369 research outputs found

    Hardware Acceleration of Network Intrusion Detection System Using FPGA

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    This thesis presents new algorithms and hardware designs for Signature-based Network Intrusion Detection System (SB-NIDS) optimisation exploiting a hybrid hardwaresoftware co-designed embedded processing platform. The work describe concentrates on optimisation of a complete SB-NIDS Snort application software on a FPGA based hardware-software target rather than on the implementation of a single functional unit for hardware acceleration. Pattern Matching Hardware Accelerator (PMHA) based on Bloom filter was designed to optimise SB-NIDS performance for execution on a Xilinx MicroBlaze soft-core processor. The Bloom filter approach enables the potentially large number of network intrusion attack patterns to be efficiently represented and searched primarily using accesses to FPGA on-chip memory. The thesis demonstrates, the viability of hybrid hardware-software co-designed approach for SB-NIDS. Future work is required to investigate the effects of later generation FPGA technology and multi-core processors in order to clearly prove the benefits over conventional processor platforms for SB-NIDS. The strengths and weaknesses of the hardware accelerators and algorithms are analysed, and experimental results are examined to determine the effectiveness of the implementation. Experimental results confirm that the PMHA is capable of performing network packet analysis for gigabit rate network traffic. Experimental test results indicate that our SB-NIDS prototype implementation on relatively low clock rate embedded processing platform performance is approximately 1.7 times better than Snort executing on a general purpose processor on PC when comparing processor cycles rather than wall clock time

    Integrity Verification for SCADA Devices Using Bloom Filters and Deep Packet Inspection

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    In the past, SCADA networks were made secure through undocumented, proprietary protocols and isolation from other networks. Today, modern information technology (IT) solutions have provided a means to enhance remote access through use of the Internet. Unfortunately, opening SCADA networks to the Internet has provided routes of attack. Cyber attacks on these networks are becoming more common and can inflict considerable damage to critical infrastructure systems. Furthermore, devices on these networks can be infected with malware that causes them to falsify their responses to operators, concealing alternate operation or hiding alarm conditions. Considering their applications, securing these networks translates to improved physical security in the real world. Since modern IT solutions are impractical to deploy in the resource constrained SCADA networks, other solutions must be researched. This research evaluates an integrity verification system implemented on a Xilinx ML507 development board called the SIEVE system. The design incorporates Bloom filters and SCADA-specific intrusion detection techniques to speed identification of invalid commands and current sensing to investigate whether or not a device correctly carried out a given command. Results show that the SIEVE system is able to inspect and correctly identify 100% of network traffic at a 200 command per second frequency. Correct identification of valid MODBUS/TCP traffic begins to fail at 350 commands per second, introducing false positives. Tests of the Bloom filters show that they reduce the time necessary to process and log invalid MODBUS/TCP commands by 4.5% to 2328.06% depending on the number of operations performed by the command

    Efficient algorithms for passive network measurement

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    Network monitoring has become a necessity to aid in the management and operation of large networks. Passive network monitoring consists of extracting metrics (or any information of interest) by analyzing the traffic that traverses one or more network links. Extracting information from a high-speed network link is challenging, given the great data volumes and short packet inter-arrival times. These difficulties can be alleviated by using extremely efficient algorithms or by sampling the incoming traffic. This work improves the state of the art in both these approaches. For one-way packet delay measurement, we propose a series of improvements over a recently appeared technique called Lossy Difference Aggregator. A main limitation of this technique is that it does not provide per-flow measurements. We propose a data structure called Lossy Difference Sketch that is capable of providing such per-flow delay measurements, and, unlike recent related works, does not rely on any model of packet delays. In the problem of collecting measurements under the sliding window model, we focus on the estimation of the number of active flows and in traffic filtering. Using a common approach, we propose one algorithm for each problem that obtains great accuracy with significant resource savings. In the traffic sampling area, the selection of the sampling rate is a crucial aspect. The most sensible approach involves dynamically adjusting sampling rates according to network traffic conditions, which is known as adaptive sampling. We propose an algorithm called Cuckoo Sampling that can operate with a fixed memory budget and perform adaptive flow-wise packet sampling. It is based on a very simple data structure and is computationally extremely lightweight. The techniques presented in this work are thoroughly evaluated through a combination of theoretical and experimental analysis.Postprint (published version

    Packet Filtering Module For PFQ Packet Capturing Engine.

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    The evolution of commodity hardware is pushing parallelism forward as the key factor that can allow software to attain hardware-class performance while still retaining its advantages. On one side, commodity CPUs are providing more and more cores (the next-generation Intel Xeon E 7500 CPUs will soon make 10 cores processors a commodity product), with a complex cache hierarchy which makes aware data placement crucial to good performance. On the other side, server NIC‘s are adapting to these new trends by increasing themselves their level of parallelism. While traditional 1Gbps NICs exchanged data with the CPU through a single ring of shared memory buffers, modern 10Gbps cards support multiple queues: multiple cores can therefore receive and transmit packets in parallel. In particular, incoming packets can be de-multiplexed across CPUs based on a hash function (the so-called RSS technology) or on the MAC address (the VMD-q technology, designed for servers hosting multiple virtual machines). The Linux kernel has recently begun to support these new technologies. Though there is lot of network monitoring software‘s, most of them have not yet been designed with high parallelism in mind. Therefore a novel packet capturing engine, named PFQ was designed, that allows efficient capturing and in-kernel aggregation, as well as connection-aware load balancing. Such an engine is based on a novel lockless queue and allows parallel packet capturing to let the user-space application arbitrarily define its degree of parallelism. Therefore, both legacy applications and natively parallel ones can benefit from such capturing engine. In addition, PFQ outperforms its competitors both in terms of captured packets and CPU consumption. In this thesis, a new packet filtering block is designed implemented and added to the existing PFQ capture engine which helps in dropping out unnecessary packets before they are copied into the kernel space thus improves the overall performance of the engine considerably. Because network monitors often want only a small subset of network traffic, a dramatic performance gain is realized by filtering out unwanted packets in interrupt context

    Hardware acceleration for power efficient deep packet inspection

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    The rapid growth of the Internet leads to a massive spread of malicious attacks like viruses and malwares, making the safety of online activity a major concern. The use of Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) is an effective method to safeguard the Internet. One key procedure in NIDS is Deep Packet Inspection (DPI). DPI can examine the contents of a packet and take actions on the packets based on predefined rules. In this thesis, DPI is mainly discussed in the context of security applications. However, DPI can also be used for bandwidth management and network surveillance. DPI inspects the whole packet payload, and due to this and the complexity of the inspection rules, DPI algorithms consume significant amounts of resources including time, memory and energy. The aim of this thesis is to design hardware accelerated methods for memory and energy efficient high-speed DPI. The patterns in packet payloads, especially complex patterns, can be efficiently represented by regular expressions, which can be translated by the use of Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA). DFA algorithms are fast but consume very large amounts of memory with certain kinds of regular expressions. In this thesis, memory efficient algorithms are proposed based on the transition compressions of the DFAs. In this work, Bloom filters are used to implement DPI on an FPGA for hardware acceleration with the design of a parallel architecture. Furthermore, devoted at a balance of power and performance, an energy efficient adaptive Bloom filter is designed with the capability of adjusting the number of active hash functions according to current workload. In addition, a method is given for implementation on both two-stage and multi-stage platforms. Nevertheless, false positive rates still prevents the Bloom filter from extensive utilization; a cache-based counting Bloom filter is presented in this work to get rid of the false positives for fast and precise matching. Finally, in future work, in order to estimate the effect of power savings, models will be built for routers and DPI, which will also analyze the latency impact of dynamic frequency adaption to current traffic. Besides, a low power DPI system will be designed with a single or multiple DPI engines. Results and evaluation of the low power DPI model and system will be produced in future

    A one-pass clustering based sketch method for network monitoring

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    Network monitoring solutions need to cope with increasing network traffic volumes, as a result, sketch-based monitoring methods have been extensively studied to trade accuracy for memory scalability and storage reduction. However, sketches are sensitive to skewness in network flow distributions due to hash collisions, and need complicated performance optimization to adapt to line-rate packet streams. We provide Jellyfish, an efficient sketch method that performs one-pass clustering over the network stream. One-pass clustering is realized by adapting the monitoring granularity from the whole network flow to fragments called subflows, which not only reduces the ingestion rate but also provides an efficient intermediate representation for the input to the sketch. Jellyfish provides the network-flow level query interface by reconstructing the network-flow level counters by merging subflow records from the same network flow. We provide probabilistic analysis of the expected accuracy of both existing sketch methods and Jellyfish. Real-world trace-driven experiments show that Jellyfish reduces the average estimation errors by up to six orders of magnitude for per-flow queries, by six orders of magnitude for entropy queries, and up to ten times for heavy-hitter queries.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant 61972409; in part by Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) under Grant TRS T41-603/20-R, Grant GRF-16213621, and Grant ITF ACCESS; in part by the Spanish I+D+i project TRAINER-A, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, under Grant PID2020-118011GB-C21; and in part by the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA Academia).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A pattern matching coprocessor for network security

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