62 research outputs found

    Resource Allocation and Relay Selection for Multi-User OFDM-Based Cooperative Networks with SWIPT

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    In this paper, we investigate resource allocation and relay selection in a two-hop relay-assisted multi-user network, where the end users support Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer (SWIPT). In particular, we consider single source assisted by a set of spatially distributed relays able to amplify-and-forward orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals carrying both data and power at the same time. The users are assumed to implement a power splitting technique where the received signal is orthogonally split in two streams of different power levels, where one signal stream is sent to the power harvesting module while the other is converted to baseband for information decoding. We aim at optimizing the users’ power splitting ratios as well as the relay, carrier and power assignment so that the end-users’ sum-rate is maximized subject to transmitted and harvested power constraints. Such joint optimization is combinatorial in nature with a non-convex structure. Therefore, we present a sub-optimal low complex solution based on the harmonic mean of the two-hop relay channel coefficients. Simulation results reveal that the proposed algorithm provides significant performance gains in comparison with a semi-random resource allocation and relay selection approach

    Joint Power and Channel Allocation for Relay-Assisted Device- to- Device Communications

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    Relay-assisted D2D (Device-to-Device) communication was proposed as a supplement to direct D2D communications for enhancing traffic offloading capacity in Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-A) systems. In this paper, we formulate the joint power and channel allocation relay-assisted D2D communications problem aiming at maximizing the system sum rate of all cellular and D2D links while guaranteeing the minimum required SINR (Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio) of both links. As it is a MINLP (Mixed Integer Non-linear Programming), which can not be solved in polynomial time, we propose two heuristic algorithm (named Proposed HA1 and Proposed HA2) with different complexity levels to solve our design problems. Monte-Carlo simulation results show that the performances of our proposed algorithms with acceptable complexity have a good performance comparing with the optimal performance

    Symbol-asynchronous transmission in multibeam satellite user down-link : rate regions for novel superposition coding schemes

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    We consider the forward link of a multibeam satellite system with high spectral reuse and the novel low-complexity transmission and detection strategies from [1]. More specifically, we study the impact of a time offset between the antenna beams that cooperate to simultaneously serve a given user. Assuming Gaussian signaling, we provide closed-form expressions for the achievable rate region. It is demonstrated that, in the absence of timing information at the gateway, this region is not affected by a time offset. Our numerical results further show that, in case timing is known at the gateway, an offset of half a symbol period at both user terminals is optimal in terms of spectral efficiency.Grant numbers : Satellite Network of Experts IV. © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    A Precoding Aided Space Domain Index Modulation Scheme for Downlink Multiuser MIMO Systems

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    In this correspondence, we propose a space domain index modulation (IM) scheme for the downlink of multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) systems. Instead of the most common approach where spatial bits select active receiver antennas, in the presented scheme the spatial information is mapped onto the transmitter side. This allows IM to better exploit large dimensional antenna settings which are typically easier to deploy at the base station. In order to mitigate inter-user interference and allow single user detection, a precoder is adopted at the BS. Furthermore two alternative enhanced signal construction methods are proposed for minimizing the transmitted power or enable an implementation with a reduced number of RF chains. Simulation results for different scenarios show that the proposed approach can be an attractive alternative to conventional precoded MU-MIMO.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Minimization of IEEE 802.11p Packet Collision Interference through Transmission Time Shifting

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    V2I communications are characterized by the presence of network nodes in vehicles and in the infrastructures that these vehicles use, as well as by the wireless interactions among them. Safety-related applications demand stringent requirements in terms of latency and packet delivery probability, especially when safety messages have to be delivered to vehicles by the infrastructure. Interference issues stem from the typical characteristics of wireless communications, i.e., the noise of the wireless medium, the limited communication range of the wireless entities, and the receiver passivity of all the conventional wireless transceivers during transmissions. This paper presents a synchronization mechanism to artificially replicate at a host premises destructive interference due to hidden terminals, together with an application-level technique to minimize that interference by shifting the packet transmission time, similarly to the MAC TDMA channel access method. As both have been field-tested, the paper also analyzes the results of these tests, all performed with real hardware on IEEE 802.11p over different frequencies and transmission powers, and with repeatability in mind. The resulting figures attest that interference effects due to hidden terminals may indeed take place on real IEEE 802.11p networks, and that carefully designed time-shifting mechanisms can actively mitigate them

    A precoding aided space domain index modulation scheme for downlink multiuser MIMO systems

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    In this correspondence, we propose a space domain index modulation (IM) scheme for the downlink of multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) systems. Instead of the most common approach where spatial bits select active receiver antennas, in the presented scheme the spatial information is mapped onto the transmitter side. This allows IM to better exploit large dimensional antenna settings which are typically easier to deploy at the base station. In order to mitigate inter-user interference and allow single user detection, a precoder is adopted at the BS. Furthermore, two alternative enhanced signal construction methods are proposed for minimizing the transmitted power or enable an implementation with a reduced number of RF chains. Simulation results for different scenarios show that the proposed approach can be an attractive alternative to conventional precoded MU-MIMO.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Iterative detection of multicode DS-CDMA signals with strong nonlinear distortion effects

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    Whenever a direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) signal is the sum of several components associated with different spreading codes [e.g., the DS-CDMA signal to be transmitted by the base station (BS) in the downlink or any multicode DS-CDMA signal], it has high envelope fluctuations and a high peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR), setting strong linearity requirements for the power amplifiers. For this reason, it is desirable to reduce the envelope fluctuations of the transmitted signals. The use of clipping techniques combined with frequency-domain filtering was shown to be an effective way of reducing the envelope fluctuations (and, inherently, the PMEPR) of DS-CDMA signals, while maintaining the spectral occupation of the corresponding conventional DS-CDMA signals. To avoid PMEPR regrowth effects, the clipping and filtering operations can be repeated several times. However, the performance degradation due to nonlinear distortion effects on the transmitted signals can be relatively high, particularly when a very low PMEPR is intended (e.g., when a low clipping level and several iterations are adopted). This can particularly be serious if different powers are assigned to different spreading codes. To avoid significant performance degradation in these situations, we consider an improved receiver where there is an iterative estimation and cancellation of nonlinear distortion effects. Our performance results show that the proposed receiver allows significant performance improvements after just a few iterations, even when we have strong nonlinear distortion effects

    Review of Recent Trends

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    This work was partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through the Regional Operational Programme of Centre (CENTRO 2020) of the Portugal 2020 framework, through projects SOCA (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000010) and ORCIP (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-022141). Fernando P. Guiomar acknowledges a fellowship from “la Caixa” Foundation (ID100010434), code LCF/BQ/PR20/11770015. Houda Harkat acknowledges the financial support of the Programmatic Financing of the CTS R&D Unit (UIDP/00066/2020).MIMO-OFDM is a key technology and a strong candidate for 5G telecommunication systems. In the literature, there is no convenient survey study that rounds up all the necessary points to be investigated concerning such systems. The current deeper review paper inspects and interprets the state of the art and addresses several research axes related to MIMO-OFDM systems. Two topics have received special attention: MIMO waveforms and MIMO-OFDM channel estimation. The existing MIMO hardware and software innovations, in addition to the MIMO-OFDM equalization techniques, are discussed concisely. In the literature, only a few authors have discussed the MIMO channel estimation and modeling problems for a variety of MIMO systems. However, to the best of our knowledge, there has been until now no review paper specifically discussing the recent works concerning channel estimation and the equalization process for MIMO-OFDM systems. Hence, the current work focuses on analyzing the recently used algorithms in the field, which could be a rich reference for researchers. Moreover, some research perspectives are identified.publishersversionpublishe