341 research outputs found


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    With rapid advances in e-business and mobile technology, the personalized recommendation of mobile tourism becomes a critical issue for both researchers and practitioners. The big data, problems of new users and similar recommendations remain barriers for mobile tourism. Through a large dataset gathered by questionnaires, this paper develops a novel multidimensional user model from the perspective of context. The dimensions of our model include several factors: historical behaviour, context and demographic feature of users. To make a better understanding of the model, a case study was adopted. Besides, an experiment is also conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed model. As a conclusion, limitations and future researches are discussed

    Application of an opinion consensus aggregation model based on OWA operators to the recommendation of tourist sites

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    Given the growth in tourism online data as a result of a large number of users posting their personal opinions in social networks and other online platforms with the idea to help other visitants, many authors have proposed a huge variety of ways to classify the sentiments contained in these opinions in order to recommend services (hotels, restaurants, etc.) and destinations to the users with the intention of facilitating their trip planning. In this paper, the authors propose a model to rank tourist sites of a city, based on OWA operators, with the objective of being used as a recommender system.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the EU project H2020-MSCA-IF-2016- DeciTrustNET-746398. This paper has been elaborated with the financing of FEDER funds in the Spanish National research project TIN2016-75850-R

    A framework for delivering personalized e-Government tourism services

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    E-government (e-Gov) has become one of the most important parts of government strategies. Significant efforts have been devoted to e-Gov tourism services in many countries because tourism is one of the major profitable industries. However, the current e-Gov tourism services are limited to simple online presentation of tourism information. Intelligent e-Gov tourism services, such as the personalized e-Gov (Pe-Gov) tourism services, are highly desirable for helping users decide "where to go, and what to do/see" amongst massive number of destinations and enormous attractiveness and activities. This paper proposes a framework of Pe-Gov tourism services using recommender system techniques and semantic ontology. This framework has the potential to enable tourism information seekers to locate the most interesting destinations with the most suitable activities with the least search efforts. Its workflow and some outstanding features are depicted with an example

    A Design Concept for a Tourism Recommender System for Regional Development

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    Despite of tourism infrastructure and software, the development of tourism is hampered due to the lack of information support, which encapsulates various aspects of travel implementation. This paper highlights a demand for integrating various approaches and methods to develop a universal tourism information recommender system when building individual tourist routes. The study objective is proposing a concept of a universal information recommender system for building a personalized tourist route. The developed design concept for such a system involves a procedure for data collection and preparation for tourism product synthesis; a methodology for tourism product formation according to user preferences; the main stages of this methodology implementation. To collect and store information from real travelers, this paper proposes to use elements of blockchain technology in order to ensure information security. A model that specifies the key elements of a tourist route planning process is presented. This article can serve as a reference and knowledge base for digital business system analysts, system designers, and digital tourism business implementers for better digital business system design and implementation in the tourism sector

    Recognition of highly frequented sets of tourist sites

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    In this paper we propose an algorithm to identify sets of the most frequently visited tourist sites. We do this by examining the trajectories followed by tourists and by considering their visits to these sites. We propose a second algorithm that recommends a specific order to visit these sites. To accomplish this task, we consider variables such as tourist preferences, departure and arrival locations, and time constraints. To validate our proposal, a prototype website application was developed, which experiments with real vehicle trajectories in Rio de Janeiro. Although more exhaustive experiments will be required to deal with different possible scenarios, preliminary results show the usefulness of our proposal for displaying sets of neighborhoods frequented by vehicles as they move about a city.En este artículo se propone un algoritmo para identificar los conjuntos de sitios turísticos más frecuentemente visitados. Para ello se examinan las trayectorias seguidas por turistas y se consideran sus visitas a los sitios turísticos. Se propone un segundo algoritmo que sugiere el orden en el que deben ser visitados los sitios identificados por el primer algoritmo.Para lograr esto se consideran variables como preferencias turísticas, lugar de partida y de llegada y restricciones de tiempo. La propuesta se validó mediante una aplicación web prototipo y se experimentó con trayectorias reales de vehículos en Río de Janeiro. Aunque se requieren experimentos más exhaustivos y se deben considerar otros escenarios, los resultados preliminares mostraron la utilidad de la propuesta al identificar conjuntos de barrios que son frecuentados por los vehiculos a medida que estos se desplazan por la ciudad

    A Collaborative Location Based Travel Recommendation System through Enhanced Rating Prediction for the Group of Users

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    Rapid growth of web and its applications has created a colossal importance for recommender systems. Being applied in various domains, recommender systems were designed to generate suggestions such as items or services based on user interests. Basically, recommender systems experience many issues which reflects dwindled effectiveness. Integrating powerful data management techniques to recommender systems can address such issues and the recommendations quality can be increased significantly. Recent research on recommender systems reveals an idea of utilizing social network data to enhance traditional recommender system with better prediction and improved accuracy. This paper expresses views on social network data based recommender systems by considering usage of various recommendation algorithms, functionalities of systems, different types of interfaces, filtering techniques, and artificial intelligence techniques. After examining the depths of objectives, methodologies, and data sources of the existing models, the paper helps anyone interested in the development of travel recommendation systems and facilitates future research direction. We have also proposed a location recommendation system based on social pertinent trust walker (SPTW) and compared the results with the existing baseline random walk models. Later, we have enhanced the SPTW model for group of users recommendations. The results obtained from the experiments have been presented

    Geo Data Science for Tourism

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    This reprint describes the recent challenges in tourism seen from the point of view of data science. Thanks to the use of the most popular Data Science concepts, you can easily recognise trends and patterns in tourism, detect the impact of tourism on the environment, and predict future trends in tourism. This reprint starts by describing how to analyse data related to the past, then it moves on to detecting behaviours in the present, and, finally, it describes some techniques to predict future trends. By the end of the reprint, you will be able to use data science to help tourism businesses make better use of data and improve their decision making and operations.

    Semantic recommender systems Provision of personalised information about tourist activities.

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    Aquesta tesi estudia com millorar els sistemes de recomanació utilitzant informació semàntica sobre un determinat domini (en el cas d’aquest treball, Turisme). Les ontologies defineixen un conjunt de conceptes relacionats amb un determinat domini, així com les relacions entre ells. Aquestes estructures de coneixement poden ser utilitzades no només per representar d'una manera més precisa i refinada els objectes del domini i les preferències dels usuaris, sinó també per millorar els procediments de comparació entre els objectes i usuaris (i també entre els mateixos usuaris) amb l'ajuda de mesures de similitud semàntica. Les millores al nivell de la representació del coneixement i al nivell de raonament condueixen a recomanacions més precises i a una millora del rendiment dels sistemes de recomanació, generant nous sistemes de recomanació semàntics intel•ligents. Les dues tècniques bàsiques de recomanació, basades en contingut i en filtratge col•laboratiu, es beneficien de la introducció de coneixement explícit del domini. En aquesta tesi també hem dissenyat i desenvolupat un sistema de recomanació que aplica els mètodes que hem proposat. Aquest recomanador està dissenyat per proporcionar recomanacions personalitzades sobre activitats turístiques a la regió de Tarragona. Les activitats estan degudament classificades i etiquetades d'acord amb una ontologia específica, que guia el procés de raonament. El recomanador té en compte molts tipus diferents de dades: informació demogràfica, les motivacions de viatge, les accions de l'usuari en el sistema, les qualificacions proporcionades per l'usuari, les opinions dels usuaris amb característiques demogràfiques similars o gustos similars, etc. Un procés de diversificació que calcula similituds entre objectes s'aplica per augmentar la varietat de les recomanacions i per tant augmentar la satisfacció de l'usuari. Aquest sistema pot tenir un impacte positiu a la regió en millorar l'experiència dels seus visitants.Esta tesis estudia cómo mejorar los sistemas de recomendación utilizando información semántica sobre un determinado dominio, en el caso de este trabajo el Turismo. Las ontologías definen un conjunto de conceptos relacionados con un determinado dominio, así como las relaciones entre ellos. East estructuras de conocimiento pueden ser utilizadas no sólo para representar de una manera más precisa y refinada los objetos del dominio y las preferencias de los usuarios, sino también para aplicar mejor los procedimientos de comparación entre los objetos y usuarios (y también entre los propios usuarios) con la ayuda de medidas de similitud semántica. Las mejoras al nivel de la representación del conocimiento y al nivel de razonamiento conducen a recomendaciones más precisas y a una mejora del rendimiento de los sistemas de recomendación, generando nuevos sistemas de recomendación semánticos inteligentes. Las dos técnicas de recomendación básicas, basadas en contenido y en filtrado colaborativo, se benefician de la introducción de conocimiento explícito del dominio. En esta tesis también hemos diseñado y desarrollado un sistema de recomendación que aplica los métodos que hemos propuesto. Este recomendador está diseñado para proporcionar recomendaciones personalizadas sobre las actividades turísticas en la región de Tarragona. Las actividades están debidamente clasificadas y etiquetadas de acuerdo con una ontología específica, que guía el proceso de razonamiento. El recomendador tiene en cuenta diferentes tipos de datos: información demográfica, las motivaciones de viaje, las acciones del usuario en el sistema, las calificaciones proporcionadas por el usuario, las opiniones de los usuarios con características demográficas similares o gustos similares, etc. Un proceso de diversificación que calcula similitudes entre objetos se aplica para generar variedad en las recomendaciones y por tanto aumentar la satisfacción del usuario. Este sistema puede tener un impacto positivo en la región al mejorar la experiencia de sus visitantes.This dissertation studies how new improvements can be made on recommender systems by using ontological information about a certain domain (in the case of this work, Tourism). Ontologies define a set of concepts related to a certain domain as well as the relationships among them. These knowledge structures may be used not only to represent in a more precise and refined way the domain objects and the user preferences, but also to apply better matching procedures between objects and users (or between users themselves) with the help of semantic similarity measures. The improvements at the knowledge representation level and at the reasoning level lead to more accurate recommendations and to an improvement of the performance of recommender systems, paving the way towards a new generation of smart semantic recommender systems. Both content-based recommendation techniques and collaborative filtering ones certainly benefit from the introduction of explicit domain knowledge. In this thesis we have also designed and developed a recommender system that applies the methods we have proposed. This recommender is designed to provide personalized recommendations of touristic activities in the region of Tarragona. The activities are properly classified and labelled according to a specific ontology, which guides the reasoning process. The recommender takes into account many different kinds of data: demographic information, travel motivations, the actions of the user on the system, the ratings provided by the user, the opinions of users with similar demographic characteristics or similar tastes, etc. A diversification process that computes similarities between objects is applied to produce diverse recommendations and hence increase user satisfaction. This system can have a beneficial impact on the region by improving the experience of its visitors

    Destinations ratings based multi-criteria recommender system for Indonesian halal tourism game

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    Halal tourism is one of the tourism products that have the prospect of contributing to economic growth in Indonesia. Therefore, the government needs to increase promotions to increase tourist interest in halal tourism destinations in Indonesia. Game is one of the alternative promotional media that can also function as an educational medium for choosing halal tourism that is fun for potential tourists. This study proposes a recommendation system to support knowledge sources in the Indonesian halal tourism game. We use destinations ratings-based multi-criteria recommender system (MCRS) to generate recommendation rankings as a reference for visualizing halal travel for players as potential tourists. This method improves the ability of the conventional tourism recommendation system, which is generally based on a single criterion. In this study, we use eight destinations rating criteria as a reference for calculating the recommender system in the halal tourism game. Each of these criteria is a reference for tourists' assessment of halal tourist destinations in Indonesia. Next, we integrate the cosine-based similarity technique in MCRS to measure the level of similarity between players and previous tourist data sets. This research's testing phase uses the theme of halal tourism destinations in the Batu City area. The test results show that the number and composition of the tourism destinations item rating as input of the recommender system affect the accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 scores. Based on 40 experiments with different tourism destination item rating input configurations, it shows that the average value of accuracy = 0.60, precision = 0.67, recall = 0.64 and F1 score = 0.65