53 research outputs found

    Enhanced 2D/3D Approaches Based on Relevance Index for 3D-Shape Retrieval

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    International audienceWe present a new approach for 3D model indexing and retrieval using 2D/3D shape descriptors based on silhouettes or depth-buffer images. To take into account the dispersion of information in the views, we associate to each view a relevance index which will be afterward used in the dissimilarity computation. The performance of this new approach is evaluated on the Princeton 3D Shape Benchmark database

    A Dense Point-to-Point Alignment Method for Realistic 3D Face Morphing and Animation

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    We present a new point matching method to overcome the dense point-to-point alignment of scanned 3D faces. Instead of using the rigid spatial transformation in the traditional iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm, we adopt the thin plate spline (TPS) transformation to model the deformation of different 3D faces. Because TPS is a non-rigid transformation with good smooth property, it is suitable for formulating the complex variety of human facial morphology. A closest point searching algorithm is proposed to keep one-to-one mapping, and to get good efficiency the point matching method is accelerated by a KD-tree method. Having constructed the dense point-to-point correspondence of 3D faces, we create 3D face morphing and animation by key-frames interpolation and obtain realistic results. Comparing with ICP algorithm and the optical flow method, the presented point matching method can achieve good matching accuracy and stability. The experiment results have shown that our method is efficient for dense point objects registration

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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    Length Constrained Multiresolution Deformation for Surface Wrinkling

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    International audienceWe present a method for deforming piescewise linear 3D curves on surfaces with constant length constraint. We show how this constraint can be integrated into a multiresolution editing tool allowing an intuitive control of the deformation's extent and aspect. The constraint is enforced following two steps. A first step consists in approximating the initial length by modifying the multiresolution decomposition at some specified scale. In a second step the constraint is axactly enforced by constrained minimization of a smoothness criterion. This process then provides the core of an integrated wrinkling tool for soft tissues modelling. A curve on the mesh is deformed, providing a deformation profile which is propagated in a user-defined neighbourhood

    Digital Processing and Management Tools for 2D and 3D Shape Repositories

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    Deep Spectral Meshes: Multi-Frequency Facial Mesh Processing with Graph Neural Networks

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    With the rising popularity of virtual worlds, the importance of data-driven parametric models of 3D meshes has grown rapidly. Numerous applications, such as computer vision, procedural generation, and mesh editing, vastly rely on these models. However, current approaches do not allow for independent editing of deformations at different frequency levels. They also do not benefit from representing deformations at different frequencies with dedicated representations, which would better expose their properties and improve the generated meshes’ geometric and perceptual quality. In this work, spectral meshes are introduced as a method to decompose mesh deformations into low-frequency and high-frequency deformations. These features of low- and high-frequency deformations are used for representation learning with graph convolutional networks. A parametric model for 3D facial mesh synthesis is built upon the proposed framework, exposing user parameters that control disentangled high- and low-frequency deformations. Independent control of deformations at different frequencies and generation of plausible synthetic examples are mutually exclusive objectives. A Conditioning Factor is introduced to leverage these objectives. Our model takes further advantage of spectral partitioning by representing different frequency levels with disparate, more suitable representations. Low frequencies are represented with standardised Euclidean coordinates, and high frequencies with a normalised deformation representation (DR). This paper investigates applications of our proposed approach in mesh reconstruction, mesh interpolation, and multi-frequency editing. It is demonstrated that our method improves the overall quality of generated meshes on most datasets when considering both the  (Formula presented.)  norm and perceptual Dihedral Angle Mesh Error (DAME) metrics

    Numerical and variational aspects of mesh parameterization and editing

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    A surface parameterization is a smooth one-to-one mapping between the surface and a parametric domain. Typically, surfaces with disk topology are mapped onto the plane and genus-zero surfaces onto the sphere. As any attempt to flatten a non-trivial surface onto the plane will inevitably induce a certain amount of distortion, the main concern of research on this topic is to minimize parametric distortion. This thesis aims at presenting a balanced blend of mathematical rigor and engineering intuition to address the challenges raised by the mesh parameterization problem. We study the numerical aspects of mesh parameterization in the light of parallel developments in both mathematics and engineering. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of quasi-harmonic maps for reducing distortion in the fixed boundary case and extend it to both the free boundary and the spherical case. Thinking of parameterization in a more general sense as the construction of one or several scalar fields on a surface, we explore the potential of this construction for mesh deformation and surface matching. We propose an \u27;on-surface parameterization\u27; for guiding the deformation process and performing surface matching. A direct harmonic interpolation in the quaternion domain is also shown to give promising results for deformation transfer.Eine Flächenparameterisierung ist eine globale bijektive Abbildung zwischen der Fläche und einem zugehörigen parametrischen Gebiet. Gewöhnlich werden Flächen mit scheibenförmiger Topologie auf eine Kreisscheibe und Flächen mit Genus Null auf eine Sphäre abgebildet. Das Hauptinteresse der Forschung an diesem Thema ist die Minimierung der parametrischen Verzerrung, die unweigerlich bei jedem Versuch, eine nicht triviale Fläche über einer Ebene zu parameterisieren, erzeugt wird. Diese Arbeit strebt zur Behandlung des Parametrisierungsproblems eine ausgeglichene Mischung zwischen mathematischer Präzision und ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Intuition an. Wir behandeln dabei die numerischen Aspekte des Parameterisierungsproblems im Hinblick auf die aktuellen parallelen Entwicklungen in der Mathematik und den Ingenieurwissenschaften. Weiterhin führen wir das Konzept der quasi-harmonischen Abbildungen ein, um die Verzerrung bei gegebenen Randbedingungen zu verringern. Anschließend verallgemeinern wir dieses Konzept auf den sphärischen Fall und auf den Fall mit freien Randbedingungen. Durch allgemeinere Betrachtung der Parameterisierung als Konstruktion eines oder mehrerer skalarer Felder auf einer Fläche ergibt sich ein neuer Ansatz zur Netzdeformation und der Erzeugung von Flächenkorrespondenzen. Wir stellen eine \u27;on-surface parameterization\u27; vor, welche den Deformationsprozess leitet und Flächenkorrespondenzen erstellt. Darüber hinaus zeigt eine direkte harmonische Interpolation in der Domäne der Quaternionen auch vielversprechende Resultate für die Übertragung von Deformationen

    A 3D Digital Approach to the Stylistic and Typo-Technological Study of Small Figurines from Ayia Irini, Cyprus

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    The thesis aims to develop a 3D digital approach to the stylistic and typo-technological study of coroplastic, focusing on small figurines. The case study to test the method is a sample of terracotta statuettes from an assemblage of approximately 2000 statues and figurines found at the beginning of the 20th century in a rural open-air sanctuary at Ayia Irini (Cyprus) by the archaeologists of the Swedish Cyprus Expedition. The excavators identified continuity of worship at the sanctuary from the Late Cypriot III (circa 1200 BC) to the end of the Cypro-Archaic II period (ca. 475 BC). They attributed the small figurines to the Cypro-Archaic I-II. Although the excavation was one of the first performed through the newly established stratigraphic method, the archaeologists studied the site and its material following a traditional, merely qualitative approach. Theanalysis of the published results identified a classification of the material with no-clear-cut criteria, and their overlap between types highlights ambiguities in creating groups and classes. Similarly, stratigraphic arguments and different opinions among archaeologists highlight the need for revising. Moreover, pastlegislation allowed the excavators to export half of the excavated antiquities, creating a dispersion of the assemblage. Today, the assemblage is still partly exhibited at the Cyprus Museum in Nicosia and in four different museums in Sweden. Such a setting prevents to study, analyse and interpret the assemblageholistically. This research proposes a 3D chaîne opératoire methodology to study the collection’s small terracotta figurines, aiming to understand the context’s function and social role as reflected by the classification obtained with the 3D digital approach. The integration proposed in this research of traditional archaeological studies, and computer-assisted investigation based on quantitative criteria, identified and defined with 3D measurements and analytical investigations, is adopted as a solution to the biases of a solely qualitative approach. The 3D geometric analysis of the figurines focuses on the objects’ shape and components, mode of manufacture, level of expertise, specialisation or skills of the craftsman and production techniques. The analysis leads to the creation of classes of artefacts which allow archaeologists to formulate hypotheses on the production process, identify a common production (e.g., same hand, same workshop) and establish a relative chronological sequence. 3D reconstruction of the excavation’s area contributes to the virtual re-unification of the assemblage for its holistic study, the relative chronological dating of the figurines and the interpretation of their social and ritual purposes. The results obtained from the selected sample prove the efficacy of the proposed 3D approach and support the expansion of the analysis to the whole assemblage, and possibly initiate quantitative and systematic studies on Cypriot coroplastic production

    3-D Content-Based Retrieval and Classification with Applications to Museum Data

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    There is an increasing number of multimedia collections arising in areas once only the domain of text and 2-D images. Richer types of multimedia such as audio, video and 3-D objects are becoming more and more common place. However, current retrieval techniques in these areas are not as sophisticated as textual and 2-D image techniques and in many cases rely upon textual searching through associated keywords. This thesis is concerned with the retrieval of 3-D objects and with the application of these techniques to the problem of 3-D object annotation. The majority of the work in this thesis has been driven by the European project, SCULPTEUR. This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of a range of 3-D shape descriptors for their suitability for general purpose and specific retrieval tasks using a publicly available data set, the Princeton Shape Benchmark, and using real world museum objects evaluated using a variety of performance metrics. This thesis also investigates the use of 3-D shape descriptors as inputs to popular classification algorithms and a novel classifier agent for use with the SCULPTEUR system is designed and developed and its performance analysed. Several techniques are investigated to improve individual classifier performance. One set of techniques combines several classifiers whereas the other set of techniques aim to find the optimal training parameters for a classifier. The final chapter of this thesis explores a possible application of these techniques to the problem of 3-D object annotation
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