3,259 research outputs found

    Big Data Analysis application in the renewable energy market: wind power

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    Entre as enerxías renovables, a enerxía eólica e unha das tecnoloxías mundiais de rápido crecemento. Non obstante, esta incerteza debería minimizarse para programar e xestionar mellor os activos de xeración tradicionais para compensar a falta de electricidade nas redes electricas. A aparición de técnicas baseadas en datos ou aprendizaxe automática deu a capacidade de proporcionar predicións espaciais e temporais de alta resolución da velocidade e potencia do vento. Neste traballo desenvólvense tres modelos diferentes de ANN, abordando tres grandes problemas na predición de series de datos con esta técnica: garantía de calidade de datos e imputación de datos non válidos, asignación de hiperparámetros e selección de funcións. Os modelos desenvolvidos baséanse en técnicas de agrupación, optimización e procesamento de sinais para proporcionar predicións de velocidade e potencia do vento a curto e medio prazo (de minutos a horas)

    State-of-the-Art Using Bibliometric Analysis of Wind-Speed and -Power Forecasting Methods Applied in Power Systems

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    The integration of wind energy into power systems has intensified as a result of the urgency for global energy transition. This requires more accurate forecasting techniques that can capture the variability of the wind resource to achieve better operative performance of power systems. This paper presents an exhaustive review of the state-of-the-art of wind-speed and -power forecasting models for wind turbines located in different segments of power systems, i.e., in large wind farms, distributed generation, microgrids, and micro-wind turbines installed in residences and buildings. This review covers forecasting models based on statistical and physical, artificial intelligence, and hybrid methods, with deterministic or probabilistic approaches. The literature review is carried out through a bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer and Pajek software. A discussion of the results is carried out, taking as the main approach the forecast time horizon of the models to identify their applications. The trends indicate a predominance of hybrid forecast models for the analysis of power systems, especially for those with high penetration of wind power. Finally, it is determined that most of the papers analyzed belong to the very short-term horizon, which indicates that the interest of researchers is in this time horizon

    Investigation on soft computing techniques for airport environment evaluation systems

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    Spatial and temporal information exist widely in engineering fields, especially in airport environmental management systems. Airport environment is influenced by many different factors and uncertainty is a significant part of the system. Decision support considering this kind of spatial and temporal information and uncertainty is crucial for airport environment related engineering planning and operation. Geographical information systems and computer aided design are two powerful tools in supporting spatial and temporal information systems. However, the present geographical information systems and computer aided design software are still too general in considering the special features in airport environment, especially for uncertainty. In this thesis, a series of parameters and methods for neural network-based knowledge discovery and training improvement are put forward, such as the relative strength of effect, dynamic state space search strategy and compound architecture. [Continues.

    A Review of Artificial Neural Network Models Applied to Predict Indoor Air Quality in Schools

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    Background: Indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools can affect the performance and health of occupants, especially young children. Increased public attention on IAQ during the COVID-19 pandemic and bushfires have boosted the development and application of data-driven models, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) that can be used to predict levels of pollutants and indoor exposures. Methods: This review summarises the types and sources of indoor air pollutants (IAP) and the indicators of IAQ. This is followed by a systematic evaluation of ANNs as predictive models of IAQ in schools, including predictive neural network algorithms and modelling processes. The methods for article selection and inclusion followed a systematic, four-step process: identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. Results: After screening and selection, nine predictive papers were included in this review. Traditional ANNs were used most frequently, while recurrent neural networks (RNNs) models analysed time-series issues such as IAQ better. Meanwhile, current prediction research mainly focused on using indoor PM2.5 and CO2 concentrations as output variables in schools and did not cover common air pollutants. Although studies have highlighted the impact of school building parameters and occupancy parameters on IAQ, it is difficult to incorporate them in predictive models. Conclusions: This review presents the current state of IAQ predictive models and identifies the limitations and future research directions for schools.</p

    Design and validation of novel methods for long-term road traffic forecasting

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    132 p.Road traffic management is a critical aspect for the design and planning of complex urban transport networks for which vehicle flow forecasting is an essential component. As a testimony of its paramount relevance in transport planning and logistics, thousands of scientific research works have covered the traffic forecasting topic during the last 50 years. In the beginning most approaches relied on autoregressive models and other analysis methods suited for time series data. During the last two decades, the development of new technology, platforms and techniques for massive data processing under the Big Data umbrella, the availability of data from multiple sources fostered by the Open Data philosophy and an ever-growing need of decision makers for accurate traffic predictions have shifted the spotlight to data-driven procedures. Even in this convenient context, with abundance of open data to experiment and advanced techniques to exploit them, most predictive models reported in literature aim for shortterm forecasts, and their performance degrades when the prediction horizon is increased. Long-termforecasting strategies are more scarce, and commonly based on the detection and assignment to patterns. These approaches can perform reasonably well unless an unexpected event provokes non predictable changes, or if the allocation to a pattern is inaccurate.The main core of the work in this Thesis has revolved around datadriven traffic forecasting, ultimately pursuing long-term forecasts. This has broadly entailed a deep analysis and understanding of the state of the art, and dealing with incompleteness of data, among other lesser issues. Besides, the second part of this dissertation presents an application outlook of the developed techniques, providing methods and unexpected insights of the local impact of traffic in pollution. The obtained results reveal that the impact of vehicular emissions on the pollution levels is overshadowe

    Effect of traffic dataset on various machine-learning algorithms when forecasting air quality

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    © Emerald Publishing Limited. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://10.1108/JEDT-10-2021-0554Purpose (limit 100 words) Road traffic emissions are generally believed to contribute immensely to air pollution, but the effect of road traffic datasets on air quality predictions has not been clearly investigated. This research investigates the effects traffic dataset have on the performance of Machine Learning (ML) predictive models in air quality prediction. Design/methodology/approach (limit 100 words) To achieve this, we have set up an experiment with the control dataset having only the Air Quality (AQ) dataset and Meteorological (Met) dataset. While the experimental dataset is made up of the AQ dataset, Met dataset and Traffic dataset. Several ML models (such as Extra Trees Regressor, eXtreme Gradient Boosting Regressor, Random Forest Regressor, K-Neighbors Regressor, and five others) were trained, tested, and compared on these individual combinations of datasets to predict the volume of PM2.5, PM10, NO2, and O3 in the atmosphere at various time of the day. Findings (limit 100 words) The result obtained showed that various ML algorithms react differently to the traffic dataset despite generally contributing to the performance improvement of all the ML algorithms considered in this study by at least 20% and an error reduction of at least 18.97%. Research limitations/implications (limit 100 words) This research is limited in terms of the study area and the result cannot be generalized outside of the UK as many conditions may not be similar elsewhere. Additionally, only the ML algorithms commonly used in literature are considered in this research. Therefore, leaving out a few other ML algorithms. Practical implications (limit 100 words) This study reinforces the belief that the traffic dataset has a significant effect on improving the performance of air pollution ML prediction models. Hence, there is an indication that ML algorithms behave differently when trained with a form traffic dataset in the development of an air quality prediction model. This implies that developers and researchers in air quality prediction need to identify the ML algorithms that behave in their best interest before implementation. Originality/value (limit 100 words) This will enable researchers to focus more on algorithms of benefit when using traffic datasets in air quality prediction.Peer reviewe

    Design and validation of novel methods for long-term road traffic forecasting

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    132 p.Road traffic management is a critical aspect for the design and planning of complex urban transport networks for which vehicle flow forecasting is an essential component. As a testimony of its paramount relevance in transport planning and logistics, thousands of scientific research works have covered the traffic forecasting topic during the last 50 years. In the beginning most approaches relied on autoregressive models and other analysis methods suited for time series data. During the last two decades, the development of new technology, platforms and techniques for massive data processing under the Big Data umbrella, the availability of data from multiple sources fostered by the Open Data philosophy and an ever-growing need of decision makers for accurate traffic predictions have shifted the spotlight to data-driven procedures. Even in this convenient context, with abundance of open data to experiment and advanced techniques to exploit them, most predictive models reported in literature aim for shortterm forecasts, and their performance degrades when the prediction horizon is increased. Long-termforecasting strategies are more scarce, and commonly based on the detection and assignment to patterns. These approaches can perform reasonably well unless an unexpected event provokes non predictable changes, or if the allocation to a pattern is inaccurate.The main core of the work in this Thesis has revolved around datadriven traffic forecasting, ultimately pursuing long-term forecasts. This has broadly entailed a deep analysis and understanding of the state of the art, and dealing with incompleteness of data, among other lesser issues. Besides, the second part of this dissertation presents an application outlook of the developed techniques, providing methods and unexpected insights of the local impact of traffic in pollution. The obtained results reveal that the impact of vehicular emissions on the pollution levels is overshadowe