9 research outputs found

    A fine-grain time-sharing Time Warp system

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    Although Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) platforms relying on the Time Warp (optimistic) synchronization protocol already allow for exploiting parallelism, several techniques have been proposed to further favor performance. Among them we can mention optimized approaches for state restore, as well as techniques for load balancing or (dynamically) controlling the speculation degree, the latter being specifically targeted at reducing the incidence of causality errors leading to waste of computation. However, in state of the art Time Warp systems, events’ processing is not preemptable, which may prevent the possibility to promptly react to the injection of higher priority (say lower timestamp) events. Delaying the processing of these events may, in turn, give rise to higher incidence of incorrect speculation. In this article we present the design and realization of a fine-grain time-sharing Time Warp system, to be run on multi-core Linux machines, which makes systematic use of event preemption in order to dynamically reassign the CPU to higher priority events/tasks. Our proposal is based on a truly dual mode execution, application vs platform, which includes a timer-interrupt based support for bringing control back to platform mode for possible CPU reassignment according to very fine grain periods. The latter facility is offered by an ad-hoc timer-interrupt management module for Linux, which we release, together with the overall time-sharing support, within the open source ROOT-Sim platform. An experimental assessment based on the classical PHOLD benchmark and two real world models is presented, which shows how our proposal effectively leads to the reduction of the incidence of causality errors, as compared to traditional Time Warp, especially when running with higher degrees of parallelism

    An extensive study on iterative solver resilience : characterization, detection and prediction

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    Soft errors caused by transient bit flips have the potential to significantly impactan applicalion's behavior. This has motivated the design of an array of techniques to detect, isolate, and correct soft errors using microarchitectural, architectural, compilation­based, or application-level techniques to minimize their impact on the executing application. The first step toward the design of good error detection/correction techniques involves an understanding of an application's vulnerability to soft errors. This work focuses on silent data e orruption's effects on iterative solvers and efforts to mitigate those effects. In this thesis, we first present the first comprehensive characterizalion of !he impact of soft errors on !he convergen ce characteris tics of six iterative methods using application-level fault injection. We analyze the impact of soft errors In terms of the type of error (single-vs multi-bit), the distribution and location of bits affected, the data structure and statement impacted, and varialion with time. We create a public access database with more than 1.5 million fault injection results. We then analyze the performance of soft error detection mechanisms and present the comparalive results. Molivated by our observations, we evaluate a machine-learning based detector that takes as features that are the runtime features observed by the individual detectors to arrive al their conclusions. Our evalualion demonstrates improved results over individual detectors. We then propase amachine learning based method to predict a program's error behavior to make fault injection studies more efficient. We demonstrate this method on asse ssing the performance of soft error detectors. We show that our method maintains 84% accuracy on average with up to 53% less cost. We also show, once a model is trained further fault injection tests would cost 10% of the expected full fault injection runs.“Soft errors” causados por cambios de estado transitorios en bits, tienen el potencial de impactar significativamente el comportamiento de una aplicación. Esto, ha motivado el diseño de una variedad de técnicas para detectar, aislar y corregir soft errors aplicadas a micro-arquitecturas, arquitecturas, tiempo de compilación y a nivel de aplicación para minimizar su impacto en la ejecución de una aplicación. El primer paso para diseñar una buna técnica de detección/corrección de errores, implica el conocimiento de las vulnerabilidades de la aplicación ante posibles soft errors. Este trabajo se centra en los efectos de la corrupción silenciosa de datos en soluciones iterativas, así como en los esfuerzos para mitigar esos efectos. En esta tesis, primeramente, presentamos la primera caracterización extensiva del impacto de soft errors sobre las características convergentes de seis métodos iterativos usando inyección de fallos a nivel de aplicación. Analizamos el impacto de los soft errors en términos del tipo de error (único vs múltiples-bits), de la distribución y posición de los bits afectados, las estructuras de datos, instrucciones afectadas y de las variaciones en el tiempo. Creamos una base de datos pública con más de 1.5 millones de resultados de inyección de fallos. Después, analizamos el desempeño de mecanismos de detección de soft errors actuales y presentamos los resultados de su comparación. Motivados por las observaciones de los resultados presentados, evaluamos un detector de soft errors basado en técnicas de machine learning que toma como entrada las características observadas en el tiempo de ejecución individual de los detectores anteriores al llegar a su conclusión. La evaluación de los resultados obtenidos muestra una mejora por sobre los detectores individualmente. Basados en estos resultados propusimos un método basado en machine learning para predecir el comportamiento de los errores en un programa con el fin de hacer el estudio de inyección de errores mas eficiente. Presentamos este método para evaluar el rendimiento de los detectores de soft errors. Demostramos que nuestro método mantiene una precisión del 84% en promedio con hasta un 53% de mejora en el tiempo de ejecución. También mostramos que una vez que un modelo ha sido entrenado, las pruebas de inyección de errores siguientes costarían 10% del tiempo esperado de ejecución.Postprint (published version

    Comparison of parallel sorting algorithms

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    In this master's thesis we studied, implemented and compared sequential and parallel sorting algorithms. We implemented seven algorithms: bitonic sort, multistep bitonic sort, adaptive bitonic sort, merge sort, quicksort, radix sort and sample sort. Sequential algorithms were implemented on a central processing unit using C++, whereas parallel algorithms were implemented on a graphics processing unit using CUDA architecture. We improved the above mentioned implementations and adopted them to be able to sort input sequences of arbitrary length. We compared algorithms on six different input distributions, which consist of 32-bit numbers, 32-bit key-value pairs, 64-bit numbers and 64-bit key-value pairs. The results show that radix sort is the fastest sequential sorting algorithm, whereas radix sort and merge sort are the fastest parallel algorithms (depending on the input distribution). With parallel implementations we achieved speedups of up to 157-times in comparison to sequential implementations

    Optimization techniques for fine-grained communication in PGAS environments

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    Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) languages promise to deliver improved programmer productivity and good performance in large-scale parallel machines. However, adequate performance for applications that rely on fine-grained communication without compromising their programmability is difficult to achieve. Manual or compiler assistance code optimization is required to avoid fine-grained accesses. The downside of manually applying code transformations is the increased program complexity and hindering of the programmer productivity. On the other hand, compiler optimizations of fine-grained accesses require knowledge of physical data mapping and the use of parallel loop constructs. This thesis presents optimizations for solving the three main challenges of the fine-grain communication: (i) low network communication efficiency; (ii) large number of runtime calls; and (iii) network hotspot creation for the non-uniform distribution of network communication, To solve this problems, the dissertation presents three approaches. First, it presents an improved inspector-executor transformation to improve the network efficiency through runtime aggregation. Second, it presents incremental optimizations to the inspector-executor loop transformation to automatically remove the runtime calls. Finally, the thesis presents a loop scheduling loop transformation for avoiding network hotspots and the oversubscription of nodes. In contrast to previous work that use static coalescing, prefetching, limited privatization, and caching, the solutions presented in this thesis focus cover all the aspect of fine-grained communication, including reducing the number of calls generated by the compiler and minimizing the overhead of the inspector-executor optimization. A performance evaluation with various microbenchmarks and benchmarks, aiming at predicting scaling and absolute performance numbers of a Power 775 machine, indicates that applications with regular accesses can achieve up to 180% of the performance of hand-optimized versions, while in applications with irregular accesses the transformations are expected to yield from 1.12X up to 6.3X speedup. The loop scheduling shows performance gains from 3-25% for NAS FT and bucket-sort benchmarks, and up to 3.4X speedup for the microbenchmarks

    Exploiting Concurrency in Graph algorithms

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    Concurrent programming has become popular in the recent years to facilitate exploitation of hardware capabilities. Because threads are executed concurrently on di�erent processors, and are subject to operating system scheduling decisions, page faults, interrupts, etc., we must think of the computation as completely asynchronous, so that the steps of di�erent threads can be interleaved arbitrarily. This signi�cantly makes the task of designing correct concurrent data structures quite challenging. Furthermore, the issues of correctness and performance are closely tied to each other: algorithmic enhancements that seek to improve performance often make it more difficult to design and verify a correct data structure implementation. Firstly, we considered the problem of graph coloring on static graphs. The basic motivation behind this problem was to limit the number of threads being created at runtime (irrespective of the size of the graph to be colored). We explored four different approaches: (1) barrier synchronization; (2) jones plassman; (3) locking variants and (4) using transactions. The barrier synchronization and Jones Plassman Algorithm do not fare well and are not comparable to the sequential coloring. On the other hand, locks and transactions seem to perform fairly well in terms of time taken for coloring maintaining a reasonable number of colors used. We also present ideas to cut long waiting chains formed by locks. Concurrent data structures or CDS such as concurrent stacks, queues, lists etc. have become very popular in the past few years due to the rise of multi-core systems and due to their performance benefits over their sequential counterparts. But one of the greatest challenges with CDSs is developing correct structures and then proving their correctness either through automatic verification or through hand-written proofs [1]. Considering the complexity of developing a CDS and verifying its correctness, we address the most basic problem of this domain in this chapter: given the set of LPs of a CDS, how to show its correctness? We have developed a hand-crafted technique of proving correctness of the CDSs by validating it LPs which is inspired by rely-guarantee approach [2, 3]. Our technique can be applied to prove the correctness of several commonly used CDSs developed in literature such as Lock-free Linked based Sets [4], hoh-locking-list [5, 6], lazy-list [6, 7], Skiplists [8], etc. Graph is a common data-structure that is being used in various fields where they are very large and dynamic in nature. Dynamic graphs are the one's which are subjected to a sequence of changes like insertion, deletion of vertices and/or edges [9]. We have been specifically motivated by the problem of Serialization Graph Testing (SGT) scheduler [10] from Databases and Transactional Memory [11]. The SGT scheduler maintains the property that con ict graph always remains acyclic to ensure correctness. The traditional solution employed by SGT in Databases & STMs to maintain dynamic graphs is to use a single coarse lock to protect the entire graph. We propose a solution for this problem by developing a concurrent directed graph data-structure which allows threads to concurrently add/delete/contains on vertices/edges while ensuring linearizability. Furthermore, we also provide a linearizable solution for SGT i.e. (1) identifying all con icting & real-time edges, (2) adding all those edges while ensuring acyclicity. Both these occur atomically while ensuring that the history generated satisfies strict-serializability

    Parallel and External High Quality Graph Partitioning

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    Partitioning graphs into k blocks of roughly equal size such that few edges run between the blocks is a key tool for processing and analyzing large complex real-world networks. The graph partitioning problem has multiple practical applications in parallel and distributed computations, data storage, image processing, VLSI physical design and many more. Furthermore, recently, size, variety, and structural complexity of real-world networks has grown dramatically. Therefore, there is a demand for efficient graph partitioning algorithms that fully utilize computational power and memory capacity of modern machines. A popular and successful heuristic to compute a high-quality partitions of large networks in reasonable time is multi-level graph partitioning\textit{multi-level graph partitioning} approach which contracts the graph preserving its structure and then partitions it using a complex graph partitioning algorithm. Specifically, the multi-level graph partitioning approach consists of three main phases: coarsening, initial partitioning, and uncoarsening. During the coarsening phase, the graph is recursively contracted preserving its structure and properties until it is small enough to compute its initial partition during the initial partitioning phase. Afterwards, during the uncoarsening phase the partition of the contracted graph is projected onto the original graph and refined using, for example, local search. Most of the research on heuristical graph partitioning focuses on sequential algorithms or parallel algorithms in the distributed memory model. Unfortunately, previous approaches to graph partitioning are not able to process large networks and rarely take in into account several aspects of modern computational machines. Specifically, the amount of cores per chip grows each year as well as the price of RAM reduces slower than the real-world graphs grow. Since HDDs and SSDs are 50 – 400 times cheaper than RAM, external memory makes it possible to process large real-world graphs for a reasonable price. Therefore, in order to better utilize contemporary computational machines, we develop efficient multi-level graph partitioning\textit{multi-level graph partitioning} algorithms for the shared-memory and the external memory models. First, we present an approach to shared-memory parallel multi-level graph partitioning that guarantees balanced solutions, shows high speed-ups for a variety of large graphs and yields very good quality independently of the number of cores used. Important ingredients include parallel label propagation for both coarsening and uncoarsening, parallel initial partitioning, a simple yet effective approach to parallel localized local search, and fast locality preserving hash tables that effectively utilizes caches. The main idea of the parallel localized local search is that each processors refines only a small area around a random vertex reducing interactions between processors. For example, on 79 cores, our algorithms partitions a graph with more than 3 billions of edges into 16 blocks cutting 4.5% less edges than the closest competitor and being more than two times faster. Furthermore, another competitors is not able to partition this graph. We then present an approach to external memory graph partitioning that is able to partition large graphs that do not fit into RAM. Specifically, we consider the semi-external and the external memory model. In both models a data structure of size proportional to the number of edges does not fit into the RAM. The difference is that the former model assumes that a data structure of size proportional to the number of vertices fits into the RAM whereas the latter assumes the opposite. We address the graph partitioning problem in both models by adapting the size-constrained label propagation technique for the semi-external model and by developing a size-constrained clustering algorithm based on graph coloring in the external memory. Our semi-external size-constrained label propagation algorithm (or external memory clustering algorithm) can be used to compute graph clusterings and is a prerequisite for the (semi-)external graph partitioning algorithm. The algorithms are then used for both the coarsening and the uncoarsening phase of a multi-level algorithm to compute graph partitions. Our (semi-)external algorithm is able to partition and cluster huge complex networks with billions of edges on cheap commodity machines. Experiments demonstrate that the semi-external graph partitioning algorithm is scalable and can compute high quality partitions in time that is comparable to the running time of an efficient internal memory implementation. A parallelization of the algorithm in the semi-external model further reduces running times. Additionally, we develop a speed-up technique for the hypergraph partitioning algorithms. Hypergraphs are an extension of graphs that allow a single edge to connect more than two vertices. Therefore, they describe models and processes more accurately additionally allowing more possibilities for improvement. Most multi-level hypergraph partitioning algorithms perform some computations on vertices and their set of neighbors. Since these computations can be super-linear, they have a significant impact on the overall running time on large hypergraphs. Therefore, to further reduce the size of hyperedges, we develop a pin-sparsifier based on the min-hash technique that clusters vertices with similar neighborhood. Further, vertices that belong to the same cluster are substituted by one vertex, which is connected to their neighbors, therefore, reducing the size of the hypergraph. Our algorithm sparsifies a hypergraph such that the resulting graph can be partitioned significantly faster without loss in quality (or with insignificant loss). On average, KaHyPar with sparsifier performs partitioning about 1.5 times faster while preserving solution quality if hyperedges are large. All aforementioned frameworks are publicly available