4,285 research outputs found

    A Biological Hierarchical Model Based Underwater Moving Object Detection

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    Underwater moving object detection is the key for many underwater computer vision tasks, such as object recognizing, locating, and tracking. Considering the super ability in visual sensing of the underwater habitats, the visual mechanism of aquatic animals is generally regarded as the cue for establishing bionic models which are more adaptive to the underwater environments. However, the low accuracy rate and the absence of the prior knowledge learning limit their adaptation in underwater applications. Aiming to solve the problems originated from the inhomogeneous lumination and the unstable background, the mechanism of the visual information sensing and processing pattern from the eye of frogs are imitated to produce a hierarchical background model for detecting underwater objects. Firstly, the image is segmented into several subblocks. The intensity information is extracted for establishing background model which could roughly identify the object and the background regions. The texture feature of each pixel in the rough object region is further analyzed to generate the object contour precisely. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method gives a better performance. Compared to the traditional Gaussian background model, the completeness of the object detection is 97.92% with only 0.94% of the background region that is included in the detection results

    Hydrodynamic object recognition using pressure sensing

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    Hydrodynamic sensing is instrumental to fish and some amphibians. It also represents, for underwater vehicles, an alternative way of sensing the fluid environment when visual and acoustic sensing are limited. To assess the effectiveness of hydrodynamic sensing and gain insight into its capabilities and limitations, we investigated the forward and inverse problem of detection and identification, using the hydrodynamic pressure in the neighbourhood, of a stationary obstacle described using a general shape representation. Based on conformal mapping and a general normalization procedure, our obstacle representation accounts for all specific features of progressive perceptual hydrodynamic imaging reported experimentally. Size, location and shape are encoded separately. The shape representation rests upon an asymptotic series which embodies the progressive character of hydrodynamic imaging through pressure sensing. A dynamic filtering method is used to invert noisy nonlinear pressure signals for the shape parameters. The results highlight the dependence of the sensitivity of hydrodynamic sensing not only on the relative distance to the disturbance but also its bearing

    Fish4Knowledge: Collecting and Analyzing Massive Coral Reef Fish Video Data

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    This book gives a start-to-finish overview of the whole Fish4Knowledge project, in 18 short chapters, each describing one aspect of the project. The Fish4Knowledge project explored the possibilities of big video data, in this case from undersea video. Recording and analyzing 90 thousand hours of video from ten camera locations, the project gives a 3 year view of fish abundance in several tropical coral reefs off the coast of Taiwan. The research system built a remote recording network, over 100 Tb of storage, supercomputer processing, video target detection and

    Unlocking the potential of deep learning for marine ecology: overview, applications, and outlook

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    The deep learning (DL) revolution is touching all scientific disciplines and corners of our lives as a means of harnessing the power of big data. Marine ecology is no exception. New methods provide analysis of data from sensors, cameras, and acoustic recorders, even in real time, in ways that are reproducible and rapid. Off-the-shelf algorithms find, count, and classify species from digital images or video and detect cryptic patterns in noisy data. These endeavours require collaboration across ecological and data science disciplines, which can be challenging to initiate. To promote the use of DL towards ecosystem-based management of the sea, this paper aims to bridge the gap between marine ecologists and computer scientists. We provide insight into popular DL approaches for ecological data analysis, focusing on supervised learning techniques with deep neural networks, and illustrate challenges and opportunities through established and emerging applications of DL to marine ecology. We present case studies on plankton, fish, marine mammals, pollution, and nutrient cycling that involve object detection, classification, tracking, and segmentation of visualized data. We conclude with a broad outlook of the field’s opportunities and challenges, including potential technological advances and issues with managing complex data sets.publishedVersionPaid Open Acces

    Human factors in space telepresence

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    The problems of interfacing a human with a teleoperation system, for work in space are discussed. Much of the information presented here is the result of experience gained by the M.I.T. Space Systems Laboratory during the past two years of work on the ARAMIS (Automation, Robotics, and Machine Intelligence Systems) project. Many factors impact the design of the man-machine interface for a teleoperator. The effects of each are described in turn. An annotated bibliography gives the key references that were used. No conclusions are presented as a best design, since much depends on the particular application desired, and the relevant technology is swiftly changing

    Fish species classification in unconstrained underwater environments based on deep learning

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    Underwater video and digital still cameras are rapidly being adopted by marine scientists and managers as a tool for non-destructively quantifying and measuring the relative abundance, cover and size of marine fauna and flora. Imagery recorded of fish can be time consuming and costly to process and analyze manually. For this reason, there is great interest in automatic classification, counting, and measurement of fish. Unconstrained underwater scenes are highly variable due to changes in light intensity, changes in fish orientation due to movement, a variety of background habitats which sometimes also move, and most importantly similarity in shape and patterns among fish of different species. This poses a great challenge for image/video processing techniques to accurately differentiate between classes or species of fish to perform automatic classification. We present a machine learning approach, which is suitable for solving this challenge. We demonstrate the use of a convolution neural network model in a hierarchical feature combination setup to learn species-dependent visual features of fish that are unique, yet abstract and robust against environmental and intra-and inter-species variability. This approach avoids the need for explicitly extracting features from raw images of the fish using several fragmented image processing techniques. As a result, we achieve a single and generic trained architecture with favorable performance even for sample images of fish species that have not been used in training. Using the LifeCLEF14 and LifeCLEF15 benchmark fish datasets, we have demonstrated results with a correct classification rate of more than 90%

    Structured Light-Based 3D Reconstruction System for Plants.

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    Camera-based 3D reconstruction of physical objects is one of the most popular computer vision trends in recent years. Many systems have been built to model different real-world subjects, but there is lack of a completely robust system for plants. This paper presents a full 3D reconstruction system that incorporates both hardware structures (including the proposed structured light system to enhance textures on object surfaces) and software algorithms (including the proposed 3D point cloud registration and plant feature measurement). This paper demonstrates the ability to produce 3D models of whole plants created from multiple pairs of stereo images taken at different viewing angles, without the need to destructively cut away any parts of a plant. The ability to accurately predict phenotyping features, such as the number of leaves, plant height, leaf size and internode distances, is also demonstrated. Experimental results show that, for plants having a range of leaf sizes and a distance between leaves appropriate for the hardware design, the algorithms successfully predict phenotyping features in the target crops, with a recall of 0.97 and a precision of 0.89 for leaf detection and less than a 13-mm error for plant size, leaf size and internode distance