491 research outputs found

    Enabling Context-Aware Web Services: A Middleware Approach for Ubiquitous Environments

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    In ubiquitous environments, mobile applications should sense and react to environmental changes to provide a better user experience. In order to deal with these concerns, Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) provide a solution allowing applications to interact with the services available in their surroundings. In particular, context-aware Web Services can adapt their behavior considering the user context. However, the limited resources of mobile devices restrict the adaptation degree. Furthermore, the diverse nature of context information makes difficult its retrieval, processing and distribution. To tackle these challenges, we present the CAPPUCINO platform for executing context-aware Web Services in ubiquitous environments. In particular, in this chapter we focus on the middleware part that is built as an autonomic control loop that deals with dynamic adaptation. In this autonomic loop we use FraSCAti, an implementation of the Service Component Architecture (SCA) specification, as the execution kernel for Web Services. The context distribution is achieved with SPACES, a flexible solution based on REST (REpresentational State Transfer ) principles and benefiting from the COSMOS (COntext entitieS coMpositiOn and Sharing ) context manage- ment framework. The application of our platform is illustrated with a mobile commerce application scenario that combines context-aware Web Services and social networks

    A Real-Time Service-Oriented Architecture for Industrial Automation

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    Industrial automation platforms are experiencing a paradigm shift. New technologies are making their way in the area, including embedded real-time systems, standard local area networks like Ethernet, Wi-Fi and ZigBee, IP-based communication protocols, standard service oriented architectures (SOAs) and Web services. An automation system will be composed of flexible autonomous components with plug & play functionality, self configuration and diagnostics, and autonomic local control that communicate through standard networking technologies. However, the introduction of these new technologies raises important problems that need to be properly solved, one of these being the need to support real-time and quality-of-service (QoS) for real-time applications. This paper describes a SOA enhanced with real-time capabilities for industrial automation. The proposed architecture allows for negotiation of the QoS requested by clients from Web services, and provides temporal encapsulation of individual activities. This way, it is possible to perform an a priori analysis of the temporal behavior of each service, and to avoid unwanted interference among them. After describing the architecture, experimental results gathered on a real implementation of the framework (which leverages a soft real-time scheduler for the Linux kernel) are presented, showing the effectiveness of the proposed solution. The experiments were performed on simple case studies designed in the context of industrial automation applications

    How a Diverse Research Ecosystem Has Generated New Rehabilitation Technologies: Review of NIDILRR’s Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers

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    Over 50 million United States citizens (1 in 6 people in the US) have a developmental, acquired, or degenerative disability. The average US citizen can expect to live 20% of his or her life with a disability. Rehabilitation technologies play a major role in improving the quality of life for people with a disability, yet widespread and highly challenging needs remain. Within the US, a major effort aimed at the creation and evaluation of rehabilitation technology has been the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERCs) sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research. As envisioned at their conception by a panel of the National Academy of Science in 1970, these centers were intended to take a “total approach to rehabilitation”, combining medicine, engineering, and related science, to improve the quality of life of individuals with a disability. Here, we review the scope, achievements, and ongoing projects of an unbiased sample of 19 currently active or recently terminated RERCs. Specifically, for each center, we briefly explain the needs it targets, summarize key historical advances, identify emerging innovations, and consider future directions. Our assessment from this review is that the RERC program indeed involves a multidisciplinary approach, with 36 professional fields involved, although 70% of research and development staff are in engineering fields, 23% in clinical fields, and only 7% in basic science fields; significantly, 11% of the professional staff have a disability related to their research. We observe that the RERC program has substantially diversified the scope of its work since the 1970’s, addressing more types of disabilities using more technologies, and, in particular, often now focusing on information technologies. RERC work also now often views users as integrated into an interdependent society through technologies that both people with and without disabilities co-use (such as the internet, wireless communication, and architecture). In addition, RERC research has evolved to view users as able at improving outcomes through learning, exercise, and plasticity (rather than being static), which can be optimally timed. We provide examples of rehabilitation technology innovation produced by the RERCs that illustrate this increasingly diversifying scope and evolving perspective. We conclude by discussing growth opportunities and possible future directions of the RERC program

    Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge 2004 der Mitglieder der Fakultät für Informatik

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    Contributions aux systèmes répartis en environnements ubiquitaires : adaptation, sensibilité au contexte et tolérance aux fautes

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    D'années en années, nous observons l'arrivée sur le marche d'ordinateurs personnels de plus en plus petits pour des utilisateurs de plus en plus nombreux, ainsi des assistants personnels numériques et des objets dits connectés, en passant par les téléphones mobiles. Tous ces dispositifs tendent à être interchangeables du point de vue des ressources en mémoire, en calcul et en connectivité : par exemple, les téléphones mobiles sont devenus des équipements informatiques de moins en moins spécialisés ou de plus en plus universels et font dorénavant office en la matière de portails d'accès aux capteurs présents dans l'environnement immédiat de l'utilisateur. L'enjeu abordé dans nos travaux est la construction de systèmes répartis incluant ces nouveaux dispositifs matériels. L'objectif de mes recherches est la conception des paradigmes d'intermédiation génériques sous-jacents aux applications réparties de plus en plus ubiquitaires. Plus particulièrement, la problématique générale de mes travaux est la définition du rôle des intergiciels dans l'intégration des dispositifs mobiles et des objets connectés dans les architectures logicielles réparties. Ces architectures logicielles reposaient très majoritairement sur des infrastructures logicielles fixes au début des travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit. Dans ce manuscrit, je décris mes travaux sur trois sujets : 1) l'adaptation des applications réparties pour la continuité de service pendant les déconnexions, 2) la gestion des informations du contexte d'exécution des applications réparties pour leur sensibilité au contexte, et 3) les mécanismes de détection des entraves dans les environnements fortement dynamiques tels que ceux construits avec des réseaux mobiles spontanés. Sur le premier sujet, nous fournissons une couche intergicielle générique pour la gestion des aspects répartis de la gestion des déconnexions en utilisant une stratégie d'adaptation collaborative dans les architectures à base d'objets et de composants. Sur le deuxième sujet, nous étudions les paradigmes architecturaux pour la construction d'un service de gestion de contexte générique, afin d'adresser la diversité des traitements (fusion et agrégation, corrélation, détection de situation par apprentissage, etc.), puis nous adressons le problème de la distribution des informations de contexte aux différentes échelles de l'Internet des objets. Enfin, sur le troisième sujet, nous commençons par la détection des modes de fonctionnement pour l'adaptation aux déconnexions afin de faire la différence, lorsque cela est possible, entre une déconnexion et une défaillance, et ensuite nous spécifions et construisons un service de gestion de groupe partitionnable. Ce service est assez fort pour interdire la construction de partitions ne correspondant pas à la réalité de l'environnement à un instant donné et est assez faible pour être mis en oeuvre algorithmiquemen

    AAL platform with a “de facto” standard communication interface (TICO): Training in home control in special education

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    Framed within a long-term cooperation between university and special education teachers, training in alternative communication skills and home control was realized using the “TICO” interface, a communication panel editor extensively used in special education schools. From a technological view we follow AAL technology trends by integrating a successful interface in a heterogeneous services AAL platform, focusing on a functional view. Educationally, a very flexible interface in line with communication training allows dynamic adjustment of complexity, enhanced by an accessible mindset and virtual elements significance already in use, offers specific interaction feedback, adapts to the evolving needs and capacities and improves the personal autonomy and self-confidence of children at school and home. TICO-home-control was installed during the last school year in the library of a special education school to study adaptations and training strategies to enhance the autonomy opportunities of its pupils. The methodology involved a case study and structured and semi-structured observations. Five children, considered unable to use commercial home control systems were trained obtaining good results in enabling them to use an open home control system. Moreover this AAL platform has proved efficient in training children in previous cognitive steps like virtual representation and cause-effect interaction

    The United States Marine Corps Data Collaboration Requirements: Retrieving and Integrating Data From Multiple Databases

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    The goal of this research is to develop an information sharing and database integration model and suggest a framework to fully satisfy the United States Marine Corps collaboration requirements as well as its information sharing and database integration needs. This research is exploratory; it focuses on only one initiative: the IT-21 initiative. The IT-21 initiative dictates The Technology for the United States Navy and Marine Corps, 2000-2035: Becoming a 21st Century Force. The IT-21 initiative states that Navy and Marine Corps information infrastructure will be based largely on commercial systems and services, and the Department of the Navy must ensure that these systems are seamlessly integrated and that information transported over the infrastructure is protected and secure. The Delphi Technique, a qualitative method approach, was used to develop a Holistic Model and to suggest a framework for information sharing and database integration. Data was primarily collected from mid-level to senior information officers, with a focus on Chief Information Officers. In addition, an extensive literature review was conducted to gain insight about known similarities and differences in Strategic Information Management, information sharing strategies, and database integration strategies. It is hoped that the Armed Forces and the Department of Defense will benefit from future development of the information sharing and database integration Holistic Model

    Cppless: Productive and Performant Serverless Programming in C++

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    The rise of serverless introduced a new class of scalable, elastic and highly available parallel workers in the cloud. Many systems and applications benefit from offloading computations and parallel tasks to dynamically allocated resources. However, the developers of C++ applications found it difficult to integrate functions due to complex deployment, lack of compatibility between client and cloud environments, and loosely typed input and output data. To enable single-source and efficient serverless acceleration in C++, we introduce Cppless, an end-to-end framework for implementing serverless functions which handles the creation, deployment, and invocation of functions. Cppless is built on top of LLVM and requires only two compiler extensions to automatically extract C++ function objects and deploy them to the cloud. We demonstrate that offloading parallel computations from a C++ application to serverless workers can provide up to 30x speedup, requiring only minor code modifications and costing less than one cent per computation

    Born Digital / Grown Digital: Assessing the Future Competitiveness of the EU Video Games Software Industry

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    This report reflects the findings of the JRC-IPTS study on the Video games Industry, with a focus on two specific activities: online and mobile video games. The report starts by introducing the technologies, their characteristics, market diffusion and barriers to take up, and their potential economic impact, before moving to an analysis of their contribution to the competitiveness of the European ICT industry. The research is based on internal and external expertise, literature reviews and desk research, several workshops and syntheses of the current state of the knowledge. The results were reviewed by experts and in dedicated workshops. The report concludes that the general expectations for the next years foresee a speeded up migration of contents and services to digital, in a scenario of rapidly increasing convergence of digital technologies and integration of media services taking advantage of improved and permanent network connections. The role of the so-called creative content industry is expected to increase accordingly. Communication services and media industry will co-evolve on the playground of the Internet of services, along with a product to service transformation of the software market in general. In this general context the Video games Software industry plays and is expected to play a major role. The games industry may become a major driver of the development of networks as it has been in the past for the development of computer hardware.JRC.DDG.J.4-Information Societ

    Enabling Context-Aware Web Services: A Middleware Approach for Ubiquitous Environments

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    In ubiquitous environments, mobile applications should sense and react to environmental changes to provide a better user experience. In order to deal with these concerns, Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) provide a solution allowing applications to interact with the services available in their surroundings. In particular, context-aware Web Services can adapt their behavior considering the user context. However, the limited resources of mobile devices restrict the adaptation degree. Furthermore, the diverse nature of context information makes difficult its retrieval, processing and distribution. To tackle these challenges, we present the CAPPUCINO platform for executing context-aware Web Services in ubiquitous environments. In particular, in this chapter we focus on the middleware part that is built as an autonomic control loop that deals with dynamic adaptation. In this autonomic loop we use FraSCAti, an implementation of the Service Component Architecture (SCA) specification, as the execution kernel for Web Services. The context distribution is achieved with SPACES, a flexible solution based on REST (REpresentational State Transfer ) principles and benefiting from the COSMOS (COntext entitieS coMpositiOn and Sharing ) context manage- ment framework. The application of our platform is illustrated with a mobile commerce application scenario that combines context-aware Web Services and social networks