13 research outputs found

    Distributed workload control for federated service discovery

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    The diffusion of the internet paradigm in each aspect of human life continuously fosters the widespread of new technologies and related services. In the Future Internet scenario, where 5G telecommunication facilities will interact with the internet of things world, analyzing in real time big amounts of data to feed a potential infinite set of services belonging to different administrative domains, the role of a federated service discovery will become crucial. In this paper the authors propose a distributed workload control algorithm to handle efficiently the service discovery requests, with the aim of minimizing the overall latencies experienced by the requesting user agents. The authors propose an algorithm based on the Wardrop equilibrium, which is a gametheoretical concept, applied to the federated service discovery domain. The proposed solution has been implemented and its performance has been assessed adopting different network topologies and metrics. An open source simulation environment has been created allowing other researchers to test the proposed solution

    Approaches for Future Internet architecture design and Quality of Experience (QoE) Control

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    Researching a Future Internet capable of overcoming the current Internet limitations is a strategic investment. In this respect, this paper presents some concepts that can contribute to provide some guidelines to overcome the above-mentioned limitations. In the authors' vision, a key Future Internet target is to allow applications to transparently, efficiently and flexibly exploit the available network resources with the aim to match the users' expectations. Such expectations could be expressed in terms of a properly defined Quality of Experience (QoE). In this respect, this paper provides some approaches for coping with the QoE provision problem

    Modeling and Simulation of Energy Management Hybrid Sources System composed of Solar-PV and Battery

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    This paper describes the  modeling and control of a hybrid source consisting of PV generator (as  main  source)  along  with  a  battery (as  an  auxiliary source)  and a dc-load are connected through power converters and a dc-link. The main objective of this paper is to design a power manager to control effectively the power of the different sources. To test the effectiveness of the different control techniques involved, simulation results are plotted and commented

    Optimizing mixtures of dependency trees with application to distributed probabilistic control

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    One of the problems in distributed control is that of establishing a communication network topology between the intervening controllers that best suits the closed loop performance of the whole system. In this paper, a particular view of this problem is analyzed where the optimal actuation is described probabilistically and assumed to be jointly specified. The main problem is that of finding a topology having pairwise communication links that best approaches a joint distribution of actions at each time instant. The proposed algorithm uses properties of the natural gradient in the manifold of categorical distributions to find a mixture of dependency trees under certain network topology constraints

    Predictive control for packet dropouts in wireless networked control systems

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    A predictive PID controller is presented to achieve stability in wireless networked control systems, where the communication is subject to data packet dropouts in both communication routes: sensor to control and control to actuator transmission. The control strategy is based on General Predictive Control (GPC). A Kalman filter and a consecutive dropouts compensator algorithm have been added to the control scheme. The purpose of the algorithm is to develop an estimation and control system that maintains information of the sensor packets and the control actions. Several experiments using the TrueTime network simulator are provided to demonstrate the algorithm and its effectiveness

    A geometric approach to structural model matching by output feedback in linear impulsive systems

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    AbstractThis paper provides a complete characterization of solvability of the problem of structural model matching by output feedback in linear impulsive systems with nonuniformly spaced state jumps. Namely, given a linear impulsive plant and a linear impulsive model, both subject to sequences of state jumps which are assumed to be simultaneous and measurable, the problem consists in finding a linear impulsive compensator that achieves exact matching between the respective forced responses of the linear impulsive plant and of the linear impulsive model, by means of a dynamic feedback of the plant output, for all the admissible input functions and for all the admissible sequences of jump times. The solution of the stated problem is achieved by reducing it to an equivalent problem of structural disturbance decoupling by dynamic feedforward. Indeed, this latter problem is formulated for the so-called extended linear impulsive system, which consists of a suitable connection between the given plant and a modified model. A necessary and sufficient condition for the solution of the structural disturbance decoupling problem is first shown. The proof of sufficiency is constructive, since it is based on the synthesis of the compensator that solves the problem. The proof of necessity is based on the definition and the geometric properties of the unobservable subspace of a linear impulsive system subject to unequally spaced state jumps. Finally, the equivalence between the two structural problems is formally established and proven

    2.4. An ASV (Autonomous Surface Vehicle) for Archaeology: The Pladypos at Caesarea Maritima, Israel

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    With the advent of new digital site recording technologies, archaeologists must manage spatial and visual datasets that have grown far beyond the capacity of last century’s paper notebooks. Turning to purely digital recording systems (“going paperless”) in underwater archaeology presents a different set of challenges from terrestrial archaeology and requires a specialized toolkit. The Pladypos prototype, an autonomous surface vehicle, responds to the need for underwater archaeological site mapping tools to be simple, robust, highly portable, and—where appropriate—to coordinate its operations effectively with human divers and tablet-based digital recording systems. Over several days in 2014, the Pladypos was deployed to map the Herodian port structures at Caesarea Maritima, Israel, one of the Mediterranean’s most important submerged coastal sites. In 2015, this mission was expanded to support the excavation of the site of a possible 11th-century a.d. Fatimid shipwreck found near the southern breakwater of Caesarea’s outer harbor.https://dc.uwm.edu/arthist_mobilizingthepast/1012/thumbnail.jp

    Аналітичний метод розпізнавання типу дефекту маслонаповненого обладнання за результатами аналізу розчинених у маслі газів

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    Мета роботи. Розробка методу розпізнавання типу дефекту маслонаповненого обладнання за результатами аналізу розчинених у маслі газів. Методи дослідження. Аналіз значень відношень газів в маслонаповненому обладнанні з дефектами різного типу, синтез методу для розпізнавання типу дефектів. Отримані результати. Наведено опис аналітичного методу для розпізнавання типу дефектів маслонаповненого обладнання за результатами аналізу розчинених у маслі газів. Для розпізнавання типу дефекту використовуються значення трьох відношень – СН4/Н2, С2Н4/С2Н6 і С2Н2/С2Н4. Використання цих відношень дозволяє розпізнавати 40 дефектів різного типу та їх комбінацій. Даним дефектам відповідають 25 різних діапазонів значень відношень газів, отримані в результаті досліджень вмісту газів для 3715 одиниць маслонаповненого обладнання Визначення типу дефекту відбувається шляхом аналізу отриманих значень відношень газів і їх класифікації відповідно до діапазонів значень відношень газів кожного із дефектів. У випадку, коли отримані значення відношень відповідають одразу кільком типам дефектів в одному діапазоні значень, для уточнення типу дефекту використовуються характерні номограми дефектів та рекомендації відповідно до положень методу ключового газу. Виконано порівняльний аналіз достовірності розпізнавання типу дефекту з використанням розробленого методу та деяких відомих методів інтерпретації результатів аналізу розчинених у маслі газів. Наукова новизна. Запропоновано аналітичний метод для розпізнавання типу дефектів маслонаповненого обладнання електричних мереж за результатами аналізу розчинених у маслі газів. Даний метод відрізняється від існуючих тим, що при використанні трьох відомих відношень газів він дозволяє розпізнавати більшу кількість дефектів різного типу (40), в тому числі й тих, для яких відомі методи не дозволяють встановити діагноз. Такий результат забезпечується використанням 25 діапазонів значень відношень газів, отриманих за результатами досліджень вмісту газів для 3715 одиниць маслонаповненого обладнання. Практична цінність. Використання розробленого методу для розпізнавання типу дефектів маслонаповненого обладнання електричних мереж дозволяє підвищити достовірність розпізнавання дефектів за результатами аналізу розчинених у маслі газів. Своєю чергою це дозволяє підвищити експлуатаційну надійність електроенергетичного обладнання та подовжити термін експлуатації цього обладнання

    Activity Report: Automatic Control 2013

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    Design, characterisation and control of TCN artificial muscles

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    Today there are several muscle weaknesses that hinder individuals from fully using their mobility. In attempts to solve these problems, several artificial muscles, so called actuators, have been invented to complement skeletal muscles. Yet, there is not a single actuator that covers all the characteristics of such muscles. In recent years, a new way of manufacturing actuators has made its way into the field. The actuators are manufactured by twisting and coiling silver coated nylon yarn and activated by sending a voltage through them. This thesis covers research on the design, characterisation and control of Twisted and Coiled Nylon (TCN) actuators. It explains the manufacturing process, including the yarn to use, the number of twists to perform for the thread to coil and how to handle the coiled thread. It also describes how to manufacture a longer actuator. The characterisation and control are studied through testing the actuators with a control program written in MATLAB and comparing their behaviour due to several PID parameters together with a bilinear compensation and displacement reference. The project also includes an introduction to a rigidifiable material where the actuators are applied to change the rigidity of a flexible material. In conclusion, the result of the study of the design, characterisation and control shows that the material used, Shieldex® 235/36 dtex 2-ply HCB, does not reach new heights in the research on TCN actuators due to its force-to-strain ratio being lower than the ratio of previously obtained actuators. The actuators can still be used in the rigidifiable material, which gives them a future chance.Ingeniería Biomédic