13 research outputs found

    Systematic mapping literature review of mobile robotics competitions

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    This paper presents a systematic mapping literature review about the mobile robotics competitions that took place over the last few decades in order to obtain an overview of the main objectives, target public, challenges, technologies used and final application area to show how these competitions have been contributing to education. In the review we found 673 papers from 5 different databases and at the end of the process, 75 papers were classified to extract all the relevant information using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method. More than 50 mobile robotics competitions were found and it was possible to analyze most of the competitions in detail in order to answer the research questions, finding the main goals, target public, challenges, technologies and application area, mainly in education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Systematic Mapping Literature Review of Mobile Robotics Competitions

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    [EN] This paper presents a systematic mapping literature review about the mobile robotics competitions that took place over the last few decades in order to obtain an overview of the main objectives, target public, challenges, technologies used and final application area to show how these competitions have been contributing to education. In the review we found 673 papers from 5 different databases and at the end of the process, 75 papers were classified to extract all the relevant information using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method. More than 50 mobile robotics competitions were found and it was possible to analyze most of the competitions in detail in order to answer the research questions, finding the main goals, target public, challenges, technologies and application area, mainly in education.S

    Path Driven Dual Arm Mobile Co-Manipulation Architecture for Large Part Manipulation in Industrial Environments

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    Collaborative part transportation is an interesting application as many industrial sectors require moving large parts among different areas of the workshops, using a large amount of the workforce on this tasks. Even so, the implementation of such kinds of robotic solutions raises technical challenges like force-based control or robot-to-human feedback. This paper presents a path-driven mobile co-manipulation architecture, proposing an algorithm that deals with all the steps of collaborative part transportation. Starting from the generation of force-based twist commands, continuing with the path management for the definition of safe and collaborative areas, and finishing with the feedback provided to the system users, the proposed approach allows creating collaborative lanes for the conveyance of large components. The implemented solution and performed tests show the suitability of the proposed architecture, allowing the creation of a functional robotic system able to assist operators transporting large parts on workshops.This work has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme as part of the project SHERLOCK under grant agreement No 820689

    Bale Collection Path Planning Using an Autonomous Vehicle with Neighborhood Collection Capabilities

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    This research was mainly focused on the evaluation of path planning approaches as a prerequisite for the automation of bale collection operations. A comparison between a traditional bale collection path planning approach using traditional vehicles such as tractors, and loaders with an optimized path planning approach using a new autonomous articulated concept vehicle with neighborhood reach capabilities (AVN) was carried out. Furthermore, the effects of carrying capacity on reduction in the working distance of the bale collection operation was also studied. It was concluded that the optimized path planning approach using AVN with increased carrying capacity significantly reduced the working distance for the bale collection operation and can thus improve agricultural sustainability, particularly within forage handling

    Wearable biofeedback improves human-robot compliance during ankle-foot exoskeleton-assisted gait training: a pre-post controlled study in healthy participants

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    Supplementary material available at: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/20/20/5876/s1The adjunctive use of biofeedback systems with exoskeletons may accelerate post-stroke gait rehabilitation. Wearable patient-oriented human-robot interaction-based biofeedback is proposed to improve patient-exoskeleton compliance regarding the interaction torque’s direction (joint motion strategy) and magnitude (user participation strategy) through auditory and vibrotactile cues during assisted gait training, respectively. Parallel physiotherapist-oriented strategies are also proposed such that physiotherapists can follow in real-time a patient’s motor performance towards effective involvement during training. A preliminary pre-post controlled study was conducted with eight healthy participants to conclude about the biofeedback’s efficacy during gait training driven by an ankle-foot exoskeleton and guided by a technical person. For the study group, performance related to the interaction torque’s direction increased during (p-value = 0.07) and after (p-value = 0.07) joint motion training. Further, the performance regarding the interaction torque’s magnitude significantly increased during (p-value = 0.03) and after (p-value = 68.59 × 10−3) user participation training. The experimental group and a technical person reported promising usability of the biofeedback and highlighted the importance of the timely cues from physiotherapist-oriented strategies. Less significant improvements in patient–exoskeleton compliance were observed in the control group. The overall findings suggest that the proposed biofeedback was able to improve the participant-exoskeleton compliance by enhancing human-robot interaction; thus, it may be a powerful tool to accelerate post-stroke ankle-foot deformity recovery.INCT-EN -Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia para Excitotoxicidade e Neuroproteção(UIDB/04436/2020

    CLARA: Building a Socially Assistive Robot to Interact with Elderly People

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    Although the global population is aging, the proportion of potential caregivers is not keeping pace. It is necessary for society to adapt to this demographic change, and new technologies are a powerful resource for achieving this. New tools and devices can help to ease independent living and alleviate the workload of caregivers. Among them, socially assistive robots (SARs), which assist people with social interactions, are an interesting tool for caregivers thanks to their proactivity, autonomy, interaction capabilities, and adaptability. This article describes the different design and implementation phases of a SAR, the CLARA robot, both from a physical and software point of view, from 2016 to 2022. During this period, the design methodology evolved from traditional approaches based on technical feasibility to user-centered co-creative processes. The cognitive architecture of the robot, CORTEX, keeps its core idea of using an inner representation of the world to enable inter-procedural dialogue between perceptual, reactive, and deliberative modules. However, CORTEX also evolved by incorporating components that use non-functional properties to maximize efficiency through adaptability. The robot has been employed in several projects for different uses in hospitals and retirement homes. This paper describes the main outcomes of the functional and user experience evaluations of these experiments.This work has been partially funded by the EU ECHORD++ project (FP7-ICT-601116), the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 825003 (DIH-HERO SUSTAIN), the RoQME and MiRON Integrated Technical Projects funded, in turn, by the EU RobMoSys project (H20202-732410), the project RTI2018-099522-B-C41, funded by the Gobierno de España and FEDER funds, the AT17-5509-UMA and UMA18-FEDERJA-074 projects funded by the Junta de Andalucía, and the ARMORI (CEIATECH-10) and B1-2021_26 projects funded by the University of Málaga. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    Towards Safe Robotic Agricultural Applications: Safe Navigation System Design for a Robotic Grass-Mowing Application through the Risk Management Method

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    Safe navigation is a key objective for autonomous applications, particularly those involving mobile tasks, to avoid dangerous situations and prevent harm to humans. However, the integration of a risk management process is not yet mandatory in robotics development. Ensuring safety using mobile robots is critical for many real-world applications, especially those in which contact with the robot could result in fatal consequences, such as agricultural environments where a mobile device with an industrial cutter is used for grass-mowing. In this paper, we propose an explicit integration of a risk management process into the design of the software for an autonomous grass mower, with the aim of enhancing safety. Our approach is tested and validated in simulated scenarios that assess the effectiveness of different custom safety functionalities in terms of collision prevention, execution time, and the number of required human interventions

    Kinematics, speed, and anthropometry-based ankle joint torque estimation: a deep learning regression approach

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    Powered Assistive Devices (PADs) have been proposed to enable repetitive, user-oriented gait rehabilitation. They may include torque controllers that typically require reference joint torque trajectories to determine the most suitable level of assistance. However, a robust approach able to automatically estimate user-oriented reference joint torque trajectories, namely ankle torque, while considering the effects of varying walking speed, body mass, and height on the gait dynamics, is needed. This study evaluates the accuracy and generalization ability of two Deep Learning (DL) regressors (Long-Short Term Memory and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)) to generate user-oriented reference ankle torque trajectories by innovatively customizing them according to the walking speed (ranging from 1.0 to 4.0 km/h) and users’ body height and mass (ranging from 1.51 to 1.83 m and 52.0 to 83.7 kg, respectively). Furthermore, this study hypothesizes that DL regressors can estimate joint torque without resourcing electromyography signals. CNN was the most robust algorithm (Normalized Root Mean Square Error: 0.70 ± 0.06; Spearman Correlation: 0.89 ± 0.03; Coefficient of Determination: 0.91 ± 0.03). No statistically significant differences were found in CNN accuracy (p-value > 0.05) whether electromyography signals are included as inputs or not, enabling a less obtrusive and accurate setup for torque estimation.This work was funded in part by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) with the Reference Scholarship under Grant 2020.05711.BD, and in part by the FEDER Funds through the COMPETE 2020—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and P2020 with the Reference Project SmartOs Grant POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039868, and by FCT national funds, under the national support to R&D units grant, through the reference project UIDB/04436/2020 and UIDP/04436/2020