102 research outputs found

    Low Power CMOS Interface Circuitry for Sensors and Actuators

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    Continuous-time low-pass filters for integrated wideband radio receivers

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    This thesis concentrates on the design and implementation of analog baseband continuous-time low-pass filters for integrated wideband radio receivers. A total of five experimental analog baseband low-pass filter circuits were designed and implemented as a part of five single-chip radio receivers in this work. After the motivation for the research work presented in this thesis has been introduced, an overview of analog baseband filters in radio receivers is given first. In addition, a review of the three receiver architectures and the three wireless applications that are adopted in the experimental work of this thesis is presented. The relationship between the integrator non-idealities and integrator Q-factor, as well as the effect of the integrator Q-factor on the filter frequency response, are thoroughly studied on the basis of a literature review. The theoretical study that is provided is essential for the gm-C filter synthesis with non-ideal lossy integrators that is presented after the introduction of different techniques to realize integrator-based continuous-time low-pass filters. The filter design approach proposed for gm-C filters is original work and one of the main points in this thesis, in addition to the experimental IC implementations. Two evolution versions of fourth-order 10-MHz opamp-RC low-pass filters designed and implemented for two multicarrier WCDMA base-station receivers in a 0.25-µm SiGe BiCMOS technology are presented, along with the experimental results of both the low-pass filters and the corresponding radio receivers. The circuit techniques that were used in the three gm-C filter implementations of this work are described and a common-mode induced even-order distortion in a pseudo-differential filter is analyzed. Two evolution versions of fifth-order 240-MHz gm-C low-pass filters that were designed and implemented for two single-chip WiMedia UWB direct-conversion receivers in a standard 0.13-µm and 65-nm CMOS technology, respectively, are presented, along with the experimental results of both the low-pass filters and the second receiver version. The second UWB filter design was also embedded with an ADC into the baseband of a 60-GHz 65-nm CMOS radio receiver. In addition, a third-order 1-GHz gm-C low-pass filter was designed, rather as a test structure, for the same receiver. The experimental results of the receiver and the third gm-C filter implementation are presented

    A Robust 96.6-dB-SNDR 50-kHz-Bandwidth Switched-Capacitor Delta-Sigma Modulator for IR Imagers in Space Instrumentation

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    Infrared imaging technology, used both to study deep-space bodies' radiation and environmental changes on Earth, experienced constant improvements in the last few years, pushing data converter designers to face new challenges in terms of speed, power consumption and robustness against extremely harsh operating conditions. This paper presents a 96.6-dB-SNDR (Signal-to-Noise-plus-Distortion Ratio) 50-kHz-bandwidth fourth-order single-bit switched-capacitor delta-sigma modulator for ADC operating at 1.8 V and consuming 7.9 mW fit for space instrumentation. The circuit features novel Class-AB single-stage switched variable-mirror amplifiers (SVMAs) enabling low-power operation, as well as low sensitivity to both process and temperature deviations for the whole modulator. The physical implementation resulted in a 1.8-mm 2 chip integrated in a standard 0.18-μm 1-poly-6-metal (1P6M) CMOS technology, and it reaches a 164.6-dB Schreier figure of merit from experimental SNDR measurements without making use of any clock bootstrapping, analog calibration, nor digital compensation technique. When coupled to a IR imager, the current design allows more than 50 frames per minute with a resolution of 16 effective number of bits (ENOB) while consuming less than 300 mW

    High frequency and high dynamic range continuous time filters

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    Many modern communication systems use orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and discrete multi-tone (DMT) as modulation schemes where high data rates are transmitted over a wide frequency band in multiple orthogonal subcarriers. Due to the many advantages, such as flexibility, good noise immunity and the ability to be optimized for medium conditions, the use of DMT and OFDM can be found in digital video broadcasting, local area wireless network (IEEE 802.11a), asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), very high bit rate DSL (VDSL) and power line communications (PLC). However, a major challenge is the design of the analog frontend; for these systems a large dynamic range is required due to the significant peak to average ratio of the resulting signals. In receivers, very demanding high-performance analog filters are typically used to block interferers and provide anti-aliasing before the subsequent analog to digital conversion stage. For frequencies higher than 10MHz, Gm-C filter implementations are generally preferred due to the more efficient operation of wide-band operational transconductance amplifiers (OTA). Nevertheless, the inherent low-linearity of open-loop operated OTA limits the dynamic range. In this dissertation, three different proposed OTA linearity enhancement techniques for the design of high frequency and high dynamic range are presented. The techniques are applied to two filter implementations: a 20MHz second order tunable filter and a 30MHz fifth order elliptical low-pass filter. Simulation and experimental results show a spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) of 65dB with a power consumption of 85mW. In a figure of merit where SFDR is normalized to the power consumption, this filter is 6dB above the trend-line of recently reported continuous time filters

    A programmable receiver front-end for multi-band/multi-standard applications

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    Nowadays, wireless communication devices need a compact wireless receiver, so that it can access all the available services at any time and at any location with minimum power consumption and compact area. The desire for covering all the service specifications tremendously increases the demand for multi-band/multi-standard wireless receivers. A reconfigurable receiver comes to give a hand. In this work, a universal programmable multi-band multi-standard receiver using CMOS technology is proposed. The receiver aims to target LTE specifications on the frequency range (700MHz-2.4GHz) as a case study to prove the concept of supporting multi-bands. The receiver is tested over three different frequencies 500MHz, 1GHz and 2GHz to prove its programmability. Sampling receivers and impedance translation technique are the main factors to approach the desired programmable receiver front-end. The receiver uses a quadrature band-pass charge sampling filter programmed via its controlling clocks. It forms the signal path which selects the signal, down-converts it to IF frequency and subsamples the signal decreasing the sampling frequency of the proceeding ADC. By adjusting the controlling clocks of the switches, the filter center frequency is maintained at the desired frequency. A time varying matching network based on impedance translation technique is used for multi-frequencies matching and further selectivity enhancing the receiver’s linearity. The receiver front-end architecture achieves a NF of (7: 9) dB, a gain of (23: 28) dB, an out-of-band IIP3 of (-1.9 : -5.5) dBm and an in-band IIP3 of (-1.9 : -5.7) dBm across the tested frequencies. The design is tested across process corners. The layout of the design occupies 0.45mm2. The design is tested post layout to prove its reliability

    Design of PVT Tolerant Inverter Based Circuits for Low Supply Voltages

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. June 2015. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Ramesh Harjani. 1 computer file (PDF); xiv, 187 pages.Rapid advances in the field of integrated circuit design has been advantageous from the point of view of cost and miniaturization. Although technology scaling is advantageous to digital circuits in terms of increased speed and lower power, analog circuits strongly suffer from this trend. This is becoming a crucial bottle neck in the realization of a system on chip in scaled technology merging high-density digital parts, with high performance analog interfaces. This is because scaled technologies reduce the output impedance (gain) and supply voltage which limits the dynamic range (output swing). One way to mitigate the power supply restrictions is to move to current mode circuit circuit design rather than voltage mode designs. This thesis focuses on designing Process Voltage and Temperature (PVT) tolerant base band circuits at lower supply voltages and in lower technologies. Inverter amplifiers are known to have better transconductance efficiency, better noise and linearity performance. But inverters are prone to PVT variations and has poor CMRR and PSRR. To circumvent the problem, we have proposed various biasing schemes for inverter like semi constant current biasing, constant current biasing and constant gm biasing. Each biasing technique has its own advantages, like semi constant current biasing allows to select different PMOS and NMOS current. This feature allows for higher inherent inverter linearity. Similarly constant current and constant gm biasing allows for reduced PVT sensitivity. The inverter based OTA achieves a measured THD of -90.6 dB, SNR of 78.7 dB, CMRR 97dB, PSRR 61 dB wile operating from a nominal power of 0.9V and at output swing of 0.9V{pp,diff} in TSMC 40nm general purpose process. Further the measured third harmonic distortion varies approximately by 11.5dB with 120C variation in temperature and 9dB with a 18% variation in supply voltage. The linearity can be increased by increasing the loop gain and bandwidth in a negative feedback circuit or by increasing the over drive voltage in open loop architectures. However both these techniques increases the noise contribution of the circuit. There exist a trade off between noise and linearity in analog circuits. To circumvent this problem, we have introduced nonlinear cancellation techniques and noise filtering techniques. An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) driver which is capable of amplifying the continuous time signal with a gain of 8 and sample onto the input capacitor(1pF) of 1 10 bit successive approximation register (SAR) ADC is designed in TSMC 65nm general purpose process. This exploits the non linearity cancellation in current mirror and also allows for higher bandwidth operation by decoupling closed loop gain from the negative feedback loop. The noise from the out of band is filtered before sampling leading to low noise operation. The measured design operates at 100MS/s and has an OIP_3 of 40dBm at the nyquist rate, noise power spectral density of 17nV/sqrt{Hz} and inter modulation distortion of 65dB. The intermodulation distortion variation across 10 chips is 6dB and 4dB across a temperature variation of 120C. Non linearity cancellation is exploited in designing two filters, an anti alias filter and a continuously tunable channel select filter. Traditional active RC filters are based on cascade of integrators. These create multiple low impedance nodes in the circuit which results in a higher noise. We propose a real low pass filter based filter architecture rather than traditional integrator based approach. Further the entire filtering operation takes place in current domain to circumvent the power supply limitations. This also facilitates the use of tunable non linear metal oxide semiconductor capacitor (MOSCAP) as filter capacitors. We introduce techniques of self compensation to use the filter resistor and capacitor as compensation capacitor for lower power. The anti alias filter designed for 50MHz bandwidth is fabricated in IBM 65nm process achieves an IIP3 of 33dBm, while consuming 1.56mW from 1.2 V supply. The channel select filter is tunable from 34MHz to 314MHz and is fabricated in TSMC 65nm general purpose process. This filter achieves an OIP3 of 25.24 dBm at the maximum frequency while drawing 4.2mA from 1.1V supply. The measured intermodulation distortion varies by 5dB across 120C variation in temperature and 6.5dB across a 200mV variation in power supply. Further this filter presents a high impedance node at the input and a low impedance node at the output easing system integration. SAR ADCs are becoming popular at lower technologies as they are based on device switching rather than amplifying circuits. But recent SAR ADCs that have good energy efficiency have had relatively large input capacitance increasing the driver power. We present a 2X time interleaved (TI) SAR ADC which has the lowest input capacitance of 133fF in literature. The sampling capacitor is separated from the capacitive digital to analog converter (DAC) array by performing the input and DAC reference subtraction in the current domain rather than as done traditionally in charge domain. The proposed ADC is fabricated in TSMC's 65nm general purpose process and occupies an area of 0.0338 mm^2. The measured ADC spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) is 57dB and the measured effective number of bits (ENOB) at nyquist rate is 7.55 bit while using 1.55mW power from 1 V supply. A sub 1V reference circuit is proposed, that exploits the complementary to absolute temperature (CTAT) and proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT) voltages in the beta multiplier circuit to attain a stable voltage with temperature and power supply. A one-time calibration is integrated in the architecture to get a good performance over process. Chopper stabilization is employed to reduce the flicker noise of the reference circuit. The prototype was simulated in TSMC 65nm process and we obtain the nominal output of 236mW, while consuming 0.7mW from power supply. Simulations show a temperature coefficient of 18 ppmC from -40 to 100C and with a power supply ranging from 0.8 to 2V

    High linearity analog and mixed-signal integrated circuit design

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    Linearity is one of the most important specifications in electrical circuits.;In Chapter 1, a ladder-based transconductance networks has been adopted first time to build a low distortion analog filters for low frequency applications. This new technique eliminated the limitation of the application with the traditional passive resistors for low frequency applications. Based on the understanding of this relationship, a strategy for designing high linear analog continuous-time filters has been developed. According to our strategy, a prototype analog integrated filter has been designed and fabricated with AMI05 0.5 um standard CMOS process. Experimental results proved this technique has the ability to provide excellent linearity with very limited active area.;In Chapter 2, the relationships between the transconductance networks and major circuit specifications have been explored. The analysis reveals the trade off between the silicon area saved by the transconductance networks and the some other important specifications such as linearity, noise level and the process variations of the overall circuit. Experimental results of discrete component circuit matched very well with our analytical outcomes to predict the change of linearity and noise performance associated with different transconductance networks.;The Chapter 3 contains the analysis and mathematical proves of the optimum passive area allocations for several most popular analog active filters. Because the total area is now manageable by the technique introduced in the Chapter 1, the further reduce of the total area will be very important and useful for efficient utilizing the silicon area, especially with the today\u27s fast growing area efficiency of the highly density digital circuits. This study presents the mathematical conclusion that the minimum passive area will be achieved with the equalized resistor and capacitor.;In the Chapter 4, a well recognized and highly honored current division circuit has been studied. Although it was claimed to be inherently linear and there are over 60 published works reported with high linearity based on this technique, our study discovered that this current division circuit can achieve, if proper circuit condition being managed, very limited linearity and all the experimental verified performance actually based on more general circuit principle. Besides its limitation, however, we invented a novel current division digital to analog converter (DAC) based on this technique. Benefiting from the simple circuit structure and moderate good linearity, a prototype 8-bit DAC was designed in TSMC018 0.2 um CMOS process and the post layout simulations exhibited the good linearity with very low power consumption and extreme small active area.;As the part of study of the output stage for the current division DAC discussed in the Chapter 4, a current mirror is expected to amplify the output current to drive the low resistive load. The strategy of achieving the optimum bandwidth of the cascode current mirror with fixed total current gain is discussed in the Chapter 5.;Improving the linearity of pipeline ADC has been the hottest and hardest topic in solid-state circuit community for decade. In the Chapter 6, a comprehensive study focus on the existing calibration algorithms for pipeline ADCs is presented. The benefits and limitations of different calibration algorithms have been discussed. Based on the understanding of those reported works, a new model-based calibration is delivered. The simulation results demonstrate that the model-based algorithms are vulnerable to the model accuracy and this weakness is very hard to be removed. From there, we predict the future developments of calibration algorithms that can break the linearity limitations for pipelined ADC. (Abstract shortened by UMI.
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