18 research outputs found

    Étude de l'évolution du modèle de l'utilisateur des systèmes de construction collaborative d'ontologies

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    National audienceCet article rend compte d'une étude en cours sur l'évolution du modèle de l'utilisateur de systèmes de construction collaborative d'ontologies. Par modèle de l'utilisateur (ou modèle du contributeur), nous entendons la représentation que les concepteurs se font des utilisateurs de leurs systèmes et plus généralement des contributeurs à la construction des ontologies. Nous décrivons : 1) la méthode que nous utilisons pour étudier l'évolution du modèle de l'utilisateur ; 2) l'évolution de ce modèle (en termes de types d'utilisateurs, de caractérisations de l'utilisateur et de caractérisations de l'environnement de l'utilisateur) ; 3) les évolutions parallèles : a) des méthodes de conception des systèmes collaboratifs ; b) des systèmes eux-mêmes ; et c) des méthodes de construction collaborative des ontologies. Nous mentionnons quelques perspectives d'évolution envisagées par les concepteurs eux-mêmes. Cette étude vise à faire ressortir l'importance d'acquérir une meilleure connaissance des contributeurs potentiels à la construction collaborative des ontologies afin d'obtenir des outils collaboratifs mieux adaptés à ces contributeurs


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    Very often, for business or personal needs, users require to retrieve, in a very fast way, all the available relevant information about a focused target entity, in order to take decisions, organize business work, plan future actions. To answer this kind of \u201centity\u201d- driven user needs, a huge multiplicity of web resources is actually available, coming from the Social Web and related user-centered services (e.g., news publishing, social networks, microblogging systems), from the Semantic Web and related ontologies and knowledge repositories, and from the conventional Web of Documents. The Ph.D. thesis is devoted to define the notion of in-cloud and a semantic clouding approach for the construction of in-clouds that works over the Social Web, the Semantic Web, and the Web of Documents. in-clouds are built for a target entity of interest to organize all relevant web resources, modeled as web data items, into a graph, on the basis of their level of prominence and reciprocal closeness. Prominence captures the importance of a web resource within the in-cloud, by distinguishing, also in a visual way \u201ca la tagcloud\u201d, how much relevant web resources are with respect to the target entity. The level of closeness between web resources is evaluated using matching and clustering techniques, with the goal of determining how similar web resources are to each other and with respect to the target entity

    Ontologioiden soveltuvuus henkilökohtaisten tekstiaineistojen jäsentämiseen : esimerkkinä elämäkerta-aineistot

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    Työssä selvitetään yleisten, julkisten ontologioiden soveltuvuutta käyttäjien itse tekemien avainsanajäsennysten tukemiseen. Kysymystä tutkitaan selvittämällä, sisältävätkö julkiset ontologiat käyttäjien itsensä valitsemia avainsanoja, joilla he kuvaavat kirjoittamiaan elämäkerta-aineistoja. Vertailun vuoksi tutkija on valinnut avainsanat samoista aineistoista, ja myös niiden esiintymistä ontologioissa selvitetään. Samassa yhteydessä kirjattiin ylös minkälaisia piirteitä tai mahdollisia ongelmia nousi esiin, kun nykyisillä ontologioilla haluttiin jäsentää elämäkertoja. Saatuja tuloksia verrattiin lähdekirjallisuuteen. Aineistoina ovat kansalaisopiston opintopiirissä laaditut elämäkerta-aineistot ja Finto-ontologiakirjaston ontologiat. Tutkimusmenetelmien osalta työ on suunnittelutieteellistä arvioivaa tutkimusta. Arvioinnin kohteena olivat ontologiat ja niiden kattavuus. Tutkimus on myös teorioita testaavaa tutkimusta sekä case-tutkimusta. Saatuja tuloksia verrataan lähdekirjallisuuteen ja tapauksina on viisi elämäkerta-aineistoa. Tehdyissä vertailuissa havaitaan, että elämäkerta-aineistojen avainsanoista karkeasti sanottuna noin puolet sisältyy nykyisellään Finto-ontologiakirjaston ontologioihin. Tarkemmassa analyysissä voidaan erottaa pieni painotus siihen suuntaan, että todennäköisemmin ontologiat sisältävät tutkijan kuin käyttäjien valitsemia avainsanoja. Tämä kvantitatiivinen tulos on työssä kuitenkin marginaalinen. Työn keskeisin anti on laadullisissa seikoissa, jotka ilmenevät tehtyjen kokeilujen yhteydessä. Käy ilmi, kuten lähdekirjallisuudessakin mainitaan, että avainsanojen merkitsemisen tavoitteet ja käytännöt vaihtelevat suuresti ja ne voivat muuttua myös yksittäisellä henkilöllä työskentelyn edetessä. Tehtyjen kokeilujen yhteydessä havaitaan, että tällä hetkellä Finto-ontologiakirjaston ontologioihin tarvittaisiin lisää erityisesti erisnimiä, samoin on tarvetta terävöittää ontologiakirjaston sisältämien eri ontologioiden välistä linkittämistä. Suomenkielisten termien kohdalla olisi tarvetta lisätä eri taivutusmuotoja sekä puhekielen mukaisia sanamuotoja ja ilmaisuja. Termihakujen yhteydessä nousi myös esiin tarve työkaluille, jotka tukisivat yhdyssanojen ja sanaliittojen muodostamien ilmaisujen semanttista tulkintaa ja analysointia. ABSTRACT The applicability of ontologies for structuring personal texts – using biographies as an example In this work the applicability of general, public ontologies is examined. The question is whether these ontologies are suitable for supporting the keyword definitions done by users. This is examined by finding out whether the public ontologies contain the terms that the users themselves choose to be the keywords of their texts. The texts are the users' own biographies that they have written themselves. In order to compare the results, the researcher, too, has chosen keywords for the same texts, and the presence of the researcher’s keywords in public ontologies is also examined. The biographies are written for a course at an adult education center, and the ontologies are all contained in the Finnish ontology library Finto. Methodologically this represents design science and the ontologies of Finto library are the object of evaluation. They are measured by their extensiveness. This is also theory-testing research and a case study that consists of five cases. Each biography forms one of the cases and the findings are compared with the source material. As a result, it is found out that roughly about half of the keywords can currently be found in the ontologies of the ontology library Finto. In a more detailed analysis, one can see that the researcher's keywords are contained in the ontologies with a slightly higher probability than the keywords chosen by the authors themselves. However, this quantitative result is marginal in this work. The main outcomes are the qualitative findings noted while doing the experiments. It turns out, as in the referred sources, that the objectives and practices of keyword marking vary widely, and that they can also change during the work process of a single person. It is also found out that, at this moment, more proper nouns are needed in the ontologies of Finto. Additionally, there is a need for refined mapping between the various ontologies contained in the ontology library. For Finnish terms, a larger variety of inflected forms is needed, as well as a greater number of vernacular expressions and colloquialisms. While searching for terms it was also discovered that there is a need for tools that would help the semantic analysis and interpretation of compound words and set phrases

    requirements and use cases

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    In this report, we introduce our initial vision of the Corporate Semantic Web as the next step in the broad field of Semantic Web research. We identify requirements of the corporate environment and gaps between current approaches to tackle problems facing ontology engineering, semantic collaboration, and semantic search. Each of these pillars will yield innovative methods and tools during the project runtime until 2013. Corporate ontology engineering will improve the facilitation of agile ontology engineering to lessen the costs of ontology development and, especially, maintenance. Corporate semantic collaboration focuses the human-centered aspects of knowledge management in corporate contexts. Corporate semantic search is settled on the highest application level of the three research areas and at that point it is a representative for applications working on and with the appropriately represented and delivered background knowledge. We propose an initial layout for an integrative architecture of a Corporate Semantic Web provided by these three core pillars

    Padrão de projeto de ontologias para inclusão de referências do novo serviço público em plataformas de governo aberto

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do ConhecimentoCom as recentes mudanças nos modelos da administração pública, percebe-se a necessidade de transformações nos atuais projetos de governo eletrônico e a sua adequação. O crescimento da participação dos cidadãos na vigília eletrônica das ações do governo local e seu interesse de compartilhar essa visão com outros de sua comunidade em muitos casos estabelece fortes reações políticas entre esses cidadãos. Iniciativas para estabelecer um modelo de governo eletrônico que reforce a participação da população foram tentadas e, por dependerem do modelo de gestão pública da época, tiveram a dificuldade de assegurar a participação eletrônica. Nesse contexto, tendo a possibilidade de uso de fontes abertas de informação e conhecimento com Governo Aberto e aplicativos da Web Social para apoiar os gestores públicos na criação de novas plataformas de Governo Aberto, passa a ser requisito o uso e a adoção de ontologias. Apesar das taxonomias e dos vocabulários serem utilizados nos serviços de governo como o Vocabulário Controlado do Governo Eletrônico no Brasil # VCGE, esses não oferecerem a expressividade de ontologias, contemplando as relações, axiomas e regras de relacionamento, deixando, desse modo, conceitos independentes de contexto e intersubjetivos de significado. Considerando esses elementos, esta tese está fundamentada na análise do impacto das referências e modelos da gestão pública na criação e evolução de ontologias usadas em Plataformas do Governo Eletrônico e da necessidade de se estabelecer uma prática para projetos de Governo Aberto. Neste último, foi argumentado que a base epistemológica do Novo Serviço Público (NSP) pode ser utilizada para projetos dessas plataformas, aproximando referencias como a busca do interesse público e accountability a esses projetos. Para a modelagem das referenciais, foi utilizada como base da Participation e Transperency SIG para a construção de um padrão de projeto de ontologias como forma de inclusão dos referenciais do NSP em Plataformas de Governo Aberto. O resultado da tese foi a criação de um padrão de projeto de ontologias e sua aplicação na fase de conceitualização de um projeto de plataforma de governo eletrônico aberto. O padrão proposto foi aplicado em um projeto brasileiro de governo aberto, tendo-se verificado se a aplicação resultou em características associadas ao NSP ao projeto.With the recent changes in public administration models, one realizes the need for changes in current e-government projects and their suitability. The growing participation of citizens in electronic local government actions and their interest to share that vision with others in their community, in many cases provides a strong political reactions among these people. Initiatives to establish a model of e-government that would strengthen the participation of the population have been attempted and, because the model of public management at the time, had the difficulty of ensuring electronic participation. In this context, with the possibility of using open information and knowledge (OGD and Social Apps) to support policy makers in creating new platforms for Open Government, becomes the requirement and adopting the use of ontologies during the development of application projects of this nature. Despite taxonomies and vocabularies are used in government services (Controlled Vocabulary of Electronic Government in Brazil # VCGE), these do not offer the expressivity of ontologies, covering relations, axioms and rules of citizen engagement, leaving thus independent concepts intersubjective context and meaning. Considering these elements, this thesis is based on the impact analysis of the use of paradigms for public management in the creation and evolution of ontologies used in e-government platforms and the need to establish a practice for Open Government projects. It is also argued that the epistemological basis of the New Public Service (NSP) can be used for Open Government Platform projects, enhancing it with best practices like seeking the public interest and accountability. For the modeling perspective, this work used the views from eParticipation and Transperency SIG for the construction of an ontology design pattern as means of including references from the NSP during an Open Government Platforms projects. The result of this thesis was the creation of an ontology design pattern that was applied during the conceptualization phase of an Open Government Platform project. The proposed pattern was them applied on a Brazilian open government project to verify added concepts from the epistemology of the NSP

    Community-driven & Work-integrated Creation, Use and Evolution of Ontological Knowledge Structures

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    The evaluation of ontologies: quality, reuse and social factors

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    Finding a “good” or the “right” ontology is a growing challenge in the ontology domain, where one of the main aims is to share and reuse existing semantics and knowledge. Before reusing an ontology, knowledge engineers not only have to find a set of appropriate ontologies for their search query, but they should also be able to evaluate those ontologies according to different internal and external criteria. Therefore, ontology evaluation is at the heart of ontology selection and has received a considerable amount of attention in the literature.Despite the importance of ontology evaluation and selection and the widespread research on these topics, there are still many unanswered questions and challenges when it comes to evaluating and selecting ontologies for reuse. Most of the evaluation metrics and frameworks in the literature are mainly based on a limited set of internal characteristics, e.g., content and structure of ontologies and ignore how they are used and evaluated by communities. This thesis aimed to investigate the notion of quality and reusability in the ontology domain and to explore and identify the set of metrics that can affect the process of ontology evaluation and selection for reuse. [Continues.

    A structural and quantitative analysis of the webof linked data and its components to perform retrieval data

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    Esta investigación consiste en un análisis cuantitativo y estructural de la Web of Linked Data con el fin de mejorar la búsqueda de datos en distintas fuentes. Para obtener métricas cuantitativas de la Web of Linked Data, se aplicarán técnicas estadísticas. En el caso del análisis estructural haremos un Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS). Para tener una idea de la Web of Linked Data para poder hacer un análisis, nos ayudaremos del diagrama de la Linking Open Data (LOD) cloud. Este es un catálogo online de datasets cuya información ha sido publicada usando técnicas de Linked Data. Los datasets son publicados en un lenguaje llamado Resource Description Framework (RDF), el cual crea enlaces entre ellos para que la información pudiera ser reutilizada. El objetivo de obtener un análisis cuantitativo y estructural de la Web of Linked Data es mejorar las búsquedas de datos. Para ese propósito nosotros nos aprovecharemos del uso del lenguaje de marcado Schema.org y del proyecto Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV). Schema.org es un conjunto de etiquetas cuyo objetivo es que los Webmasters pudieran marcar sus propias páginas Web con microdata. El microdata es usado para ayudar a los motores de búsqueda y otras herramientas Web a entender mejor la información que estas contienen. LOV es un catálogo para registrar los vocabularios que usan los datasets de la Web of Linked Data. Su objetivo es proporcionar un acceso sencillo a dichos vocabularios. En la investigación, vamos a desarrollar un estudio para la obtención de datos de la Web of Linked Data usando las fuentes mencionadas anteriormente con técnicas de “ontology matching”. En nuestro caso, primeros vamos a mapear Schema.org con LOV, y después LOV con la Web of Linked Data. Un ARS de LOV también ha sido realizado. El objetivo de dicho análisis es obtener una idea cuantitativa y cualitativa de LOV. Sabiendo esto podemos concluir cosas como: cuales son los vocabularios más usados o si están especializados en algún campo o no. Estos pueden ser usados para filtrar datasets o reutilizar información

    Semantic and pragmatic characterization of learning objects

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Informática. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201