9 research outputs found

    Improved Hybrid Fingerprint-Based P2P Media Distribution For Privacy Protection

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    It has been suggested that anonymous fingerprinting could be an easy way to ensure the lawful dissemination of copyright-protected multimedia content without compromising the privacy of customers, whose names would only be revealed in the event of illegal re-distribution of the content. This idea has been put forward as a potential solution to the problem. However, the majority of the currently available anonymous fingerprinting systems are not practical. This is due to the fact that they make use of complicated protocols that take up a lot of time, as well as homomorphic encryption of the data. Furthermore, they distribute the data using a unicast approach, which does not scale well for a large number of clients. The concept of recombined fingerprints serves as the foundation for this body of work, which also makes an effort to overcome some of these restrictions. On the other hand, recommended fingerprint approaches need a complex graph search for traitor monitoring, which in turn demands the participation of additional buyers and honest proxies in their P2P distribution scenario. Getting rid of these issues and developing a fingerprinting system that is not only efficient but also scalable, private, and makes use of P2P technology is the purpose of this research

    A Digital Rights Management System based on Cloud

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    In the current Internet, digital entertainment contents, such as video or audio files, are easily accessible due to the new multimedia technologies and to broadband network connections. This causes considerable economic loss to global media players since digital contents, once legitimately obtained, can be illegitimately shared through file sharing services on the Internet. Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems have been proposed to support the protection of copyrighted digital contents. Even though such systems have been widely adopted and promoted by global media players, they are based on proprietary mechanisms that usually work only in closed, monolithic environments. In this regard, systems based on watermarking technologies appear more suited to protect digital copyrighted content. This paper describes the implementation scheme of a DRM system able to ensure the copyright protection of digital content according to an innovative buyer-friendly watermarking protocol. The DRM system has been implemented by exploiting a cloud environment in order to improve the overall performance of the system. In particular, cloud behaves as a service infrastructural provider, since the content provider involved in the watermarking protocol uses cloud to speed up the watermark embedding process and to save storage and bandwidth costs needed to store and to deliver protected contents

    Copyright Protection Service for Mobile Images

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    This paper presents a watermarking protocol that is used for protecting any digital image and working as a copyright registration for any important image to any user who feels his/her image is important. The registration by this server is applied only once for any input image by keeping the date and the time of the registration with secure authentication process. The authentication process combines both the encryption and the digital signature to generate the invisible watermark that will be added to the image and only the visible watermark will be shown on the lower/right corner of the client image. The proposed protocol has three stages represented by watermark generation, watermark embedding and verification. For the first stage, three steps should be followed to generate a watermark. In the first step, the phone number with international code is encrypted using SHA-1, in the second step, the result of the first step and a watermark text are encrypted using SHA-1 hash function again and the third step encrypts the result of the second step using RSA algorithm. For the second stage of the protocol discrete wavelet transform algorithm is used for watermark embedding. And for the third stage a matching is done between the retrieval watermarks with the decrypted one. As a result both concepts of integrity and authenticity can be obtained from the proposed protocol, because hash function using SHA-1 is still secure just time so the system is guaranteed to the two parties: the cover originality, safe transmission with full integrity, and full authenticity

    Approximation-based homomorphic encryption for secure and efficient blockchain-driven watermarking service

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    Homomorphic encryption has been widely used to preserve the privacy of watermarking process on blockchain-driven watermarking services. It offers transparent and traceable encrypted watermarking without revealing sensitive data such as original images or watermark data to the public. Nevertheless, the existing works suffer from enormous memory storage and extensive computing power. This study proposed an approximation-based homomorphic encryption for resource-efficient encrypted watermarking without sacrificing watermarking quality. We demonstrated the efficiency of the Cheon-Kim-Kim-Son (CKKS) encrypted watermarking process using discrete cosine transform-singular value decomposition (DCT-SVD) embedding. The evaluation results showed that it could preserve the watermarking quality similar to non-encrypted watermark embedding, even after geometrical and filtering attacks. Compared to existing homomorphic encryption, such as Brakerski-Gentry-Vaikuntanathan (BFV) encryption, it has superior performance regarding resource utilization and watermarking quality preservation

    Multiparty multilevel watermarking protocol for digital secondary market based on iris recognition technology

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    Background: In order to design secure digital right management architecture between different producers and different consumers, this paper proposes a multiparty and multilevel watermarking protocol for primary and secondary market. Comparing with the traditional buyer-seller watermarking protocols, this paper makes several outstanding achievements. Method: First of all, this paper extends traditional buyer-seller two-party architecture to multiparty architecture which contains producer, multiply distributors, consumers, etc. Secondly, this paper pays more attention on the security issues, for example, this paper applies iris recognition technology as an advanced security method. Conclusion: Finally, this paper also presents a second-hand market scheme to overcome the copyright issues that may happen in the real world. © 2017 Bentham Science Publishers

    TTP-free Asymmetric Fingerprinting based on Client Side Embedding

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    In this paper, we propose a solution for implementing an asymmetric fingerprinting protocol within a client-side embedding distribution framework. The scheme is based on two novel client-side embedding techniques that are able to reliably transmit a binary fingerprint. The first one relies on standard spread-spectrum like client-side embedding, while the second one is based on an innovative client-side informed embedding technique. The proposed techniques enable secure distribution of personalized decryption keys containing the Buyer's fingerprint by means of existing asymmetric protocols, without using a trusted third party. Simulation results show that the fingerprint can be reliably recovered by using either non-blind decoding with standard embedding or blind decoding with informed embedding, and in both cases it is robust with respect to common attacks. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed scheme is the first solution addressing asymmetric fingerprinting within a clientside framework, representing a valid solution to both customer's rights and scalability issues in multimedia content distributio

    Digital Copyright Protection: Focus on Some Relevant Solutions

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    Copyright protection of digital content is considered a relevant problem of the current Internet since content digitalization and high performance interconnection networks have greatly increased the possibilities to reproduce and distribute digital content. Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems try to prevent the inappropriate or illegal use of copyrighted digital content. They are promoted by the major global media players, but they are also perceived as proprietary solutions that give rise to classic problems of privacy and fair use. On the other hand, watermarking protocols have become a possible solution to the problem of copyright protection. They have evolved during the last decade, and interesting proposals have been designed. This paper first presents current trends concerning the most significant solutions to the problem of copyright protection based on DRM systems and then focuses on the most promising approaches in the field of watermarking protocols. In this regard, the examined protocols are discussed in order to individuate which of them can better represent the right trade-off between opposite goals, such as, for example, security and easy of use, so as to prove that it is possible to implement open solutions compatible with the current web context without resorting to proprietary architectures or impairing the protection of copyrighted digital content

    A High Security Buyer-Seller Watermark Protocol based on Iris Biometric

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    With the development of digital watermarking technology, digital watermarking protocol is now drawing the attention for protecting copyrights of digital products. However, the copyright protection is fully protected by watermark technology if it is employed a suitable protocol between the rights owner and the customer. Therefore, currently, there are a number of buyer-seller watermarking protocols proposed, however, an anonymous problem and collusion problem are still unsolved completely. Thus, this paper proposes a high security watermark protocol based on iris biometric for resolving these problems. In addition, this paper also produces watermarking generation mechanism which aims to improve the efficiency of the whole mechanism. Finally, the investigation indicates that the proposed buyer-seller watermark protocol takes care of the security concerns of all parties involved, and the proposed scheme could also find an illegal copy of the content, the violators can be traced back

    Privacy-Aware Processing of Biometric Templates by Means of Secure Two-Party Computation

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    The use of biometric data for person identification and access control is gaining more and more popularity. Handling biometric data, however, requires particular care, since biometric data is indissolubly tied to the identity of the owner hence raising important security and privacy issues. This chapter focuses on the latter, presenting an innovative approach that, by relying on tools borrowed from Secure Two Party Computation (STPC) theory, permits to process the biometric data in encrypted form, thus eliminating any risk that private biometric information is leaked during an identification process. The basic concepts behind STPC are reviewed together with the basic cryptographic primitives needed to achieve privacy-aware processing of biometric data in a STPC context. The two main approaches proposed so far, namely homomorphic encryption and garbled circuits, are discussed and the way such techniques can be used to develop a full biometric matching protocol described. Some general guidelines to be used in the design of a privacy-aware biometric system are given, so as to allow the reader to choose the most appropriate tools depending on the application at hand