16 research outputs found

    COST Action IC 1402 ArVI: Runtime Verification Beyond Monitoring -- Activity Report of Working Group 1

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    This report presents the activities of the first working group of the COST Action ArVI, Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring. The report aims to provide an overview of some of the major core aspects involved in Runtime Verification. Runtime Verification is the field of research dedicated to the analysis of system executions. It is often seen as a discipline that studies how a system run satisfies or violates correctness properties. The report exposes a taxonomy of Runtime Verification (RV) presenting the terminology involved with the main concepts of the field. The report also develops the concept of instrumentation, the various ways to instrument systems, and the fundamental role of instrumentation in designing an RV framework. We also discuss how RV interplays with other verification techniques such as model-checking, deductive verification, model learning, testing, and runtime assertion checking. Finally, we propose challenges in monitoring quantitative and statistical data beyond detecting property violation

    Energy-aware routing techniques for software-defined networks

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    Achieving energy efficiency has recently become a key topic of networking research due to the ever-increasing power consumption and CO2 emissions generated by large data networks. This problem is becoming even more concerning and challenging given the drastic traffic increase expected over the next few years. However, the use of efficient energy-aware strategies could overturn this situation reducing the electricity consumption of Internet data transmission networks, as well as contributing to mitigate the environmental impact of other sectors. The existence of redundant network elements with high capacities is a common design practice in current network infrastructures in order to face suddenly failures or peak traffic flows. However, these additional resources remain either unused or barely used most of the time leading to an undesired energy waste. Therefore, putting into sleep mode (i.e. a low-power state) unused elements is an effective and widely-accepted strategy to decrease the consumption of data networks. In this context, SDN can be seen as an attractive solution to achieve the long-awaited energy efficiency in current communications systems, since they allow a flexible programmability suitable for this problem. This doctoral thesis tackles the problem of optimizing the power consumption in SDN through the design of energy-aware routing techniques that minimize the number of network elements required to satisfy an incoming traffic load. Different from existing related works, we focus on optimizing energy consumption in SDN with in-band control traffic in order to close this important gap in the literature and provide solutions compatible with operational backbone networks. Complementing the general aim of improving the energy efficiency in SDN, this research is also intended to cover important related features such as network performance, QoS requirements and real-time operation. Accordingly, this study gives a general perspective about the use of energy efficient routing techniques, which cover integrated routing considerations for the data and control plane traffic in SDN. By using realistic input data, significant values of switched-off links and nodes are reached, which demonstrates the great opportunity for saving energy given by our proposals. The obtained results have also validated the intrinsic trade-off between environmental and performance concerns, considering several performance indicators. These findings confirm that energy-aware routing schemes should be designed considering specific traffic requirements and performance metric bounds. Moreover, it is shown that jointly considering QoS requirements and energy awareness is an effective approach to improve, not only the power consumption, but the performance on critical parameters such as control traffic delay and blocking rate. Similarly, the proposed dynamic traffic allocation with congestion-aware rerouting is able to handle demanding traffic arrival without degrading the performance of higher priority traffic. In general, our proposals are fine-grained, easy to implement and quite balanced and effective in their results looking for a suitable and readily deployment in real-world SDN scenarios. Therefore, the conducted research and contributions reported through this document not only add to what is known about the potential of energy-aware routing techniques, but also stand as a valuable solution on the road to a sustainable networking.L'assoliment de l'eficiència energètica s'ha convertit recentment en un tema clau de recerca de xarxes a causa dels creixents nivells de consum d'energia i emissions de CO2 generats per les xarxes de dades. Aquest problema es torna cada vegada més preocupant i desafiant, donat el dràstic augment del trànsit esperat en els propers anys. No obstant això, l'ús d'estratègies energètiques eficients podria invertir aquesta situació, reduint el consum d'electricitat de les xarxes de dades d'Internet i contribuint a mitigar l'impacte ambiental d'altres sectors. L'existència d'elements de xarxa redundants i amb grans capacitats és una pràctica de disseny habitual en les infraestructures de xarxes actuals per afrontar fallades sobtades o fluxos de trànsit més elevats. Tanmateix, aquests recursos addicionals romanen poc o gens utilitzats la major part del temps, generant un desaprofitament d'energia no desitjat. Per tant, posar en mode de repòs (és a dir, un estat de baixa potència) elements no utilitzats és una estratègia efectiva i àmpliament acceptada per disminuir el consum en xarxes de dades. En aquest context, les xarxes definides per programari (SDN) es poden considerar una solució atractiva per aconseguir l'esperada eficiència energètica en els sistemes de comunicacions actuals, ja que permeten una flexible programabilitat idònia per a aquest problema. Aquesta tesi doctoral aborda el problema d'optimitzar el consum d'energia en SDN a través del disseny de tècniques d'encaminament conscients de l'energia que minimitzen la quantitat d'elements de xarxa necessaris per satisfer una càrrega de trànsit entrant. Diferent dels treballs existents, aquesta tesi es centra a optimitzar el consum d'energia en SDN amb el control de tràfic dins de banda per tancar aquesta important bretxa en la literatura i proporcionar solucions compatibles amb xarxes troncals operatives. Complementant l'objectiu general de millorar l'eficiència energètica en SDN, aquesta recerca també pretén cobrir altres importants paràmetres relacionats, com ara el rendiment de la xarxa, els requisits de qualitat de servei (QoS) i el funcionament en temps real. En conseqüència, aquest estudi ofereix una perspectiva general sobre l'ús de tècniques d'encaminament eficients energèticament, que contempla consideracions integrades per al tràfic de dades i del pla de control en SDN. Prenent dades d'entrada realistes, es van aconseguir desconnectar significatives quantitats d'enllaços i nodes, la qual cosa demostra la gran oportunitat d'estalvi d'energia que ofereixen les nostres propostes. Els resultats obtinguts també validen el estret compromís entre les preocupacions ambientals i les qüestions de rendiment de la xarxa, considerant diversos indicadors de rendiment. Aquests resultats confirmen que els esquemes d'encaminament conscients de l'energia s'han de dissenyar tenint en compte els requisits de tràfic específics i els límits desitjats de les mètriques de rendiment. A més, es demostra que, considerant conjuntament els requisits de QoS i de l'energia necessària, és un enfocament eficaç per millorar, no només el consum d'energia, sinó també el rendiment en paràmetres crítics, com la latència del tràfic de control i la probabilitat de bloqueig. De manera semblant, l'assignació dinàmica de tràfic proposta, amb re-encaminament conscient de la congestió, permet gestionar grans volums de trànsit sense degradar el rendiment de les demandes de major prioritat. En general, les nostres propostes són precises, fàcils d'implementar i bastant equilibrades i efectives en els seus resultats, buscant un desplegament adequat i fàcil en escenaris pràctics de SDN. Per tant, la recerca realitzada i les contribucions contingudes en aquest document no només afegeixen el que es coneix sobre el potencial de les tècniques d'encaminament conscients de l'energia, sinó que també representen una valuosa solució en el camí cap a una xarxa sostenibl

    Interim research assessment 2003-2005 - Computer Science

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    This report primarily serves as a source of information for the 2007 Interim Research Assessment Committee for Computer Science at the three technical universities in the Netherlands. The report also provides information for others interested in our research activities

    DeepPredict : A zone preference prediction system for online lodging platforms

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    Publisher Copyright: © The author(s) 2021.Online lodging platforms have become more and more popular around the world. To make a booking in these platforms, a user usually needs to select a city first, then browses among all the prospective options. To improve the user experience, understanding the zone preferences of a user's booking behavior will be helpful. In this work, we aim to predict the zone preferences of users when booking accommodations for the next travel. We have two main challenges: (1) The previous works about next information of Points Of Interest (Pals) recommendation are mainly focused on users' historical records in the same city, while in practice, the historical records of a user in the same city would be very sparse. (2) Since each city has its own specific geographical entities, it is hard to extract the structured geographical features of accommodation in different cities. Towards the difficulties, we propose DeepPredict, a zone preference prediction system. To tackle the first challenge, DeepPredict involves users' historical records in all the cities and uses a deep learning based method to process them. For the second challenge, DeepPredict uses HERE places API to get the information of pals nearby, and processes the information with a unified way to get it. Also, the description of each accommodation might include some useful information, thus we use Sent2Vec, a sentence embedding algorithm, to get the embedding of accommodation description. Using a real-world dataset collected from Airbnb, DeepPredict can predict the zone preferences of users' next bookings with a remarkable performance. DeepPredict outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms by 60% in macro Fl-score.Peer reviewe

    Energy-aware routing techniques for software-defined networks

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    Achieving energy efficiency has recently become a key topic of networking research due to the ever-increasing power consumption and CO2 emissions generated by large data networks. This problem is becoming even more concerning and challenging given the drastic traffic increase expected over the next few years. However, the use of efficient energy-aware strategies could overturn this situation reducing the electricity consumption of Internet data transmission networks, as well as contributing to mitigate the environmental impact of other sectors. The existence of redundant network elements with high capacities is a common design practice in current network infrastructures in order to face suddenly failures or peak traffic flows. However, these additional resources remain either unused or barely used most of the time leading to an undesired energy waste. Therefore, putting into sleep mode (i.e. a low-power state) unused elements is an effective and widely-accepted strategy to decrease the consumption of data networks. In this context, SDN can be seen as an attractive solution to achieve the long-awaited energy efficiency in current communications systems, since they allow a flexible programmability suitable for this problem. This doctoral thesis tackles the problem of optimizing the power consumption in SDN through the design of energy-aware routing techniques that minimize the number of network elements required to satisfy an incoming traffic load. Different from existing related works, we focus on optimizing energy consumption in SDN with in-band control traffic in order to close this important gap in the literature and provide solutions compatible with operational backbone networks. Complementing the general aim of improving the energy efficiency in SDN, this research is also intended to cover important related features such as network performance, QoS requirements and real-time operation. Accordingly, this study gives a general perspective about the use of energy efficient routing techniques, which cover integrated routing considerations for the data and control plane traffic in SDN. By using realistic input data, significant values of switched-off links and nodes are reached, which demonstrates the great opportunity for saving energy given by our proposals. The obtained results have also validated the intrinsic trade-off between environmental and performance concerns, considering several performance indicators. These findings confirm that energy-aware routing schemes should be designed considering specific traffic requirements and performance metric bounds. Moreover, it is shown that jointly considering QoS requirements and energy awareness is an effective approach to improve, not only the power consumption, but the performance on critical parameters such as control traffic delay and blocking rate. Similarly, the proposed dynamic traffic allocation with congestion-aware rerouting is able to handle demanding traffic arrival without degrading the performance of higher priority traffic. In general, our proposals are fine-grained, easy to implement and quite balanced and effective in their results looking for a suitable and readily deployment in real-world SDN scenarios. Therefore, the conducted research and contributions reported through this document not only add to what is known about the potential of energy-aware routing techniques, but also stand as a valuable solution on the road to a sustainable networking.L'assoliment de l'eficiència energètica s'ha convertit recentment en un tema clau de recerca de xarxes a causa dels creixents nivells de consum d'energia i emissions de CO2 generats per les xarxes de dades. Aquest problema es torna cada vegada més preocupant i desafiant, donat el dràstic augment del trànsit esperat en els propers anys. No obstant això, l'ús d'estratègies energètiques eficients podria invertir aquesta situació, reduint el consum d'electricitat de les xarxes de dades d'Internet i contribuint a mitigar l'impacte ambiental d'altres sectors. L'existència d'elements de xarxa redundants i amb grans capacitats és una pràctica de disseny habitual en les infraestructures de xarxes actuals per afrontar fallades sobtades o fluxos de trànsit més elevats. Tanmateix, aquests recursos addicionals romanen poc o gens utilitzats la major part del temps, generant un desaprofitament d'energia no desitjat. Per tant, posar en mode de repòs (és a dir, un estat de baixa potència) elements no utilitzats és una estratègia efectiva i àmpliament acceptada per disminuir el consum en xarxes de dades. En aquest context, les xarxes definides per programari (SDN) es poden considerar una solució atractiva per aconseguir l'esperada eficiència energètica en els sistemes de comunicacions actuals, ja que permeten una flexible programabilitat idònia per a aquest problema. Aquesta tesi doctoral aborda el problema d'optimitzar el consum d'energia en SDN a través del disseny de tècniques d'encaminament conscients de l'energia que minimitzen la quantitat d'elements de xarxa necessaris per satisfer una càrrega de trànsit entrant. Diferent dels treballs existents, aquesta tesi es centra a optimitzar el consum d'energia en SDN amb el control de tràfic dins de banda per tancar aquesta important bretxa en la literatura i proporcionar solucions compatibles amb xarxes troncals operatives. Complementant l'objectiu general de millorar l'eficiència energètica en SDN, aquesta recerca també pretén cobrir altres importants paràmetres relacionats, com ara el rendiment de la xarxa, els requisits de qualitat de servei (QoS) i el funcionament en temps real. En conseqüència, aquest estudi ofereix una perspectiva general sobre l'ús de tècniques d'encaminament eficients energèticament, que contempla consideracions integrades per al tràfic de dades i del pla de control en SDN. Prenent dades d'entrada realistes, es van aconseguir desconnectar significatives quantitats d'enllaços i nodes, la qual cosa demostra la gran oportunitat d'estalvi d'energia que ofereixen les nostres propostes. Els resultats obtinguts també validen el estret compromís entre les preocupacions ambientals i les qüestions de rendiment de la xarxa, considerant diversos indicadors de rendiment. Aquests resultats confirmen que els esquemes d'encaminament conscients de l'energia s'han de dissenyar tenint en compte els requisits de tràfic específics i els límits desitjats de les mètriques de rendiment. A més, es demostra que, considerant conjuntament els requisits de QoS i de l'energia necessària, és un enfocament eficaç per millorar, no només el consum d'energia, sinó també el rendiment en paràmetres crítics, com la latència del tràfic de control i la probabilitat de bloqueig. De manera semblant, l'assignació dinàmica de tràfic proposta, amb re-encaminament conscient de la congestió, permet gestionar grans volums de trànsit sense degradar el rendiment de les demandes de major prioritat. En general, les nostres propostes són precises, fàcils d'implementar i bastant equilibrades i efectives en els seus resultats, buscant un desplegament adequat i fàcil en escenaris pràctics de SDN. Per tant, la recerca realitzada i les contribucions contingudes en aquest document no només afegeixen el que es coneix sobre el potencial de les tècniques d'encaminament conscients de l'energia, sinó que també representen una valuosa solució en el camí cap a una xarxa sosteniblePostprint (published version

    A Survey on Consensus Mechanisms and Mining Strategy Management in Blockchain Networks

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    © 2013 IEEE. The past decade has witnessed the rapid evolution in blockchain technologies, which has attracted tremendous interests from both the research communities and industries. The blockchain network was originated from the Internet financial sector as a decentralized, immutable ledger system for transactional data ordering. Nowadays, it is envisioned as a powerful backbone/framework for decentralized data processing and data-driven self-organization in flat, open-access networks. In particular, the plausible characteristics of decentralization, immutability, and self-organization are primarily owing to the unique decentralized consensus mechanisms introduced by blockchain networks. This survey is motivated by the lack of a comprehensive literature review on the development of decentralized consensus mechanisms in blockchain networks. In this paper, we provide a systematic vision of the organization of blockchain networks. By emphasizing the unique characteristics of decentralized consensus in blockchain networks, our in-depth review of the state-of-the-art consensus protocols is focused on both the perspective of distributed consensus system design and the perspective of incentive mechanism design. From a game-theoretic point of view, we also provide a thorough review of the strategy adopted for self-organization by the individual nodes in the blockchain backbone networks. Consequently, we provide a comprehensive survey of the emerging applications of blockchain networks in a broad area of telecommunication. We highlight our special interest in how the consensus mechanisms impact these applications. Finally, we discuss several open issues in the protocol design for blockchain consensus and the related potential research directions

    Contributions to topology discovery, self-healing and VNF placement in software-defined and virtualized networks

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    The evolution of information and communication technologies (e.g. cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G, among others) has enabled a large market of applications and network services for a massive number of users connected to the Internet. Achieving high programmability while decreasing complexity and costs has become an essential aim of networking research due to the ever-increasing pressure generated by these applications and services. However, meeting these goals is an almost impossible task using traditional IP networks. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging network architecture that could address the needs of service providers and network operators. This new technology consists in decoupling the control plane from the data plane, enabling the centralization of control functions on a concentrated or distributed platform. It also creates an abstraction between the network infrastructure and network applications, which allows for designing more flexible and programmable networks. Recent trends of increased user demands, the explosion of Internet traffic and diverse service requirements have further driven the interest in the potential capabilities of SDN to enable the introduction of new protocols and traffic management models. This doctoral research is focused on improving high-level policies and control strategies, which are becoming increasingly important given the limitations of current solutions for large-scale SDN environments. Specifically, the three largest challenges addressed in the development of this thesis are related to the processes of topology discovery, fault recovery and Virtual Network Function (VNF) placement in software-defined and virtualized networks. These challenges led to the design of a set of effective techniques, ranging from network protocols to optimal and heuristic algorithms, intended to solve existing problems and contribute to the deployment and adoption of such programmable networks.For the first challenge, this work presents a novel protocol that, unlike existing approaches, enables a distributed layer 2 discovery without the need for previous IP configurations or controller knowledge of the network. By using this mechanism, the SDN controller can discover the network view without incurring scalability issues, while taking advantage of the shortest control paths toward each switch. Moreover, this novel approach achieves noticeable improvement with respect to state-of-the-art techniques. To address the resilience concern of SDN, we propose a self-healing mechanism that recovers the control plane connectivity in SDN-managed environments without overburdening the controller performance. The main idea underlying this proposal is to enable real-time recovery of control paths in the face of failures without the intervention of a controller. Obtained results show that the proposed approach recovers the control topology efficiently in terms of time and message load over a wide range of generated networks. The third contribution made in this thesis combines topology knowledge with bin packing techniques in order to efficiently place the required VNF. An online heuristic algorithm with low-complexity was developed as a suitable solution for dynamic infrastructures. Extensive simulations, using network topologies representative of different scales, validate the good performance of the proposed approaches regarding the number of required instances and the delay among deployed functions. Additionally, the proposed heuristic algorithm improves the execution times by a fifth order of magnitude compared to the optimal formulation of this problem.Postprint (published version

    Dinamičko formiranje distribuiranog mikro okruženja u računarstvu u oblaku

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    This thesis presents research in the field of distributed systems. We present the dynamic organization of geodistributed edge nodes into micro data-centers forming micro clouds to cover any arbitrary area and expand capacity, availability, and reliability. A cloud organization is used as an influence with adaptations for a different environment with a clear separation of concerns, and native applications model that can leverage the newly formed system. With the separation of concerns setup, edge-native applications model, and a unified node organization, we are moving towards the idea of edge computing as a service, like any other utility in cloud computing. We also give formal models for all protocols used for the creation of such a system.U sklopu disertacije izvršeno je istraživanje u oblasti distribuiranih sistema. Predstavili smo dinamičku organizaciju geo-distribuiranih čvorova u mikro centre za obradu podataka koji formiraju mikro okruženja računarstva u oblaku kako bi pokrili bilo koje proizvoljno područje i proširili kapacitet, dostupnost i pouzdanost. Koristili smo organizaciju računarstva u oblaku kao inspiraciju, sa adaptacijama za drugačije okruženje sa jasnom podelom nadležnosti, i modelom aplikacija koji može da iskoristi novoformirani sistem. Jasna podela nadležnosti, model aplikacija i dinamička organizacijom čvorova, čine da se predstavljeni model ponude kao i bilo koji drugi uslužni servis. Takođe dajemo formalne modele za sve protokole koji se koriste za stvaranje takvog sistema