of data play a significant role in aiding decision-making processes. This is more critical if the data is being accessed across organisational barriers. Further, for the data to be mined and analysed efficiently, to aid decision-making processes, it must be harnessed in a suitably-structured fashion. There is, for example, a need to perform diverse data analyses and interpretation of structured (non-personal) HIV/AIDS patient-data from various quarters in South Africa. Although this data does exist, to some extent, it is autonomously owned and stored in disparate data storages, and not readily available to all interested parties. In order to put this data to meaningful use, it is imperative to integrate and store this data in a manner in which it can be better utilized by all those involved in the ontological field. This implies integration of (and hence, interoperability), and appropriate accessibility to, the information systems of the autonomous organizations providing data and data-processing. This is a typical problem-scenario for a Virtual Inter-Organisational Information System (VIOIS), proposed in this study. The VIOIS envisaged is a hypothetical, secure, Wireless Grid-enabled Data Warehouse (WGDW) that enables IOIS interaction, such as the storage and processing of HIV/AIDS patient-data to be utilized for HIV/AIDS-specific research. The proposed WDGW offers a methodical approach for arriving at such a collaborative (HIV/AIDS research) integrated system. The proposed WDGW is virtual community that consists mainly of data-providers, service-providers and information-consumers. The WGDW-basis resulted from systematic literaturesurvey that covered a variety of technologies and standards that support datastorage, data-management, computation and connectivity between virtual community members in Grid computing contexts. A Grid computing paradigm is proposed for data-storage, data management and computation in the WGDW. Informational or analytical processing will be enabled through data warehousing while connectivity will be attained wirelessly (for addressing the paucity of connectivity infrastructure in rural parts of developing countries, like South Africa)

    An appraisal of secure, wireless grid-enabled data warehousing

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    In most research, appropriate collections of data play a significant role in aiding decision-making processes. This is more critical if the data is being accessed across organisational barriers. Further, for the data to be mined and analysed efficiently, to aid decision-making processes, it must be harnessed in a suitably-structured fashion. There is, for example, a need to perform diverse data analyses and interpretation of structured (non-personal) HIV/AIDS patient-data from various quarters in South Africa. Although this data does exist, to some extent, it is autonomously owned and stored in disparate data storages, and not readily available to all interested parties. In order to put this data to meaningful use, it is imperative to integrate and store this data in a manner in which it can be better utilized by all those involved in the ontological field. This implies integration of (and hence, interoperability), and appropriate accessibility to, the information systems of the autonomous organizations providing data and data-processing. This is a typical problem-scenario for a Virtual Inter-Organisational Information System (VIOIS), proposed in this study. The VIOIS envisaged is a hypothetical, secure, Wireless Grid-enabled Data Warehouse (WGDW) that enables IOIS interaction, such as the storage and processing of HIV/AIDS patient-data to be utilized for HIV/AIDS-specific research. The proposed WDGW offers a methodical approach for arriving at such a collaborative (HIV/AIDS research) integrated system. The proposed WDGW is virtual community that consists mainly of data-providers, service-providers and information-consumers. The WGDW-basis resulted from systematic literaturesurvey that covered a variety of technologies and standards that support datastorage, data-management, computation and connectivity between virtual community members in Grid computing contexts. A Grid computing paradigm is proposed for data-storage, data management and computation in the WGDW. Informational or analytical processing will be enabled through data warehousing while connectivity will be attained wirelessly (for addressing the paucity of connectivity infrastructure in rural parts of developing countries, like South Africa)

    Sip Based Mobile Voice Over Ip Client For Wireess Networks

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2008Bu tez SIP tabanlı mobile bir VoIP istemcisinin tasarımını ve gerçeklenmesini tanımlar. Bu tez temelde çoktürel ağlar üzerinde çalışabilen bir VoIP istemcisi tasarımının çözülmesi gereken iki sorununun üzerinde yogunlaşır. Birinci ve en zorlu sorun farklı erişim teknolojileri arasında kullanıcıya fark ettirmeden yer değişim desteği sağlanmasıdır. Bu tezde, kullanıcıya fark ettirmeden el değiştirme yönetimi, uygulama katmanında, multimedya oturumunu başlatmak, sonlandırmak ve değiştirmek için kullanılan Oturum Başlatma Protokolü (SIP) kullanılarak ele alınmıştır. SIP yaygın bir şekilde kabul edilmekte olan bir VoIP standartıdır. Kullanıcıya fark ettirmeden el değiştirmeyi destekleyebilmek için, VoIP istemcisi üzerinde çalışan SIP tabanlı bir bağlantı yöneticisi önerilmiştir. Bağlantı yöneticisi yeni ağlar keşfettiğinde, adaylar listesinden bir ağ seçer ve hali hazırda yürütülmekte olan iletişimi kullanıcıya fark ettirmeden yeni ağ arayüzüne aktarır. Dolayısı ile, bu birim Wi-Fi, 3G gibi çoktürel ağlar arasında dolaşmayı sağlar. İkinci sorun ise, en kaliteli çağrı (arama) desteğini sağlamaktır. En kaliteli çağrı desteği, iletişim kurmak isteyen tarafların farklı türden ağlara bağlı olmaları durumunda, VoIP uygulamasının iletişim tipine (yarı-çift yönlü yada tam-çift yönlü) karar vermebilmesi demektir. Örneğin, eğer iletişim kurmak isteyen taraflardan biri bir GSM ağındaysa, en iyi çağrı kalitesini yakalayabilmek için, iletişim yarı-çift yönlü olarak kurulmalıdır. Bu tez, bahsedilen özelliği desteklemek için, istemci tabanlı bir karar mekanizması önerir. Bu karar mekanizması, iletişim kurulmak istenen tarafa, istemcinin içinde bulunduğu ağa göre belirlenmiş iletişim tipini içeren bir davet iletisi gönderir. Diğer istemci bu davet iletisini aldıktan sonra, aynı karar mekanizması, iletişimi “bas-konuş VoIP” yada “tam-çift yönlü VoIP” olarak ayarlar.This thesis describes the design and the implementation of a SIP-based mobile VoIP client. It mainly focuses on two challenges of designing a VoIP client which works on heterogeneous network environments. One and the most challenging problem is the provision of seamless mobility support among different access technologies. In this thesis, seamless handover management is handled at the application layer by using Session initiation protocol (SIP), which is used to initiate, terminate, and modify multimedia session. SIP is becoming a widely accepted standard for VoIP. To support seamless handover, a SIP based connection manager is proposed on VoIP client application. As new networks are discovered by the connection manager, it selects a new network from the candidate list and transfers the current communication to the new network interface seamlessly. Therefore, this module provides roaming across heterogeneous networks such as Wi-Fi, 3G. Second problem is providing the best effort call quality support. It means that if the communication parties are in dissimilar networks, the VoIP application should decide the communication type (half-duplex or full-duplex). For instance, if one of the communication parties is in a GSM network, then the communication should be established as a half-duplex manner to achieve best call quality. This thesis proposes a client-based decision mechanism to support this property. This decision mechanism sends an invite message including the communication type (half-duplex or full-duplex) of the client according to the network in which it operates to the other communication party. After the other client receives this invite message, same decision mechanism adjusts the communication as either a “push to talk VoIP” or a “full-duplex VoIP”.Yüksek LisansM.Sc