625 research outputs found

    Exact methods for the traveling salesman problem with multiple drones

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    Drone delivery is drawing increasing attention in last-mile delivery. Effective solution methods to solve decision-making problems arising in drone delivery allow to run and assess drone delivery systems. In this paper, we focus on delivery systems with a single traditional vehicle and multiple drones working in tandem to fulfill customer requests. We address the Traveling Salesman Problem with Multiple Drones (TSP-MD) and investigate the modeling challenges posed by the presence of multiple drones, which have proven to be hard to handle in the literature. We propose a compact Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model to formulate the TSP-MD and several families of valid inequalities. Moreover, we illustrate an exact decomposition approach based on the compact MILP and a branch-and-cut algorithm. We show that this exact approach can solve instances with up to 24 customers to proven optimality, improving upon existing exact methods that can solve similar problems with up to ten customers only

    Optimization Approaches for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone

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    The fast and cost-efficient home delivery of goods ordered online is logistically challenging. Many companies are looking for new ways to cross the last-mile to their customers. One technology-enabled opportunity that recently has rec

    Constraint Programming models for the parallel drone scheduling vehicle routing problem

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    Drones are currently seen as a viable way for improving the distribution of parcels in urban and rural environments, while working in coordination with traditional vehicles like trucks. In this paper we consider the parallel drone scheduling vehicle routing problem, where the service of a set of customers requiring a delivery is split between a fleet of trucks and a fleet of drones. We consider two variations of the problem. In the first one the problem is more theoretical, and the target is the minimization of the time required to complete the service and have all the vehicles back to the depot. In the second variant more realistic constraints involving operating costs, capacity limitation and workload balance, are considered, and the target is to minimize the total operational costs. We propose several constraint programming models to deal with the two problems. An experimental champaign on the instances previously adopted in the literature is presented to validate the new solving methods. The results show that on top of being a viable way to solve problems to optimality, the models can also be used to derive effective heuristic solutions and high-quality lower bounds for the optimal cost, if the execution is interrupted after its natural end

    Exploration autonome et efficiente de chantiers miniers souterrains inconnus avec un drone filaire

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    Abstract: Underground mining stopes are often mapped using a sensor located at the end of a pole that the operator introduces into the stope from a secure area. The sensor emits laser beams that provide the distance to a detected wall, thus creating a 3D map. This produces shadow zones and a low point density on the distant walls. To address these challenges, a research team from the Université de Sherbrooke is designing a tethered drone equipped with a rotating LiDAR for this mission, thus benefiting from several points of view. The wired transmission allows for unlimited flight time, shared computing, and real-time communication. For compatibility with the movement of the drone after tether entanglements, the excess length is integrated into an onboard spool, contributing to the drone payload. During manual piloting, the human factor causes problems in the perception and comprehension of a virtual 3D environment, as well as the execution of an optimal mission. This thesis focuses on autonomous navigation in two aspects: path planning and exploration. The system must compute a trajectory that maps the entire environment, minimizing the mission time and respecting the maximum onboard tether length. Path planning using a Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) quickly finds a feasible path, but the optimization is computationally expensive and the performance is variable and unpredictable. Exploration by the frontier method is representative of the space to be explored and the path can be optimized by solving a Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) but existing techniques for a tethered drone only consider the 2D case and do not optimize the global path. To meet these challenges, this thesis presents two new algorithms. The first one, RRT-Rope, produces an equal or shorter path than existing algorithms in a significantly shorter computation time, up to 70% faster than the next best algorithm in a representative environment. A modified version of RRT-connect computes a feasible path, shortened with a deterministic technique that takes advantage of previously added intermediate nodes. The second algorithm, TAPE, is the first 3D cavity exploration method that focuses on minimizing mission time and unwound tether length. On average, the overall path is 4% longer than the method that solves the TSP, but the tether remains under the allowed length in 100% of the simulated cases, compared to 53% with the initial method. The approach uses a 2-level hierarchical architecture: global planning solves a TSP after frontier extraction, and local planning minimizes the path cost and tether length via a decision function. The integration of these two tools in the NetherDrone produces an intelligent system for autonomous exploration, with semi-autonomous features for operator interaction. This work opens the door to new navigation approaches in the field of inspection, mapping, and Search and Rescue missions.La cartographie des chantiers miniers souterrains est souvent réalisée à l’aide d’un capteur situé au bout d’une perche que l’opérateur introduit dans le chantier, depuis une zone sécurisée. Le capteur émet des faisceaux laser qui fournissent la distance à un mur détecté, créant ainsi une carte en 3D. Ceci produit des zones d’ombres et une faible densité de points sur les parois éloignées. Pour relever ces défis, une équipe de recherche de l’Université de Sherbrooke conçoit un drone filaire équipé d’un LiDAR rotatif pour cette mission, bénéficiant ainsi de plusieurs points de vue. La transmission filaire permet un temps de vol illimité, un partage de calcul et une communication en temps réel. Pour une compatibilité avec le mouvement du drone lors des coincements du fil, la longueur excédante est intégrée dans une bobine embarquée, qui contribue à la charge utile du drone. Lors d’un pilotage manuel, le facteur humain entraîne des problèmes de perception et compréhension d’un environnement 3D virtuel, et d’exécution d’une mission optimale. Cette thèse se concentre sur la navigation autonome sous deux aspects : la planification de trajectoire et l’exploration. Le système doit calculer une trajectoire qui cartographie l’environnement complet, en minimisant le temps de mission et en respectant la longueur maximale de fil embarquée. La planification de trajectoire à l’aide d’un Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) trouve rapidement un chemin réalisable, mais l’optimisation est coûteuse en calcul et la performance est variable et imprévisible. L’exploration par la méthode des frontières est représentative de l’espace à explorer et le chemin peut être optimisé en résolvant un Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), mais les techniques existantes pour un drone filaire ne considèrent que le cas 2D et n’optimisent pas le chemin global. Pour relever ces défis, cette thèse présente deux nouveaux algorithmes. Le premier, RRT-Rope, produit un chemin égal ou plus court que les algorithmes existants en un temps de calcul jusqu’à 70% plus court que le deuxième meilleur algorithme dans un environnement représentatif. Une version modifiée de RRT-connect calcule un chemin réalisable, raccourci avec une technique déterministe qui tire profit des noeuds intermédiaires préalablement ajoutés. Le deuxième algorithme, TAPE, est la première méthode d’exploration de cavités en 3D qui minimise le temps de mission et la longueur du fil déroulé. En moyenne, le trajet global est 4% plus long que la méthode qui résout le TSP, mais le fil reste sous la longueur autorisée dans 100% des cas simulés, contre 53% avec la méthode initiale. L’approche utilise une architecture hiérarchique à 2 niveaux : la planification globale résout un TSP après extraction des frontières, et la planification locale minimise le coût du chemin et la longueur de fil via une fonction de décision. L’intégration de ces deux outils dans le NetherDrone produit un système intelligent pour l’exploration autonome, doté de fonctionnalités semi-autonomes pour une interaction avec l’opérateur. Les travaux réalisés ouvrent la porte à de nouvelles approches de navigation dans le domaine des missions d’inspection, de cartographie et de recherche et sauvetage

    A self-adaptive genetic algorithm for the flying sidekick travelling salesman problem

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    This paper presents a novel approach to solving the Flying Sidekick Travelling Salesman Problem (FSTSP) using a state-of-the-art self-adaptive genetic algorithm. The Flying Sidekick Travelling Salesman Problem is a combinatorial optimisation problem that extends the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) by introducing the use of drones. In FSTSP, the objective is to minimise the total time to visit all locations while strategically deploying a drone to serve hard-to-reach customer locations. Also, to the best of my knowledge, this is the first time a self-adaptive genetic algorithm (GA) has been used to solve the FSTSP problem. Experimental results on smaller-sized problem instances demonstrate that this algorithm can find a higher quantity of optimal solutions and a lower percentage gap to the optimal solution compared to rival algorithms. Moreover, on larger-sized problem instances, this algorithm outperforms all rival algorithms on each problem size while maintaining a reasonably low computation time.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Parallel drone scheduling vehicle routing problems with collective drones

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    We study last-mile delivery problems where trucks and drones collaborate to deliver goods to final customers. In particular, we focus on problem settings where either a single truck or a fleet with several homogeneous trucks work in parallel to drones, and drones have the capability of collaborating for delivering missions. This cooperative behaviour of the drones, which are able to connect to each other and work together for some delivery tasks, enhance their potential, since connected drone has increased lifting capabilities and can fly at higher speed, overcoming the main limitations of the setting where the drones can only work independently. In this work, we contribute a Constraint Programming model and a valid inequality for the version of the problem with one truck, namely the \emph{Parallel Drone Scheduling Traveling Salesman Problem with Collective Drones} and we introduce for the first time the variant with multiple trucks, called the \emph{Parallel Drone Scheduling Vehicle Routing Problem with Collective Drones}. For the latter variant, we propose two Constraint Programming models and a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model. An extensive experimental campaign leads to state-of-the-art results for the problem with one truck and some understanding of the presented models' behaviour on the version with multiple trucks. Some insights about future research are finally discussed

    Hybrid Vehicle-drone Routing Problem For Pick-up And Delivery Services Mathematical Formulation And Solution Methodology

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    The fast growth of online retail and associated increasing demand for same-day delivery have pushed online retail and delivery companies to develop new paradigms to provide faster, cheaper, and greener delivery services. Considering drones’ recent technological advancements over the past decade, they are increasingly ready to replace conventional truck-based delivery services, especially for the last mile of the trip. Drones have significantly improved in terms of their travel ranges, load-carrying capacity, positioning accuracy, durability, and battery charging rates. Substituting delivery vehicles with drones could result in $50M of annual cost savings for major U.S. service providers. The first objective of this research is to develop a mathematical formulation and efficient solution methodology for the hybrid vehicle-drone routing problem (HVDRP) for pick-up and delivery services. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer program, which minimizes the vehicle and drone routing cost to serve all customers. The formulation captures the vehicle-drone routing interactions during the drone dispatching and collection processes and accounts for drone operation constraints related to flight range and load carrying capacity limitations. A novel solution methodology is developed which extends the classic Clarke and Wright algorithm to solve the HVDRP. The performance of the developed heuristic is benchmarked against two other heuristics, namely, the vehicle-driven routing heuristic and the drone-driven routing heuristic. Anticipating the potential risk of using drones for delivery services, aviation authorities in the U.S. and abroad have mandated necessary regulatory rules to ensure safe operations. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is examining the feasibility of drone flights in restricted airspace for product delivery, requiring drones to fly at or below 400-feet and to stay within the pilot’s line of sight (LS). Therefore, a second objective of this research is considered to develop a modeling framework for the integrated vehicle-drone routing problem for pick-up and delivery services considering the regulatory rule requiring all drone flights to stay within the pilot’s line of sight (LS). A mixed integer program (MIP) and an efficient solution methodology were developed for the problem. The solution determines the optimal vehicle and drone routes to serve all customers without violating the LS rule such that the total routing cost of the integrated system is minimized. Two different heuristics are developed to solve the problem, which extends the Clarke and Wright Algorithm to cover the multimodality aspects of the problem and to satisfy the LS rule. The first heuristic implements a comprehensive multimodal cost saving search to construct the most efficient integrated vehicle-drone routes. The second heuristic is a light version of the first heuristic as it adopts a vehicle-driven cost saving search. Several experiments are conducted to examine the performance of the developed methodologies using hypothetical grid networks of different sizes. The capability of the developed model in answering a wide variety of questions related to the planning of the vehicle-drone delivery system is illustrated. In addition, a case study is presented in which the developed methodology is applied to provide pick-up and delivery services in the downtown area of the City of Dallas. The results show that mandating the LS rule could double the overall system operation cost especially in dense urban areas with LS obstructions
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