23 research outputs found

    Point Cloud Quality Assessment using 3D Saliency Maps

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    Point cloud quality assessment (PCQA) has become an appealing research field in recent days. Considering the importance of saliency detection in quality assessment, we propose an effective full-reference PCQA metric which makes the first attempt to utilize the saliency information to facilitate quality prediction, called point cloud quality assessment using 3D saliency maps (PQSM). Specifically, we first propose a projection-based point cloud saliency map generation method, in which depth information is introduced to better reflect the geometric characteristics of point clouds. Then, we construct point cloud local neighborhoods to derive three structural descriptors to indicate the geometry, color and saliency discrepancies. Finally, a saliency-based pooling strategy is proposed to generate the final quality score. Extensive experiments are performed on four independent PCQA databases. The results demonstrate that the proposed PQSM shows competitive performances compared to multiple state-of-the-art PCQA metrics

    Deep Learning-Based Long Term Mortality Prediction in the National Lung Screening Trial

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    In this study, the long-term mortality in the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) was investigated using a deep learning-based method. Binary classification of the non-lung-cancer mortality (i.e. cardiovascular and respiratory mortality) was performed using neural network models centered around a 3D-ResNet. The models were trained on a participant age, gender, and smoking history matched cohort. Utilising both the 3D CT scan and clinical information, the models can achieve an AUC of 0.73 which outperforms humans at cardiovascular mortality prediction. The corresponding F1 and Matthews Correlation Coefficient are 0.60 and 0.38 respectively. By interpreting the trained models with 3D saliency maps, we examined the features on the CT scans that correspond to the mortality signal. By extracting information from 3D CT volumes, we can highlight regions in the thorax region that contribute to mortality that might be overlooked by the clinicians. Therefore, this can help focus preventative interventions appropriately, particularly for under-recognised pathologies and thereby reducing patient morbidity

    No reference quality assessment of stereo video based on saliency and sparsity

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    With the popularity of video technology, stereoscopic video quality assessment (SVQA) has become increasingly important. Existing SVQA methods cannot achieve good performance because the videos' information is not fully utilized. In this paper, we consider various information in the videos together, construct a simple model to combine and analyze the diverse features, which is based on saliency and sparsity. First, we utilize the 3-D saliency map of sum map, which remains the basic information of stereoscopic video, as a valid tool to evaluate the videos' quality. Second, we use the sparse representation to decompose the sum map of 3-D saliency into coefficients, then calculate the features based on sparse coefficients to obtain the effective expression of videos' message. Next, in order to reduce the relevance between the features, we put them into stacked auto-encoder, mapping vectors to higher dimensional space, and adding the sparse restraint, then input them into support vector machine subsequently, and finally, get the quality assessment scores. Within that process, we take the advantage of saliency and sparsity to extract and simplify features. Through the later experiment, we can see the proposed method is fitting well with the subjective scores

    Quality assessment metric of stereo images considering cyclopean integration and visual saliency

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    In recent years, there has been great progress in the wider use of three-dimensional (3D) technologies. With increasing sources of 3D content, a useful tool is needed to evaluate the perceived quality of the 3D videos/images. This paper puts forward a framework to evaluate the quality of stereoscopic images contaminated by possible symmetric or asymmetric distortions. Human visual system (HVS) studies reveal that binocular combination models and visual saliency are the two key factors for the stereoscopic image quality assessment (SIQA) metric. Therefore inspired by such findings in HVS, this paper proposes a novel saliency map in SIQA metric for the cyclopean image called “cyclopean saliency”, which avoids complex calculations and produces good results in detecting saliency regions. Moreover, experimental results show that our metric significantly outperforms conventional 2D quality metrics and yields higher correlations with human subjective judgment than the state-of-art SIQA metrics. 3D saliency performance is also compared with “cyclopean saliency” in SIQA. It is noticed that the proposed metric is applicable to both symmetric and asymmetric distortions. It can thus be concluded that the proposed SIQA metric can provide an effective evaluation tool to assess stereoscopic image quality

    Mesh Saliency via Weakly Supervised Classification-for-Saliency CNN

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    Recently, effort has been made to apply deep learning to the detection of mesh saliency. However, one major barrier is to collect a large amount of vertex-level annotation as saliency ground truth for training the neural networks. Quite a few pilot studies showed that this task is quite difficult. In this work, we solve this problem by developing a novel network trained in a weakly supervised manner. The training is end-to-end and does not require any saliency ground truth but only the class membership of meshes. Our Classification-for-Saliency CNN (CfS-CNN) employs a multi-view setup and contains a newly designed two-channel structure which integrates view-based features of both classification and saliency. It essentially transfers knowledge from 3D object classification to mesh saliency. Our approach significantly outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods according to extensive experimental results. Also, the CfS-CNN can be directly used for scene saliency. We showcase two novel applications based on scene saliency to demonstrate its utility

    3D Visual saliency: an independent perceptual measure or a derivative of 2d image saliency?

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    While 3D visual saliency aims to predict regional importance of 3D surfaces in agreement with human visual perception and has been well researched in computer vision and graphics, latest work with eye-tracking experiments shows that state-of-the-art 3D visual saliency methods remain poor at predicting human fixations. Cues emerging prominently from these experiments suggest that 3D visual saliency might associate with 2D image saliency. This paper proposes a framework that combines a Generative Adversarial Network and a Conditional Random Field for learning visual saliency of both a single 3D object and a scene composed of multiple 3D objects with image saliency ground truth to 1) investigate whether 3D visual saliency is an independent perceptual measure or just a derivative of image saliency and 2) provide a weakly supervised method for more accurately predicting 3D visual saliency. Through extensive experiments, we not only demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches, but also manage to answer the interesting and worthy question proposed within the title of this pape

    EyeSee3D: a low-cost approach for analysing mobile 3D eye tracking data using augmented reality technology

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    Pfeiffer T, Renner P. EyeSee3D: a low-cost approach for analysing mobile 3D eye tracking data using augmented reality technology. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications. New York: ACM; 2014: 195-202.For validly analyzing human visual attention, it is often necessary to proceed from computer-based desktop set-ups to more natural real-world settings. However, the resulting loss of control has to be counterbalanced by increasing participant and/or item count. Together with the effort required to manually annotate the gaze-cursor videos recorded with mobile eye trackers, this renders many studies unfeasible. We tackle this issue by minimizing the need for manual annotation of mobile gaze data. Our approach combines geo\-metric modelling with inexpensive 3D marker tracking to align virtual proxies with the real-world objects. This allows us to classify fixations on objects of interest automatically while supporting a completely free moving participant. The paper presents the EyeSee3D method as well as a comparison of an expensive outside-in (external cameras) and a low-cost inside-out (scene camera) tracking of the eyetracker's position. The EyeSee3D approach is evaluated comparing the results from automatic and manual classification of fixation targets, which raises old problems of annotation validity in a modern context