36 research outputs found

    Fifth-Generation Technologies for the Connected Car:Capable Systems for Vehicle-to-Anything Communications

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    Two strong technology trends, one in the mobile communications industry and the other in the automotive industry, are becoming interwoven and will jointly provide new capabilities and functionality for upcoming intelligent transport systems (ITSs) and future driving. The automotive industry is on a path where vehicles are continuously becoming more aware of their environment due to the addition of various types of integrated sensors. At the same time, the amount of automation in vehicles increases, which, with some intermediate steps, will eventually culminate in fully automated driving without human intervention. Along this path, the amount of interactions rises, both in-between vehicles and between vehicles and other road users, and with an increasingly intelligent road infrastructure. As a consequence, the significance and reliance on capable communication systems for vehicleto-anything (V2X) communication is becoming a key asset that will enhance the performance of automated driving and increase further road traffic safety with combination of sensor-based technologies [1]

    On the needs and requirements arising from connected and automated driving

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    Future 5G systems have set a goal to support mission-critical Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications and they contribute to an important step towards connected and automated driving. To achieve this goal, the communication technologies should be designed based on a solid understanding of the new V2X applications and the related requirements and challenges. In this regard, we provide a description of the main V2X application categories and their representative use cases selected based on an analysis of the future needs of cooperative and automated driving. We also present a methodology on how to derive the network related requirements from the automotive specific requirements. The methodology can be used to analyze the key requirements of both existing and future V2X use cases

    IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Special Issue on: 5G for Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting

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    [EN] The upcoming fifth-generation ( 5G ) of wireless communications technologies is expected to revolutionize society digital transformation thanks to its unprecedented wireless performance capabilities, providing speeds of several Gbps, very low latencies well below 5 ms, ultra-reliable transmissions with up to 99.999% success probability, while being able to handle a huge number of devices simultaneously connected to the network. The first version of the 3GPP specification (i.e., Release 15) has been recently completed and many 5G trials are under plan or carrying out worldwide, with the first commercial deployments happening in 2019."© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works."Gomez-Barquero, D.; Li, W.; Fuentes, M.; Xiong, J.; Araniti, G.; Akamine, C.; Wang, J. (2019). IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Special Issue on: 5G for Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 65(2):351-355. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBC.2019.2914866S35135565

    On the Scalability of the 5G RAN to Support Advanced V2X Services

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    Cellular networks currently support non-safety-critical Vehicle to Everything (V2X) services with relaxed latency and reliability requirements. 5G introduces novel technologies at the radio, transport and core networks that are expected to significantly reduce the latency and increase the flexibility and reliability of cellular networks. This has raised expectations on the possibility for 5G to support advanced V2X applications, including connected and automated applications such as advanced ADAS services, cooperative driving and remote driving. At the radio access network (RAN), 5G introduces the New Radio (NR) interface that incorporates flexible numerologies and new slot formats, channel coding schemes, and radio resource management processes. Previous studies have reported latency values of 5G NR below 2 ms when considering scenarios with limited users in the cell and with unlimited bandwidth. Supporting advanced V2X services using 5G requires a scalable network capable to support a larger number of users without degrading the required service level in scenarios with potentially limited spectrum. This study advances the current state of the art with the evaluation of the scalability of the 5G NR RAN. As a case study, the paper evaluates the capacity of 5G RAN to support the latency and reliability requirements of the cooperative lane change use case as the network load varies. The results show that the capacity of the 5G RAN to support advanced V2X services depends on the system configuration, network load and service requirements. These results call for a careful design, configuration and planning of 5G networks to support V2X services.UMH work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCI), AEI and FEDER funds under Project TEC2017-88612-R, and the Ministry of Universities (IJC2018-036862-I)

    A C-V2X/5G Field Study for Supporting Automated Driving

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    5G-Enabled Autonomous Platooning on Robotic Vehicle Testbed

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    Humanity is progressively moving towards a more intuitive and technological future. The area of Intelligent and Cooperative Transport Systems has revealed itself as one of the areas in great evolution, through technologies of autonomous driving and intravehicle communication. With the main goal of providing accident-free environments as well as optimizing the movement of vehicles on roads all over the world, Vehicle to Everything (V2X) communication is very important when it comes to all kinds of vehicular applications. The CMU|PT FLOYD project focuses on this area, with the aim of developing new systems for possible future implementation. In this report, a vehicular application using a 5G-capable module to perform Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communications was evaluated. This vehicular application is based on an emergency braking scenario, whereby detecting an approaching vehicle in a place where an accident occurred, a message is sent over the network that is picked up by the main vehicle, triggering braking. It should be noted that this sending will be made through the module with 5G capacity, thus being an innovative application. Complementary to this scenario is the tracking of a vehicle by another vehicle, thus making a more complex emergency braking application with a cooperative platoon. This platoon will be maintained through sensors present in the following vehicle, such as LiDAR and ZED camera. With this, image processing and a sensor fusion was done in order to keep the follower at a safe distance but with the ability to follow the leader. In order to validate and test this entire solution, robotic testbeds were used as a low-cost solution, allowing a concrete evaluation, with enlightening physical results of the entire application performed.A humanidade, está a caminhar, progressivamente, para um futuro mais intuitivo e tecnológico. A área dos Sistemas Inteligentes e Cooperativos de Transporte tem-se revelado como uma das áreas em grande evolução, através de tecnologias de condução autónoma e comunicação intra-veicular. Com o objetivo principal de proporcionar ambientes sem acidentes, assim como otimizar o movimento de veículos nas estradas de todo o mundo, a comunicação V2X é muito importante no que toca a todo o tipo de aplicações veiculares. O projeto CMU|PT FLOYD centra-se nesta mesma área, com o intuito de desenvolver novos sistemas de possível implementação futura. Neste relatório, é avaliada assim uma aplicação veicular utilizando um módulo com capacidade 5G para realizar comunicações V2I. Essa aplicação veicular baseiase num cenário de travagem de emergência, em que ao detetar uma aproximação de um veículo num local onde ocorreu um acidente, é enviada uma mensagem pela rede que é captada pelo veículo principal, despoletando a travagem. De destacar que este envio será feito através do módulo com capacidade 5G, sendo desta forma uma aplicação inovadora. Complementado a este cenário está a realização do seguimento de um veículo por parte de um outro veículo, tornando assim uma aplicação mais complexa de travagem de emergência com um pelotão cooperativo. Este pelotão será mantido através de sensores presentes no veículo seguidor como o LiDAR e a ZED camera. Com isto, foi utilizado processamento de imagem e foi feita a fusão de sensores de forma a manter o seguidor a uma distância de segurança mas com capacidade de seguir o líder. Com o objetivo de validar e testar toda esta solução, foram utilizadas plataformas robóticas como solução de baixo custo, permitindo assim ter uma avaliação concreta, com resultados físicos esclarecedores de toda a aplicação realizada

    Location Estimation and Recovery using 5G Positioning: Thwarting GNSS Spoofing Attacks

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    The availability of cheap GNSS spoofers can prevent safe navigation and tracking of road users. It can lead to loss of assets, inaccurate fare estimation, enforcing the wrong speed limit, miscalculated toll tax, passengers reaching an incorrect location, etc. The techniques designed to prevent and detect spoofing by using cryptographic solutions or receivers capable of differentiating legitimate and attack signals are insufficient in detecting GNSS spoofing of road users. Recent studies, testbeds, and 3GPP standards are exploring the possibility of hybrid positioning, where GNSS data will be combined with the 5G-NR positioning to increase the security and accuracy of positioning. We design the Location Estimation and Recovery(LER) systems to estimate the correct absolute position using the combination of GNSS and 5G positioning with other road users, where a subset of road users can be malicious and collude to prevent spoofing detection. Our Location Verification Protocol extends the understanding of Message Time of Arrival Codes (MTAC) to prevent attacks against malicious provers. The novel Recovery and Meta Protocol uses road users' dynamic and unpredictable nature to detect GNSS spoofing. This protocol provides fast detection of GNSS spoofing with a very low rate of false positives and can be customized to a large family of settings. Even in a (highly unrealistic) worst-case scenario where each user is malicious with a probability of as large as 0.3, our protocol detects GNSS spoofing with high probability after communication and ranging with at most 20 road users, with a false positive rate close to 0. SUMO simulations for road traffic show that we can detect GNSS spoofing in 2.6 minutes since its start under moderate traffic conditions