38 research outputs found

    A 0.3-2.6 TOPS/W Precision-Scalable Processor for Real-Time Large-Scale ConvNets

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    A low-power precision-scalable processor for ConvNets or convolutional neural networks (CNN) is implemented in a 40nm technology. Its 256 parallel processing units achieve a peak 102GOPS running at 204MHz. To minimize energy consumption while maintaining throughput, this works is the first to both exploit the sparsity of convolutions and to implement dynamic precision-scalability enabling supply- and energy scaling. The processor is fully C-programmable, consumes 25-288mW at 204 MHz and scales efficiency from 0.3-2.6 real TOPS/W. This system hereby outperforms the state-of-the-art up to 3.9x in energy efficiency.Comment: Published at the Symposium on VLSI Circuits, 2016, Honolulu, HI, U

    Algorithm and Hardware Design of Discrete-Time Spiking Neural Networks Based on Back Propagation with Binary Activations

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    We present a new back propagation based training algorithm for discrete-time spiking neural networks (SNN). Inspired by recent deep learning algorithms on binarized neural networks, binary activation with a straight-through gradient estimator is used to model the leaky integrate-fire spiking neuron, overcoming the difficulty in training SNNs using back propagation. Two SNN training algorithms are proposed: (1) SNN with discontinuous integration, which is suitable for rate-coded input spikes, and (2) SNN with continuous integration, which is more general and can handle input spikes with temporal information. Neuromorphic hardware designed in 40nm CMOS exploits the spike sparsity and demonstrates high classification accuracy (>98% on MNIST) and low energy (48.4-773 nJ/image).Comment: 2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS

    Dynamic Vision Sensor integration on FPGA-based CNN accelerators for high-speed visual classification

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    Deep-learning is a cutting edge theory that is being applied to many fields. For vision applications the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are demanding significant accuracy for classification tasks. Numerous hardware accelerators have populated during the last years to improve CPU or GPU based solutions. This technology is commonly prototyped and tested over FPGAs before being considered for ASIC fabrication for mass production. The use of commercial typical cameras (30fps) limits the capabilities of these systems for high speed applications. The use of dynamic vision sensors (DVS) that emulate the behavior of a biological retina is taking an incremental importance to improve this applications due to its nature, where the information is represented by a continuous stream of spikes and the frames to be processed by the CNN are constructed collecting a fixed number of these spikes (called events). The faster an object is, the more events are produced by DVS, so the higher is the equivalent frame rate. Therefore, these DVS utilization allows to compute a frame at the maximum speed a CNN accelerator can offer. In this paper we present a VHDL/HLS description of a pipelined design for FPGA able to collect events from an Address-Event-Representation (AER) DVS retina to obtain a normalized histogram to be used by a particular CNN accelerator, called NullHop. VHDL is used to describe the circuit, and HLS for computation blocks, which are used to perform the normalization of a frame needed for the CNN. Results outperform previous implementations of frames collection and normalization using ARM processors running at 800MHz on a Zynq7100 in both latency and power consumption. A measured 67% speedup factor is presented for a Roshambo CNN real-time experiment running at 160fps peak rate.Comment: 7 page

    NullHop: A Flexible Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator Based on Sparse Representations of Feature Maps

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have become the dominant neural network architecture for solving many state-of-the-art (SOA) visual processing tasks. Even though Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) are most often used in training and deploying CNNs, their power efficiency is less than 10 GOp/s/W for single-frame runtime inference. We propose a flexible and efficient CNN accelerator architecture called NullHop that implements SOA CNNs useful for low-power and low-latency application scenarios. NullHop exploits the sparsity of neuron activations in CNNs to accelerate the computation and reduce memory requirements. The flexible architecture allows high utilization of available computing resources across kernel sizes ranging from 1x1 to 7x7. NullHop can process up to 128 input and 128 output feature maps per layer in a single pass. We implemented the proposed architecture on a Xilinx Zynq FPGA platform and present results showing how our implementation reduces external memory transfers and compute time in five different CNNs ranging from small ones up to the widely known large VGG16 and VGG19 CNNs. Post-synthesis simulations using Mentor Modelsim in a 28nm process with a clock frequency of 500 MHz show that the VGG19 network achieves over 450 GOp/s. By exploiting sparsity, NullHop achieves an efficiency of 368%, maintains over 98% utilization of the MAC units, and achieves a power efficiency of over 3TOp/s/W in a core area of 6.3mm2^2. As further proof of NullHop's usability, we interfaced its FPGA implementation with a neuromorphic event camera for real time interactive demonstrations

    CUTIE: Beyond PetaOp/s/W Ternary DNN Inference Acceleration with Better-than-Binary Energy Efficiency

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    We present a 3.1 POp/s/W fully digital hardware accelerator for ternary neural networks. CUTIE, the Completely Unrolled Ternary Inference Engine, focuses on minimizing non-computational energy and switching activity so that dynamic power spent on storing (locally or globally) intermediate results is minimized. This is achieved by 1) a data path architecture completely unrolled in the feature map and filter dimensions to reduce switching activity by favoring silencing over iterative computation and maximizing data re-use, 2) targeting ternary neural networks which, in contrast to binary NNs, allow for sparse weights which reduce switching activity, and 3) introducing an optimized training method for higher sparsity of the filter weights, resulting in a further reduction of the switching activity. Compared with state-of-the-art accelerators, CUTIE achieves greater or equal accuracy while decreasing the overall core inference energy cost by a factor of 4.8x-21x

    Towards Closing the Energy Gap Between HOG and CNN Features for Embedded Vision

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    Computer vision enables a wide range of applications in robotics/drones, self-driving cars, smart Internet of Things, and portable/wearable electronics. For many of these applications, local embedded processing is preferred due to privacy and/or latency concerns. Accordingly, energy-efficient embedded vision hardware delivering real-time and robust performance is crucial. While deep learning is gaining popularity in several computer vision algorithms, a significant energy consumption difference exists compared to traditional hand-crafted approaches. In this paper, we provide an in-depth analysis of the computation, energy and accuracy trade-offs between learned features such as deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and hand-crafted features such as Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG). This analysis is supported by measurements from two chips that implement these algorithms. Our goal is to understand the source of the energy discrepancy between the two approaches and to provide insight about the potential areas where CNNs can be improved and eventually approach the energy-efficiency of HOG while maintaining its outstanding performance accuracy

    Hardware for Machine Learning: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Machine learning plays a critical role in extracting meaningful information out of the zetabytes of sensor data collected every day. For some applications, the goal is to analyze and understand the data to identify trends (e.g., surveillance, portable/wearable electronics); in other applications, the goal is to take immediate action based the data (e.g., robotics/drones, self-driving cars, smart Internet of Things). For many of these applications, local embedded processing near the sensor is preferred over the cloud due to privacy or latency concerns, or limitations in the communication bandwidth. However, at the sensor there are often stringent constraints on energy consumption and cost in addition to throughput and accuracy requirements. Furthermore, flexibility is often required such that the processing can be adapted for different applications or environments (e.g., update the weights and model in the classifier). In many applications, machine learning often involves transforming the input data into a higher dimensional space, which, along with programmable weights, increases data movement and consequently energy consumption. In this paper, we will discuss how these challenges can be addressed at various levels of hardware design ranging from architecture, hardware-friendly algorithms, mixed-signal circuits, and advanced technologies (including memories and sensors).United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)Texas Instruments IncorporatedIntel Corporatio

    A hierarchical adaptively boosted in-memory classifier in 6T SRAM

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    Recent emerging machine learning applications such as Internet-of-Things and medical devices require to be operated in a battery-powered platform. As the machine learning algorithms involve heavy data-intensive computations, interest in energy-efficient and low-delay machine learning accelerators is growing. Because there is a trade-off between energy and accuracy in machine learning applications, it is a reasonable direction to provide scalable architecture which has diverse operating points. This thesis presents a high-accuracy in-memory realization of the AdaBoost machine learning classifier. The proposed classifier employs a deep in-memory architecture (DIMA), and employs foreground calibration to compensate for PVT variations and improve task-level accuracy. The proposed architecture switches between a high accuracy/high power (HA) mode and a low power/low accuracy (LP) mode via soft decision thresholding to provide an elegant energy-accuracy trade-off. The proposed realization achieves an EDP reduction of 43X over a digital architecture at an iso-accuracy of 95% for the MNIST dataset, which is an improvement of 5% over a previous in-memory implementation of AdaBoost