19 research outputs found

    Query management in a sensor environment

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    Traditional sensor network deployments consisted of fixed infrastructures and were relatively small in size. More and more, we see the deployment of ad-hoc sensor networks with heterogeneous devices on a larger scale, posing new challenges for device management and query processing. In this paper, we present our design and prototype implementation of XSense, an architecture supporting metadata and query services for an underlying large scale dynamic P2P sensor network. We cluster sensor devices into manageable groupings to optimise the query process and automatically locate appropriate clusters based on keyword abstraction from queries. We present experimental analysis to show the benefits of our approach and demonstrate improved query performance and scalability

    Efficient data representation for XML in peer-based systems

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    Purpose - New directions in the provision of end-user computing experiences mean that the best way to share data between small mobile computing devices needs to be determined. Partitioning large structures so that they can be shared efficiently provides a basis for data-intensive applications on such platforms. The partitioned structure can be compressed using dictionary-based approaches and then directly queried without firstly decompressing the whole structure. Design/methodology/approach - The paper describes an architecture for partitioning XML into structural and dictionary elements and the subsequent manipulation of the dictionary elements to make the best use of available space. Findings - The results indicate that considerable savings are available by removing duplicate dictionaries. The paper also identifies the most effective strategy for defining dictionary scope. Research limitations/implications - This evaluation is based on a range of benchmark XML structures and the approach to minimising dictionary size shows benefit in the majority of these. Where structures are small and regular, the benefits of efficient dictionary representation are lost. The authors' future research now focuses on heuristics for further partitioning of structural elements. Practical implications - Mobile applications that need access to large data collections will benefit from the findings of this research. Traditional client/server architectures are not suited to dealing with high volume demands from a multitude of small mobile devices. Peer data sharing provides a more scalable solution and the experiments that the paper describes demonstrate the most effective way of sharing data in this context. Social implications - Many services are available via smartphone devices but users are wary of exploiting the full potential because of the need to conserve battery power. The approach mitigates this challenge and consequently expands the potential for users to benefit from mobile information systems. This will have impact in areas such as advertising, entertainment and education but will depend on the acceptability of file sharing being extended from the desktop to the mobile environment. Originality/value - The original work characterises the most effective way of sharing large data sets between small mobile devices. This will save battery power on devices such as smartphones, thus providing benefits to users of such devices

    Засіб керування довготривалими транзакціями в XML-орієнтованій СУБД

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    The review methods of transaction management and completed the design and development controls long-term transactions of semi-structured data in XML-oriented DBMSПроведен анализ методов управления транзакциями и выполнено проектирование и разработка средств управления длительными транзакциями полуструктурироваными данными в XML-ориентированной СУБДПроведено огляд методів керування транзакціями і виконано проектування та розробку засобу керування довготривалими транзакціями з напівструктурованими даними в XML- орієнтованійСУБД

    Solving the intractable problem: optimal performance for worst case scenarios in XML twig pattern matching

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    In the history of databases, eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has been thought of as the standard format to store and exchange semi-structured data. With the advent of IoT, XML technologies can play an important role in addressing the issue of processing a massive amount of data generated from heterogeneous devices. As the number and complexity of such datasets increases there is a need for algorithms which are able to index and retrieve XML data efficiently even for complex queries. In this context twig pattern matching , finding all occurrences of a twig pattern query (TPQ), is a core operation in XML query processing. Until now holistic joins have been considered the state-of-the-art TPQ processing algorithms, but they fail to guarantee an optimal evaluation except at the expense of excessive storage costs which limit their scope in large datasets. In this article, we introduce a new approach which significantly outperforms earlier methods in terms of both the size of the intermediate storage and query running time. The approach presented here uses Child Prime Labels (Alsubai & North, 2018) to improve the filtering phase of bottom-up twig matching algorithms and a novel algorithm which avoids the use of stacks, thus improving TPQs processing efficiency. Several experiments were conducted on common benchmarks such as DBLP, XMark and TreeBank datasets to study the performance of the new approach. Multiple analyses on a range of twig pattern queries are presented to demonstrate the statistical significance of the improvements

    Efficient asymmetric inclusion of regular expressions with interleaving and counting for XML type-checking

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    The inclusion of Regular Expressions (REs) is the kernel of any type-checking algorithm for XML manipulation languages. XML applications would benefit from the extension of REs with interleaving and counting, but this is not feasible in general, since inclusion is EXPSPACE-complete for such extended REs. In Colazzo et al. (2009) [1] we introduced a notion of ?conflict-free REs?, which are extended REs with excellent complexity behaviour, including a polynomial inclusion algorithm [1] and linear membership (Ghelli et al., 2008 [2]). Conflict-free REs have interleaving and counting, but the complexity is tamed by the ?conflict-free? limitations, which have been found to be satisfied by the vast majority of the content models published on the Web.However, a type-checking algorithm needs to compare machine-generated subtypes against human-defined supertypes. The conflict-free restriction, while quite harmless for the human-defined supertype, is far too restrictive for the subtype. We show here that the PTIME inclusion algorithm can be actually extended to deal with totally unrestricted REs with counting and interleaving in the subtype position, provided that the supertype is conflict-free.This is exactly the expressive power that we need in order to use subtyping inside type-checking algorithms, and the cost of this generalized algorithm is only quadratic, which is as good as the best algorithm we have for the symmetric case (see [1]). The result is extremely surprising, since we had previously found that symmetric inclusion becomes NP-hard as soon as the candidate subtype is enriched with binary intersection, a generalization that looked much more innocent than what we achieve here

    From disclosure to transparency - Essays on firms' voluntary disclosure in a transforming environment

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    This cumulative thesis is based on three articles. In the first paper, I investigate firms' greenhouse gas emission disclosure strategies. The results show the potential existence of different disclosure equilibria, which implies different disclosure patterns in different industries. I further identify that disclosure mandates may have an adverse effect on firms' abatement incentives and even their total emissions. In the second paper, I propose a model to investigate firms’ signaling decisions on the product level. In the third paper, my coauthors and I investigate the potential and limits of privacy-preserving corporate blockchain applications for information provision. We show that blockchain technology can improve the information environment and outperform traditional institutions. However, we also characterize an adverse mixed-adoption equilibrium in which neither of the two channels realizes its full potential and information provision declines not only for individual firms but also in aggregate

    Rewriting Declarative Query Languages

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    Queries against databases are formulated in declarative languages. Examples are the relational query language SQL and XPath or XQuery for querying data stored in XML. Using a declarative query language, the querist does not need to know about or decide on anything about the actual strategy a system uses to answer the query. Instead, the system can freely choose among the algorithms it employs to answer a query. Predominantly, query processing in the relational context is accomplished using a relational algebra. To this end, the query is translated into a logical algebra. The algebra consists of logical operators which facilitate the application of various optimization techniques. For example, logical algebra expressions can be rewritten in order to yield more efficient expressions. In order to query XML data, XPath and XQuery have been developed. Both are declarative query languages and, hence, can benefit from powerful optimizations. For instance, they could be evaluated using an algebraic framework. However, in general, the existing approaches are not directly utilizable for XML query processing. This thesis has two goals. The first goal is to overcome the above-mentioned misfits of XML query processing, making it ready for industrial-strength settings. Specifically, we develop an algebraic framework that is designed for the efficient evaluation of XPath and XQuery. To this end, we define an order-aware logical algebra and a translation of XPath into this algebra. Furthermore, based on the resulting algebraic expressions, we present rewrites in order to speed up the execution of such queries. The second goal is to investigate rewriting techniques in the relational context. To this end, we present rewrites based on algebraic equivalences that unnest nested SQL queries with disjunctions. Specifically, we present equivalences for unnesting algebraic expressions with bypass operators to handle disjunctive linking and correlation. Our approach can be applied to quantified table subqueries as well as scalar subqueries. For all our results, we present experiments that demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed approaches

    Forschungsbericht Universität Mannheim 2006 / 2007

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    Sie erhalten darin zum einen zusammenfassende Darstellungen zu den Forschungsschwerpunkten und Forschungsprofilen der Universität und deren Entwicklung in der Forschung. Zum anderen gibt der Forschungsbericht einen Überblick über die Publikationen und Forschungsprojekte der Lehrstühle, Professuren und zentralen Forschungseinrichtungen. Diese werden ergänzt um Angaben zur Organisation von Forschungsveranstaltungen, der Mitwirkung in Forschungsausschüssen, einer Übersicht zu den für Forschungszwecke eingeworbenen Drittmitteln, zu den Promotionen und Habilitationen, zu Preisen und Ehrungen und zu Förderern der Universität Mannheim. Darin zeigt sich die Bandbreite und Vielseitigkeit der Forschungsaktivitäten und deren Erfolg auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene

    Locomotion Trajectory Generation and Dynamic Control for Bipedal Walking Robots

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