16 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationOver the last decade, cyber-physical systems (CPSs) have seen significant applications in many safety-critical areas, such as autonomous automotive systems, automatic pilot avionics, wireless sensor networks, etc. A Cps uses networked embedded computers to monitor and control physical processes. The motivating example for this dissertation is the use of fault- tolerant routing protocol for a Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture that connects electronic control units (Ecus) to regulate sensors and actuators in a vehicle. With a network allowing Ecus to communicate with each other, it is possible for them to share processing power to improve performance. In addition, networked Ecus enable flexible mapping to physical processes (e.g., sensors, actuators), which increases resilience to Ecu failures by reassigning physical processes to spare Ecus. For the on-chip routing protocol, the ability to tolerate network faults is important for hardware reconfiguration to maintain the normal operation of a system. Adding a fault-tolerance feature in a routing protocol, however, increases its design complexity, making it prone to many functional problems. Formal verification techniques are therefore needed to verify its correctness. This dissertation proposes a link-fault-tolerant, multiflit wormhole routing algorithm, and its formal modeling and verification using two different methodologies. An improvement upon the previously published fault-tolerant routing algorithm, a link-fault routing algorithm is proposed to relax the unrealistic node-fault assumptions of these algorithms, while avoiding deadlock conservatively by appropriately dropping network packets. This routing algorithm, together with its routing architecture, is then modeled in a process-algebra language LNT, and compositional verification techniques are used to verify its key functional properties. As a comparison, it is modeled using channel-level VHDL which is compiled to labeled Petri-nets (LPNs). Algorithms for a partial order reduction method on LPNs are given. An optimal result is obtained from heuristics that trace back on LPNs to find causally related enabled predecessor transitions. Key observations are made from the comparison between these two verification methodologies

    Easier Parallel Programming with Provably-Efficient Runtime Schedulers

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    Over the past decade processor manufacturers have pivoted from increasing uniprocessor performance to multicore architectures. However, utilizing this computational power has proved challenging for software developers. Many concurrency platforms and languages have emerged to address parallel programming challenges, yet writing correct and performant parallel code retains a reputation of being one of the hardest tasks a programmer can undertake. This dissertation will study how runtime scheduling systems can be used to make parallel programming easier. We address the difficulty in writing parallel data structures, automatically finding shared memory bugs, and reproducing non-deterministic synchronization bugs. Each of the systems presented depends on a novel runtime system which provides strong theoretical performance guarantees and performs well in practice

    Functional Programming for Embedded Systems

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    Embedded Systems application development has traditionally been carried out in low-level machine-oriented programming languages like C or Assembler that can result in unsafe, error-prone and difficult-to-maintain code. Functional programming with features such as higher-order functions, algebraic data types, polymorphism, strong static typing and automatic memory management appears to be an ideal candidate to address the issues with low-level languages plaguing embedded systems. However, embedded systems usually run on heavily memory-constrained devices with memory in the order of hundreds of kilobytes and applications running on such devices embody the general characteristics of being (i) I/O- bound, (ii) concurrent and (iii) timing-aware. Popular functional language compilers and runtimes either do not fare well with such scarce memory resources or do not provide high-level abstractions that address all the three listed characteristics. This work attempts to address this gap by investigating and proposing high-level abstractions specialised for I/O-bound, concurrent and timing-aware embedded-systems programs. We implement the proposed abstractions on eagerly-evaluated, statically-typed functional languages running natively on microcontrollers. Our contributions are divided into two parts - Part 1 presents a functional reactive programming language - Hailstorm - that tracks side effects like I/O in its type system using a feature called resource types. Hailstorm’s programming model is illustrated on the GRiSP microcontroller board.Part 2 comprises two papers that describe the design and implementation of Synchron, a runtime API that provides a uniform message-passing framework for the handling of software messages as well as hardware interrupts. Additionally, the Synchron API supports a novel timing operator to capture the notion of time, common in embedded applications. The Synchron API is implemented as a virtual machine - SynchronVM - that is run on the NRF52 and STM32 microcontroller boards. We present programming examples that illustrate the concurrency, I/O and timing capabilities of the VM and provide various benchmarks on the response time, memory and power usage of SynchronVM

    On testing concurrent systems through contexts of queues

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    Concurrent systems, including asynchronous circuits, computer networks, and multi-threaded programs, have important applications, but they are also very complex and expensive to test. This thesis studies how to test concurrent systems through contexts consisting of queues. Queues, modeling buffers and communication delays, are an integral part of the test settings for concurrent systems. However, queues can also distort the behavior of the concurrent system as observed by the tester, so one should take into account the queues when defining conformance relations or deriving tests. On the other hand, queues can cause state explosion, so one should avoid testing them if they are reliable or have already been tested. To solve these problems, we propose two different solutions. The first solution is to derive tests using some test selection criteria such as test purposes, fault coverage, and transition coverage. The second solution is to compensate for the problems caused by the queues so that testers do not discern the presence of the queues in the first place. Unifying the presentation of the two solutions, we consider in a general testing framework partial specifications, various contexts, and a hierarchy of conformance relations. Case studies on test derivation for asynchronous circuits, communication protocols, and multi-threaded programs are presented to demonstrate the applications of the results

    System Support for Distributed Energy Management in Modular Operating Systems

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    This thesis proposes a novel approach for managing energy in modular operating systems. Our approach enables energy awareness if the resource-management subsystem is distributed among multiple operating-system modules. There are four key achievements: a model for modularization-aware energy management; the support for exposed and distributed energy accounting and allocation; the use of different energy-management interaction protocols; and, finally, the support virtualization of energy effects

    The readying of applications for heterogeneous computing

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    High performance computing is approaching a potentially significant change in architectural design. With pressures on the cost and sheer amount of power, additional architectural features are emerging which require a re-think to the programming models deployed over the last two decades. Today's emerging high performance computing (HPC) systems are maximising performance per unit of power consumed resulting in the constituent parts of the system to be made up of a range of different specialised building blocks, each with their own purpose. This heterogeneity is not just limited to the hardware components but also in the mechanisms that exploit the hardware components. These multiple levels of parallelism, instruction sets and memory hierarchies, result in truly heterogeneous computing in all aspects of the global system. These emerging architectural solutions will require the software to exploit tremendous amounts of on-node parallelism and indeed programming models to address this are emerging. In theory, the application developer can design new software using these models to exploit emerging low power architectures. However, in practice, real industrial scale applications last the lifetimes of many architectural generations and therefore require a migration path to these next generation supercomputing platforms. Identifying that migration path is non-trivial: With applications spanning many decades, consisting of many millions of lines of code and multiple scientific algorithms, any changes to the programming model will be extensive and invasive and may turn out to be the incorrect model for the application in question. This makes exploration of these emerging architectures and programming models using the applications themselves problematic. Additionally, the source code of many industrial applications is not available either due to commercial or security sensitivity constraints. This thesis highlights this problem by assessing current and emerging hard- ware with an industrial strength code, and demonstrating those issues described. In turn it looks at the methodology of using proxy applications in place of real industry applications, to assess their suitability on the next generation of low power HPC offerings. It shows there are significant benefits to be realised in using proxy applications, in that fundamental issues inhibiting exploration of a particular architecture are easier to identify and hence address. Evaluations of the maturity and performance portability are explored for a number of alternative programming methodologies, on a number of architectures and highlighting the broader adoption of these proxy applications, both within the authors own organisation, and across the industry as a whole

    Event Processing and Stream Reasoning with ETALIS

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    This thesis presents the ETALIS Language for Events (ELE), a declarative rule-based language for Event Processing (EP) and Stream Reasoning (SR). ELE features a well-defined semantics, and provides strong event processing and reasoning capabilities. In this work we present ELE and show how its EP and SR capabilities have the potential to provide powerful real time intelligence. We provide a prototype implementation of the language, and present evaluation results for a few implemented scenarios