1,334 research outputs found

    Depth Map Estimation Using Multi-focus Imaging

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    In this thesis, three different depth map estimation techniques are presented. The first method uses SUSAN operator to detects the features, followed by an exponentially decaying function is employed to transfer the distance of the detected features by giving more weight to the nearer vicinity pixels of feature points, which helps to measure the clarity and depth of pixels. A robust, dual-tree complex wavelets and distance transformation based framework is developed for depth map estimation in second focus measure technique. The shift-invariance and better directionality of dual-tree complex wavelets helps to detects the features efficiently, which helps to estimate the depth of the scene more precisely. In third depth map estimation technique, focus measure is ensure by measuring local orientation energy using a quadrature pair of steerable filters of the detected features. The experiments and results validates the effectiveness of proposed feature based depth map estimation approach

    Graph Spectral Image Processing

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    Recent advent of graph signal processing (GSP) has spurred intensive studies of signals that live naturally on irregular data kernels described by graphs (e.g., social networks, wireless sensor networks). Though a digital image contains pixels that reside on a regularly sampled 2D grid, if one can design an appropriate underlying graph connecting pixels with weights that reflect the image structure, then one can interpret the image (or image patch) as a signal on a graph, and apply GSP tools for processing and analysis of the signal in graph spectral domain. In this article, we overview recent graph spectral techniques in GSP specifically for image / video processing. The topics covered include image compression, image restoration, image filtering and image segmentation

    Interpretable Transformations with Encoder-Decoder Networks

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    Deep feature spaces have the capacity to encode complex transformations of their input data. However, understanding the relative feature-space relationship between two transformed encoded images is difficult. For instance, what is the relative feature space relationship between two rotated images? What is decoded when we interpolate in feature space? Ideally, we want to disentangle confounding factors, such as pose, appearance, and illumination, from object identity. Disentangling these is difficult because they interact in very nonlinear ways. We propose a simple method to construct a deep feature space, with explicitly disentangled representations of several known transformations. A person or algorithm can then manipulate the disentangled representation, for example, to re-render an image with explicit control over parameterized degrees of freedom. The feature space is constructed using a transforming encoder-decoder network with a custom feature transform layer, acting on the hidden representations. We demonstrate the advantages of explicit disentangling on a variety of datasets and transformations, and as an aid for traditional tasks, such as classification.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 201

    Efficient Spatially Adaptive Convolution and Correlation

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    Fast methods for convolution and correlation underlie a variety of applications in computer vision and graphics, including efficient filtering, analysis, and simulation. However, standard convolution and correlation are inherently limited to fixed filters: spatial adaptation is impossible without sacrificing efficient computation. In early work, Freeman and Adelson have shown how steerable filters can address this limitation, providing a way for rotating the filter as it is passed over the signal. In this work, we provide a general, representation-theoretic, framework that allows for spatially varying linear transformations to be applied to the filter. This framework allows for efficient implementation of extended convolution and correlation for transformation groups such as rotation (in 2D and 3D) and scale, and provides a new interpretation for previous methods including steerable filters and the generalized Hough transform. We present applications to pattern matching, image feature description, vector field visualization, and adaptive image filtering

    Image-Based Approaches to Hair Modeling

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    Hair is a relevant characteristic of virtual characters, therefore the modeling of plausible facial hair and hairstyles is an essential step in the generation of computer generated (CG) avatars. However, the inherent geometric complexity of hair together with the huge number of filaments of an average human head make the task of modeling hairstyles a very challenging one. To date this is commonly a manual process which requires artist skills or very specialized and costly acquisition software. In this work we present an image-based approach to model facial hair (beard and eyebrows) and (head) hairstyles. Since facial hair is usually much shorter than the average head hair two different methods are resented, adapted to the characteristics of the hair to be modeled. Facial hair is modeled using data extracted from facial texture images and missing information is inferred by means of a database-driven prior model. Our hairstyle reconstruction technique employs images of the hair to be modeled taken with a thermal camera. The major advantage of our thermal image-based method over conventional image-based techniques lies on the fact that during data capture the hairstyle is "lit from the inside": the thermal camera captures heat irradiated by the head and actively re-emitted by the hair filaments almost isotropically. Following this approach we can avoid several issues of conventional image-based techniques, like shadowing or anisotropy in reflectance. The presented technique requires minimal user interaction and a simple acquisition setup. Several challenging examples demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach

    Shape Representations Using Nested Descriptors

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    The problem of shape representation is a core problem in computer vision. It can be argued that shape representation is the most central representational problem for computer vision, since unlike texture or color, shape alone can be used for perceptual tasks such as image matching, object detection and object categorization. This dissertation introduces a new shape representation called the nested descriptor. A nested descriptor represents shape both globally and locally by pooling salient scaled and oriented complex gradients in a large nested support set. We show that this nesting property introduces a nested correlation structure that enables a new local distance function called the nesting distance, which provides a provably robust similarity function for image matching. Furthermore, the nesting property suggests an elegant flower like normalization strategy called a log-spiral difference. We show that this normalization enables a compact binary representation and is equivalent to a form a bottom up saliency. This suggests that the nested descriptor representational power is due to representing salient edges, which makes a fundamental connection between the saliency and local feature descriptor literature. In this dissertation, we introduce three examples of shape representation using nested descriptors: nested shape descriptors for imagery, nested motion descriptors for video and nested pooling for activities. We show evaluation results for these representations that demonstrate state-of-the-art performance for image matching, wide baseline stereo and activity recognition tasks

    High-speed surface profilometry based on an adaptive microscope with axial chromatic encoding

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    An adaptive microscope with axial chromatic encoding is designed and developed, namely the AdaScope. With the ability to confocally address any locations within the measurement volume, the AdaScope provides the hardware foundation for a cascade measurement strategy to be developed, dramatically accelerating the speed of 3D confocal microscopy
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