51 research outputs found

    Deep Recurrent Neural Network for Intrusion Detection in SDN-based Networks

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    Software Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged as a key enabler for future agile Internet architecture. Nevertheless, the flexibility provided by SDN architecture manifests several new design issues in terms of network security. These issues must be addressed in a unified way to strengthen overall network security for future SDN deployments. Consequently, in this paper, we propose a Gated Recurrent Unit Recurrent Neural Network (GRU-RNN) enabled intrusion detection systems for SDNs. The proposed approach is tested using the NSL-KDD dataset, and we achieve an accuracy of 89% with only six raw features. Our experiment results also show that the proposed GRU-RNN does not deteriorate the network performance. Through extensive experiments, we conclude that the proposed approach exhibits a strong potential for intrusion detection in the SDN environments

    Slicing on the road: enabling the automotive vertical through 5G network softwarization

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    The demanding requirements of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) applications, such as ultra-low latency, high-bandwidth, highly-reliable communication, intensive computation and near-real time data processing, raise outstanding challenges and opportunities for fifth generation (5G) systems. By allowing an operator to flexibly provide dedicated logical networks with (virtualized) functionalities over a common physical infrastructure, network slicing candidates itself as a prominent solution to support V2X over upcoming programmable and softwarized 5G systems in a business-agile manner. In this paper, a network slicing framework is proposed along with relevant building blocks and mechanisms to support V2X applications by flexibly orchestrating multi-access and edge-dominated 5G network infrastructures, especially with reference to roaming scenarios. Proof of concept experiments using the Mininet emulator showcase the viability and potential benefits of the proposed framework for cooperative driving use cases1812não temMinistério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações - MCTICThe research of Prof. Christian Esteve Rothenberg was partially supported by the H2020 4th EUBR Collaborative Call, under the grant agreement number 777067 (NECOS - Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing), funded by the European Commission and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation, and Communication (MCTIC) through RNP and CTI

    An Architecture for Provisioning In-Network Computing-Enabled Slices for Holographic Applications in Next-Generation Networks

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    Applications such as holographic concerts are now emerging. However, their provisioning remains highly challenging. Requirements such as high bandwidth and ultra-low latency are still very challenging for the current network infrastructure. In-network computing (INC) is an emerging paradigm that enables the distribution of computing tasks across the network instead of computing on servers outside the network. It aims at tackling these two challenges. This article advocates the use of the INC paradigm to tackle holographic applications' high bandwidth and low latency challenges instead of the edge computing paradigm that has been used so far. Slicing brings flexibility to next-generation networks by enabling the deployment of applications/verticals with different requirements on the same network infrastructure. We propose an architecture that enables the provisioning of INC-enabled slices for holographic-type application deployment. The architecture is validated through a proof of concept and extensive simulations. Our experimental results show that INC significantly outperforms edge computing when it comes to these two key challenges. In addition, low jitter was maintained to preserve the hologram's stability

    A Comprehensive Survey of In-Band Control in SDN: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a thriving networking architecture that has gained popularity in recent years, particularly as an enabling technology to foster paradigms like edge computing. SDN separates the control and data planes, which are later on synchronised via a control protocol such as OpenFlow. In-band control is a type of SDN control plane deployment in which the control and data planes share the same physical network. It poses several challenges, such as security vulnerabilities, network congestion, or data loss. Nevertheless, despite these challenges, in-band control also presents significant opportunities, including improved network flexibility and programmability, reduced costs, and increased reliability. Benefiting from the previous advantages, diverse in-band control designs exist in the literature, with the objective of improving the operation of SDN networks. This paper surveys the different approaches that have been proposed so far towards the advance in in-band SDN control, based on four main categories: automatic routing, fast failure recovery, network bootstrapping, and distributed control. Across these categories, detailed summary tables and comparisons are presented, followed by a discussion on current trends a challenges in the field. Our conclusion is that the use of in-band control in SDN networks is expected to drive innovation and growth in the networking industry, but efforts for holistic and full-fledged proposals are still needed

    Investigation and performance optimization of mesh networking in Zigbee

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    The aim of this research paper is to perform a detailed investigation and performance optimization of mesh networking in Zigbee. ZigBee applications are open and global wireless technology that are based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard, it is used for sense and control in many fields like, military, commercial, industrial and medical applications. Extending ZigBee lifetime is a high demand in many ZigBee networks industry and applications, and since the lifetime of ZigBee nodes depends mainly on batteries for their power, the desire for developing a scheme or methodology that support power management and saving battery lifetime is of a great requirement. In this research work, a power sensitive routing Algorithm is proposed Power Sensitive Ad hoc On-Demand (PS-AODV) to develop protocol scheme and methodology of existing on-demand routing protocols, by introducing an algorithm that manages ZigBee operations and construct the route from trusted active nodes. Furthermore, many aspects of routing protocol in ZigBee mesh networks have been researched to concentrate on route discovery, route maintenance, neighbouring table, and shortest paths. PS-AODV routing algorithm is used in two different ZigBee mesh networks, with two different coordinator locations, one used at the centre and the other one at the corner of the networks. The extracted results conclude a better network operation for the coordinator located at the centre with an increase in the network lifetime around 20% percentage, and saved about 32.7% of delay time compare to AODV

    Role of artificial intelligence in cloud computing, IoT and SDN: Reliability and scalability issues

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    Information technology fields are now more dominated by artificial intelligence, as it is playing a key role in terms of providing better services. The inherent strengths of artificial intelligence are driving the companies into a modern, decisive, secure, and insight-driven arena to address the current and future challenges. The key technologies like cloud, internet of things (IoT), and software-defined networking (SDN) are emerging as future applications and rendering benefits to the society. Integrating artificial intelligence with these innovations with scalability brings beneficiaries to the next level of efficiency. Data generated from the heterogeneous devices are received, exchanged, stored, managed, and analyzed to automate and improve the performance of the overall system and be more reliable. Although these new technologies are not free of their limitations, nevertheless, the synthesis of technologies has been challenged and has put forth many challenges in terms of scalability and reliability. Therefore, this paper discusses the role of artificial intelligence (AI) along with issues and opportunities confronting all communities for incorporating the integration of these technologies in terms of reliability and scalability. This paper puts forward the future directions related to scalability and reliability concerns during the integration of the above-mentioned technologies and enable the researchers to address the current research gaps

    TSCH Multiflow Scheduling with QoS Guarantees: A Comparison of SDN with Common Schedulers

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    [EN] Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSN) are becoming increasingly popular in production environments due to their ease of deployment, low cost and energy efficiency. However, the complexity and accuracy demanded by these environments requires that IWSN implement quality of service mechanisms that allow them to operate with high determinism. For this reason, the IEEE 802.15.4e standard incorporates the Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) protocol which reduces interference and increases the reliability of transmissions. This standard does not specify how time resources are allocated in TSCH scheduling, leading to multiple scheduling solutions. Schedulers can be classified as autonomous, distributed and centralised. The first two have prevailed over the centralised ones because they do not require high signalling, along with the advantages of ease of deployment and high performance. However, the increased QoS requirements and the diversity of traffic flows that circulate through the network in today's Industry 4.0 environment require strict, dynamic control to guarantee parameters such as delay, packet loss and deadline, independently for each flow. That cannot always be achieved with distributed or autonomous schedulers. For this reason, it is necessary to use centralised protocols with a disruptive approach, such as Software Defined Networks (SDN). In these, not only is the control of the MAC layer centralised, but all the decisions of the nodes that make up the network are configured by the controller based on a global vision of the topology and resources, which allows optimal decisions to be made. In this work, a comparative analysis is made through simulation and a testbed of the different schedulers to demonstrate the benefits of a fully centralized approach such as SDN. The results obtained show that with SDN it is possible to simplify the management of multiple flows, without the problems of centralised schedulers. SDN maintains the Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) levels of other distributed solutions, but in addition, it achieves greater determinism with bounded end-to-end delays and Deadline Satisfaction Ratio (DSR) at the cost of increased power consumption.This work has been supported by DAIS (https://dais-project.eu/) which has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101007273. The JU receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Turkey. It has also been funded by Generalitat Valenciana through the "Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial-IVACE". Furthermore, has been supported by the MCyU (Spanish Ministry of Science and Universities) under the project ATLAS (PGC2018-094151-B-I00), which is partially funded by AEI, FEDER and EU.Orozco-Santos, F.; Sempere Paya, VM.; Silvestre-Blanes, J.; Albero Albero, T. (2022). TSCH Multiflow Scheduling with QoS Guarantees: A Comparison of SDN with Common Schedulers. Applied Sciences. 12(1):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/app1201011911912

    Empowering the Internet of Vehicles with Multi-RAT 5G Network Slicing

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    Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a hot research niche exploiting the synergy between Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) and the Internet of Things (IoT), which can greatly benefit of the upcoming development of 5G technologies. The variety of end-devices, applications, and Radio Access Technologies (RATs) in IoV calls for new networking schemes that assure the Quality of Service (QoS) demanded by the users. To this end, network slicing techniques enable traffic differentiation with the aim of ensuring flow isolation, resource assignment, and network scalability. This work fills the gap of 5G network slicing for IoV and validates it in a realistic vehicular scenario. It offers an accurate bandwidth control with a full flow-isolation, which is essential for vehicular critical systems. The development is based on a distributed Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) architecture, which provides flexibility for the dynamic placement of the Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) in charge of managing network traffic. The solution is able to integrate heterogeneous radio technologies such as cellular networks and specific IoT communications with potential in the vehicular sector, creating isolated network slices without risking the Core Network (CN) scalability. The validation results demonstrate the framework capabilities of short and predictable slice-creation time, performance/QoS assurance and service scalability of up to one million connected devices.EC/H2020/825496/EU/5G for cooperative & connected automated MOBIility on X-border corridors/5G-MOBI

    A Machine Learning-Based Anomaly Prediction Service for Software-Defined Networks

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) has gained tremendous growth and can be exploited in different network scenarios, from data centers to wide-area 5G networks. It shifts control logic from the devices to a centralized entity (programmable controller) for efficient traffic monitoring and flow management. A software-based controller enforces rules and policies on the requests sent by forwarding elements; however, it cannot detect anomalous patterns in the network traffic. Due to this, the controller may install the flow rules against the anomalies, reducing the overall network performance. These anomalies may indicate threats to the network and decrease its performance and security. Machine learning (ML) approaches can identify such traffic flow patterns and predict the systems’ impending threats. We propose an ML-based service to predict traffic anomalies for software-defined networks in this work. We first create a large dataset for network traffic by modeling a programmable data center with a signature-based intrusion-detection system. The feature vectors are pre-processed and are constructed against each flow request by the forwarding element. Then, we input the feature vector of each request to a machine learning classifier for training to predict anomalies. Finally, we use the holdout cross-validation technique to evaluate the proposed approach. The evaluation results specify that the proposed approach is highly accurate. In contrast to baseline approaches (random prediction and zero rule), the performance improvement of the proposed approach in average accuracy, precision, recall, and f-measure is (54.14%, 65.30%, 81.63%, and 73.70%) and (4.61%, 11.13%, 9.45%, and 10.29%), respectively