1,510 research outputs found

    Smart Street "Proof of Concept". Data Processing

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    En el proyecto se simula una calle inteligente para ver a futuro su viabilidad. En ésta, se monitoriza y controla los distintos parámetros de una ciudad, tales como; la calidad del aire, el nivel de ruido, la gestión de farolas, control de plazas de parking... Con la finalidad de aplicar IoT a una ciudad real y así controlar su estado en tiempo real a través de una aplicación final, contribuyendo a un consumo eficiente de los recursos. La tecnología LoRaWAN ha sido la elegida para desarrollar el proyecto implementando una red de comunicación basada en end-devices, gateway y servidor

    Showboater: Insight into sustainable rural community display networks from a longitudinal study

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    This paper describes Showboater, a simple system architecture for rural community display networks. We outline the context of our 2-year longitudinal study and outline five design goals: a functional, sustainable, scalable, resilient networked display solution which affords roles for the distribution of governance. We describe the design and implementation of Showboater and how it aligns to the design goals, as well as describing two separate deployments. We reflect on evaluation feedback and provide insight into the implications of deploying Showboater as rural community display system, respective of the initial design goals, and present our recommendations for future improvements

    Remote control and monitoring of power systems

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    Includes synopsis.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 87-93).Power systems are typically complex and can be affected by their environment in ways that cannot be completely predicted by their designers. It is thus imperative that monitoring is considered as part of the design of new power systems. Due to the associated costs of maintenance, repair, and downtime, monitoring these systems is particularly important when the installations are remote. Remote locations benefit greatly from renewable energy sources. As a result, this work focuses on a novel Hybrid Inverter system developed by Optimal Power Solutions Pty. Ltd. (OPS). This system uses renewable energy sources, grid power, and diesel generators together with a bi-directional inverter to supply a remote location with grid-quality power

    Supporting Transportation System Management and Operations Using Internet of Things Technology

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    Low power wide-area network (LPWAN) technology aims to provide long range and low power wireless communication. It can serve as an alternative technology for data transmissions in many application scenarios (e.g., parking monitoring and remote flood sensing). In order to explore its feasibility in transportation systems, this project conducted a review of relevant literature to understand the current status of LPWAN applications. An online survey that targeted professionals concerned with transportation was also developed to elicit input about their experiences in using LPWAN technology for their projects. The literature review and survey results showed that LPWAN’s application in the U.S. is still in an early stage. Many agencies were not familiar with LPWAN technology, and only a few off-the-shelf LPWAN products are currently available that may be directly used for transportation systems. To conceptually explore data transmission, a set of lab tests, using a primary LPWAN technology, namely LoRa, were performed on a university campus area as well as in a rural area. The lab tests showed that several key factors, such as the mounting heights of devices, distance between the gateway and sensor nodes, and brands of devices affected the LPWAN’s performance. Building upon these efforts, the research team proposed a high-level field test plan for facilitating a potential Phase 2 study that will address primary technical issues concerning the feasibility of transmitting data of different sizes, data transmission frequency, and transmission rate, deployment requirements, etc

    Development and testing of a portable GNSS network solution using the magellan propark3

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    With increasing development and expansion of Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS)networks, globally and at home such as Sydnet, Global Navigation Satellite System users have greater options of utilizing reference station networks to receive correction data and undertake Real Time surveys without the need of supplying their own base station. A large majority of GNSS built today are equipped with built in mobile technology which utilize bidirectional communication including Internet based cellular connections. With increasing coverage of wireless internet, users will be able to utilize this technology in more places than they could ever before. The ProMark3 RTK GNSS receiver transmits correction data via a conventional 0.5 watt UHF radio. This allows a working range of up to 1.5km in open areas and 0.3 – 0.7km in urban built up areas. Unidirectional communication such as UHF also has its limitations including line of sight requirements, transmitter power, broadcasting antenna height limitations, reliability of the link and governmental restrictions such as licensing and operational limitations. Alternative options for receiving correction data are made available within the ProMark3’s onboard software, which include Networked Transmit of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP) and Direct Internet Protocol (DIP). These methods can extend that working range to 10km which is the recommended limit for RTK surveying. Built in wireless technology is not present in the ProMark3 however the user can still connect using a separate web enabled phone with Bluetooth technology. The advantage with this option is that the phone can be still used whilst you work, giving you even greater flexibility. This research project will explore the performance of the ProMark3 using Direct IP. Two different portable base reference stations to broadcast corrections will be designed. They include an office based and field based system. A rigorous testing regime will be conducted to explore the achievable range using Direct IP, the repeatability of position on an established baseline and the time taken to achieve a fixed solution at certain distances. The final part of this project will discuss the application of the technology to the surveying industry, particularly issues of reliability, cost and quality control. The use of CORS as an alternative to receiving correction data is improving work turn around time and field efficiencies, improving security as only one GPS is being utilized and offering survey firms the chance to experiment with this technology without a large expense upfront. The concept of a portable Direct IP station will allow users to operate privately run reference station networks from the office or the field. The benefit of a portable base station is that you can disassemble the base quickly and take it anywhere you decide to work. This will allow the operator and other users the chance to access data in areas not serviced by CORS and create opportunities for surveyors wanting to experiment with this alternate technology. The future may see an increasing amount of private CORS setup operating within existing government run networks, offering users even greater choice to access spatial data

    Development of an IoT platform to monitor storage conditions and packaging optimization in industry environment

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    Food production and storage is of major importance in the modern world. Markets and industry must guarantee supply to millions of people. Storing these quantities of food require a lot of management skills and large spaces with good conditions to ensure food quality. One particular area is the olive oil industry which requires large spaces and large tanks prepared with dozens of thousands of liters of capacity. This storage can sometimes create problems in the management caused by misinfor mation provoked by human error in checking storage the status. One such Institution where this problem has appeared is Cooperativa Agrícola de Beja e Brinches (CABB), Portugal, which inspired us to study and develop the product of this thesis. In CABB it was verified that sometimes, due to its storage conditions, the registered quantities of olive oil stored in the tanks would not correspond to the real state, sometimes varying as much as 20 000 liters. In this work, to facilitate olive oil management in CABB, we suggest the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. This can rectify the verification of quantities of olive oil stored in tanks and indirectly improve the quality of information needed for better management of olive oil. Tests revealed that the technology developed during this project might improve the functioning of CABB, making it better to read values associated to olive oil levels inside tanks.A produção e armazenamento de comida é de maior importância no mundo moderno, os mercados e a indústria têm de garantir produtos a milhões de pessoas. Armazenar estas quantidades de comida requer muita qualidade de gestão e largos espaços com boas condições para garantir a qualidade da comida. Uma indústria onde se verifica esta necessidade é na produção de azeite que necessita de grandes depósitos com dezenas de milhares de litros de capacidade. Este armazenamento pode por vezes criar problemas de gestão causados pela má informação provocada por erro humano. Uma das instituições onde se verificou o aparecimento deste problema foi na Cooperativa Agrícola de Beja e Brinches (CABB), Portugal, que nos inspirou para desenvolver o produto estudado nesta tese. Na CABB foi verificado que por vezes, dadas as condições de armazenamento, o registo de quantidades de azeite dentro dos tanques não corresponde ao estado real, por vezes com variação de valores acima dos 20000 litros. Neste documento, para facilitar a gestão de azeite na CABB sugerimos o uso de serviços de Internet of Things (IoT). O uso desta tecnologia pode retificar verificação de quantidades de azeite armazenado em tanques e indiretamente melhorar a qualidade de informação necessária para a gestão de azeite. Os testes revelam que a tecnologia desenvolvida durante o projeto poderá melhorar o funcionamento da CABB corrigindo a leitura de valores associados ao nível de azeite armazenado nos tanques


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    Contents Editorial Thematic Focus: Socio-Informatics Introduction to the Thematic Focus “Socio-Informatics” / Claudia Müller Digitalisation in Small German Metal-Working Companies. Appropriation of Technology in a “Traditional” Industrial Domain / Bernhard Nett, Jennifer Bönsch Travelling by Taxi Brousse in Madagascar: An Investigation into Practices of Overland Transportation / Volker Wulf, Kaoru Misaki, Dave Randall, and Markus Rohde Mobile and Interactive Media in the Store? Design Case Study on Bluetooth Beacon Concepts for Food Retail / Christian Reuter, Inken Leopold Facebook and the Mass Media in Tunisia / Konstantin Aal, Marén Schorch, Esma Ben Hadj Elkilani, Volker Wulf Book Review Symposium Charles Goodwin Charles Goodwin’s Co-Operative Action: The Idea and the Argument / Erhard Schüttpelz, Christian Meyer Multi-Modal Interaction and Tool-Making: Goodwin’s Intuition / Christian Meyer, Erhard Schüttpelz Co-Operation is a Feature of Sociality, not an Attribute of People : “We inhabit each other’s actions.” (Goodwin, cover) / Jutta Wiesemann, Klaus Amann The Making of the World in Co-Operative Action. From Sentence Construction to Cultural Evolution / Jürgen Streeck On Goodwin and his Co-Operative Action / Jörg R. Bergman


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    Telemedicine is a rapidly evolving field as new technologies are implemented for example for the development of wireless sensors, quality data transmission. Using the Internet applications such as counseling, clinical consultation support and home care monitoring and management are more and more realized, which improves access to high level medical care in underserved areas. The 23 chapters of this book present manifold examples of telemedicine treating both theoretical and practical foundations and application scenarios