688 research outputs found

    Aerial Manipulation: A Literature Review

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    Aerial manipulation aims at combining the versatil- ity and the agility of some aerial platforms with the manipulation capabilities of robotic arms. This letter tries to collect the results reached by the research community so far within the field of aerial manipulation, especially from the technological and control point of view. A brief literature review of general aerial robotics and space manipulation is carried out as well

    Efficient Humanoid Contact Planning using Learned Centroidal Dynamics Prediction

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    Humanoid robots dynamically navigate an environment by interacting with it via contact wrenches exerted at intermittent contact poses. Therefore, it is important to consider dynamics when planning a contact sequence. Traditional contact planning approaches assume a quasi-static balance criterion to reduce the computational challenges of selecting a contact sequence over a rough terrain. This however limits the applicability of the approach when dynamic motions are required, such as when walking down a steep slope or crossing a wide gap. Recent methods overcome this limitation with the help of efficient mixed integer convex programming solvers capable of synthesizing dynamic contact sequences. Nevertheless, its exponential-time complexity limits its applicability to short time horizon contact sequences within small environments. In this paper, we go beyond current approaches by learning a prediction of the dynamic evolution of the robot centroidal momenta, which can then be used for quickly generating dynamically robust contact sequences for robots with arms and legs using a search-based contact planner. We demonstrate the efficiency and quality of the results of the proposed approach in a set of dynamically challenging scenarios

    Motion planning with dynamics awareness for long reach manipulation in aerial robotic systems with two arms

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    Human activities in maintenance of industrial plants pose elevated risks as well as significant costs due to the required shutdowns of the facility. An aerial robotic system with two arms for long reach manipulation in cluttered environments is presented to alleviate these constraints. The system consists of a multirotor with a long bar extension that incorporates a lightweight dual arm in the tip. This configuration allows aerial manipulation tasks even in hard-to-reach places. The objective of this work is the development of planning strategies to move the aerial robotic system with two arms for long reach manipulation in a safe and efficient way for both navigation and manipulation tasks. The motion planning problem is addressed considering jointly the aerial platform and the dual arm in order to achieve wider operating conditions. Since there exists a strong dynamical coupling between the multirotor and the dual arm, safety in obstacle avoidance will be assured by introducing dynamics awareness in the operation of the planner. On the other hand, the limited maneuverability of the system emphasizes the importance of energy and time efficiency in the generated trajectories. Accordingly, an adapted version of the optimal Rapidly-exploring Random Tree algorithm has been employed to guarantee their optimality. The resulting motion planning strategy has been evaluated through simulation in two realistic industrial scenarios, a riveting application and a chimney repairing task. To this end, the dynamics of the aerial robotic system with two arms for long reach manipulation has been properly modeled, and a distributed control scheme has been derived to complete the test bed. The satisfactory results of the simulations are presented as a first validation of the proposed approach.Unión Europea H2020-644271Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades DPI2014-59383-C2-1-

    Active Mapping and Robot Exploration: A Survey

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    Simultaneous localization and mapping responds to the problem of building a map of the environment without any prior information and based on the data obtained from one or more sensors. In most situations, the robot is driven by a human operator, but some systems are capable of navigating autonomously while mapping, which is called native simultaneous localization and mapping. This strategy focuses on actively calculating the trajectories to explore the environment while building a map with a minimum error. In this paper, a comprehensive review of the research work developed in this field is provided, targeting the most relevant contributions in indoor mobile robotics.This research was funded by the ELKARTEK project ELKARBOT KK-2020/00092 of the Basque Government

    Semantic information for robot navigation: a survey

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    There is a growing trend in robotics for implementing behavioural mechanisms based on human psychology, such as the processes associated with thinking. Semantic knowledge has opened new paths in robot navigation, allowing a higher level of abstraction in the representation of information. In contrast with the early years, when navigation relied on geometric navigators that interpreted the environment as a series of accessible areas or later developments that led to the use of graph theory, semantic information has moved robot navigation one step further. This work presents a survey on the concepts, methodologies and techniques that allow including semantic information in robot navigation systems. The techniques involved have to deal with a range of tasks from modelling the environment and building a semantic map, to including methods to learn new concepts and the representation of the knowledge acquired, in many cases through interaction with users. As understanding the environment is essential to achieve high-level navigation, this paper reviews techniques for acquisition of semantic information, paying attention to the two main groups: human-assisted and autonomous techniques. Some state-of-the-art semantic knowledge representations are also studied, including ontologies, cognitive maps and semantic maps. All of this leads to a recent concept, semantic navigation, which integrates the previous topics to generate high-level navigation systems able to deal with real-world complex situationsThe research leading to these results has received funding from HEROITEA: Heterogeneous 480 Intelligent Multi-Robot Team for Assistance of Elderly People (RTI2018-095599-B-C21), funded by Spanish 481 Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. The research leading to this work was also supported project "Robots sociales para estimulacón física, cognitiva y afectiva de mayores"; funded by the Spanish State Research Agency under grant 2019/00428/001. It is also funded by WASP-AI Sweden; and by Spanish project Robotic-Based Well-Being Monitoring and Coaching for Elderly People during Daily Life Activities (RTI2018-095599-A-C22)

    Dexterous manipulation of unknown objects using virtual contact points

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    The manipulation of unknown objects is a problem of special interest in robotics since it is not always possible to have exact models of the objects with which the robot interacts. This paper presents a simple strategy to manipulate unknown objects using a robotic hand equipped with tactile sensors. The hand configurations that allow the rotation of an unknown object are computed using only tactile and kinematic information, obtained during the manipulation process and reasoning about the desired and real positions of the fingertips during the manipulation. This is done taking into account that the desired positions of the fingertips are not physically reachable since they are located in the interior of the manipulated object and therefore they are virtual positions with associated virtual contact points. The proposed approach was satisfactorily validated using three fingers of an anthropomorphic robotic hand (Allegro Hand), with the original fingertips replaced by tactile sensors (WTS-FT). In the experimental validation, several everyday objects with different shapes were successfully manipulated, rotating them without the need of knowing their shape or any other physical property.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Data-driven robotic manipulation of cloth-like deformable objects : the present, challenges and future prospects

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    Manipulating cloth-like deformable objects (CDOs) is a long-standing problem in the robotics community. CDOs are flexible (non-rigid) objects that do not show a detectable level of compression strength while two points on the article are pushed towards each other and include objects such as ropes (1D), fabrics (2D) and bags (3D). In general, CDOs’ many degrees of freedom (DoF) introduce severe self-occlusion and complex state–action dynamics as significant obstacles to perception and manipulation systems. These challenges exacerbate existing issues of modern robotic control methods such as imitation learning (IL) and reinforcement learning (RL). This review focuses on the application details of data-driven control methods on four major task families in this domain: cloth shaping, knot tying/untying, dressing and bag manipulation. Furthermore, we identify specific inductive biases in these four domains that present challenges for more general IL and RL algorithms.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A Robust Localization System for Inspection Robots in Sewer Networks †

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    Sewers represent a very important infrastructure of cities whose state should be monitored periodically. However, the length of such infrastructure prevents sensor networks from being applicable. In this paper, we present a mobile platform (SIAR) designed to inspect the sewer network. It is capable of sensing gas concentrations and detecting failures in the network such as cracks and holes in the floor and walls or zones were the water is not flowing. These alarms should be precisely geo-localized to allow the operators performing the required correcting measures. To this end, this paper presents a robust localization system for global pose estimation on sewers. It makes use of prior information of the sewer network, including its topology, the different cross sections traversed and the position of some elements such as manholes. The system is based on a Monte Carlo Localization system that fuses wheel and RGB-D odometry for the prediction stage. The update step takes into account the sewer network topology for discarding wrong hypotheses. Additionally, the localization is further refined with novel updating steps proposed in this paper which are activated whenever a discrete element in the sewer network is detected or the relative orientation of the robot over the sewer gallery could be estimated. Each part of the system has been validated with real data obtained from the sewers of Barcelona. The whole system is able to obtain median localization errors in the order of one meter in all cases. Finally, the paper also includes comparisons with state-of-the-art Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) systems that demonstrate the convenience of the approach.Unión Europea ECHORD ++ 601116Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España RTI2018-100847-B-C2