1,398 research outputs found

    Enhancing BIM Methodology with VR Technology

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    Building information modeling (BIM) is defined as the process of generating, storing, managing, exchanging, and sharing building information. In the construction industry, the processes and technologies that support BIM are constantly evolving, making the BIM even more attractive. A current topic that requires attention is the integration of BIM with virtual reality (VR) where the user visualizes a virtual world and can interact with it. By adding VR, the BIM solution can address retrieving and presenting information and increasing efficiency on communication and problem solving in an interactive and collaborative project. The objective of this chapter is to report the improvement of BIM uses with the addition of interactive capacities allowed by VR technology. A bibliographic and software research was made to support the study

    Explorando ferramentas de modelação digital, aumentada e orientada por dados em engenharia e design de produto

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    Tools are indispensable for all diligent professional practice. New concepts and possibilities for paradigm shifting are emerging with recent computational technological developments in digital tools. However, new tools from key concepts such as “Big-Data”, “Accessibility” and “Algorithmic Design” are fundamentally changing the input and position of the Product Engineer and Designer. After the context introduction, this dissertation document starts by extracting three pivotal criteria from the Product Design Engineering's State of the Art analysis. In each one of those criteria the new emergent, more relevant and paradigmatic concepts are explored and later on are positioned and compared within the Product Lifecycle Management wheel scheme, where the potential risks and gaps are pointed to be explored in the experience part. There are two types of empirical experiences: the first being of case studies from Architecture and Urban Planning — from the student's professional experience —, that served as a pretext and inspiration for the experiments directly made for Product Design Engineering. First with a set of isolated explorations and analysis, second with a hypothetical experience derived from the latter and, finally, a deliberative section that culminate in a listing of risks and changes concluded from all the previous work. The urgency to reflect on what will change in that role and position, what kind of ethical and/or conceptual reformulations should exist for the profession to maintain its intellectual integrity and, ultimately, to survive, are of the utmost evidence.As ferramentas são indispensáveis para toda a prática diligente profissional. Novos conceitos e possibilidades de mudança de paradigma estão a surgir com os recentes progressos tecnológicos a nível computacional nas ferramentas digitais. Contudo, novas ferramentas originadas sobre conceitos-chave como “Big Data”, “Acessibilidade” e “Design Algorítmico” estão a mudar de forma fundamental o contributo e posição do Engenheiro e Designer de Produto. Esta dissertação, após uma primeira introdução contextual, começa por extrair três conceitos-eixo duma análise ao Estado da Arte actual em Engenharia e Design de Produto. Em cada um desses conceitos explora-se os novos conceitos emergentes mais relevantes e paradigmáticos, que então são comparados e posicionados no círculo de Gestão de Ciclo de Vida de Produto, apontando aí potenciais riscos e falhas que possam ser explorados em experiências. As experiências empíricas têm duas índoles: a primeira de projetos e casos de estudo de arquitetura e planeamento urbanístico — experiência em contexto de trabalho do aluno —, que serviu de pretexto e inspiração para as experiências relacionadas com Engenharia e Design de Produto. Primeiro com uma série de análises e experiências isoladas, segundo com uma formulação hipotética com o compêndio dessas experiências e, finalmente, com uma secção de reflexão que culmina numa série de riscos e mudanças induzidas do trabalho anterior. A urgência em refletir sobre o que irá alterar nesse papel e posição, que género de reformulações éticas e/ou conceptuais deverão existir para que a profissão mantenha a sua integridade intelectual e, em última instância, sobreviva, são bastante evidentes.Mestrado em Engenharia e Design de Produt

    Digital Twin and Cloud BIM-XR Platform Development: From Scan-to-BIM-to-DT Process to a 4D Multi-User Live App to Improve Building Comfort, Efficiency and Costs

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    Digital twins (DTs) and building information modelling (BIM) are proving to be valuable tools for managing the entire life cycle of a building (LCB), from the early design stages to management and maintenance over time. On the other hand, BIM platforms cannot manage the geometric complexities of existing buildings and the large amount of information that sensors can collect. For this reason, this research proposes a scan-to-BIM process capable of managing high levels of detail (LODs) and information (LOIs) during the design, construction site management, and construction phases. Specific grades of generation (GOGs) were applied to create as-found, as-designed, and as-built models that interact with and support the rehabilitation project of a multi-level residential building. Furthermore, thanks to the sharing of specific APIs (Revit and Autodesk Forge APIs), it was possible to switch from static representations to novel levels of interoperability and interactivity for the user and more advanced forms of building management such as a DT, a BIM cloud, and an extended reality (XR) web platform. Finally, the development of a live app shows how different types of users (professionals and non-expert) can interact with the DT, in order to know the characteristics with which the environments have been designed, as well as the environmental parameters, increasing their degree of control, from the point of view of improving comfort, use, costs, behaviour, and good practices. Finally, the overall approach was verified through a real case study where the BIM-XR platform was built for energy improvements to existing buildings and facade renovations

    Enabling the Development and Implementation of Digital Twins : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality

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    Welcome to the 20th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2020). This year we are meeting on-line due to the current Coronavirus pandemic. The overarching theme for CONVR2020 is "Enabling the development and implementation of Digital Twins". CONVR is one of the world-leading conferences in the areas of virtual reality, augmented reality and building information modelling. Each year, more than 100 participants from all around the globe meet to discuss and exchange the latest developments and applications of virtual technologies in the architectural, engineering, construction and operation industry (AECO). The conference is also known for having a unique blend of participants from both academia and industry. This year, with all the difficulties of replicating a real face to face meetings, we are carefully planning the conference to ensure that all participants have a perfect experience. We have a group of leading keynote speakers from industry and academia who are covering up to date hot topics and are enthusiastic and keen to share their knowledge with you. CONVR participants are very loyal to the conference and have attended most of the editions over the last eighteen editions. This year we are welcoming numerous first timers and we aim to help them make the most of the conference by introducing them to other participants


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    Abstract. This paper presents the most recent developments in a project aimed to the documentation, storage and dissemination of the cultural heritage. The subject of the project are more than 70 Baroque atria in Turin, recognized by critics for their particular unitary vaulted systems Our research team is currently working on digitizing documents and studying ways to enhance and share these results through ICT. In particular, we want to explore possibilities for recognizing and tracing three-dimensional objects in augmented reality (AR) applications connected to the collected data. Recent developments in this field relate to the technology available on widespread mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones, allowing for real-time 3D scanning. Using software prototypes, we want to introduce some problems involved in integrating this technology into digital archives.</p