2,861 research outputs found

    Efficient and High-Quality Rendering of Higher-Order Geometric Data Representations

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    Computer-Aided Design (CAD) bezeichnet den Entwurf industrieller Produkte mit Hilfe von virtuellen 3D Modellen. Ein CAD-Modell besteht aus parametrischen Kurven und Flächen, in den meisten Fällen non-uniform rational B-Splines (NURBS). Diese mathematische Beschreibung wird ebenfalls zur Analyse, Optimierung und Präsentation des Modells verwendet. In jeder dieser Entwicklungsphasen wird eine unterschiedliche visuelle Darstellung benötigt, um den entsprechenden Nutzern ein geeignetes Feedback zu geben. Designer bevorzugen beispielsweise illustrative oder realistische Darstellungen, Ingenieure benötigen eine verständliche Visualisierung der Simulationsergebnisse, während eine immersive 3D Darstellung bei einer Benutzbarkeitsanalyse oder der Designauswahl hilfreich sein kann. Die interaktive Darstellung von NURBS-Modellen und -Simulationsdaten ist jedoch aufgrund des hohen Rechenaufwandes und der eingeschränkten Hardwareunterstützung eine große Herausforderung. Diese Arbeit stellt vier neuartige Verfahren vor, welche sich mit der interaktiven Darstellung von NURBS-Modellen und Simulationensdaten befassen. Die vorgestellten Algorithmen nutzen neue Fähigkeiten aktueller Grafikkarten aus, um den Stand der Technik bezüglich Qualität, Effizienz und Darstellungsgeschwindigkeit zu verbessern. Zwei dieser Verfahren befassen sich mit der direkten Darstellung der parametrischen Beschreibung ohne Approximationen oder zeitaufwändige Vorberechnungen. Die dabei vorgestellten Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen ermöglichen die effiziente Unterteilung, Klassifizierung, Tessellierung und Darstellung getrimmter NURBS-Flächen und einen interaktiven Ray-Casting-Algorithmus für die Isoflächenvisualisierung von NURBSbasierten isogeometrischen Analysen. Die weiteren zwei Verfahren beschreiben zum einen das vielseitige Konzept der programmierbaren Transparenz für illustrative und verständliche Visualisierungen tiefenkomplexer CAD-Modelle und zum anderen eine neue hybride Methode zur Reprojektion halbtransparenter und undurchsichtiger Bildinformation für die Beschleunigung der Erzeugung von stereoskopischen Bildpaaren. Die beiden letztgenannten Ansätze basieren auf rasterisierter Geometrie und sind somit ebenfalls für normale Dreiecksmodelle anwendbar, wodurch die Arbeiten auch einen wichtigen Beitrag in den Bereichen der Computergrafik und der virtuellen Realität darstellen. Die Auswertung der Arbeit wurde mit großen, realen NURBS-Datensätzen durchgeführt. Die Resultate zeigen, dass die direkte Darstellung auf Grundlage der parametrischen Beschreibung mit interaktiven Bildwiederholraten und in subpixelgenauer Qualität möglich ist. Die Einführung programmierbarer Transparenz ermöglicht zudem die Umsetzung kollaborativer 3D Interaktionstechniken für die Exploration der Modelle in virtuellenUmgebungen sowie illustrative und verständliche Visualisierungen tiefenkomplexer CAD-Modelle. Die Erzeugung stereoskopischer Bildpaare für die interaktive Visualisierung auf 3D Displays konnte beschleunigt werden. Diese messbare Verbesserung wurde zudem im Rahmen einer Nutzerstudie als wahrnehmbar und vorteilhaft befunden.In computer-aided design (CAD), industrial products are designed using a virtual 3D model. A CAD model typically consists of curves and surfaces in a parametric representation, in most cases, non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS). The same representation is also used for the analysis, optimization and presentation of the model. In each phase of this process, different visualizations are required to provide an appropriate user feedback. Designers work with illustrative and realistic renderings, engineers need a comprehensible visualization of the simulation results, and usability studies or product presentations benefit from using a 3D display. However, the interactive visualization of NURBS models and corresponding physical simulations is a challenging task because of the computational complexity and the limited graphics hardware support. This thesis proposes four novel rendering approaches that improve the interactive visualization of CAD models and their analysis. The presented algorithms exploit latest graphics hardware capabilities to advance the state-of-the-art in terms of quality, efficiency and performance. In particular, two approaches describe the direct rendering of the parametric representation without precomputed approximations and timeconsuming pre-processing steps. New data structures and algorithms are presented for the efficient partition, classification, tessellation, and rendering of trimmed NURBS surfaces as well as the first direct isosurface ray-casting approach for NURBS-based isogeometric analysis. The other two approaches introduce the versatile concept of programmable order-independent semi-transparency for the illustrative and comprehensible visualization of depth-complex CAD models, and a novel method for the hybrid reprojection of opaque and semi-transparent image information to accelerate stereoscopic rendering. Both approaches are also applicable to standard polygonal geometry which contributes to the computer graphics and virtual reality research communities. The evaluation is based on real-world NURBS-based models and simulation data. The results show that rendering can be performed directly on the underlying parametric representation with interactive frame rates and subpixel-precise image results. The computational costs of additional visualization effects, such as semi-transparency and stereoscopic rendering, are reduced to maintain interactive frame rates. The benefit of this performance gain was confirmed by quantitative measurements and a pilot user study

    Three architectures for volume rendering

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    Volume rendering is a key technique in scientific visualization that lends itself to significant exploitable parallelism. The high computational demands of real-time volume rendering and continued technological advances in the area of VLSI give impetus to the development of special-purpose volume rendering architectures. This paper presents and characterizes three recently developed volume rendering engines which are based on the ray-casting method. A taxonomy of the algorithmic variants of ray-casting and details of each ray-casting architecture are discussed. The paper then compares the machine features and provides an outlook on future developments in the area of volume rendering hardware

    Real-time volume rendering and tractography visualization on the web

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    In the field of computer graphics, Volume Rendering techniques allow the visualization of 3D datasets, and specifically, Volume Ray-Casting renders images from volumetric datasets, typically used in some scientific areas, such as medical imaging -- This article aims to describe the development of a combined visualization of tractography and volume rendering of brain T1 MRI images in an integrated way -- An innovative web viewer for interactive visualization of neuro-imaging data has been developed based on WebGL -- This recently developed standard enables the clients to use the web viewer on a wide range of devices, with the only requirement of a compliant web-browser -- As the majority of the rendering tasks take place in the client machine, the effect of bottlenecks and server overloading are minimized -- The web application presented is able to compete with desktop tools, even supporting high graphical demands and facing challenges regarding performance and scalability -- The developed software modules are available as open source code and include MRI volume data and tractography generated by the Diffusion Toolkit, and connectivity data from the Connectome Mapping Toolkit -- Our contribution for the Volume Web Viewer implements early ray termination step according to the tractography depthmap, combining volume images and estimated white matter fibers -- Furthermore, the depthmap system extension can be used for visualization of other types of data, where geometric and volume elements are displayed simultaneousl

    Efficient Hybrid Image Warping for High Frame-Rate Stereoscopic Rendering

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    Modern virtual reality simulations require a constant high-frame rate from the rendering engine. They may also require very low latency and stereo images. Previous rendering engines for virtual reality applications have exploited spatial and temporal coherence by using image-warping to re-use previous frames or to render a stereo pair at lower cost than running the full render pipeline twice. However these previous approaches have shown artifacts or have not scaled well with image size. We present a new image-warping algorithm that has several novel contributions: an adaptive grid generation algorithm for proxy geometry for image warping; a low-pass hole-filling algorithm to address un-occlusion; and support for transparent surfaces by efficiently ray casting transparent fragments stored in per-pixel linked lists of an A-Buffer. We evaluate our algorithm with a variety of challenging test cases. The results show that it achieves better quality image-warping than state-of-the-art techniques and that it can support transparent surfaces effectively. Finally, we show that our algorithm can achieve image warping at rates suitable for practical use in a variety of applications on modern virtual reality equipment

    Real-Time Shadow Using a Combination of Stencil and The Z-Buffer

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    In this paper we describe a real-time shadow generation with volume shadow algorithm in virtual environment that is illuminated by light sources with possibility to move separately. This algorithm uses the combination of stencil and Z-buffers to generate shadow volume. It is simple to understand and implement. We have significantly improved and implemented recent techniques that are used in shadow volume algorithms using stencil buffers especially in order to recognize silhouette, reduce the number of shadow polygons and also redundant length of each triangles that makes the volume shadow. This work may be applied in commercial games or other virtual reality systems

    Real-Time Shadow Using a Combination of Stencil and The Z-Buffer

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    In this paper we describe a real-time shadow generation with volume shadow algorithm in virtual environment that is illuminated by light sources with possibility to move separately. This algorithm uses the combination of stencil and Z-buffers to generate shadow volume. It is simple to understand and implement. We have significantly improved and implemented recent techniques that are used in shadow volume algorithms using stencil buffers especially in order to recognize silhouette, reduce the number of shadow polygons and also redundant length of each triangles that makes the volume shadow. This work may be applied in commercial games or other virtual reality systems

    Algorithmic commonalities in the parallel environment

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    The ultimate aim of this project was to analyze procedures from substantially different application areas to discover what is either common or peculiar in the process of conversion to the Massively Parallel Processor (MPP). Three areas were identified: molecular dynamic simulation, production systems (rule systems), and various graphics and vision algorithms. To date, only selected graphics procedures have been investigated. They are the most readily available, and produce the most visible results. These include simple polygon patch rendering, raycasting against a constructive solid geometric model, and stochastic or fractal based textured surface algorithms. Only the simplest of conversion strategies, mapping a major loop to the array, has been investigated so far. It is not entirely satisfactory

    Efficient algorithms for occlusion culling and shadows

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    The goal of this research is to develop more efficient techniques for computing the visibility and shadows in real-time rendering of three-dimensional scenes. Visibility algorithms determine what is visible from a camera, whereas shadow algorithms solve the same problem from the viewpoint of a light source. In rendering, a lot of computational resources are often spent on primitives that are not visible in the final image. One visibility algorithm for reducing the overhead is occlusion culling, which quickly discards the objects or primitives that are obstructed from the view by other primitives. A new method is presented for performing occlusion culling using silhouettes of meshes instead of triangles. Additionally, modifications are suggested to occlusion queries in order to reduce their computational overhead. The performance of currently available graphics hardware depends on the ordering of input primitives. A new technique, called delay streams, is proposed as a generic solution to order-dependent problems. The technique significantly reduces the pixel processing requirements by improving the efficiency of occlusion culling inside graphics hardware. Additionally, the memory requirements of order-independent transparency algorithms are reduced. A shadow map is a discretized representation of the scene geometry as seen by a light source. Typically the discretization causes difficult aliasing issues, such as jagged shadow boundaries and incorrect self-shadowing. A novel solution is presented for suppressing all types of aliasing artifacts by providing the correct sampling points for shadow maps, thus fully abandoning the previously used regular structures. Also, a simple technique is introduced for limiting the shadow map lookups to the pixels that get projected inside the shadow map. The fillrate problem of hardware-accelerated shadow volumes is greatly reduced with a new hierarchical rendering technique. The algorithm performs per-pixel shadow computations only at visible shadow boundaries, and uses lower resolution shadows for the parts of the screen that are guaranteed to be either fully lit or fully in shadow. The proposed techniques are expected to improve the rendering performance in most real-time applications that use 3D graphics, especially in computer games. More efficient algorithms for occlusion culling and shadows are important steps towards larger, more realistic virtual environments.reviewe
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