10 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Prediction Infrastructure Using Deep Learning

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    Coronavirus can lead to respiratory illnesses ranging from mild to severe, and even death, which makes early detection critical. However, current COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) detection methods are not only expensive but also time-consuming. This poses a challenge, especially with an increasing number of patients and demand for testing kits. Waiting for test results for a few days is not ideal, as the outbreak can spread quickly in the meantime. To address this issue, we propose a COVID-19 prediction infrastructure using deep learning. This innovative android-based application uses a Convolutional Neural Network model, trained on a custom dataset with an accuracy of 97 percent, to predict whether COVID-19 is present or not. With this fast and low-cost approach, users can quickly detect COVID-19 and take appropriate actions to reduce the risk of transmission

    Activities of daily life recognition using process representation modelling to support intention analysis

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    Purpose – This paper aims to focus on applying a range of traditional classification- and semantic reasoning-based techniques to recognise activities of daily life (ADLs). ADL recognition plays an important role in tracking functional decline among elderly people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Accurate recognition enables smart environments to support and assist the elderly to lead an independent life for as long as possible. However, the ability to represent the complex structure of an ADL in a flexible manner remains a challenge. Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents an ADL recognition approach, which uses a hierarchical structure for the representation and modelling of the activities, its associated tasks and their relationships. This study describes an approach in constructing ADLs based on a task-specific and intention-oriented plan representation language called Asbru. The proposed method is particularly flexible and adaptable for caregivers to be able to model daily schedules for Alzheimer’s patients. Findings – A proof of concept prototype evaluation has been conducted for the validation of the proposed ADL recognition engine, which has comparable recognition results with existing ADL recognition approaches. Originality/value – The work presented in this paper is novel, as the developed ADL recognition approach takes into account all relationships and dependencies within the modelled ADLs. This is very useful when conducting activity recognition with very limited features

    Inference Engine Based on a Hierarchical Structure for Detecting Everyday Activities within the Home

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    One of the key objectives of an ambient assisted living environment is to enable elderly people to lead a healthy and independent life. These assisted environments have the capability to capture and infer activities performed by individuals, which can be useful for providing assistance and tracking functional decline among the elderly community. This paper presents an activity recognition engine based on a hierarchal structure, which allows modelling, representation and recognition of ADLs, their associated tasks, objects, relationships and dependencies. The structure of this contextual information plays a vital role in conducting accurate ADL recognition. The recognition performance of the inference engine has been validated with a series of experiments based on object usage data collected within the home environment

    Opportunities and Risks of Disaster Data from Social Media: A Systematic Review of Incident Information

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    Compiling and disseminating information about incidents and disasters is key to disaster management and relief. But due to inherent limitations of the acquisition process, the required information is often incomplete or missing altogether. To fill these gaps, citizen observations spread through social media are widely considered to be a promising source of relevant information, and many studies propose new methods to tap this resource. Yet, the overarching question of whether, and under which circumstances social media can supply relevant information (both qualitatively and quantitatively) still remains unanswered. To shed some light on this question, we review 37 large disaster and incident databases covering 27 incident types, organize the contained data and its collection process, and identify the missing or incomplete information. The resulting data collection reveals six major use cases for social media analysis in incident data collection: impact assessment and verification of model predictions, narrative generation, enabling enhanced citizen involvement, supporting weakly institutionalized areas, narrowing surveillance areas, and reporting triggers for periodical surveillance. Aside from this analysis, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of social media data for closing information gaps related to incidents and disasters

    Una arquitectura para aplicaciones educativas basadas en mundos virtuales e interfaces tangibles

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de lectura: 23-11-201

    Distributed eventual leader election in the crash-recovery and general omission failure models.

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    102 p.Distributed applications are present in many aspects of everyday life. Banking, healthcare or transportation are examples of such applications. These applications are built on top of distributed systems. Roughly speaking, a distributed system is composed of a set of processes that collaborate among them to achieve a common goal. When building such systems, designers have to cope with several issues, such as different synchrony assumptions and failure occurrence. Distributed systems must ensure that the delivered service is trustworthy.Agreement problems compose a fundamental class of problems in distributed systems. All agreement problems follow the same pattern: all processes must agree on some common decision. Most of the agreement problems can be considered as a particular instance of the Consensus problem. Hence, they can be solved by reduction to consensus. However, a fundamental impossibility result, namely (FLP), states that in an asynchronous distributed system it is impossible to achieve consensus deterministically when at least one process may fail. A way to circumvent this obstacle is by using unreliable failure detectors. A failure detector allows to encapsulate synchrony assumptions of the system, providing (possibly incorrect) information about process failures. A particular failure detector, called Omega, has been shown to be the weakest failure detector for solving consensus with a majority of correct processes. Informally, Omega lies on providing an eventual leader election mechanism

    Scientific report

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    XVIII Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa, SIIE 2016

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    El Simposio Internacional de Informática Educativa (SIIE) ofrece un foro internacional para la presentación y debate de los últimos avances en investigación sobre las tecnologías para el aprendizaje y su aplicación práctica en los procesos educativos. También pretende poner en contacto a investigadores, desarrolladores, representantes institucionales y profesores para compartir puntos de vista, conocimientos y experiencias