225 research outputs found

    Plethora : a framework for the intelligent control of robotic assembly systems

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    Plethora : a framework for the intelligent control of robotic assembly system

    Integrated inpection of sculptured surface products using machine vision and a coordinate measuring machine

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    In modem manufacturing technology with increasing automation of manufacturing processes and operations, the need for automated measurement has become much more apparent. Computer measuring machines are one of the essential instruments for quality control and measurement of complex products, performing measurements that were previously laborious and time consuming. Inspection of sculptured surfaces can be time consuming since, for exact specification, an almost infinite number of points would be required. Automated measurement with a significant reduction of inspected points can be attempted if prior knowledge of the part shape is available. The use of a vision system can help to identify product shape and features but, unfortunately, the accuracy required is often insufficient. In this work a vision system used with a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), incorporating probing, has enabled fast and accurate measurements to be obtained. The part features have been enhanced by surface marking and a simple 2-D vision system has been utilised to identify part features. In order to accurately identify all parts of the product using the 2-D vision system, a multiple image superposition method has been developed which enables 100 per cent identification of surface features. A method has been developed to generate approximate 3-D surface position from prior knowledge of the product shape. A probing strategy has been developed which selects correct probe angle for optimum accuracy and access, together with methods and software for automated CMM code generation. This has enabled accurate measurement of product features with considerable reductions in inspection time. Several strategies for the determination and assessment of feature position errors have been investigated and a method using a 3-D least squares assessment has been found to be satisfactory. A graphical representation of the product model and errors has been developed using a 3-D solid modelling CAD system. The work has used golf balls and tooling as the product example

    A graphical environment and applications for discrete event and hybrid systems in robotics and automation

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    technical reportIn this paper we present an overview for the development of a graphical environment for simulating, analyzing, synthesizing, monitoring, and controlling complex discrete event and hybrid systems within the robotics, automation, and intelligent system domain. We start by presenting an overview of discrete event and hybrid systems, and then discuss the proposed framework. We also present two applications within the robotics and automation domain for such complex systems. The first is for formulating an observer for manipulating agents, and the second is for designing sensing strategies for the inspection of machine parts

    Mobile Manipulation of a Laser-induced Breakdown Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration

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    Laser-induced Breakdown Spectrometry (LIBS) is an established analytical technique to measure the elemental composition of rocks and other matter on the Martian surface. We propose an autonomous in-contact sampling method based on an attachable LIBS instrument, designed to measure the composition of samples on the surface of planets and moons. The spectrometer module is picked up by our Lightweight Rover Unit (LRU) at the landing site and transported to the sampling location, where the manipulator establishes a solid contact between the instrument and the sample. The rover commands the instrument to trigger the measurement, which in turn releases a laser-pulse and captures the spectrum of the resulting plasma. The in-contact deployment ensures a suitable focus distance for the spectrometer, without a focusing system that would add to the instrument's volume and weight, and allows for flexible deployment of the instrument. The autonomous software computes all necessary manipulation operations on-board the rover and requires almost no supervision from mission control. We tested the LRU and the LIBS instrument at the moon analogue test site on Mt. Etna, Sicily and successfully demonstrated multiple LIBS measurements, in which the rover automatically deployed the instrument on a rock sample, recorded a measurement and sent the data to mission control, with sufficient quality to distinguish the major elements of the recorded sample

    Geometric reasoning for process planning

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    Geometric guides for interactive evolutionary design

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    This thesis describes the addition of novel Geometric Guides to a generative Computer-Aided Design (CAD) application that supports early-stage concept generation. The application generates and evolves abstract 3D shapes, used to inspire the form of new product concepts. It was previously a conventional Interactive Evolutionary system where users selected shapes from evolving populations. However, design industry users wanted more control over the shapes, for example by allowing the system to influence the proportions of evolving forms. The solution researched, developed, integrated and tested is a more cooperative human-machine system combining classic user interaction with innovative geometric analysis. In the literature review, different types of Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC), Pose Normalisation (PN), Shape Comparison, and Minimum-Volume Bounding Box approaches are compared, with some of these technologies identified as applicable for this research. Using its Application Programming Interface, add-ins for the Siemens NX CAD system have been developed and integrated with an existing Interactive Evolutionary CAD system. These add-ins allow users to create a Geometric Guide (GG) at the start of a shape exploration session. Before evolving shapes can be compared with the GG, they must be aligned and scaled (known as Pose Normalisation in the literature). Computationally-efficient PN has been achieved using geometric functions such as Bounding Box for translation and scaling, and Principle Axes for the orientation. A shape comparison algorithm has been developed that is based on the principle of non-intersecting volumes. This algorithm is also implemented with standard, readily available geometric functions, is conceptually simple, accessible to other researchers and also offers appropriate efficacy. Objective geometric testing showed that the PN and Shape Comparison methods developed are suitable for this guiding application and can be efficiently adapted to enhance an Interactive Evolutionary Design system. System performance with different population sizes was examined to indicate how best to use the new guiding capabilities to assist users in evolutionary shape searching. This was backed up by participant testing research into two user interaction strategies. A Large Background Population (LBP) approach where the GG is used to select a sub-set of shapes to show to the user was shown to be the most effective. The inclusion of Geometric Guides has taken the research from the existing aesthetic focused tool to a system capable of application to a wider range of engineering design problems. This system supports earlier design processes and ideation in conceptual design and allows a designer to experiment with ideas freely to interactively explore populations of evolving solutions. The design approach has been further improved, and expanded beyond the previous quite limited scope of form exploration
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