34 research outputs found

    New visual coding exploration in MPEG: Super-MultiView and free navigation in free viewpoint TV

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    ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG have recently jointly issued a new multiview video compression standard, called 3D-HEVC, which reaches unpreceded compression performances for linear,dense camera arrangements. In view of supporting future highquality,auto-stereoscopic 3D displays and Free Navigation virtual/augmented reality applications with sparse, arbitrarily arranged camera setups, innovative depth estimation and virtual view synthesis techniques with global optimizations over all camera views should be developed. Preliminary studies in response to the MPEG-FTV (Free viewpoint TV) Call for Evidence suggest these targets are within reach, with at least 6% bitrate gains over 3DHEVC technology

    HEVC-based 3D holoscopic video coding using self-similarity compensated prediction

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    Holoscopic imaging, also known as integral, light field, and plenoptic imaging, is an appealing technology for glassless 3D video systems, which has recently emerged as a prospective candidate for future image and video applications, such as 3D television. However, to successfully introduce 3D holoscopic video applications into the market, adequate coding tools that can efficiently handle 3D holoscopic video are necessary. In this context, this paper discusses the requirements and challenges for 3D holoscopic video coding, and presents an efficient 3D holoscopic coding scheme based on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). The proposed 3D holoscopic codec makes use of the self-similarity (SS) compensated prediction concept to efficiently explore the inherent correlation of the 3D holoscopic content in Intra- and Inter-coded frames, as well as a novel vector prediction scheme to take advantage of the peculiar characteristics of the SS prediction data. Extensive experiments were conducted, and have shown that the proposed solution is able to outperform HEVC as well as other coding solutions proposed in the literature. Moreover, a consistently better performance is also observed for a set of different quality metrics proposed in the literature for 3D holoscopic content, as well as for the visual quality of views synthesized from decompressed 3D holoscopic content.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Dense light field coding: a survey

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    Light Field (LF) imaging is a promising solution for providing more immersive and closer to reality multimedia experiences to end-users with unprecedented creative freedom and flexibility for applications in different areas, such as virtual and augmented reality. Due to the recent technological advances in optics, sensor manufacturing and available transmission bandwidth, as well as the investment of many tech giants in this area, it is expected that soon many LF transmission systems will be available to both consumers and professionals. Recognizing this, novel standardization initiatives have recently emerged in both the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) and the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), triggering the discussion on the deployment of LF coding solutions to efficiently handle the massive amount of data involved in such systems. Since then, the topic of LF content coding has become a booming research area, attracting the attention of many researchers worldwide. In this context, this paper provides a comprehensive survey of the most relevant LF coding solutions proposed in the literature, focusing on angularly dense LFs. Special attention is placed on a thorough description of the different LF coding methods and on the main concepts related to this relevant area. Moreover, comprehensive insights are presented into open research challenges and future research directions for LF coding.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multiview Video Coding for Virtual Reality

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    Virtual reality (VR) is one of the emerging technologies in recent years. It brings a sense of real world experience in simulated environments, hence, it is being used in many applications for example in live sporting events, music recordings and in many other interactive multimedia applications. VR makes use of multimedia content, and videos are a major part of it. VR videos are captured from multiple directions to cover the entire 360 field-of-view. It usually employs, multiple cameras of wide field-of-view such as fisheye lenses and the camera arrangement can also vary from linear to spherical set-ups. Videos in VR system are also subjected to constraints such as, variations in network bandwidth, heterogeneous mobile devices with limited decoding capacity, adaptivity for view switching in the display. The uncompressed videos from multiview cameras are redundant and impractical for storage and transmission. The existing video coding standards compresses the multiview videos effi ciently. However, VR systems place certain limitations on the video and camera arrangements, such as, it assumes rectilinear properties for video, translational motion model for prediction and the camera set-up to be linearly arranged. The aim of the thesis is to propose coding schemes which are compliant to the current video coding standards of H.264/AVC and its successor H.265/HEVC, the current state-of-the-art and multiview/scalable extensions. This thesis presents methods that compress the multiview videos which are captured from eight cameras that are arranged spherically, pointing radially outwards. The cameras produce circular fi sheye videos of 195 degree field-of-view. The final goal is to present methods, which optimize the bitrate in both storage and transmission of videos for the VR system. The presented methods can be categorized into two groups: optimizing storage bitrate and optimizing streaming bitrate of multiview videos. In the storage bitrate category, six methods were experimented. The presented methods competed against simulcast coding of individual views. The coding schemes were experimented with two data sets of 8 views each. The method of scalable coding with inter-layer prediction in all frames outperformed simulcast coding with approximately 7.9%. In the case of optimizing streaming birates, five methods were experimented. The method of scalable plus multiview skip-coding outperformed the simulcast method of coding by 36% on average. Future work will focus on pre-processing the fi sheye videos to rectilinear videos, in-order to fit them to the current translational model of the video coding standards. Moreover, the methods will be tested in comprehensive applications and system requirements

    Scalable light field representation and coding

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    This Thesis aims to advance the state-of-the-art in light field representation and coding. In this context, proposals to improve functionalities like light field random access and scalability are also presented. As the light field representation constrains the coding approach to be used, several light field coding techniques to exploit the inherent characteristics of the most popular types of light field representations are proposed and studied, which are normally based on micro-images or sub-aperture-images. To encode micro-images, two solutions are proposed, aiming to exploit the redundancy between neighboring micro-images using a high order prediction model, where the model parameters are either explicitly transmitted or inferred at the decoder, respectively. In both cases, the proposed solutions are able to outperform low order prediction solutions. To encode sub-aperture-images, an HEVC-based solution that exploits their inherent intra and inter redundancies is proposed. In this case, the light field image is encoded as a pseudo video sequence, where the scanning order is signaled, allowing the encoder and decoder to optimize the reference picture lists to improve coding efficiency. A novel hybrid light field representation coding approach is also proposed, by exploiting the combined use of both micro-image and sub-aperture-image representation types, instead of using each representation individually. In order to aid the fast deployment of the light field technology, this Thesis also proposes scalable coding and representation approaches that enable adequate compatibility with legacy displays (e.g., 2D, stereoscopic or multiview) and with future light field displays, while maintaining high coding efficiency. Additionally, viewpoint random access, allowing to improve the light field navigation and to reduce the decoding delay, is also enabled with a flexible trade-off between coding efficiency and viewpoint random access.Esta Tese tem como objetivo avançar o estado da arte em representação e codificação de campos de luz. Neste contexto, são também apresentadas propostas para melhorar funcionalidades como o acesso aleatório ao campo de luz e a escalabilidade. Como a representação do campo de luz limita a abordagem de codificação a ser utilizada, são propostas e estudadas várias técnicas de codificação de campos de luz para explorar as características inerentes aos seus tipos mais populares de representação, que são normalmente baseadas em micro-imagens ou imagens de sub-abertura. Para codificar as micro-imagens, são propostas duas soluções, visando explorar a redundância entre micro-imagens vizinhas utilizando um modelo de predição de alta ordem, onde os parâmetros do modelo são explicitamente transmitidos ou inferidos no decodificador, respetivamente. Em ambos os casos, as soluções propostas são capazes de superar as soluções de predição de baixa ordem. Para codificar imagens de sub-abertura, é proposta uma solução baseada em HEVC que explora a inerente redundância intra e inter deste tipo de imagens. Neste caso, a imagem do campo de luz é codificada como uma pseudo-sequência de vídeo, onde a ordem de varrimento é sinalizada, permitindo ao codificador e decodificador otimizar as listas de imagens de referência para melhorar a eficiência da codificação. Também é proposta uma nova abordagem de codificação baseada na representação híbrida do campo de luz, explorando o uso combinado dos tipos de representação de micro-imagem e sub-imagem, em vez de usar cada representação individualmente. A fim de facilitar a rápida implantação da tecnologia de campo de luz, esta Tese também propõe abordagens escaláveis de codificação e representação que permitem uma compatibilidade adequada com monitores tradicionais (e.g., 2D, estereoscópicos ou multivista) e com futuros monitores de campo de luz, mantendo ao mesmo tempo uma alta eficiência de codificação. Além disso, o acesso aleatório de pontos de vista, permitindo melhorar a navegação no campo de luz e reduzir o atraso na descodificação, também é permitido com um equilíbrio flexível entre eficiência de codificação e acesso aleatório de pontos de vista

    Methods for Light Field Display Profiling and Scalable Super-Multiview Video Coding

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    Light field 3D displays reproduce the light field of real or synthetic scenes, as observed by multiple viewers, without the necessity of wearing 3D glasses. Reproducing light fields is a technically challenging task in terms of optical setup, content creation, distributed rendering, among others; however, the impressive visual quality of hologramlike scenes, in full color, with real-time frame rates, and over a very wide field of view justifies the complexity involved. Seeing objects popping far out from the screen plane without glasses impresses even those viewers who have experienced other 3D displays before.Content for these displays can either be synthetic or real. The creation of synthetic (rendered) content is relatively well understood and used in practice. Depending on the technique used, rendering has its own complexities, quite similar to the complexity of rendering techniques for 2D displays. While rendering can be used in many use-cases, the holy grail of all 3D display technologies is to become the future 3DTVs, ending up in each living room and showing realistic 3D content without glasses. Capturing, transmitting, and rendering live scenes as light fields is extremely challenging, and it is necessary if we are about to experience light field 3D television showing real people and natural scenes, or realistic 3D video conferencing with real eye-contact.In order to provide the required realism, light field displays aim to provide a wide field of view (up to 180°), while reproducing up to ~80 MPixels nowadays. Building gigapixel light field displays is realistic in the next few years. Likewise, capturing live light fields involves using many synchronized cameras that cover the same display wide field of view and provide the same high pixel count. Therefore, light field capture and content creation has to be well optimized with respect to the targeted display technologies. Two major challenges in this process are addressed in this dissertation.The first challenge is how to characterize the display in terms of its capabilities to create light fields, that is how to profile the display in question. In clearer terms this boils down to finding the equivalent spatial resolution, which is similar to the screen resolution of 2D displays, and angular resolution, which describes the smallest angle, the color of which the display can control individually. Light field is formalized as 4D approximation of the plenoptic function in terms of geometrical optics through spatiallylocalized and angularly-directed light rays in the so-called ray space. Plenoptic Sampling Theory provides the required conditions to sample and reconstruct light fields. Subsequently, light field displays can be characterized in the Fourier domain by the effective display bandwidth they support. In the thesis, a methodology for displayspecific light field analysis is proposed. It regards the display as a signal processing channel and analyses it as such in spectral domain. As a result, one is able to derive the display throughput (i.e. the display bandwidth) and, subsequently, the optimal camera configuration to efficiently capture and filter light fields before displaying them.While the geometrical topology of optical light sources in projection-based light field displays can be used to theoretically derive display bandwidth, and its spatial and angular resolution, in many cases this topology is not available to the user. Furthermore, there are many implementation details which cause the display to deviate from its theoretical model. In such cases, profiling light field displays in terms of spatial and angular resolution has to be done by measurements. Measurement methods that involve the display showing specific test patterns, which are then captured by a single static or moving camera, are proposed in the thesis. Determining the effective spatial and angular resolution of a light field display is then based on an automated analysis of the captured images, as they are reproduced by the display, in the frequency domain. The analysis reveals the empirical limits of the display in terms of pass-band both in the spatial and angular dimension. Furthermore, the spatial resolution measurements are validated by subjective tests confirming that the results are in line with the smallest features human observers can perceive on the same display. The resolution values obtained can be used to design the optimal capture setup for the display in question.The second challenge is related with the massive number of views and pixels captured that have to be transmitted to the display. It clearly requires effective and efficient compression techniques to fit in the bandwidth available, as an uncompressed representation of such a super-multiview video could easily consume ~20 gigabits per second with today’s displays. Due to the high number of light rays to be captured, transmitted and rendered, distributed systems are necessary for both capturing and rendering the light field. During the first attempts to implement real-time light field capturing, transmission and rendering using a brute force approach, limitations became apparent. Still, due to the best possible image quality achievable with dense multi-camera light field capturing and light ray interpolation, this approach was chosen as the basis of further work, despite the massive amount of bandwidth needed. Decompression of all camera images in all rendering nodes, however, is prohibitively time consuming and is not scalable. After analyzing the light field interpolation process and the data-access patterns typical in a distributed light field rendering system, an approach to reduce the amount of data required in the rendering nodes has been proposed. This approach, on the other hand, requires rectangular parts (typically vertical bars in case of a Horizontal Parallax Only light field display) of the captured images to be available in the rendering nodes, which might be exploited to reduce the time spent with decompression of video streams. However, partial decoding is not readily supported by common image / video codecs. In the thesis, approaches aimed at achieving partial decoding are proposed for H.264, HEVC, JPEG and JPEG2000 and the results are compared.The results of the thesis on display profiling facilitate the design of optimal camera setups for capturing scenes to be reproduced on 3D light field displays. The developed super-multiview content encoding also facilitates light field rendering in real-time. This makes live light field transmission and real-time teleconferencing possible in a scalable way, using any number of cameras, and at the spatial and angular resolution the display actually needs for achieving a compelling visual experience

    Low Complexity Multiview Video Coding

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    3D video is a technology that has seen a tremendous attention in the recent years. Multiview Video Coding (MVC) is an extension of the popular H.264 video coding standard and is commonly used to compress 3D videos. It offers an improvement of 20% to 50% in compression efficiency over simulcast encoding of multiview videos using the conventional H.264 video coding standard. However, there are two important problems associated with it: (i) its superior compression performance comes at the cost of significantly higher computational complexity which hampers the real-world realization of MVC encoder in applications such as 3D live broadcasting and interactive Free Viewpoint Television (FTV), and (ii) compressed 3D videos can suffer from packet loss during transmission, which can degrade the viewing quality of the 3D video at the decoder. This thesis aims to solve these problems by presenting techniques to reduce the computational complexity of the MVC encoder and by proposing a consistent error concealment technique for frame losses in 3D video transmission. The thesis first analyses the complexity of the MVC encoder. It then proposes two novel techniques to reduce the complexity of motion and disparity estimation. The first method achieves complexity reduction in the disparity estimation process by exploiting the relationship between temporal levels, type of macroblocks and search ranges while the second method achieves it by exploiting the geometrical relation- ship between motion and disparity vectors in stereo frames. These two methods are then combined with other state-of-the-art methods in a unique framework where gains add up. Experimental results show that the proposed low-complexity framework can reduce the encoding time of the standard MVC encoder by over 93% while maintaining similar compression efficiency performance. The addition of new View Synthesis Prediction (VSP) modes to the MVC encoding framework improves the compression efficiency of MVC. However, testing additional modes comes at the cost of increased encoding complexity. In order to reduce the encoding complexity, the thesis, next, proposes a bayesian early mode decision technique for a VSP enhanced MVC coder. It exploits the statistical similarities between the RD costs of the VSP SKIP mode in neighbouring views to terminate the mode decision process early. Results indicate that the proposed technique can reduce the encoding time of the enhanced MVC coder by over 33% at similar compression efficiency levels. Finally, compressed 3D videos are usually required to be broadcast to a large number of users where transmission errors can lead to frame losses which can degrade the video quality at the decoder. A simple reconstruction of the lost frames can lead to inconsistent reconstruction of the 3D scene which may negatively affect the viewing experience of a user. In order to solve this problem, the thesis proposes, at the end, a consistency model for recovering frames lost during transmission. The proposed consistency model is used to evaluate inter-view and temporal consistencies while selecting candidate blocks for concealment. Experimental results show that the proposed technique is able to recover the lost frames with high consistency and better quality than two standard error concealment methods and a baseline technique based on the boundary matching algorithm

    Compression and visual quality assessment for light field contents

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    Since its invention in the 19th century, photography has allowed to create durable images of the world around us by capturing the intensity of light that flows through a scene, first analogically by using light-sensitive material, and then, with the advent of electronic image sensors, digitally. However, one main limitation of both analog and digital photography lays in its inability to capture any information about the direction of light rays. Through traditional photography, each three-dimensional scene is projected onto a 2D plane; consequently, no information about the position of the 3D objects in space is retained. Light field photography aims at overcoming these limitations by recording the direction of light along with its intensity. In the past, several acquisition technologies have been presented to properly capture light field information, and portable devices have been commercialized to the general public. However, a considerably larger volume of data is generated when compared to traditional photography. Thus, new solutions must be designed to face the challenges light field photography poses in terms of storage, representation, and visualization of the acquired data. In particular, new and efficient compression algorithms are needed to sensibly reduce the amount of data that needs to be stored and transmitted, while maintaining an adequate level of perceptual quality. In designing new solutions to address the unique challenges posed by light field photography, one cannot forgo the importance of having reliable, reproducible means of evaluating their performance, especially in relation to the scenario in which they will be consumed. To that end, subjective assessment of visual quality is of paramount importance to evaluate the impact of compression, representation, and rendering models on user experience. Yet, the standardized methodologies that are commonly used to evaluate the visual quality of traditional media content, such as images and videos, are not equipped to tackle the challenges posed by light field photography. New subjective methodologies must be tailored for the new possibilities this new type of imaging offers in terms of rendering and visual experience. In this work, we address the aforementioned problems by both designing new methodologies for visual quality evaluation of light field contents, and outlining a new compression solution to efficiently reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and stored. We first analyse how traditional methodologies for subjective evaluation of multimedia contents can be adapted to suit light field data, and, we propose new methodologies to reliably assess the visual quality while maintaining user engagement. Furthermore, we study how user behavior is affected by the visual quality of the data. We employ subjective quality assessment to compare several state-of-the-art solutions in light field coding, in order to find the most promising approaches to minimize the volume of data without compromising on the perceptual quality. To that means, we define and inspect several coding approaches for light field compression, and we investigate the impact of color subsampling on the final rendered content. Lastly, we propose a new coding approach to perform light field compression, showing significant improvement with respect to the state of the art

    Towards visualization and searching :a dual-purpose video coding approach

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    In modern video applications, the role of the decoded video is much more than filling a screen for visualization. To offer powerful video-enabled applications, it is increasingly critical not only to visualize the decoded video but also to provide efficient searching capabilities for similar content. Video surveillance and personal communication applications are critical examples of these dual visualization and searching requirements. However, current video coding solutions are strongly biased towards the visualization needs. In this context, the goal of this work is to propose a dual-purpose video coding solution targeting both visualization and searching needs by adopting a hybrid coding framework where the usual pixel-based coding approach is combined with a novel feature-based coding approach. In this novel dual-purpose video coding solution, some frames are coded using a set of keypoint matches, which not only allow decoding for visualization, but also provide the decoder valuable feature-related information, extracted at the encoder from the original frames, instrumental for efficient searching. The proposed solution is based on a flexible joint Lagrangian optimization framework where pixel-based and feature-based processing are combined to find the most appropriate trade-off between the visualization and searching performances. Extensive experimental results for the assessment of the proposed dual-purpose video coding solution under meaningful test conditions are presented. The results show the flexibility of the proposed coding solution to achieve different optimization trade-offs, notably competitive performance regarding the state-of-the-art HEVC standard both in terms of visualization and searching performance.Em modernas aplicações de vídeo, o papel do vídeo decodificado é muito mais que simplesmente preencher uma tela para visualização. Para oferecer aplicações mais poderosas por meio de sinais de vídeo,é cada vez mais crítico não apenas considerar a qualidade do conteúdo objetivando sua visualização, mas também possibilitar meios de realizar busca por conteúdos semelhantes. Requisitos de visualização e de busca são considerados, por exemplo, em modernas aplicações de vídeo vigilância e comunicações pessoais. No entanto, as atuais soluções de codificação de vídeo são fortemente voltadas aos requisitos de visualização. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma solução de codificação de vídeo de propósito duplo, objetivando tanto requisitos de visualização quanto de busca. Para isso, é proposto um arcabouço de codificação em que a abordagem usual de codificação de pixels é combinada com uma nova abordagem de codificação baseada em features visuais. Nessa solução, alguns quadros são codificados usando um conjunto de pares de keypoints casados, possibilitando não apenas visualização, mas também provendo ao decodificador valiosas informações de features visuais, extraídas no codificador a partir do conteúdo original, que são instrumentais em aplicações de busca. A solução proposta emprega um esquema flexível de otimização Lagrangiana onde o processamento baseado em pixel é combinado com o processamento baseado em features visuais objetivando encontrar um compromisso adequado entre os desempenhos de visualização e de busca. Os resultados experimentais mostram a flexibilidade da solução proposta em alcançar diferentes compromissos de otimização, nomeadamente desempenho competitivo em relação ao padrão HEVC tanto em termos de visualização quanto de busca