32 research outputs found

    National bibliography of Mauritius

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    Consistent with its statutory responsibility, the National Library compiles the current ‘National Bibliography of Mauritius’ every year. The object of the current National Bibliography is to list every new work printed and published in and on Mauritius, to describe it in detail and give its bibliographical data and subject matter as precisely as possible. The National Bibliography is considered as a useful information tool, which gives access to the National Library’s Mauritiana Collection. It contains works printed in Mauritius during that period and deposited at the National Library, under the Legal Deposit Regulations and also those acquired through other sources. It includes books, society newsletters, government publications, current serials, reports, company accounts and reports, school magazines and newspapers. The first ‘National Bibliography of Mauritius’ for the years 1996 to 2000 was published in 2002. The second ‘National Bibliography of Mauritius’ for the years 2001 to 2003 was published in May 2005

    Guide to the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme

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    This library uses the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme (DDC) to arrange books and other library materials on the shelves for easy retrieval. It is used in many libraries and allows items about the same subject to be shelved together. This is a guide to the numbers used and what they represent

    Electronic Publishing in Higher Education: How to design OAI interfaces - Recommendations -

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    The Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) allows sharing metadata serving to describe arbitrary objects with others. In addition to a short overview of the protocol the paper on hand contains recommendations for the application of Sets by German data providers and for the proper usage of the metadata elements of Dublin Core (DC). Thereby the target is pursued to ensure an efficient metadata exchange between the different users of the OAI protocol

    ‘Anything but indifferent’: the Warburg Institute’s Library Classification System

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    Essay presented in 2016 as fulfillment of requirements for completion of the module INM303 - Information Organisation, part of the MSc Library and Information Science course at City, University of London. Abstract: This essay is a report on The Warburg Institute's Library classification system. It is divided in three parts: first, in 'Background', I present a bit of the history of the Warburg Institute, with a focus on how it is intrinsically related to the thought and research of its founder Aby Warburg; second, in 'The classification system and the library', I describe further the developments of the Institute, including the adoption of the classification scheme, and provide a description of the classification itself; finally, in 'Considerations', I analyse some of the features of the system, make a few comparisons with both the Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal systems, and leave some open inquiries as opportunity for further research. From a glance, it is evident that I have made many, long citations. I have found great references from both the creators of the classification system, Fritz Saxl and Gertrud Bing, and chose to cite them whenever possible instead of paraphrasing their words, specially Bing's, as I believe the language they used reveals quite a lot about the thought behind the Institute and the classification system itself—and, perhaps, no other classification scheme reflects so much and so well a specific understanding of the world as this one

    Bulletin of the Washington State Normal School Ellensburg. Library Number

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    Technical Processing of University Library: A Theoretical Study

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    Technical services operations comprise of ordering, claiming and receipt of materials, cataloging and classification of materials; and serials control. Beside these, other technical services operations contain circulation, documents, foreign language and special collections, and bibliographic instruction in technical services areas. This leads me to believe that the distinction between technical services and public or reader services in individual libraries is based on custom and tradition arising out of incidental circumstances, rather than on fundamental principle. In this article, I tried to provide some basic aspect regarding technical processing which help in maintaining the library bitterly. In this article, I include basic aspect of acquisition, classification, cataloguing and information retrieval. Beside this I tried to focus on library management software which is most important for technical processing now a day

    Filing and Indexing Methods for Students and Pastors

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    Since the average pastor has available no one qualified to assist him in this task, he must do most of it himself. Aside from the task of reading and evaluating printed materials, the pastor must find some way of storing these materials and organizing them so as to have available the materials he needs, when he needs them. Dr. Elgin S. Moyer, librarian at Moody Bible Institute, reports a comment from one of his professors, “There are two ways of securing the information we need; one, having it in our memory, and the other, knowing where to find what we want when we need it.” The aim of this thesis shall be to describe a method of filing and indexing which may be used to help the pastor and student in this task

    Evaluative criteria for library services in the elementary school.

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Student librarian program in Belt Valley High School Montana

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