12 research outputs found

    Computing Correctly Rounded Integer Powers in Floating-Point Arithmetic

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    23 pagesWe introduce several algorithms for accurately evaluating powers to a positive integer in floating-point arithmetic, assuming a fused multiply-add (fma) instruction is available. We aim at always obtaining correctly-rounded results in round-to-nearest mode, that is, our algorithms return the floating-point number that is nearest the exact value

    Design And Implementation Of Rsa Cryptosystem Using Partially Interleaved Modular Karatsuba-ofman Multiplier

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012Kriptografinin, yani şifreleme biliminin önemi gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Kullanılan teknoloji ne olursa olsun güvenli iletişim her zaman en başta gelen ihtiyaçlardan birisi olacaktır. Günümüzde şifreleme, sistemlere kullanıcı hesabıyla giriş yapılıyorken, internetten herhangi bir hizmet ya da ürün satın alınıyorken, iletişim araçları kullanılıyorken, araçların kapıları uzaktan kilitlenip açılıyorken ve daha birçok yerde kullanılmaktadır. Kullanım alanına ve güvenlik ihtiyacının niteliğine göre değişik şifreleme algoritmaları farklı teknolojilerle karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu algoritmaların bir tanesi de Rivest-Shamir-Adleman(RSA) şifreleme sistemidir. RSA bankacılık başta olmak üzere birçok sektörde şifreleme ve sayısal imza işlemleri için sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. RSA algoritması gücünü çok büyük sayıların asal çarpanlarına ayrılmalarındaki zorluktan almaktadır. Özetle çok büyük sayılarla yapılan modüler üs alma işlemlerinden oluşmaktadır. Modüler üs alma işlemleri de özünde modüler çarpma işlemlerinden ibaret olduğu için hızlı bir RSA gerçeklemesi ancak hızlı modüler çarpma işlemi yapan bir tasarımla mümkün olmaktadır. Güvenlik ve hız gibi sebeplerden ötürü RSA kriptosistemi genellikle modüler üs alma işleminin yazılımda gerçeklenmesi ve modüler çarpma işlemlerinin de donanımda tasarlanan özel bloklarla yapılması yoluyla gerçeklenir. Modüler üs alma işlemi için birçok yöntem mevcuttur. Bu yöntemler modüler üs alma işlemi esnasında yapılan modüler çarpma işlemi sayısını değişik yöntemlerle en aza indirmeye çalışırlar. Modüler çarpma işlemi için de bilim dünyasında epeyi çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Modüler çarpma, önce çarpıp sonra indirgeme yapma ya da çarpma ve indirgeme işlemlerini iç-içe yapma gibi iki yöntemle mümkündür. Alan kısıtlamaları sebebiyle çoğunlukla ikinci metot tercih edilmektedir. İndirgeme işleminin uygulanma yönüne göre modüler çarpma algoritmaları soldan sağa doğru işleyenler ve sağdan sola doğru işleyenler olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır. Soldan sağa doğru işleyen yöntemlerin en bilindik örnekleri Blakley ve Barrett algoritmalarıdır. Sağdan sola doğru indirgeme yapan sınıfa ise tek örnek Montgomery yöntemidir. Hızlı çarpma yapan Karatsuba-Ofman, Schönhage-Strassen gibi yöntemler olsa da bu hızlı çarpıcılar indirgeme algoritmalarıyla birleştirilememektedirler. Bu sorun paralel çalışmaya izin vermeyen indirgeme yöntemlerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Ancak Kaihara ve Takagi tarafından bilim dünyasına sunulan İki Parçalı Modüler çarpma yöntemi bu soruna bir nebze de olsa çözüm bulmaktadır. Bu indirgeme metodu Montgomery algoritmasının sahip olduğu bir özelliği kullanarak modüler çarpmadaki çarpanı ikiye ayırmakta ve böylelikle Blakley ve Montgomery paralel olarak çalışabilmektedir. Hızlı çarpma algoritmalarından birisi olan Karatsuba-Ofman yöntemiyle İki Parçalı indirgemeyi birleştiren ilk çalışma Gökay Saldamlı tarafından ortaya atılmıştır. İki Parçalı Örgü Karatsuba-Ofman çarpıcısı iki parçalı indirgemeyi Karatsuba-Ofman rekürsif çarpma yönteminin en üst katmanında birleştirmektedir. Bu yeni yöntemin gerçeklenmesinde Montgomery çarpıcısına, Blakley modüler çarpıcısına ve standart çarpma yapan bloklara ihtiyaç vardır. Ancak bu algoritma Montgomery ve Blakley modüllerinde literatürdeki daha önceki gerçeklemelerde bulunmayan değerlerin de hesaplanmasına gereksinim duymaktadır. Bu tezde İki Parçalı Modüler Örgü Karatsuba-Ofman çarpıcısının donanımda gerçeklenmesine ait iki çalışma ve bu tasarımlardan birisi kullanılarak gerçeklenen RSA kriptosistemi anlatılmaktadır. Bu çalışmalardan ilki çarpanı birer bit işleyen gerçeklemedir. FPGA teknolojisinde gerçeklenmiştir. İkinci gerçekleme ise ilk tasarımdaki eksikleri kapatan ve daha hızlı bir modüler çarpma için kodlama yöntemleri, daha fazla sayıda bit işleme, donanımın çalışma frekansını arttırmak için en büyük gecikmeye sahip yolu kontrol sinyallerini kullanarak optimize etmeye çalışan bir ASIC gerçeklemesidir. Bu tezdeki donanım tasarımları İki Parçalı Örgü Karatsuba-Ofman çarpma yönteminin ilk gerçeklemeleridirler. Montgomery ve Blakley algoritmaları bu yeni yöntem için yeniden düzenlenmiştir. Tasarımların ikisi için de Maple’da kütüphaneler oluşturulmuş ve iki tasarım da Maple ortamında donanımla aynı yapıda gerçeklenmiş, gerekli testler yapılmış ve simülatörlerden gelen sonuçlarla yazılım gerçeklemesinden gelen sonuçlar karşılaştırılarak tasarımların doğru çalıştığı kanıtlanmıştır. İkinci modüler çarpma gerçeklemesi RSA kriptosistemi içinde modüler çarpıcı olarak kullanılmış ve piyasadaki RSA kırmıklarıyla karşılaştırılabilir sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır.Importance of cryptography is becoming more and more important day by day. Secure communication will always be a crucial need independent from the technology in use. Applications of cryptography can be seen in online banking, purchases of goods and services by means of credit cards, ID cards, remote lock and start systems for cars, telecommunication, and in many more places. Different cryptosystems are employed according to different needs and different security levels. Rivest-Shamir-Adleman(RSA) Algorithm is one of the most popular cryptosystem that is used in many sectors like banking. It takes its strength from factorization of very large integers. Briefly, it consists of modular exponentiations with large integers which are 1024-bit or 2048-bit numbers. As modular exponentiation operations are fundamentally composed of modular multiplications, designing a fast RSA cryptosystem becomes possible only with a fast modular multiplier implementation. Due to security and speed issues, modular exponentiation in RSA is implemented in software and modular multiplications are carried out in modular multipliers which are implemented in hardware. Many methods exist in the literature in order to perform modular exponentiation. These methods try to reduce the total number of multiplications that are required for a modular exponetiation operation. In addition to modular exponentiation algorithms, there are several techniques to do modular multiplication as well. Modular multiplication may be carried out either by multiplying first and performing reduction later on, or by interleaving multiplication and reduction stages. In order to reach compact hardware designs the latter approach is utilized. According to the direction of reduction operation, modular multiplication algorithms may be classified into two groups, which are algorithms reducing from left-to-right and from right-to-left. The most well known examples of left-to-right approach are Blakley and Barrett algorithms, whereas Montgomery multiplication is the only member of the right-to-left modular multiplication. Although fast multiplication algorithms, such as Karatsuba-Ofman(KO), Schönhage-Strassen exist, these multiplication methods can not be interleaved with reduction algorithms. This is caused from the reduction approaches not allowing parallel processing. However, Bipartite Modular Multiplication(BMM) method introduced by Kaihara and Takagi proposes a partial solution to the parallel reduction problem. This reduction method modifies a feature of Montgomery algorithm. This modification separates the multiplier bits into two halves so that a product can be reduced from left and right simultaneously without a dependency issue. The first method which combines Karatsuba-Ofman multiplication with bipartite reduction was proposed by Gökay Saldamlı. His algoritm, namely Partially Interleaved Modular Karatsuba-Ofman Multiplication, interleaves KO multiplier with the bipartite reduction on the uppermost layer of KO’s recursion. Implementation of this new method requires Montgomery multiplier, Blakley multiplier and standard integer multipliers. However, for this approach, both Montgomery and Blakley multipliers are needed to be designed in a way that, they compute not only the modular multiplication result, but also quotient values, what is somewhat different than existing implementations. In this thesis, two hardware implementations of Partially Interleaved Modular KO Multiplication and an RSA implementation utilizing the designed multiplier are proposed. The first design is Radix-2 implementation on FPGA technology. The second hardware implementation explores the design methodologies in order to reach a faster modular multiplier. These design methodologies include employing high radices, optimization of critical path according to the effect of control signals and analyzing parameter dependencies in Partially Interleaved Modular KO Multiplier and scheduling jobs effectively. Improved design was implemented on ASIC technology using 90 nm TSMC standard cell libraries in Design Compiler. Hardware implementations proposed in this thesis are the first hardware implementations of Partially Interleaved Modular KO Multiplication method. Montgomery and Blakley multiplication algorithms were modified in order to produce desired results. Maple libraries which emulate the operation of hardware building blocks were written and both hardware implementations were firstly implemented in Maple. Tests were run with random input vectors and when correct operation of Maple implementations were verified, hardwares were described in VHDL and implemented using FPGA and ASIC design tools respectively. The second implementation of Partially Interleaved Modular KO multiplier was used as a modular multiplier for RSA cryptosystem and very promising results which are comparable with commercial RSA chips were achieved.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

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    This open access two-volume set constitutes the proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2021, which was held during March 27 – April 1, 2021, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2021. The conference was planned to take place in Luxembourg and changed to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The total of 41 full papers presented in the proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 141 submissions. The volume also contains 7 tool papers; 6 Tool Demo papers, 9 SV-Comp Competition Papers. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Game Theory; SMT Verification; Probabilities; Timed Systems; Neural Networks; Analysis of Network Communication. Part II: Verification Techniques (not SMT); Case Studies; Proof Generation/Validation; Tool Papers; Tool Demo Papers; SV-Comp Tool Competition Papers

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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    Algorithmes compensés en arithmétique flottante : précision, validation, performances

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    Rounding error may totally corrupt the result of a floating point computation. How to improve and validate the accuracy of a floating point computation, without large computing time overheads ? We consider two case studies: polynomial evaluation and linear triangular system solving. In both cases we use compensation of the rounding errors to improve the accuracy of the computed result. The contributions of this work are divided into three levels.1) Improving the accuracy.We propose a compensated Horner scheme that computes polynomial evaluation with the same accuracy as the classic Horner algorithm performed in twice the working precision. Generalizing this algorithm, we present another compensated version of the Horner scheme simulating K times the working precision (K>1). We also show how to compensate the rounding errors generated by the substitution algorithm for triangular system solving.2) Validating the computed result.We show how to validate the quality of the compensated polynomial evaluation. We propose a method to compute an "a posteriori" error bound together with the compensated result. This error bound is computed using only basic floating point operations, which ensures portability and efficiency of the method.3) Performances of compensated algorithms.Our computing time measures show the interest of compensated algorithms compared to other software solutions that provide the same output accuracy. We also justify good practical performances of compensated algorithms thanks to a detailed study of the instruction-level parallelism they contain.Les erreurs d'arrondi peuvent dégrader la précision d'un calcul en arithmétique flottante. Comment améliorer et valider la précision d'un résultat calculé, tout en conservant de bonnes performances pratiques ? Nous utilisons la compensation des erreurs d'arrondi au travers de deux exemples : l'évaluation polynomiale et la résolution de systèmeslinéaires triangulaires. Nos contributions se situent à trois niveaux.1) Amélioration de la précision du résultat.Nous proposons un schéma de Horner compensé, qui permet une évaluation polynomiale aussi précise que celle calculée par le schéma de Horner classique exécuté avec une précision interne doublée. En généralisant cet algorithme, nous proposons une autre version compensée du schéma de Horner simulant K fois la précision de travail (K>1). Nous montrons également comment compenser les erreurs d'arrondis générées par l'algorithme de substitution pour la résolution de systèmes triangulaires.2) Validation de la qualité du résultat.Nous montrons comment valider la qualité du résultat de l'évaluation polynomiale compensée, en proposant le calcul d'une borne d'erreur "a posteriori" qui ne repose que sur des opérations élémentaires de l'arithmétique flottante: cela assure la portabilité de la validation et de bonnes performances pratiques.3) Performances des algorithmes compensés.Nos mesures de performances montrent l'intérêt pratique des algorithmes compensés face aux autres solutions logicielles simulant une précision équivalente. Nous justifions ces bonnes performances par une étude détaillée du parallélisme d'instructions qu'ils présentent

    Proceedings of the Second NASA Formal Methods Symposium

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    This publication contains the proceedings of the Second NASA Formal Methods Symposium sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and held in Washington D.C. April 13-15, 2010. Topics covered include: Decision Engines for Software Analysis using Satisfiability Modulo Theories Solvers; Verification and Validation of Flight-Critical Systems; Formal Methods at Intel -- An Overview; Automatic Review of Abstract State Machines by Meta Property Verification; Hardware-independent Proofs of Numerical Programs; Slice-based Formal Specification Measures -- Mapping Coupling and Cohesion Measures to Formal Z; How Formal Methods Impels Discovery: A Short History of an Air Traffic Management Project; A Machine-Checked Proof of A State-Space Construction Algorithm; Automated Assume-Guarantee Reasoning for Omega-Regular Systems and Specifications; Modeling Regular Replacement for String Constraint Solving; Using Integer Clocks to Verify the Timing-Sync Sensor Network Protocol; Can Regulatory Bodies Expect Efficient Help from Formal Methods?; Synthesis of Greedy Algorithms Using Dominance Relations; A New Method for Incremental Testing of Finite State Machines; Verification of Faulty Message Passing Systems with Continuous State Space in PVS; Phase Two Feasibility Study for Software Safety Requirements Analysis Using Model Checking; A Prototype Embedding of Bluespec System Verilog in the PVS Theorem Prover; SimCheck: An Expressive Type System for Simulink; Coverage Metrics for Requirements-Based Testing: Evaluation of Effectiveness; Software Model Checking of ARINC-653 Flight Code with MCP; Evaluation of a Guideline by Formal Modelling of Cruise Control System in Event-B; Formal Verification of Large Software Systems; Symbolic Computation of Strongly Connected Components Using Saturation; Towards the Formal Verification of a Distributed Real-Time Automotive System; Slicing AADL Specifications for Model Checking; Model Checking with Edge-valued Decision Diagrams; and Data-flow based Model Analysis

    Reports to the President

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    A compilation of annual reports for the 1989-1990 academic year, including a report from the President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as reports from the academic and administrative units of the Institute. The reports outline the year's goals, accomplishments, honors and awards, and future plans


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