158 research outputs found

    ICA and Sparse ICA for Biomedical Signals

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    Biomedical signs or bio signals are a wide range of signals obtained from the human body that can be at the cell organ or sub-atomic level Electromyogram refers to electrical activity from muscle sound signals electroencephalogram refers to electrical activity from the encephalon electrocardiogram refers to electrical activity from the heart electroretinogram refers to electrical activity from the eye and so on Monitoring and observing changes in these signals assist physicians whose work is related to this branch of medicine in covering predicting and curing various diseases It can also assist physicians in examining prognosticating and curing numerous condition

    Using blind image filtering for images from TEM microscopes

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    Předložená práce se zabývá problematikou slepé filtrace obrazů z transmisního elektronového mikroskopu. V úvodu práce je uveden popis transmisního elektronového mikroskopu. Navazující část popisuje mechanismy interakce elektronů se zkoumaným vzorkem a z toho vyplývající zobrazovací techniky elektronové mikroskopie. Poslední kapitola teoretické části práce zahrnuje popis vybraných metod slepé filtrace obrazu zejména s využitím dekompozice obrazu na charakteristické složky. Taktéž je zde uveden výčet metod pro zhodnocení úspěšnosti filtrace. V praktické části jsou popsány aplikované metody slepé filtrace obrazů a výsledky filtrování. Jednotlivé metody jsou mezi sebou porovnány. Získané výsledky a využitelnost aplikovaných metod jsou zhodnoceny v diskuzi.This work deals with the blind filtration of the images from the transmission electron microscope. At the beginning of this work there is a basic description of the transmission electron microscope. Following part describes the mechanisms of electron interactions with the observed specimen. Description of basic electron microscopy imaging techniques is included. The last chapter of the theoretical part includes the description of several chosen blind image filtration techniques, especially those using the decomposition of the image into characteristic components. It also contains a summary of methods for evaluation the filtration effectiveness. The practical part focuses on a description of applied blind filtering methods and brings the results of the filtration. Individual methods are compared. In conclusion, the obtained results and usability of the applied methods are discussed.

    Data-driven sub-grid model development for large eddy simulations of turbulence

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    Turbulence modeling remains an active area of research due to its significant impact on a diverse set of challenges such as those pertaining to the aerospace and geophysical communities. Researchers continue to search for modeling strategies that improve the representation of high-wavenumber content in practical computational fluid dynamics applications. The recent successes of machine learning in the physical sciences have motivated a number of studies into the modeling of turbulence from a data-driven point of view. In this research, we utilize physics-informed machine learning to reconstruct the effect of unresolved frequencies (i.e., small-scale turbulence) on grid-resolved flow-variables obtained through large eddy simulation. In general, it is seen that the successful development of any data-driven strategy relies on two phases - learning and a-posteriori deployment. The former requires the synthesis of labeled data from direct numerical simulations of our target phenomenon whereas the latter requires the development of stability preserving modifications instead of a direct deployment of learning predictions. These stability preserving techniques may be through prediction modulation - where learning outputs are deployed via an intermediate statistical truncation. They may also be through the utilization of model classifiers where the traditional L2L_2-minimization strategy is avoided for a categorical cross-entropy error which flags for the most stable model deployment at a point on the computational grid. In this thesis, we outline several investigations utilizing the aforementioned philosophies and come to the conclusion that sub-grid turbulence models built through the utilization of machine learning are capable of recovering viable statistical trends in stabilized a-posteriori deployments for Kraichnan and Kolmogorov turbulence. Therefore, they represent a promising tool for the generation of closures that may be utilized in flows that belong to different configurations and have different sub-grid modeling requirements

    Independent component analysis and source analysis of auditory evoked potentials for assessment of cochlear implant users

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    Source analysis of the Auditory Evoked Potential (AEP) has been used before to evaluate the maturation of the auditory system in both adult and children; in the same way, this technique could be applied to ongoing EEG recordings, in response to acoustic specific frequency stimuli, from children with cochlear implants (CI). This is done in oder to objectively assess the performance of this electronic device and the maturation of the child?s hearing. However, these recordings are contaminated by an artifact produced by the normal operation of the CI; this artifact in particular makes the detection and analysis of AEPs much harder and generates errors in the source analysis process. The artifact can be spatially filtered using Independent Component Analysis (ICA); in this research, three different ICA algorithms were compared in order to establish the more suited algorithm to remove the CI artifact. Additionally, we show that pre-processing the EEG recording, using a temporal ICA algorithm, facilitates not only the identification of the AEP peaks but also the source analysis procedure. From results obtained in this research and limited dataset of CI vs normal recordings, it is possible to conclude that the AEPs source locations change from the inferior temporal areas in the first 2 years after implantation to the superior temporal area after three years using the CIs, close to the locations obtained in normal hearing children. It is intended that the results of this research are used as an objective technique for a general evaluation of the performance of children with CIs

    Further advances on Bayesian Ying-Yang harmony learning

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    Functional Organization of the Brain at Rest and During Complex Tasks Using fMRI

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    How and why functional connectivity (FC), which captures the correlations among brain regions and/or networks, differs in various brain states has been incompletely understood. I review high-level background on this problem and how it relates to 1) the contributions of task-evoked activity, 2) white-matter fMRI, and 3) disease states in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, based on the notion that brain activity during a task reflects an unknown mixture of spontaneous activity and task-evoked responses, we uncovered that the difference in FC between a task state (a naturalistic movie) and resting state only marginally (3-15%) reflects task-evoked connectivity. Instead, these changes may reflect changes in spontaneously emerging networks. In Chapter 3, we were able to show subtle task-related differences in the white matter using fMRI, which has only rarely been used to study functions in this tissue type. In doing so, we also demonstrated that white matter independent components were also hierarchically organized into axonal fiber bundles, challenging the conventional practice of taking white-matter signals as noise or artifacts. Finally, in Chapter 4, we examined the utility of combining FC with task-activation studies in uncovering changes in brain activity during preclinical Alzheimer\u27s Disease (mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and subjective cognitive decline (SCD) populations), based on data collected at the Indiana University School of Medicine. We found a reduction in neural task-based activations and resting-state FC that appeared to be directly related to diagnostic severity. Taken together, the work presented in this dissertation paves the way for a novel framework for understanding neural dynamics in health and disease

    Forecasting Stock Market Indices Using Padding-based Fourier Transform Denoising and Time Series Deep Learning Models

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    Approaches for predicting financial markets, including conventional statistical methods and recent deep learning methods, have been investigated in many studies. However, financial time series data (e.g., daily stock market index) contain noises that prevent stable predictive model learning. Using these noised data in predictions results in performance deterioration and time lag. This study proposes padding-based Fourier transform denoising (P-FTD) that eliminates the noise waveform in the frequency domain of financial time series data and solves the problem of data divergence at both ends when restoring to the original time series. Experiments were conducted to predict the closing prices of S&P500, SSE, and KOSPI by applying data, from which noise was removed by P-FTD, to different deep learning models based on time series. Results show that the combination of the deep learning models and the proposed denoising technique not only outperforms the basic models in terms of predictive performance but also mitigates the time lag problem

    Advanced Geoscience Remote Sensing

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    Nowadays, advanced remote sensing technology plays tremendous roles to build a quantitative and comprehensive understanding of how the Earth system operates. The advanced remote sensing technology is also used widely to monitor and survey the natural disasters and man-made pollution. Besides, telecommunication is considered as precise advanced remote sensing technology tool. Indeed precise usages of remote sensing and telecommunication without a comprehensive understanding of mathematics and physics. This book has three parts (i) microwave remote sensing applications, (ii) nuclear, geophysics and telecommunication; and (iii) environment remote sensing investigations