1,112 research outputs found

    An Unsupervised Approach for Overlapping Cervical Cell Cytoplasm Segmentation

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    The poor contrast and the overlapping of cervical cell cytoplasm are the major issues in the accurate segmentation of cervical cell cytoplasm. This paper presents an automated unsupervised cytoplasm segmentation approach which can effectively find the cytoplasm boundaries in overlapping cells. The proposed approach first segments the cell clumps from the cervical smear image and detects the nuclei in each cell clump. A modified Otsu method with prior class probability is proposed for accurate segmentation of nuclei from the cell clumps. Using distance regularized level set evolution, the contour around each nucleus is evolved until it reaches the cytoplasm boundaries. Promising results were obtained by experimenting on ISBI 2015 challenge dataset.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), 2016 IEEE EMBS Conference on. IEEE, 201

    Four Dimensional Image Registration For Intravital Microscopy

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    Increasingly the behavior of living systems is being evaluated using intravital microscopy since it provides subcellular resolution of biological processes in an intact living organism. Intravital microscopy images are frequently confounded by motion resulting from animal respiration and heartbeat. In this paper we describe an image registration method capable of correcting motion artifacts in three dimensional fluorescence microscopy images collected over time. Our method uses 3D B-Spline non-rigid registration using a coarse-to-fine strategy to register stacks of images collected at different time intervals and 4D rigid registration to register 3D volumes over time. The results show that our proposed method has the ability of correcting global motion artifacts of sample tissues in four dimensional space, thereby revealing the motility of individual cells in the tissue

    Histogram Equalization for Improving Quality of Low-resolution Ultrasonography Images

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    The current development of digital image processing techniques have been very rapid. Application of digital image processing both hardware and software are available with a variety of features as a form of superiority. Medical ultrasonography is one of the results of digital image processing technology. It is a kind of diagnostic imaging technique with ultrasonic that is used to produce images of internal organs and muscles, size, structure, and wound pathology, which makes this technique is useful for checking organ. However the images produced by low resolution ultrasonography device is not fully produce clear information. In this research we use histogram equalization to improve image quality. In this paper we emphasize on the comparison of the two methods in the histogram equalization, namely Enhance Contrast Using Histogram Equalization (ECHE) and Contrast-Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE). The results showed that CLAHE give the best results, with the parameter value Nbins 256 and Distribution Rayleigh with MSE value 9744.80 and PSNR value 8.284150

    Optimización en GPU de algoritmos para la mejora del realce y segmentación en imágenes hepáticas

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    This doctoral thesis deepens the GPU acceleration for liver enhancement and segmentation. With this motivation, detailed research is carried out here in a compendium of articles. The work developed is structured in three scientific contributions, the first one is based upon enhancement and tumor segmentation, the second one explores the vessel segmentation and the last is published on liver segmentation. These works are implemented on GPU with significant speedups with great scientific impact and relevance in this doctoral thesis The first work proposes cross-modality based contrast enhancement for tumor segmentation on GPU. To do this, it takes target and guidance images as an input and enhance the low quality target image by applying two dimensional histogram approach. Further it has been observed that the enhanced image provides more accurate tumor segmentation using GPU based dynamic seeded region growing. The second contribution is about fast parallel gradient based seeded region growing where static approach has been proposed and implemented on GPU for accurate vessel segmentation. The third contribution describes GPU acceleration of Chan-Vese model and cross-modality based contrast enhancement for liver segmentation

    Post-processing approaches for the improvement of cardiac ultrasound B-mode images:a review

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