7,315 research outputs found

    Lead expansion and virtual screening of Indinavir derivate HIV-1 protease inhibitors using pharmacophoric - shape similarity scoring function

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    Indinavir (CrivaxanÂź) is a potent inhibitor of the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) protease. This enzyme has an important role in viral replication and is considered to be very attractive target for new antiretroviral drugs. However, it becomes less effective due to highly resistant new viral strains of HIV, which have multiple mutations in their proteases. For this reason, we used a lead expansion method to create a new set of compounds with a new mode of action to protease binding site. 1300 compounds chemically diverse from the initial hit were generated and screened to determine their ability to interact with protease and establish their QSAR properties. Further computational analyses revealed one unique compound with different protease binding ability from the initial hit and its role for possible new class of protease inhibitors is discussed in this report

    Protein Functional Surfaces: Global Shape Matching and Local Spatial Alignments of Ligand Binding Sites

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein surfaces comprise only a fraction of the total residues but are the most conserved functional features of proteins. Surfaces performing identical functions are found in proteins absent of any sequence or fold similarity. While biochemical activity can be attributed to a few key residues, the broader surrounding environment plays an equally important role.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe a methodology that attempts to optimize two components, global shape and local physicochemical texture, for evaluating the similarity between a pair of surfaces. Surface shape similarity is assessed using a three-dimensional object recognition algorithm and physicochemical texture similarity is assessed through a spatial alignment of conserved residues between the surfaces. The comparisons are used in tandem to efficiently search the Global Protein Surface Survey (GPSS), a library of annotated surfaces derived from structures in the PDB, for studying evolutionary relationships and uncovering novel similarities between proteins.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We provide an assessment of our method using library retrieval experiments for identifying functionally homologous surfaces binding different ligands, functionally diverse surfaces binding the same ligand, and binding surfaces of ubiquitous and conformationally flexible ligands. Results using surface similarity to predict function for proteins of unknown function are reported. Additionally, an automated analysis of the ATP binding surface landscape is presented to provide insight into the correlation between surface similarity and function for structures in the PDB and for the subset of protein kinases.</p

    Computational structure‐based drug design: Predicting target flexibility

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    The role of molecular modeling in drug design has experienced a significant revamp in the last decade. The increase in computational resources and molecular models, along with software developments, is finally introducing a competitive advantage in early phases of drug discovery. Medium and small companies with strong focus on computational chemistry are being created, some of them having introduced important leads in drug design pipelines. An important source for this success is the extraordinary development of faster and more efficient techniques for describing flexibility in three‐dimensional structural molecular modeling. At different levels, from docking techniques to atomistic molecular dynamics, conformational sampling between receptor and drug results in improved predictions, such as screening enrichment, discovery of transient cavities, etc. In this review article we perform an extensive analysis of these modeling techniques, dividing them into high and low throughput, and emphasizing in their application to drug design studies. We finalize the review with a section describing our Monte Carlo method, PELE, recently highlighted as an outstanding advance in an international blind competition and industrial benchmarks.We acknowledge the BSC-CRG-IRB Joint Research Program in Computational Biology. This work was supported by a grant from the Spanish Government CTQ2016-79138-R.J.I. acknowledges support from SVP-2014-068797, awarded by the Spanish Government.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sobiva omaduste profiiliga ĂŒhendite tuvastamine keemiliste struktuuride andmekogudest

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    Keemiliste ĂŒhendite digitaalsete andmebaaside kasutuselevĂ”tuga kaasneb vajadus leida neist arvutuslikke vahendeid kasutades sobivate omadustega molekule. Probleem on eriti huvipakkuv ravimitööstuses, kus aja- ja ressursimahukate katsete asendamine arvutustega, vĂ”imaldab mĂ€rkimisvÀÀrset sÀÀstu. Kuigi tĂ€napĂ€evaste arvutusmeetodite piiratud vĂ”imsuse tĂ”ttu ei ole lĂ€hemas tulevikus vĂ”imalik kogu ravimidisaini protsessi algusest lĂ”puni arvutitesse ĂŒmber kolida, on lugu teine, kui vaadelda suuri andmekogusid. Arvutusmeetod, mis töötab teadaoleva statistilise vea piires, visates vĂ€lja mĂ”ne sobiva ĂŒhendi ja lugedes mĂ”ni ekslikult aktiivseks, tihendab lĂ”ppkokkuvĂ”ttes andmekomplekti tuntaval mÀÀral huvitavate ĂŒhendite suhtes. SeetĂ”ttu on ravimiarenduse lihtsamate ja vĂ€henĂ”udlikkumade etappide puhul, nagu juhtĂŒhendite vĂ”i ravimikandidaatide leidmine, edukalt vĂ”imalik rakendada arvutuslikke vahendeid. Selline tegevus on tuntud virtuaalsĂ”elumisena ning kĂ€esolevasse töösse on sellest avarast ja kiiresti arenevast valdkonnast valitud mĂ”ningad suunad, ning uuritud nende vĂ”imekust ja tulemuslikkust erinevate projektide raames. Töö tulemusena on valminud arvutusmudelid teatud tĂŒĂŒpi ĂŒhendite HIV proteaasi vastase aktiivsuse ja tsĂŒtotoksilisuse hindamiseks; koostatud uus sĂ”elumismeetod; leitud potentsiaalsed ligandid HIV proteaasile ja pöördtranskriptaasile; ning kokku pandud farmakokineetiliste filtritega eeltöödeldud andmekomplekt – mugav lĂ€htepositsioon edasisteks töödeks.With the implementation of digital chemical compound libraries, creates the need for finding compounds from them that fit the desired profile. The problem is of particular interest in drug design, where replacing the resource-intensive experiments with computational methods, would result in significant savings in time and cost. Although due to the limitations of current computational methods, it is not possible in foreseeable future to transfer all of the drug development process into computers, it is a different story with large molecular databases. An in silico method, working within a known error margin, is still capable of significantly concentrating the data set in terms of attractive compounds. That allows the use of computational methods in less stringent steps of drug development, such as finding lead compounds or drug candidates. This approach is known as virtual screening, and today it is a vast and prospective research area comprising of several paradigms and numerous individual methods. The present thesis takes a closer look on some of them, and evaluates their performance in the course of several projects. The results of the thesis include computational models to estimate the HIV protease inhibition activity and cytotoxicity of certain type of compounds; a few prospective ligands for HIV protease and reverse transcriptase; pre-filtered dataset of compounds – convenient starting point for subsequent projects; and finally a new virtual screening method was developed

    Prediction of sub-cavity binding preferences using an adaptive physicochemical structure representation

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    Motivation: The ability to predict binding profiles for an arbitrary protein can significantly improve the areas of drug discovery, lead optimization and protein function prediction. At present, there are no successful algorithms capable of predicting binding profiles for novel proteins. Existing methods typically rely on manually curated templates or entire active site comparison. Consequently, they perform best when analyzing proteins sharing significant structural similarity with known proteins (i.e. proteins resulting from divergent evolution). These methods fall short when used to characterize the binding profile of a novel active site or one for which a template is not available. In contrast to previous approaches, our method characterizes the binding preferences of sub-cavities within the active site by exploiting a large set of known protein–ligand complexes. The uniqueness of our approach lies not only in the consideration of sub-cavities, but also in the more complete structural representation of these sub-cavities, their parametrization and the method by which they are compared. By only requiring local structural similarity, we are able to leverage previously unused structural information and perform binding inference for proteins that do not share significant structural similarity with known systems

    Off-target-based design of selective hiv-1 protease inhibitors

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    The approval of the first HIV-1 protease inhibitors (HIV-1 PRIs) marked a fundamental step in the control of AIDS, and this class of agents still represents the mainstay therapy for this illness. Despite the undisputed benefits, the necessary lifelong treatment led to numerous severe side-effects (metabolic syndrome, hepatotoxicity, diabetes, etc.). The HIV-1 PRIs are capable of interacting with “secondary” targets (off-targets) characterized by different biological activities from that of HIV-1 protease. In this scenario, the in-silico techniques undoubtedly contributed to the design of new small molecules with well-fitting selectivity against the main target, analyzing possible undesirable interactions that are already in the early stages of the research process. The present work is focused on a new mixed-hierarchical, ligand-structure-based protocol, which is centered on an on/off-target approach, to identify the new selective inhibitors of HIV-1 PR. The use of the well-established, ligand-based tools available in the DRUDIT web platform, in combination with a conventional, structure-based molecular docking process, permitted to fast screen a large database of active molecules and to select a set of structure with optimal on/off-target profiles. Therefore, the method exposed herein, could represent a reliable help in the research of new selective targeted small molecules, permitting to design new agents without undesirable interactions


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    The CADD includes the combined use of modern computational and experimental techniques which provide structural information about the biologically active molecules. These molecules are involved in disease process and in modulating disease process. The processes of CADD methods are dependent on Bioinformatics tools, applications and database. The present Review article highlights how the modern computational and experimental techniques that have been developed in recent years can be used together to provide structural information about the biologically active molecules that are involved in disease process and in modulating disease process in Special focus to Drug designing for COVID 19 by virtual Screening. Out Put of the article: The present article may be one tool for new drug development against corona Virus

    HIV-I Protease Based Inhibitor Discovery

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    We can devise a drug (inhibitor) to restrain the activity of gene. As a gene engenders protein/enzyme, so to circumvent the development of any disease causing proteins, we have to stop the activity of that gene. With the aid of different bioinformatics tools and software’s we can do this. A protease is an enzyme that smites proteins to their constituent peptides. The HIV-I Protease (PR) hydrolyses viral polyproteins into functional protein products that are vital for viral assembly and subsequent activity. HIV-I protease activity is decisive for the terminal maturation of infectious virions. Once HIV enters the cell, viral RNA experiences reverse transcription to generate double-stranded DNA (a step inhibited by nucleoside analogues such as zidovudine, didanosine, zalcitabine, stavudine, and lamivudine). In the presence of HIV-I protease inhibitors, the virion is incapable to mature and is quickly cleared by inadequately comprehended mechanisms. Figure 1, left, is a photomicrograph of normal budding virions from an infected cell, while Figure 1, right, determines the effect of bathing these cells with the protease inhibitor, saquinavir. The consequent lack of a dense core for these "ghosted" particles is the feature of noninfectious HIV virions. By applying ncbi we can acquire the nucleotide and protein sequence of HIV-I Protease. By tool and softwares like pfam, clustalw, gold, blast, we designed the inhibitor “SKF 108737”for HIV-I protease. Keywords: Inhibitor (Drug), HIV-I proteas
