60 research outputs found

    A Belief Approach for Detecting Spammed Links in Social Networks

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    International audienceNowadays, we are interconnected with people whether professionally or personally using different social networks. However, we sometimes receive messages or advertisements that are not correlated to the nature of the relation established between the persons. Therefore, it became important to be able to sort out our relationships. Thus, based on the type of links that connect us, we can decide if this last is spammed and should be deleted. Thereby, we propose in this paper a belief approach in order to detect the spammed links. Our method consists on modelling the belief that a link is perceived as spammed by taking into account the prior information of the nodes, the links and the messages that pass through them. To evaluate our method, we first add some noise to the messages, then to both links and messages in order to distinguish the spammed links in the network. Second, we select randomly spammed links of the network and observe if our model is able to detect them. The results of the proposed approach are compared with those of the baseline and to the k-nn algorithm. The experiments indicate the efficiency of the proposed model

    Evaluation of Email Spam Detection Techniques

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    Email has become a vital form of communication among individuals and organizations in today’s world. However, simultaneously it became a threat to many users in the form of spam emails which are also referred as junk/unsolicited emails. Most of the spam emails received by the users are in the form of commercial advertising, which usually carry computer viruses without any notifications. Today, 95% of the email messages across the world are believed to be spam, therefore it is essential to develop spam detection techniques. There are different techniques to detect and filter the spam emails, but off recently all the developed techniques are being implemented successfully to minimize the threats. This paper describes how the current spam email detection approaches are determining and evaluating the problems. There are different types of techniques developed based on Reputation, Origin, Words, Multimedia, Textual, Community, Rules, Hybrid, Machine learning, Fingerprint, Social networks, Protocols, Traffic analysis, OCR techniques, Low-level features, and many other techniques. All these filtering techniques are developed to detect and evaluate spam emails. Along with classification of the email messages into spam or ham, this paper also demonstrates the effectiveness and accuracy of the spam detection techniques

    AI and extremism in social networks

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    Studien utforsker hvordan midler som kunstig intelligens, AI- drevne chatbots, kan vĂŠre kilder man kan regne med som moralske aktĂžrer pĂ„ digitale plattformer og som kan vĂŠre identifiserbare opprĂžrsmodeller til bekjempelse av ekstremistiske og voldsforherligende ytringer pĂ„ sosiale medieplattformer. Fremveksten av digital nettverkskommunikasjon har lettet prosessen med sosiale bevegelser, noe fenomenet «Den arabiske vĂ„ren» tydelig demonstrerer. Sosiale medier har vĂŠrt et verdifullt verktĂžy nĂ„r det gjelder Ă„ utvikle kollektive identiteter med en felles ideologi for Ă„ fremme et bestemt mĂ„l eller en sak og gi alternative plattformer for undertrykte samfunn. Imidlertid forblir virkningen og konsekvensene av sosiale medier i samfunn der maktbalansen forrykkes gjennom fundamentale endringer et bekymringsfullt fenomen. Radikaliserte individer og grupper har ogsĂ„ hevdet sin tilstedevĂŠrelse pĂ„ sosiale medieplattformer gjennom Ă„ fremme fordommer, hat og vold. Ekstremistiske grupper bruker ulike taktikker for Ă„ utĂžve makten sin pĂ„ disse plattformene. Bekjempelsen av voldelig ekstremisme pĂ„ sosiale medieplattformer blir som regel ikke koordinert av aktuelle aktĂžrer som regjeringer, sosiale medieselskaper, FN eller andre private organisasjoner. I tillegg har fremdeles ikke forsĂžk pĂ„ Ă„ konstituere AI til bekjempelse av voldelig ekstremisme blitt gjennomfĂžrt, men lovende resultater har blitt oppnĂ„dd gjennom noen initiativer. Prosjektet som en ‘case study’ ser pĂ„ den nylige reformen i Etiopia som ble gjennomfĂžrt av Nobels fredsprisvinner 2019 Abiy Ahmed etter at han tiltrĂ„dte som statsminister i Etiopia i april 2018. Etter flere tiĂ„r med undertrykkelse har den nye maktovertakelsen der det politiske rommet ble Ă„pnet opp og ytringsfrihet ble tillatt, uventet fĂžrt til et skred av etniske gruppers polarisering. Nye etno-ekstremister har dukket frem fra alle kriker og kroker av landet og ogsĂ„ fra sin tilvĂŠrelse i diaspora. Studien ser videre pĂ„ hvilken rolle sosiale medier til tider spiller ved direkte Ă„ presse pĂ„ for Ă„ pĂ„virke til og dermed forĂ„rsake voldelige handlinger pĂ„ grasrota.Ved Ă„ bruke en kvalitativ forskningsmetode for ustrukturerte intervjuer med etiopiske brukere av sosiale medier, journalister og aktivister, identifiserer studien kjerneaspektene ved konfliktene og foreslĂ„r initiativer som kan brukes til Ă„ motvirke voldelig etnisk ekstremisme. Ved Ă„ bruke relevant litteratur ser prosjektet videre pĂ„ innarbeidelsen av kunstig intelligens (AI) i «moralske handlinger» pĂ„ sosiale medier og hvordan den kan utformes slik at den av seg selv kan ta i bruk moralske beslutningsevner i nettverket. I tillegg ser studien pĂ„ mulighetene videre for bekjempelse av voldelig ekstremisme og skisserer den spesifikke rollen ikke menneskelige aktĂžrer som profesjonelle troll og bots pĂ„ sosiale medier bĂžr spille for Ă„ slĂ„ss mot radikalisering som kan fĂžre til voldelige handlinger.Mastergradsoppgave i digital kulturMAHF-DIKULDIKULT35

    Combating User Misbehavior on Social Media

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    Social media encourages user participation and facilitates user’s self-expression like never before. While enriching user behavior in a spectrum of means, many social media platforms have become breeding grounds for user misbehavior. In this dissertation we focus on understanding and combating three specific threads of user misbehaviors that widely exist on social media — spamming, manipulation, and distortion. First, we address the challenge of detecting spam links. Rather than rely on traditional blacklist-based or content-based methods, we examine the behavioral factors of both who is posting the link and who is clicking on the link. The core intuition is that these behavioral signals may be more difficult to manipulate than traditional signals. We find that this purely behavioral approach can achieve good performance for robust behavior-based spam link detection. Next, we deal with uncovering manipulated behavior of link sharing. We propose a four-phase approach to model, identify, characterize, and classify organic and organized groups who engage in link sharing. The key motivating insight is that group-level behavioral signals can distinguish manipulated user groups. We find that levels of organized behavior vary by link type and that the proposed approach achieves good performance measured by commonly-used metrics. Finally, we investigate a particular distortion behavior: making bullshit (BS) statements on social media. We explore the factors impacting the perception of BS and what leads users to ultimately perceive and call a post BS. We begin by preparing a crowdsourced collection of real social media posts that have been called BS. We then build a classification model that can determine what posts are more likely to be called BS. Our experiments suggest our classifier has the potential of leveraging linguistic cues for detecting social media posts that are likely to be called BS. We complement these three studies with a cross-cutting investigation of learning user topical profiles, which can shed light into what subjects each user is associated with, which can benefit the understanding of the connection between user and misbehavior. Concretely, we propose a unified model for learning user topical profiles that simultaneously considers multiple footprints and we show how these footprints can be embedded in a generalized optimization framework. Through extensive experiments on millions of real social media posts, we find our proposed models can effectively combat user misbehavior on social media

    Combating User Misbehavior on Social Media

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    Social media encourages user participation and facilitates user’s self-expression like never before. While enriching user behavior in a spectrum of means, many social media platforms have become breeding grounds for user misbehavior. In this dissertation we focus on understanding and combating three specific threads of user misbehaviors that widely exist on social media — spamming, manipulation, and distortion. First, we address the challenge of detecting spam links. Rather than rely on traditional blacklist-based or content-based methods, we examine the behavioral factors of both who is posting the link and who is clicking on the link. The core intuition is that these behavioral signals may be more difficult to manipulate than traditional signals. We find that this purely behavioral approach can achieve good performance for robust behavior-based spam link detection. Next, we deal with uncovering manipulated behavior of link sharing. We propose a four-phase approach to model, identify, characterize, and classify organic and organized groups who engage in link sharing. The key motivating insight is that group-level behavioral signals can distinguish manipulated user groups. We find that levels of organized behavior vary by link type and that the proposed approach achieves good performance measured by commonly-used metrics. Finally, we investigate a particular distortion behavior: making bullshit (BS) statements on social media. We explore the factors impacting the perception of BS and what leads users to ultimately perceive and call a post BS. We begin by preparing a crowdsourced collection of real social media posts that have been called BS. We then build a classification model that can determine what posts are more likely to be called BS. Our experiments suggest our classifier has the potential of leveraging linguistic cues for detecting social media posts that are likely to be called BS. We complement these three studies with a cross-cutting investigation of learning user topical profiles, which can shed light into what subjects each user is associated with, which can benefit the understanding of the connection between user and misbehavior. Concretely, we propose a unified model for learning user topical profiles that simultaneously considers multiple footprints and we show how these footprints can be embedded in a generalized optimization framework. Through extensive experiments on millions of real social media posts, we find our proposed models can effectively combat user misbehavior on social media

    Prepare for VoIP Spam

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    Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Never Hurt Me...Until I See Them: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Trolls in Relation to the Gricean Maxims and (IM)Polite Virtual Speech Acts

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    The troll is one of the most obtrusive and disruptive bad actors on the internet. Unlike other bad actors, the troll interacts on a more personal and intimate level with other internet users. Social media platforms, online communities, comment boards, and chatroom forums provide them with this opportunity. What distinguishes these social provocateurs from other bad actors are their virtual speech acts and online behaviors. These acts aim to incite anger, shame, or frustration in others through the weaponization of words, phrases, and other rhetoric. Online trolls come in all forms and use various speech tactics to insult and demean their target audiences. The goal of this research is to investigate trolls\u27 virtual speech acts and the impact of troll-like behaviors on online communities. Using Gricean maxims and politeness theory, this study seeks to identify common vernacular, word usage, and other language behaviors that trolls use to divert the conversation, insult others, and possibly affect fellow internet users’ mental health and well-being
