1,401 research outputs found

    3D Reconstruction & Assessment Framework based on affordable 2D Lidar

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    Lidar is extensively used in the industry and mass-market. Due to its measurement accuracy and insensitivity to illumination compared to cameras, It is applied onto a broad range of applications, like geodetic engineering, self driving cars or virtual reality. But the 3D Lidar with multi-beam is very expensive, and the massive measurements data can not be fully leveraged on some constrained platforms. The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of using cheap 2D Lidar off-the-shelf, to preform complex 3D Reconstruction, moreover, the generated 3D map quality is evaluated by our proposed metrics at the end. The 3D map is constructed in two ways, one way in which the scan is performed at known positions with an external rotary axis at another plane. The other way, in which the 2D Lidar for mapping and another 2D Lidar for localization are placed on a trolley, the trolley is pushed on the ground arbitrarily. The generated maps by different approaches are converted to octomaps uniformly before the evaluation. The similarity and difference between two maps will be evaluated by the proposed metrics thoroughly. The whole mapping system is composed of several modular components. A 3D bracket was made for assembling of the Lidar with a long range, the driver and the motor together. A cover platform made for the IMU and 2D Lidar with a shorter range but high accuracy. The software is stacked up in different ROS packages.Comment: 7 pages, 9 Postscript figures. Accepted by 2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronic

    Contributions to Intelligent Scene Understanding of Unstructured Environments from 3D lidar sensors

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    Además, la viabilidad de este enfoque es evaluado mediante la implementación de cuatro tipos de clasificadores de aprendizaje supervisado encontrados en métodos de procesamiento de escenas: red neuronal, máquina de vectores de soporte, procesos gaussianos, y modelos de mezcla gaussiana. La segmentación de objetos es un paso más allá hacia el entendimiento de escena, donde conjuntos de puntos 3D correspondientes al suelo y otros objetos de la escena son aislados. La tesis propone nuevas contribuciones a la segmentación de nubes de puntos basados en mapas de vóxeles caracterizados geométricamente. En concreto, la metodología propuesta se compone de dos pasos: primero, una segmentación del suelo especialmente diseñado para entornos naturales; y segundo, el posterior aislamiento de objetos individuales. Además, el método de segmentación del suelo es integrado en una nueva técnica de mapa de navegabilidad basado en cuadrícula de ocupación el cuál puede ser apropiado para robots móviles en entornos naturales. El diseño y desarrollo de un nuevo y asequible sensor lidar 3D de alta resolución también se ha propuesto en la tesis. Los nuevos MBLs, tales como los desarrollados por Velodyne, están siendo cada vez más un tipo de sensor 3D asequible y popular que ofrece alto ratio de datos en un campo de visión vertical (FOV) limitado. El diseño propuesto consiste en una plataforma giratoria que mejora la resolución y el FOV vertical de un Velodyne VLP-16 de 16 haces. Además, los complejos patrones de escaneo producidos por configuraciones de MBL que rotan se analizan tanto en simulaciones de esfera hueca como en escáneres reales en entornos representativos. Fecha de Lectura de Tesis: 11 de julio 2018.Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática Resumen tesis: Los sensores lidar 3D son una tecnología clave para navegación, localización, mapeo y entendimiento de escenas en vehículos no tripulados y robots móviles. Esta tecnología, que provee nubes de puntos densas, puede ser especialmente adecuada para nuevas aplicaciones en entornos naturales o desestructurados, tales como búsqueda y rescate, exploración planetaria, agricultura, o exploración fuera de carretera. Esto es un desafío como área de investigación que incluye disciplinas que van desde el diseño de sensor a la inteligencia artificial o el aprendizaje automático (machine learning). En este contexto, esta tesis propone contribuciones al entendimiento inteligente de escenas en entornos desestructurados basado en medidas 3D de distancia a nivel del suelo. En concreto, las contribuciones principales incluyen nuevas metodologías para la clasificación de características espaciales, segmentación de objetos, y evaluación de navegabilidad en entornos naturales y urbanos, y también el diseño y desarrollo de un nuevo lidar rotatorio multi-haz (MBL). La clasificación de características espaciales es muy relevante porque es extensamente requerida como un paso fundamental previo a los problemas de entendimiento de alto nivel de una escena. Las contribuciones de la tesis en este respecto tratan de mejorar la eficacia, tanto en carga computacional como en precisión, de clasificación de aprendizaje supervisado de características de forma espacial (forma tubular, plana o difusa) obtenida mediante el análisis de componentes principales (PCA). Esto se ha conseguido proponiendo un concepto eficiente de vecindario basado en vóxel en una contribución original que define los procedimientos de aprendizaje “offline” y clasificación “online” a la vez que cinco definiciones alternativas de vectores de características basados en PCA

    Approaches to three-dimensional reconstruction of plant shoot topology and geometry

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    There are currently 805 million people classified as chronically undernourished, and yet the World’s population is still increasing. At the same time, global warming is causing more frequent and severe flooding and drought, thus destroying crops and reducing the amount of land available for agriculture. Recent studies show that without crop climate adaption, crop productivity will deteriorate. With access to 3D models of real plants it is possible to acquire detailed morphological and gross developmental data that can be used to study their ecophysiology, leading to an increase in crop yield and stability across hostile and changing environments. Here we review approaches to the reconstruction of 3D models of plant shoots from image data, consider current applications in plant and crop science, and identify remaining challenges. We conclude that although phenotyping is receiving an increasing amount of attention – particularly from computer vision researchers – and numerous vision approaches have been proposed, it still remains a highly interactive process. An automated system capable of producing 3D models of plants would significantly aid phenotyping practice, increasing accuracy and repeatability of measurements

    Scan4Façade: Automated As-Is Façade Modeling of Historic High-Rise Buildings Using Drones and AI

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    This paper presents an automated as-is façade modeling method for existing and historic high-rise buildings, named Scan4Façade. To begin with, a camera drone with a spiral path is employed to capture building exterior images, and photogrammetry is used to conduct three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and create mesh models for the scanned building façades. High-resolution façade orthoimages are then generated from mesh models and pixelwise segmented by an artificial intelligence (AI) model named U-net. A combined data augmentation strategy, including random flipping, rotation, resizing, perspective transformation, and color adjustment, is proposed for model training with a limited number of labels. As a result, the U-net achieves an average pixel accuracy of 0.9696 and a mean intersection over union of 0.9063 in testing. Then, the developed twoStagesClustering algorithm, with a two-round shape clustering and a two-round coordinates clustering, is used to precisely extract façade elements’ dimensions and coordinates from façade orthoimages and pixelwise label. In testing with the Michigan Central Station (office tower), a historic high-rise building, the developed algorithm achieves an accuracy of 99.77% in window extraction. In addition, the extracted façade geometric information and element types are transformed into AutoCAD command and script files to create CAD drawings without manual interaction. Experimental results also show that the proposed Scan4Façade method can provide clear and accurate information to assist BIM feature creation in Revit. Future research recommendations are also stated in this paper

    Learning Neural Radiance Fields of Forest Structure for Scalable and Fine Monitoring

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    This work leverages neural radiance fields and remote sensing for forestry applications. Here, we show neural radiance fields offer a wide range of possibilities to improve upon existing remote sensing methods in forest monitoring. We present experiments that demonstrate their potential to: (1) express fine features of forest 3D structure, (2) fuse available remote sensing modalities and (3), improve upon 3D structure derived forest metrics. Altogether, these properties make neural fields an attractive computational tool with great potential to further advance the scalability and accuracy of forest monitoring programs