2,275 research outputs found

    Intelligent sampling for the measurement of structured surfaces

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    Uniform sampling in metrology has known drawbacks such as coherent spectral aliasing and a lack of efficiency in terms of measuring time and data storage. The requirement for intelligent sampling strategies has been outlined over recent years, particularly where the measurement of structured surfaces is concerned. Most of the present research on intelligent sampling has focused on dimensional metrology using coordinate-measuring machines with little reported on the area of surface metrology. In the research reported here, potential intelligent sampling strategies for surface topography measurement of structured surfaces are investigated by using numerical simulation and experimental verification. The methods include the jittered uniform method, low-discrepancy pattern sampling and several adaptive methods which originate from computer graphics, coordinate metrology and previous research by the authors. By combining the use of advanced reconstruction methods and feature-based characterization techniques, the measurement performance of the sampling methods is studied using case studies. The advantages, stability and feasibility of these techniques for practical measurements are discussed

    Haptic Interaction with 3D oriented point clouds on the GPU

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    Real-time point-based rendering and interaction with virtual objects is gaining popularity and importance as di�erent haptic devices and technologies increasingly provide the basis for realistic interaction. Haptic Interaction is being used for a wide range of applications such as medical training, remote robot operators, tactile displays and video games. Virtual object visualization and interaction using haptic devices is the main focus; this process involves several steps such as: Data Acquisition, Graphic Rendering, Haptic Interaction and Data Modi�cation. This work presents a framework for Haptic Interaction using the GPU as a hardware accelerator, and includes an approach for enabling the modi�cation of data during interaction. The results demonstrate the limits and capabilities of these techniques in the context of volume rendering for haptic applications. Also, the use of dynamic parallelism as a technique to scale the number of threads needed from the accelerator according to the interaction requirements is studied allowing the editing of data sets of up to one million points at interactive haptic frame rates

    Geometry Processing of Conventionally Produced Mouse Brain Slice Images

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    Brain mapping research in most neuroanatomical laboratories relies on conventional processing techniques, which often introduce histological artifacts such as tissue tears and tissue loss. In this paper we present techniques and algorithms for automatic registration and 3D reconstruction of conventionally produced mouse brain slices in a standardized atlas space. This is achieved first by constructing a virtual 3D mouse brain model from annotated slices of Allen Reference Atlas (ARA). Virtual re-slicing of the reconstructed model generates ARA-based slice images corresponding to the microscopic images of histological brain sections. These image pairs are aligned using a geometric approach through contour images. Histological artifacts in the microscopic images are detected and removed using Constrained Delaunay Triangulation before performing global alignment. Finally, non-linear registration is performed by solving Laplace's equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Our methods provide significant improvements over previously reported registration techniques for the tested slices in 3D space, especially on slices with significant histological artifacts. Further, as an application we count the number of neurons in various anatomical regions using a dataset of 51 microscopic slices from a single mouse brain. This work represents a significant contribution to this subfield of neuroscience as it provides tools to neuroanatomist for analyzing and processing histological data.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Survey of semi-regular multiresolution models for interactive terrain rendering

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    Rendering high quality digital terrains at interactive rates requires carefully crafted algorithms and data structures able to balance the competing requirements of realism and frame rates, while taking into account the memory and speed limitations of the underlying graphics platform. In this survey, we analyze multiresolution approaches that exploit a certain semi-regularity of the data. These approaches have produced some of the most efficient systems to date. After providing a short background and motivation for the methods, we focus on illustrating models based on tiled blocks and nested regular grids, quadtrees and triangle bin-trees triangulations, as well as cluster-based approaches. We then discuss LOD error metrics and system-level data management aspects of interactive terrain visualization, including dynamic scene management, out-of-core data organization and compression, as well as numerical accurac

    Image Sampling with Quasicrystals

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    We investigate the use of quasicrystals in image sampling. Quasicrystals produce space-filling, non-periodic point sets that are uniformly discrete and relatively dense, thereby ensuring the sample sites are evenly spread out throughout the sampled image. Their self-similar structure can be attractive for creating sampling patterns endowed with a decorative symmetry. We present a brief general overview of the algebraic theory of cut-and-project quasicrystals based on the geometry of the golden ratio. To assess the practical utility of quasicrystal sampling, we evaluate the visual effects of a variety of non-adaptive image sampling strategies on photorealistic image reconstruction and non-photorealistic image rendering used in multiresolution image representations. For computer visualization of point sets used in image sampling, we introduce a mosaic rendering technique.Comment: For a full resolution version of this paper, along with supplementary materials, please visit at http://www.Eyemaginary.com/Portfolio/Publications.htm

    3D mesh metamorphosis from spherical parameterization for conceptual design

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    Engineering product design is an information intensive decision-making process that consists of several phases including design specification definition, design concepts generation, detailed design and analysis, and manufacturing. Usually, generating geometry models for visualization is a big challenge for early stage conceptual design. Complexity of existing computer aided design packages constrains participation of people with various backgrounds in the design process. In addition, many design processes do not take advantage of the rich amount of legacy information available for new concepts creation. The research presented here explores the use of advanced graphical techniques to quickly and efficiently merge legacy information with new design concepts to rapidly create new conceptual product designs. 3D mesh metamorphosis framework 3DMeshMorpher was created to construct new models by navigating in a shape-space of registered design models. The framework is composed of: i) a fast spherical parameterization method to map a geometric model (genus-0) onto a unit sphere; ii) a geometric feature identification and picking technique based on 3D skeleton extraction; and iii) a LOD controllable 3D remeshing scheme with spherical mesh subdivision based on the developedspherical parameterization. This efficient software framework enables designers to create numerous geometric concepts in real time with a simple graphical user interface. The spherical parameterization method is focused on closed genus-zero meshes. It is based upon barycentric coordinates with convex boundary. Unlike most existing similar approaches which deal with each vertex in the mesh equally, the method developed in this research focuses primarily on resolving overlapping areas, which helps speed the parameterization process. The algorithm starts by normalizing the source mesh onto a unit sphere and followed by some initial relaxation via Gauss-Seidel iterations. Due to its emphasis on solving only challenging overlapping regions, this parameterization process is much faster than existing spherical mapping methods. To ensure the correspondence of features from different models, we introduce a skeleton based feature identification and picking method for features alignment. Unlike traditional methods that align single point for each feature, this method can provide alignments for complete feature areas. This could help users to create more reasonable intermediate morphing results with preserved topological features. This skeleton featuring framework could potentially be extended to automatic features alignment for geometries with similar topologies. The skeleton extracted could also be applied for other applications such as skeleton-based animations. The 3D remeshing algorithm with spherical mesh subdivision is developed to generate a common connectivity for different mesh models. This method is derived from the concept of spherical mesh subdivision. The local recursive subdivision can be set to match the desired LOD (level of details) for source spherical mesh. Such LOD is controllable and this allows various outputs with different resolutions. Such recursive subdivision then follows by a triangular correction process which ensures valid triangulations for the remeshing. And the final mesh merging and reconstruction process produces the remeshing model with desired LOD specified from user. Usually the final merged model contains all the geometric details from each model with reasonable amount of vertices, unlike other existing methods that result in big amount of vertices in the merged model. Such multi-resolution outputs with controllable LOD could also be applied in various other computer graphics applications such as computer games


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    This thesis presents a new technique for the reconstruction of a smooth surface from a set of 3D data points. The reconstructed surface is represented by an everywhere -continuous subdivision surface which interpolates all the given data points. And the topological structure of the reconstructed surface is exactly the same as that of the data points. The new technique consists of two major steps. First, use an efficient surface reconstruction method to produce a polyhedral approximation to the given data points. Second, construct a Doo-Sabin subdivision surface that smoothly passes through all the data points in the given data set. A new technique is presented for the second step in this thesis. The new technique iteratively modifies the vertices of the polyhedral approximation 1CM until a new control meshM, whose Doo-Sabin subdivision surface interpolatesM, is reached. It is proved that, for any mesh M with any size and any topology, the iterative process is always convergent with Doo-Sabin subdivision scheme. The new technique has the advantages of both a local method and a global method, and the surface reconstruction process can reproduce special features such as edges and corners faithfully

    Interactive Out-of-core Visualization of Very Large Landscapes on Commodity Graphics Platforms

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    We recently introduced an efficient technique for out-of-core rendering and management of large textured landscapes. The technique, called Batched Dynamic Adaptive Meshes (BDAM), is based on a paired tree structure: a tiled quadtree for texture data and a pair of bintrees of small triangular patches for the geometry. These small patches are TINs that are constructed and optimized off-line with high quality simplification and tristripping algorithms. Hierarchical view frustum culling and view-dependendent texture/geometry refinement is performed at each frame with a stateless traversal algorithm that renders a continuous adaptive terrain surface by assembling out of core data. Thanks to the batched CPU/GPU communication model, the proposed technique is not processor intensive and fully harnesses the power of current graphics hardware. This paper summarizes the method and discusses the results obtained in a virtual flythrough over a textured digital landscape derived from aerial imaging.21-2