59 research outputs found

    Mr.Wolf: An Energy-Precision Scalable Parallel Ultra Low Power SoC for IoT Edge Processing

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    This paper presents Mr. Wolf, a parallel ultra-low power (PULP) system on chip (SoC) featuring a hierarchical architecture with a small (12 kgates) microcontroller (MCU) class RISC-V core augmented with an autonomous IO subsystem for efficient data transfer from a wide set of peripherals. The small core can offload compute-intensive kernels to an eight-core floating-point capable of processing engine available on demand. The proposed SoC, implemented in a 40-nm LP CMOS technology, features a 108-mu W fully retentive memory (512 kB). The IO subsystem is capable of transferring up to 1.6 Gbit/s from external devices to the memory in less than 2.5 mW. The eight-core compute cluster achieves a peak performance of 850 million of 32-bit integer multiply and accumulate per second (MMAC/s) and 500 million of 32-bit floating-point multiply and accumulate per second (MFMAC/s) -1 GFlop/s-with an energy efficiency up to 15 MMAC/s/mW and 9 MFMAC/s/mW. These building blocks are supported by aggressive on-chip power conversion and management, enabling energy-proportional heterogeneous computing for always-on IoT end nodes improving performance by several orders of magnitude with respect to traditional single-core MCUs within a power envelope of 153 mW. We demonstrated the capabilities of the proposed SoC on a wide set of near-sensor processing kernels showing that Mr. Wolf can deliver performance up to 16.4 GOp/s with energy efficiency up to 274 MOp/s/mW on real-life applications, paving the way for always-on data analytics on high-bandwidth sensors at the edge of the Internet of Things

    SPICE²: A Spatial, Parallel Architecture for Accelerating the Spice Circuit Simulator

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    Spatial processing of sparse, irregular floating-point computation using a single FPGA enables up to an order of magnitude speedup (mean 2.8X speedup) over a conventional microprocessor for the SPICE circuit simulator. We deliver this speedup using a hybrid parallel architecture that spatially implements the heterogeneous forms of parallelism available in SPICE. We decompose SPICE into its three constituent phases: Model-Evaluation, Sparse Matrix-Solve, and Iteration Control and parallelize each phase independently. We exploit data-parallel device evaluations in the Model-Evaluation phase, sparse dataflow parallelism in the Sparse Matrix-Solve phase and compose the complete design in streaming fashion. We name our parallel architecture SPICE²: Spatial Processors Interconnected for Concurrent Execution for accelerating the SPICE circuit simulator. We program the parallel architecture with a high-level, domain-specific framework that identifies, exposes and exploits parallelism available in the SPICE circuit simulator. This design is optimized with an auto-tuner that can scale the design to use larger FPGA capacities without expert intervention and can even target other parallel architectures with the assistance of automated code-generation. This FPGA architecture is able to outperform conventional processors due to a combination of factors including high utilization of statically-scheduled resources, low-overhead dataflow scheduling of fine-grained tasks, and overlapped processing of the control algorithms. We demonstrate that we can independently accelerate Model-Evaluation by a mean factor of 6.5X(1.4--23X) across a range of non-linear device models and Matrix-Solve by 2.4X(0.6--13X) across various benchmark matrices while delivering a mean combined speedup of 2.8X(0.2--11X) for the two together when comparing a Xilinx Virtex-6 LX760 (40nm) with an Intel Core i7 965 (45nm). With our high-level framework, we can also accelerate Single-Precision Model-Evaluation on NVIDIA GPUs, ATI GPUs, IBM Cell, and Sun Niagara 2 architectures. We expect approaches based on exploiting spatial parallelism to become important as frequency scaling slows down and modern processing architectures turn to parallelism (\eg multi-core, GPUs) due to constraints of power consumption. This thesis shows how to express, exploit and optimize spatial parallelism for an important class of problems that are challenging to parallelize.</p

    Performance and area evaluations of processor-based benchmarks on FPGA devices

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    The computing system on SoCs is being long-term research since the FPGA technology has emerged due to its personality of re-programmable fabric, reconfigurable computing, and fast development time to market. During the last decade, uni-processor in a SoC is no longer to deal with the high growing market for complex applications such as Mobile Phones audio and video encoding, image and network processing. Due to the number of transistors on a silicon wafer is increasing, the recent FPGAs or embedded systems are advancing toward multi-processor-based design to meet tremendous performance and benefit this kind of systems are possible. Therefore, is an upcoming age of the MPSoC. In addition, most of the embedded processors are soft-cores, because they are flexible and reconfigurable for specific software functions and easy to build homogenous multi-processor systems for parallel programming. Moreover, behavioural synthesis tools are becoming a lot more powerful and enable to create datapath of logic units from high-level algorithms such as C to HDL and available for partitioning a HW/SW concurrent methodology. A range of embedded processors is able to implement on a FPGA-based prototyping to integrate the CPUs on a programmable device. This research is, firstly represent different types of computer architectures in modern embedded processors that are followed in different type of software applications (eg. Multi-threading Operations or Complex Functions) on FPGA-based SoCs; and secondly investigate their capability by executing a wide-range of multimedia software codes (Integer-algometric only) in different models of the processor-systems (uni-processor or multi-processor or Co-design), and finally compare those results in terms of the benchmarks and resource utilizations within FPGAs. All the examined programs were written in standard C and executed in a variety numbers of soft-core processors or hardware units to obtain the execution times. However, the number of processors and their customizable configuration or hardware datapath being generated are limited by a target FPGA resource, and designers need to understand the FPGA-based tradeoffs that have been considered - Speed versus Area. For this experimental purpose, I defined benchmarks into DLP / HLS catalogues, which are "data" and "function" intensive respectively. The programs of DLP will be executed in LEON3 MP and LE1 CMP multi-processor systems and the programs of HLS in the LegUp Co-design system on target FPGAs. In preliminary, the performance of the soft-core processors will be examined by executing all the benchmarks. The whole story of this thesis work centres on the issue of the execute times or the speed-up and area breakdown on FPGA devices in terms of different programs

    Vector coprocessor sharing techniques for multicores: performance and energy gains

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    Vector Processors (VPs) created the breakthroughs needed for the emergence of computational science many years ago. All commercial computing architectures on the market today contain some form of vector or SIMD processing. Many high-performance and embedded applications, often dealing with streams of data, cannot efficiently utilize dedicated vector processors for various reasons: limited percentage of sustained vector code due to substantial flow control; inherent small parallelism or the frequent involvement of operating system tasks; varying vector length across applications or within a single application; data dependencies within short sequences of instructions, a problem further exacerbated without loop unrolling or other compiler optimization techniques. Additionally, existing rigid SIMD architectures cannot tolerate efficiently dynamic application environments with many cores that may require the runtime adjustment of assigned vector resources in order to operate at desired energy/performance levels. To simultaneously alleviate these drawbacks of rigid lane-based VP architectures, while also releasing on-chip real estate for other important design choices, the first part of this research proposes three architectural contexts for the implementation of a shared vector coprocessor in multicore processors. Sharing an expensive resource among multiple cores increases the efficiency of the functional units and the overall system throughput. The second part of the dissertation regards the evaluation and characterization of the three proposed shared vector architectures from the performance and power perspectives on an FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) prototype. The third part of this work introduces performance and power estimation models based on observations deduced from the experimental results. The results show the opportunity to adaptively adjust the number of vector lanes assigned to individual cores or processing threads in order to minimize various energy-performance metrics on modern vector- capable multicore processors that run applications with dynamic workloads. Therefore, the fourth part of this research focuses on the development of a fine-to-coarse grain power management technique and a relevant adaptive hardware/software infrastructure which dynamically adjusts the assigned VP resources (number of vector lanes) in order to minimize the energy consumption for applications with dynamic workloads. In order to remove the inherent limitations imposed by FPGA technologies, the fifth part of this work consists of implementing an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) version of the shared VP towards precise performance-energy studies involving high- performance vector processing in multicore environments

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe embedded system space is characterized by a rapid evolution in the complexity and functionality of applications. In addition, the short time-to-market nature of the business motivates the use of programmable devices capable of meeting the conflicting constraints of low-energy, high-performance, and short design times. The keys to achieving these conflicting constraints are specialization and maximally extracting available application parallelism. General purpose processors are flexible but are either too power hungry or lack the necessary performance. Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICS) efficiently meet the performance and power needs but are inflexible. Programmable domain-specific architectures (DSAs) are an attractive middle ground, but their design requires significant time, resources, and expertise in a variety of specialties, which range from application algorithms to architecture and ultimately, circuit design. This dissertation presents CoGenE, a design framework that automates the design of energy-performance-optimal DSAs for embedded systems. For a given application domain and a user-chosen initial architectural specification, CoGenE consists of a a Compiler to generate execution binary, a simulator Generator to collect performance/energy statistics, and an Explorer that modifies the current architecture to improve energy-performance-area characteristics. The above process repeats automatically until the user-specified constraints are achieved. This removes or alleviates the time needed to understand the application, manually design the DSA, and generate object code for the DSA. Thus, CoGenE is a new design methodology that represents a significant improvement in performance, energy dissipation, design time, and resources. This dissertation employs the face recognition domain to showcase a flexible architectural design methodology that creates "ASIC-like" DSAs. The DSAs are instruction set architecture (ISA)-independent and achieve good energy-performance characteristics by coscheduling the often conflicting constraints of data access, data movement, and computation through a flexible interconnect. This represents a significant increase in programming complexity and code generation time. To address this problem, the CoGenE compiler employs integer linear programming (ILP)-based 'interconnect-aware' scheduling techniques for automatic code generation. The CoGenE explorer employs an iterative technique to search the complete design space and select a set of energy-performance-optimal candidates. When compared to manual designs, results demonstrate that CoGenE produces superior designs for three application domains: face recognition, speech recognition and wireless telephony. While CoGenE is well suited to applications that exhibit a streaming behavior, multithreaded applications like ray tracing present a different but important challenge. To demonstrate its generality, CoGenE is evaluated in designing a novel multicore N-wide SIMD architecture, known as StreamRay, for the ray tracing domain. CoGenE is used to synthesize the SIMD execution cores, the compiler that generates the application binary, and the interconnection subsystem. Further, separating address and data computations in space reduces data movement and contention for resources, thereby significantly improving performance compared to existing ray tracing approaches


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    New radar applications need to perform complex algorithms and process a large quantity of data to generate useful information for the users. This situation has motivated the search for better processing solutions that include low-power high-performance processors, efficient algorithms, and high-speed interfaces. In this work, hardware implementation of adaptive pulse compression algorithms for real-time transceiver optimization is presented, and is based on a System-on-Chip architecture for reconfigurable hardware devices. This study also evaluates the performance of dedicated coprocessors as hardware accelerator units to speed up and improve the computation of computing-intensive tasks such matrix multiplication and matrix inversion, which are essential units to solve the covariance matrix. The tradeoffs between latency and hardware utilization are also presented. Moreover, the system architecture takes advantage of the embedded processor, which is interconnected with the logic resources through high-performance buses, to perform floating-point operations, control the processing blocks, and communicate with an external PC through a customized software interface. The overall system functionality is demonstrated and tested for real-time operations using a Ku-band testbed together with a low-cost channel emulator for different types of waveforms

    Fast Fourier transforms on energy-efficient application-specific processors

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    Many of the current applications used in battery powered devices are from digital signal processing, telecommunication, and multimedia domains. Traditionally application-specific fixed-function circuits have been used in these designs in form of application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC) to reach the required performance and energy-efficiency. The complexity of these applications has increased over the years, thus the design complexity has increased even faster, which implies increased design time. At the same time, there are more and more standards to be supported, thus using optimised fixed-function implementations for all the functions in all the standards is impractical. The non-recurring engineering costs for integrated circuits have also increased significantly, so manufacturers can only afford fewer chip iterations. Although tailoring the circuit for a specific application provides the best performance and/or energy-efficiency, such approach lacks flexibility. E.g., if an error is found after the manufacturing, an expensive chip iteration is required. In addition, new functionalities cannot be added afterwards to support evolution of standards. Flexibility can be obtained with software based implementation technologies. Unfortunately, general-purpose processors do not provide the energy-efficiency of the fixed-function circuit designs. A useful trade-off between flexibility and performance is implementation based on application-specific processors (ASP) where programmability provides the flexibility and computational resources customised for the given application provide the performance. In this Thesis, application-specific processors are considered by using fast Fourier transform as the representative algorithm. The architectural template used here is transport triggered architecture (TTA) which resembles very long instruction word machines but the operand execution resembles data flow machines rather than traditional operand triggering. The developed TTA processors exploit inherent parallelism of the application. In addition, several characteristics of the application have been identified and those are exploited by developing customised functional units for speeding up the execution. Several customisations are proposed for the data path of the processor but it is also important to match the memory bandwidth to the computation speed. This calls for a memory organisation supporting parallel memory accesses. The proposed optimisations have been used to improve the energy-efficiency of the processor and experiments show that a programmable solution can have energy-efficiency comparable to fixed-function ASIC designs

    Domain-Specific Computing Architectures and Paradigms

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    We live in an exciting era where artificial intelligence (AI) is fundamentally shifting the dynamics of industries and businesses around the world. AI algorithms such as deep learning (DL) have drastically advanced the state-of-the-art cognition and learning capabilities. However, the power of modern AI algorithms can only be enabled if the underlying domain-specific computing hardware can deliver orders of magnitude more performance and energy efficiency. This work focuses on this goal and explores three parts of the domain-specific computing acceleration problem; encapsulating specialized hardware and software architectures and paradigms that support the ever-growing processing demand of modern AI applications from the edge to the cloud. This first part of this work investigates the optimizations of a sparse spatio-temporal (ST) cognitive system-on-a-chip (SoC). This design extracts ST features from videos and leverages sparse inference and kernel compression to efficiently perform action classification and motion tracking. The second part of this work explores the significance of dataflows and reduction mechanisms for sparse deep neural network (DNN) acceleration. This design features a dynamic, look-ahead index matching unit in hardware to efficiently discover fine-grained parallelism, achieving high energy efficiency and low control complexity for a wide variety of DNN layers. Lastly, this work expands the scope to real-time machine learning (RTML) acceleration. A new high-level architecture modeling framework is proposed. Specifically, this framework consists of a set of high-performance RTML-specific architecture design templates, and a Python-based high-level modeling and compiler tool chain for efficient cross-stack architecture design and exploration.PHDElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162870/1/lchingen_1.pd

    Software Defined Radio Solutions for Wireless Communications Systems

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    Wireless technologies have been advancing rapidly, especially in the recent years. Design, implementation, and manufacturing of devices supporting the continuously evolving technologies require great efforts. Thus, building platforms compatible with different generations of standards and technologies has gained a lot of interest. As a result, software defined radios (SDRs) are investigated to offer more flexibility and scalability, and reduce the design efforts, compared to the conventional fixed-function hardware-based solutions.This thesis mainly addresses the challenges related to SDR-based implementation of today’s wireless devices. One of the main targets of most of the wireless standards has been to improve the achievable data rates, which imposes strict requirements on the processing platforms. Realizing real-time processing of high throughput signal processing algorithms using SDR-based platforms while maintaining energy consumption close to conventional approaches is a challenging topic that is addressed in this thesis.Firstly, this thesis concentrates on the challenges of a real-time software-based implementation for the very high throughput (VHT) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11ac amendment from the wireless local area networks (WLAN) family, where an SDR-based solution is introduced for the frequency-domain baseband processing of a multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) transmitter and receiver. The feasibility of the implementation is evaluated with respect to the number of clock cycles and the consumed power. Furthermore, a digital front-end (DFE) concept is developed for the IEEE 802.11ac receiver, where the 80 MHz waveform is divided to two 40 MHz signals. This is carried out through time-domain digital filtering and decimation, which is challenging due to the latency and cyclic prefix (CP) budget of the receiver. Different multi-rate channelization architectures are developed, and the software implementation is presented and evaluated in terms of execution time, number of clock cycles, power, and energy consumption on different multi-core platforms.Secondly, this thesis addresses selected advanced techniques developed to realize inband fullduplex (IBFD) systems, which aim at improving spectral efficiency in today’s congested radio spectrum. IBFD refers to concurrent transmission and reception on the same frequency band, where the main challenge to combat is the strong self-interference (SI). In this thesis, an SDRbased solution is introduced, which is capable of real-time mitigation of the SI signal. The implementation results show possibility of achieving real-time sufficient SI suppression under time-varying environments using low-power, mobile-scale multi-core processing platforms. To investigate the challenges associated with SDR implementations for mobile-scale devices with limited processing and power resources, processing platforms suitable for hand-held devices are selected in this thesis work. On the baseband processing side, a very long instruction word (VLIW) processor, optimized for wireless communication applications, is utilized. Furthermore, in the solutions presented for the DFE processing and the digital SI canceller, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) multi-core central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs) are used with the aim of investigating the performance enhancement achieved by utilizing parallel processing.Overall, this thesis provides solutions to the challenges of low-power, and real-time software-based implementation of computationally intensive signal processing algorithms for the current and future communications systems

    Gestión de jerarquías de memoria híbridas a nivel de sistema

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadoras y Automática y de Ku Leuven, Arenberg Doctoral School, Faculty of Engineering Science, leída el 11/05/2017.In electronics and computer science, the term ‘memory’ generally refers to devices that are used to store information that we use in various appliances ranging from our PCs to all hand-held devices, smart appliances etc. Primary/main memory is used for storage systems that function at a high speed (i.e. RAM). The primary memory is often associated with addressable semiconductor memory, i.e. integrated circuits consisting of silicon-based transistors, used for example as primary memory but also other purposes in computers and other digital electronic devices. The secondary/auxiliary memory, in comparison provides program and data storage that is slower to access but offers larger capacity. Examples include external hard drives, portable flash drives, CDs, and DVDs. These devices and media must be either plugged in or inserted into a computer in order to be accessed by the system. Since secondary storage technology is not always connected to the computer, it is commonly used for backing up data. The term storage is often used to describe secondary memory. Secondary memory stores a large amount of data at lesser cost per byte than primary memory; this makes secondary storage about two orders of magnitude less expensive than primary storage. There are two main types of semiconductor memory: volatile and nonvolatile. Examples of non-volatile memory are ‘Flash’ memory (sometimes used as secondary, sometimes primary computer memory) and ROM/PROM/EPROM/EEPROM memory (used for firmware such as boot programs). Examples of volatile memory are primary memory (typically dynamic RAM, DRAM), and fast CPU cache memory (typically static RAM, SRAM, which is fast but energy-consuming and offer lower memory capacity per are a unit than DRAM). Non-volatile memory technologies in Si-based electronics date back to the 1990s. Flash memory is widely used in consumer electronic products such as cellphones and music players and NAND Flash-based solid-state disks (SSDs) are increasingly displacing hard disk drives as the primary storage device in laptops, desktops, and even data centers. The integration limit of Flash memories is approaching, and many new types of memory to replace conventional Flash memories have been proposed. The rapid increase of leakage currents in Silicon CMOS transistors with scaling poses a big challenge for the integration of SRAM memories. There is also the case of susceptibility to read/write failure with low power schemes. As a result of this, over the past decade, there has been an extensive pooling of time, resources and effort towards developing emerging memory technologies like Resistive RAM (ReRAM/RRAM), STT-MRAM, Domain Wall Memory and Phase Change Memory(PRAM). Emerging non-volatile memory technologies promise new memories to store more data at less cost than the expensive-to build silicon chips used by popular consumer gadgets including digital cameras, cell phones and portable music players. These new memory technologies combine the speed of static random-access memory (SRAM), the density of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), and the non-volatility of Flash memory and so become very attractive as another possibility for future memory hierarchies. The research and information on these Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) technologies has matured over the last decade. These NVMs are now being explored thoroughly nowadays as viable replacements for conventional SRAM based memories even for the higher levels of the memory hierarchy. Many other new classes of emerging memory technologies such as transparent and plastic, three-dimensional(3-D), and quantum dot memory technologies have also gained tremendous popularity in recent years...En el campo de la informática, el término ‘memoria’ se refiere generalmente a dispositivos que son usados para almacenar información que posteriormente será usada en diversos dispositivos, desde computadoras personales (PC), móviles, dispositivos inteligentes, etc. La memoria principal del sistema se utiliza para almacenar los datos e instrucciones de los procesos que se encuentre en ejecución, por lo que se requiere que funcionen a alta velocidad (por ejemplo, DRAM). La memoria principal está implementada habitualmente mediante memorias semiconductoras direccionables, siendo DRAM y SRAM los principales exponentes. Por otro lado, la memoria auxiliar o secundaria proporciona almacenaje(para ficheros, por ejemplo); es más lenta pero ofrece una mayor capacidad. Ejemplos típicos de memoria secundaria son discos duros, memorias flash portables, CDs y DVDs. Debido a que estos dispositivos no necesitan estar conectados a la computadora de forma permanente, son muy utilizados para almacenar copias de seguridad. La memoria secundaria almacena una gran cantidad de datos aun coste menor por bit que la memoria principal, siendo habitualmente dos órdenes de magnitud más barata que la memoria primaria. Existen dos tipos de memorias de tipo semiconductor: volátiles y no volátiles. Ejemplos de memorias no volátiles son las memorias Flash (algunas veces usadas como memoria secundaria y otras veces como memoria principal) y memorias ROM/PROM/EPROM/EEPROM (usadas para firmware como programas de arranque). Ejemplos de memoria volátil son las memorias DRAM (RAM dinámica), actualmente la opción predominante a la hora de implementar la memoria principal, y las memorias SRAM (RAM estática) más rápida y costosa, utilizada para los diferentes niveles de cache. Las tecnologías de memorias no volátiles basadas en electrónica de silicio se remontan a la década de1990. Una variante de memoria de almacenaje por carga denominada como memoria Flash es mundialmente usada en productos electrónicos de consumo como telefonía móvil y reproductores de música mientras NAND Flash solid state disks(SSDs) están progresivamente desplazando a los dispositivos de disco duro como principal unidad de almacenamiento en computadoras portátiles, de escritorio e incluso en centros de datos. En la actualidad, hay varios factores que amenazan la actual predominancia de memorias semiconductoras basadas en cargas (capacitivas). Por un lado, se está alcanzando el límite de integración de las memorias Flash, lo que compromete su escalado en el medio plazo. Por otra parte, el fuerte incremento de las corrientes de fuga de los transistores de silicio CMOS actuales, supone un enorme desafío para la integración de memorias SRAM. Asimismo, estas memorias son cada vez más susceptibles a fallos de lectura/escritura en diseños de bajo consumo. Como resultado de estos problemas, que se agravan con cada nueva generación tecnológica, en los últimos años se han intensificado los esfuerzos para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías que reemplacen o al menos complementen a las actuales. Los transistores de efecto campo eléctrico ferroso (FeFET en sus siglas en inglés) se consideran una de las alternativas más prometedores para sustituir tanto a Flash (por su mayor densidad) como a DRAM (por su mayor velocidad), pero aún está en una fase muy inicial de su desarrollo. Hay otras tecnologías algo más maduras, en el ámbito de las memorias RAM resistivas, entre las que cabe destacar ReRAM (o RRAM), STT-RAM, Domain Wall Memory y Phase Change Memory (PRAM)...Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu