9 research outputs found

    Novel Correspondence-based Approach for Consistent Human Skeleton Extraction

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    This paper presents a novel base-points-driven shape correspondence (BSC) approach to extract skeletons of articulated objects from 3D mesh shapes. The skeleton extraction based on BSC approach is more accurate than the traditional direct skeleton extraction methods. Since 3D shapes provide more geometric information, BSC offers the consistent information between the source shape and the target shapes. In this paper, we first extract the skeleton from a template shape such as the source shape automatically. Then, the skeletons of the target shapes of different poses are generated based on the correspondence relationship with source shape. The accuracy of the proposed method is demonstrated by presenting a comprehensive performance evaluation on multiple benchmark datasets. The results of the proposed approach can be applied to various applications such as skeleton-driven animation, shape segmentation and human motion analysis

    Shape Matching Based on Diffusion Embedding and on Mutual Isometric Consistency

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    International audienceWe address the problem of matching two 3D shapes by representing them using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the discrete diffusion operator. This provides a representation framework useful for both scale-space shape descriptors and shape comparisons. We formally introduce a canonical diffusion embedding based on the combinatorial Laplacian; we reveal some interesting properties and we propose a unit hypersphere normalization of this embedding. We also propose a practical algorithm that seeks the largest set of mutually consistent point-to-point matches between two shapes based on isometric consistency between the two embeddings. We illustrate our method with several examples of matching shapes at various scales

    Continuous and Orientation-preserving Correspondences via Functional Maps

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    We propose a method for efficiently computing orientation-preserving and approximately continuous correspondences between non-rigid shapes, using the functional maps framework. We first show how orientation preservation can be formulated directly in the functional (spectral) domain without using landmark or region correspondences and without relying on external symmetry information. This allows us to obtain functional maps that promote orientation preservation, even when using descriptors, that are invariant to orientation changes. We then show how higher quality, approximately continuous and bijective pointwise correspondences can be obtained from initial functional maps by introducing a novel refinement technique that aims to simultaneously improve the maps both in the spectral and spatial domains. This leads to a general pipeline for computing correspondences between shapes that results in high-quality maps, while admitting an efficient optimization scheme. We show through extensive evaluation that our approach improves upon state-of-the-art results on challenging isometric and non-isometric correspondence benchmarks according to both measures of continuity and coverage as well as producing semantically meaningful correspondences as measured by the distance to ground truth maps.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figure

    3D Shape Registration Using Spectral Graph Embedding and Probabilistic Matching

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    International audienceIn this book chapter we address the problem of 3D shape registration and we propose a novel technique based on spectral graph theory and probabilistic matching. Recent advancement in shape acquisition technology has led to the capture of large amounts of 3D data. Existing real-time multi-camera 3D acquisition methods provide a frame-wise reliable visual-hull or mesh representations for real 3D animation sequences The task of 3D shape analysis involves tracking, recognition, registration, etc. Analyzing 3D data in a single framework is still a challenging task considering the large variability of the data gathered with different acquisition devices. 3D shape registration is one such challenging shape analysis task. The main contribution of this chapter is to extend the spectral graph matching methods to very large graphs by combining spectral graph matching with Laplacian embedding. Since the embedded representation of a graph is obtained by dimensionality reduction we claim that the existing spectral-based methods are not easily applicable. We discuss solutions for the exact and inexact graph isomorphism problems and recall the main spectral properties of the combinatorial graph Laplacian; We provide a novel analysis of the commute-time embedding that allows us to interpret the latter in terms of the PCA of a graph, and to select the appropriate dimension of the associated embedded metric space; We derive a unit hyper-sphere normalization for the commute-time embedding that allows us to register two shapes with different samplings; We propose a novel method to find the eigenvalue-eigenvector ordering and the eigenvector sign using the eigensignature (histogram) which is invariant to the isometric shape deformations and fits well in the spectral graph matching framework, and we present a probabilistic shape matching formulation using an expectation maximization point registration algorithm which alternates between aligning the eigenbases and finding a vertex-to-vertex assignment

    3D Shape Correspondence by Isometry Driven Greedy Optimization

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    We present an automatic method that establishes 3D correspondence between isometric shapes. Our goal is to find an optimal correspondence between two given (nearly) isometric shapes, that minimizes the amount of deviation from isometry. We cast the problem as a complete surface correspondence problem. Our method first divides the given shapes to be matched into surface patches of equal area and then seeks for a mapping between the patch centers which we refer to as base vertices. Hence the correspondence is established in a fast and robust manner at a relatively coarse level as imposed by the patch radius. We optimize the isometry cost in two steps. In the first step, the base vertices are transformed into spectral domain based on geodesic affinity, where the isometry errors are minimized in polynomial time by complete bipartite graph matching. The resulting correspondence serves as a good initialization for the second step of optimization in which we explicitly minimize the isometry cost via an iterative greedy algorithm in the original 3D Euclidean space. We demonstrate the performance of our method on various isometric (or nearly isometric) pairs of shapes for some of which the ground-truth correspondence is available

    3D Shape correspondence by isometry-driven greedy optimization

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    Deformable shape matching

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    Deformable shape matching has become an important building block in academia as well as in industry. Given two three dimensional shapes A and B the deformation function f aligning A with B has to be found. The function is discretized by a set of corresponding point pairs. Unfortunately, the computation cost of a brute-force search of correspondences is exponential. Additionally, to be of any practical use the algorithm has to be able to deal with data coming directly from 3D scanner devices which suffers from acquisition problems like noise, holes as well as missing any information about topology. This dissertation presents novel solutions for solving shape matching: First, an algorithm estimating correspondences using a randomized search strategy is shown. Additionally, a planning step dramatically reducing the matching costs is incorporated. Using ideas of these both contributions, a method for matching multiple shapes at once is shown. The method facilitates the reconstruction of shape and motion from noisy data acquired with dynamic 3D scanners. Considering shape matching from another perspective a solution is shown using Markov Random Fields (MRF). Formulated as MRF, partial as well as full matches of a shape can be found. Here, belief propagation is utilized for inference computation in the MRF. Finally, an approach significantly reducing the space-time complexity of belief propagation for a wide spectrum of computer vision tasks is presented.Anpassung deformierbarer Formen ist zu einem wichtigen Baustein in der akademischen Welt sowie in der Industrie geworden. Gegeben zwei dreidimensionale Formen A und B, suchen wir nach einer Verformungsfunktion f, die die Deformation von A auf B abbildet. Die Funktion f wird durch eine Menge von korrespondierenden Punktepaaren diskretisiert. Leider sind die Berechnungskosten für eine Brute-Force-Suche dieser Korrespondenzen exponentiell. Um zusätzlich von einem praktischen Nutzen zu sein, muss der Suchalgorithmus in der Lage sein, mit Daten, die direkt aus 3D-Scanner kommen, umzugehen. Bedauerlicherweise leiden diese Daten unter Akquisitionsproblemen wie Rauschen, Löcher sowie fehlender Topologieinformation. In dieser Dissertation werden neue Lösungen für das Problem der Formanpassung präsentiert. Als erstes wird ein Algorithmus gezeigt, der die Korrespondenzen mittels einer randomisierten Suchstrategie schätzt. Zusätzlich wird anhand eines automatisch berechneten Schätzplanes die Geschwindigkeit der Suchstrategie verbessert. Danach wird ein Verfahren gezeigt, dass die Anpassung mehrerer Formen gleichzeitig bewerkstelligen kann. Diese Methode ermöglicht es, die Bewegung, sowie die eigentliche Struktur des Objektes aus verrauschten Daten, die mittels dynamischer 3D-Scanner aufgenommen wurden, zu rekonstruieren. Darauffolgend wird das Problem der Formanpassung aus einer anderen Perspektive betrachtet und als Markov-Netzwerk (MRF) reformuliert. Dieses ermöglicht es, die Formen auch stückweise aufeinander abzubilden. Die eigentliche Lösung wird mittels Belief Propagation berechnet. Schließlich wird ein Ansatz gezeigt, der die Speicher-Zeit-Komplexität von Belief Propagation für ein breites Spektrum von Computer-Vision Problemen erheblich reduziert