7 research outputs found

    Quantitative Evaluation of Dense Skeletons for Image Compression

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    Skeletons are well-known descriptors used for analysis and processing of 2D binary images. Recently, dense skeletons have been proposed as an extension of classical skeletons as a dual encoding for 2D grayscale and color images. Yet, their encoding power, measured by the quality and size of the encoded image, and how these metrics depend on selected encoding parameters, has not been formally evaluated. In this paper, we fill this gap with two main contributions. First, we improve the encoding power of dense skeletons by effective layer selection heuristics, a refined skeleton pixel-chain encoding, and a postprocessing compression scheme. Secondly, we propose a benchmark to assess the encoding power of dense skeletons for a wide set of natural and synthetic color and grayscale images. We use this benchmark to derive optimal parameters for dense skeletons. Our method, called Compressing Dense Medial Descriptors (CDMD), achieves higher-compression ratios at similar quality to the well-known JPEG technique and, thereby, shows that skeletons can be an interesting option for lossy image encoding

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    Sixth Biennial Report : August 2001 - May 2003

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    Visualization and Analysis of Flow Fields based on Clifford Convolution

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    Vector fields from flow visualization often containmillions of data values. It is obvious that a direct inspection of the data by the user is tedious. Therefore, an automated approach for the preselection of features is essential for a complete analysis of nontrivial flow fields. This thesis deals with automated detection, analysis, and visualization of flow features in vector fields based on techniques transfered from image processing. This work is build on rotation invariant template matching with Clifford convolution as developed in the diploma thesis of the author. A detailed analysis of the possibilities of this approach is done, and further techniques and algorithms up to a complete segmentation of vector fields are developed in the process. One of the major contributions thereby is the definition of a Clifford Fourier transform in 2D and 3D, and the proof of a corresponding convolution theorem for the Clifford convolution as well as other major theorems. This Clifford Fourier transform allows a frequency analysis of vector fields and the behavior of vectorvalued filters, as well as an acceleration of the convolution computation as a fast transform exists. The depth and precision of flow field analysis based on template matching and Clifford convolution is studied in detail for a specific application, which are flow fields measured in the wake of a helicopter rotor. Determining the features and their parameters in this data is an important step for a better understanding of the observed flow. Specific techniques dealing with subpixel accuracy and the parameters to be determined are developed on the way. To regard the flow as a superposition of simpler features is a necessity for this application as close vortices influence each other. Convolution is a linear system, so it is suited for this kind of analysis. The suitability of other flow analysis and visualization methods for this task is studied here as well. The knowledge and techniques developed for this work are brought together in the end to compute and visualize feature based segmentations of flow fields. The resulting visualizations display important structures of the flow and highlight the interesting features. Thus, a major step towards robust and automatic detection, analysis and visualization of flow fields is taken

    Engineering shortest paths and layout algorithms for large graphs

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    Analysis and Visualisation of Edge Entanglement in Multiplex Networks

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    Cette thèse présente une nouvelle méthodologie pour analyser des réseaux. Nous développons l'intrication d'un réseau multiplex, qui se matérialise sous forme d'une mesure d'intensité et d'homogénéité, et d'une abstraction, le réseau d'interaction des catalyseurs, auxquels sont associés des indices d'intrication. Nous présentons ensuite la mise en place d'outils spécifiques pour l'analyse visuelle des réseaux complexes qui tirent profit de cette méthodologie. Ces outils présente une vue double de deux réseaux,qui inclue une un algorithme de dessin, une interaction associant brossage d'une sélection et de multiples liens pré-attentifs. Nous terminons ce document par la présentation détaillée d'applications dans de multiples domaines.When it comes to comprehension of complex phenomena, humans need to understand what interactions lie within them.These interactions are often captured with complex networks. However, the interaction pluralism is often shallowed by traditional network models. We propose a new way to look at these phenomena through the lens of multiplex networks, in which catalysts are drivers of the interaction through substrates. To study the entanglement of a multiplex network is to study how edges intertwine, in other words, how catalysts interact. Our entanglement analysis results in a full set of new objects which completes traditional network approaches: the entanglement homogeneity and intensity of the multiplex network, and the catalyst interaction network, with for each catalyst, an entanglement index. These objects are very suitable for embedment in a visual analytics framework, to enable comprehension of a complex structure. We thus propose of visual setting with coordinated multiple views. We take advantage of mental mapping and visual linking to present simultaneous information of a multiplex network at three different levels of abstraction. We complete brushing and linking with a leapfrog interaction that mimics the back-and-forth process involved in users' comprehension. The method is validated and enriched through multiple applications including assessing group cohesion in document collections, and identification of particular associations in social networks.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Biometric Systems

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    Because of the accelerating progress in biometrics research and the latest nation-state threats to security, this book's publication is not only timely but also much needed. This volume contains seventeen peer-reviewed chapters reporting the state of the art in biometrics research: security issues, signature verification, fingerprint identification, wrist vascular biometrics, ear detection, face detection and identification (including a new survey of face recognition), person re-identification, electrocardiogram (ECT) recognition, and several multi-modal systems. This book will be a valuable resource for graduate students, engineers, and researchers interested in understanding and investigating this important field of study