22 research outputs found

    3GPP SIP URI Inter-Operator Traffic Leg Parameter

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    Multimedia session continuity in the IP multimedia subsystem : investigation and testbed implementation

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 91-94).The advent of Internet Protocol (IP) based rich multimedia services and applications has seen rapid growth and adoption in recent years, with an equally increasing user base. Voice over IP (VoIP) and IP Television (IPTV) are key examples of services that are blurring the lines between traditional stove-pipe approach network infrastructures. In these, each service required a different network technology to be provisioned, and could only be accessed through a specific end user equipment (UE) technology. The move towards an all-IP core network infrastructure and the proliferation of multi-capability multi-interface user devices has spurred a convergence trend characterized by access to services and applications through any network, any device and anywhere

    VoLTE service implementation in EPS-IMS networks

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    DiplomovĂĄ prĂĄce popisuje VoLTE sluĆŸbu, vĂœvoj a nasazenĂ­ LTE (zavĂĄděcĂ­ fĂĄzi, skutečnĂœ LTE stav a vĂœhledy do budoucna atd.), EPC-IMS architekturu (popis funkce uzlu, rozhranĂ­ atd.) Komunikace mezi uzly a funkce, rozhranĂ­ a protokoly jsou pouĆŸĂ­vĂĄny v prĆŻběhu signalizace (SIP SDP) a datovĂœ tok (RTCP RTP). PrĂĄce stručně popisuje zĂĄkladnĂ­ toky hovorĆŻ, typy nosičƯ (GBR and N-GBR), a to vytvoƙenĂ­ / mazanĂ­ nosičƯ během komunikace. DalĆĄĂ­ část diplomovĂ© prĂĄce o implementaci volte, instalace a konfigurace IMS. ZĂĄvěrečnĂĄ část diplomovĂ© prĂĄce popisuje zkouĆĄky sĂ­tě a, analĂœzu protokolu.The master's thesis describes VoLTE service, LTE evolution and deployment (deployment phases, actual LTE state and future perspectives etc.), EPC-IMS architecture (functional node description, interfaces etc.). Communications between nodes and functions, interfaces and protocols which are used during signaling (SIP-SDP) and data flow (RTCP RTP). Thesis briefly describe basic call flows, bearers types (GBR and N-GBR) and their establishment/delete during communication. The next part of master's thesis is about VoLTE implementation solutions, IMS installation and configuration. The final part of master's thesis describes the network and protocols tests, analyzes.

    OSA/PARLAY on a SIP network

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    Design and implementation aspects of open source next generation networks (NGN) test-bed software toolkits

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    Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien bilden seit langem das immer wichtiger werdende RĂŒckgrat der weltweiten Wirtschaft und Telekommunikation, in der speziell Telekommunikationsnetze und -dienste einen elementaren Anteil tragen. Durch die Konvergenz von Telekommunikations- und Internettechnologien hat sich die Telekommunikationslandschaft in der letzten Dekade drastisch verĂ€ndert. Bislang geschlossene Telekommunikationsumgebungen haben sich imWandel zum sogenannten Next Generation Network (NGN) hinsichtlich unterstĂŒtzter Zugangsnetztechnologien und angebotener multimedialer Anwendungen sowie der eingesetzten Protokolle und Dienste zu komplexen, hochdynamischen, Multi-Service Infrastrukturen gewandelt. Die Kontrollschicht solcher NGNs ist dabei von ĂŒbergeordneter Bedeutung, da diese zwischen den Zugangsnetzen und den Anwendungen sitzt. Der Einsatz und die Optimierung des IP-Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) wurde in diesem Kontext Jahrelang erforscht und diskutiert und es reprĂ€sentiert heute die weltweit anerkannte Kontrollplattform fĂŒr feste und mobile Telekommunikationsnetze. Die Forschung an Protokollen und Diensten in diesen NGN Umgebungen ist aufgrund der Konvergenz von Technologien, Anwendungen und Business Modellen sowie der hohen Dynamik aber kurzen Innovationszyklen hochkomplex. Der frĂŒhzeitigen Zugang zu herstellerunabhĂ€ngigen – aber dicht an der Produktwelt angelehnten - Validierungsinfrastrukturen, sogenannten offenen Technologietest-beds, kurz Test-beds, ist daher fĂŒr Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilungen unerlĂ€sslich Die vorliegende Dissertation beschreibt die umfangreiche Forschungsarbeit des Autors auf dem Gebiet der offenen NGN Test-beds ĂŒber die letzten neun Jahre und konzentriert sich dabei auf Entwurf, Entwicklung und Bereitstellung des Open Source IMS Core Projekt, das seit Jahren die Grundlage fĂŒr eine Vielzahl von NGN Test-beds und zahllose NGN Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte im akademischen als auch Industrienahen Umfeld rund um den Globus darstellt. Dabei wird ein großer Schwerpunkt auf die Anforderungen hinsichtlich FlexibilitĂ€t, Leistung, FunktionalitĂ€tsumfang und InteroperabilitĂ€t, sowie elementare Designprinzipien von Test-bedwerkzeugen gelegt. Die Arbeit beschreibt und bewertet darĂŒberhinaus den Einsatz von Open Source Prinzipien und veranschaulicht die Vorteile dieses Ansatzes hinsichtlich Einfluss und Nachhaltigkeit der Forschung anhand des Aufbaus einer globalen Open Source IMS Core (OpenIMSCore) Forschungs-Community. Außerdem veranschaulicht die Arbeit zum Ende die Wiederverwendbarkeit der wesentlichen angewendeten Designprinzipien an anderen maßgeblich durch den Autor entwickelten Test-bed Werkzeugen, insbesondere dem Open Evolved Packet Core (OpenEPC) fĂŒr die nahtlose Integration verschiedener Breitbandnetztechnologien.Information and Communication Technologies provide for a long time already the backbone of telecommunication networks, such that communication services represent an elementary foundation of today’s globally connected economy. The telecommunication landscape has experienced dramatic transformations through the convergence of the Telecom and the Internet worlds. The previously closed telecommunication domain is currently transforming itself through the so-called NGN evolution into a highly dynamic multiservice infrastructure, supporting rich multimedia applications, as well as providing comprehensive support for various access technologies. The control layer of such NGNs is then of paramount importance, as representing the convergent mediator between access and services. The use and the optimization of the IP-Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) was researched and considered in this domain for many years now, such that today it represents the world-wide recognized control platform for fixed and mobile NGNs. Research on protocols and services for such NGN architectures, due to the convergence of technologies, applications and business models, as well as for enabling highly dynamic and short innovation cycles, is highly complex and requires early access to vendor independent - yet close to real life systems - validation environments, the so-called open technology test-beds. The present thesis describes the extensive research of the author over the last nine years in the field of open NGN test-beds. It focuses on the design, development and deployment of the Open Source IMS Core project, which represents since years the foundation of numerous NGN test-beds and countless NGN Research & Development projects in the academia as well as the industry domain around the globe. A major emphasis is given for ensuring flexibility, performance, reference functionality and inter-operability, as well as satisfying elementary design principles of such test-bed toolkits. The study also describes and evaluates the use of Open Source principles, highlighting the advantages of using it in regard to the creation, impact and sustainability of a global OpenIMSCore research community. Moreover, the work documents that the essential design principles and methodology employed can be reused in a generic way to create test-bed toolkits in other technology domains. This is shown by introducing the OpenEPC project, which provides for seamless integration of different mobile broadband technologies

    Dependable IMS services - A Performance Analysis of Server Replication and Mid-Session Inter-Domain Handover

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    Mobility Schemes for future networks based on the IMS

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    Inter-domain interoperability framework based on WebRTC

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    Nowadays, the communications paradigm is changing with the convergence of communication services to a model based on IP networks. Applications such as messaging or voice over IP are increasing its popularity and Communication Service Providers are focusing on offering this kind of services. Moreover, Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) has emerged as a technology that eases the creation of web applications featuring Real-Time Communications over IP networks without the need to develop and install any plug-in. It lacks of specifications in the control plane, leaving the possibility to use WebRTC over tailored web signalling solutions or legacy networks such as IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). This technology brings a wide range of possibilities for web developers, but Communication Service Providers are adviced to develop solutions based on the WebRTC technology as described in the Eurescom Study P2252. The lack of WebRTC specifications on the signalling platform together with the threats and opportunities that this technology represents for Communication Service Providers, makes evident the need of research on interoperability solutions for the different kind of signalling implementations and experimentation on the best way for Communication Service Providers to obtain the maximum benefit from WebRTC technology. The main goal of this thesis is precisely to develop a WebRTC interoperability framework and perform experiments on whether the Communication Service Providers should use their existing IMS solutions or develop tailored web signalling platforms for WebRTC deployments. In particular, the work developed in this thesis was completed under the framework of the Webrtc interOperability tested in coNtradictive DEployment scenaRios (WONDER) experimentation for the OpenLab project. OpenLab is a Large-scale integrating project (IP) and is part of the European Union Framework Programme 7 for Research and Development (FP7) addressing the work programme topic Future Internet Research and Experimentation.Actualmente, el paradigma de comunicaciones estĂĄ cambiando gracias a la convergencia de los servicios de comunicaciones hacia un modelo basado en redes IP. Aplicaciones tales como la mensajerĂ­a y la voz sobre IP estĂĄn creciendo en popularidad mientras los proveedores de servicios de comunicaciones se centran en ofrecer este tipo de servicios basados en redes IP. Por otra parte, la tecnologĂ­a WebRTC ha surgido para facilitar la creaciĂłn de aplicaciones web que incluyan comunicaciones en tiempo real sobre redes IP sin la necesidad de desarrollar o instalar ningĂșn complemento. Esta tecnologĂ­a no especifica los protocolos o sistemas a utilizar en el plano de control, dejando a los desarrolladores la posibilidad de usar WebRTC sobre soluciones de señalizaci on web especĂ­ficas o utilizar las redes de señalizaciĂłn existentes, tales como IMS. WebRTC abre un gran abanico de posibilidades a los desarrolladores web, aunque tambiĂ©n se recomienda a los proveedores de servicios de comunicaciones que desarrollen soluciones basadas en WebRTC como se describe en el estudio P2252 de Eurescom. La falta de especificaciones en el plano de señalizaciĂłn junto a las oportunidades y amenazas que WebRTC representa para los proveedores de servicios de comunicaciones, hacen evidente la necesidad de investigar soluciones de interoperabilidad para las distintas implementaciones de las plataformas de señalizaciĂłn y de experimentar c omo los proveedores de servicios de comunicaciones pueden obtener el mĂĄximo provecho de la tecnologĂ­a WebRTC. El objetivo principal de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera es desarrollar un marco de interoperabilidad para WebRTC y realizar experimentos que permitan determinar bajo que condiciones los proveedores de servicios de comunicaciones deben utilizar las plataformas de se~nalizaci on existentes (en este caso IMS) o desarrollar plataformas de señalizaciĂłn a medida basadas en tecnologĂ­as web para sus despliegues de WebRTC. En particular, el trabajo realizado en este Proyecto Fin de Carrera se llevĂł a cabo bajo el marco del proyecto WONDER para el programa OpenLab. OpenLab es un proyecto de integraciĂłn a gran escala en el cual se desarrollan investigaciones y experimentos en el ĂĄmbito del futuro Internet y que forma parte del programa FP7 de la UniĂłn Europea.IngenierĂ­a de TelecomunicaciĂł