11 research outputs found

    Acoustic Emission and Artificial Intelligence Procedure for Crack Source Localization

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    The acoustic emission (AE) technique is one of the most widely used in the field of structural monitoring. Its popularity mainly stems from the fact that it belongs to the category of non-destructive techniques (NDT) and allows the passive monitoring of structures. The technique employs piezoelectric sensors to measure the elastic ultrasonic wave that propagates in the material as a result of the crack formation's abrupt release of energy. The recorded signal can be investigated to obtain information about the source crack, its position, and its typology (Mode I, Mode II). Over the years, many techniques have been developed for the localization, characterization, and quantification of damage from the study of acoustic emission. The onset time of the signal is an essential information item to be derived from waveform analysis. This information combined with the use of the triangulation technique allows for the identification of the crack location. In the literature, it is possible to find many methods to identify, with increasing accuracy, the onset time of the P-wave. Indeed, the precision of the onset time detection affects the accuracy of identifying the location of the crack. In this paper, two techniques for the definition of the onset time of acoustic emission signals are presented. The first method is based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) while the second one relies on the use of artificial intelligence (AI). A recurrent convolutional neural network (R-CNN) designed for sound event detection (SED) is trained on three different datasets composed of seismic signals and acoustic emission signals to be tested on a real-world acoustic emission dataset. The new method allows taking advantage of the similarities between acoustic emissions, seismic signals, and sound signals, enhancing the accuracy in determining the onset time

    Reconnaissance automatique des émotions à partir du signal acoustique

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    Nous nous intéressons à la détection automatique des appels problématiques dans un contexte réel de centres d'appels téléphoniques. Nous utilisons l'information sur l'état émotionnel du locuteur, véhiculée par le signal acoustique, pour détecter les problèmes de compréhension entre un locuteur et un système de dialogue humain-machine. Notre contribution se situe à deux niveaux. Au premier niveau, nous avons développé un système de reconnaissance automatique des émotions (RAE) basé sur les traits de type MFCC, avec la célérité et l'accélération, extraits au niveau d'une trame, analysés à l'échelle d'un énoncé, et modélisés par un mélange de gaussiennes. Nous avons optimisé les performances de ce système en ajustant trois types de paramètres : le nombre de mélanges de gaussiennes, l'utilisation de coefficients MFCC d'ordre supérieur (20 versus 13 coefficients) et l'utilisation d'un modèle du monde (UBM) pour l'entraînement des modèles GMM. Le système a été entraîné et testé pour reconnaître les classes des émotions du corpus de données LDC Emotional Prosody (LDC). D'après les résultats obtenus, nous avons apporté une amélioration de l'ordre de 11% par rapport aux meilleurs résultats de l'état de l'art utilisant le même corpus de données pour l'expérience neutre vs tristesse alors que nous avons reproduit les meilleures performances pour l'expérience neutre vs colère et pour rexpérience avec 15 classes d'émotions. Notre seconde contribution est l'expérimentation d'un nouveau modèle de système de RAE basé sur l'information prosodique à long terme obtenue par une approximation des courbes de l'énergie et de la fréquence fondamentale par des coefficients de polynômes de Legendre sur une échelle d'analyse appelée pseudosyllabe. Afin de mesurer l'efficacité de ce type de trait à long terme et de l'unité d'analyse, nous avons réalisé une comparaison de performance entre ce système et un système exploitant l'information prosodique à court terme (niveau de trame) sur l'échelle d'un énoncé. Les taux de reconnaissance obtenus avec"un système basé sur la pseudosyllabe et les coefficients de polynômes de Legendre et expérimenté avec le corpus LDC, sont nettement supérieurs à ceux d'un système basé sur Vénoncé et l'information à court terme. Le gain relatif réalisé est de l'ordre de 6% pour la reconnaissance des émotions neutre vs colère, tandis que ce gain est de l'ordre 91% pour neutre vs tristesse. Enfin, nous avons obtenu une amélioration de l'ordre de 41% pour la détection de 15 classes d'émotions

    Desarrollo de algoritmos para mejorar el desempeño en svm en conjuntos de datos no balanceados

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    La tarea de clasificación es un problema ampliamente estudiado en la literatura. Los problemas donde se requiere decidir si nuevas muestras pertenecen a una clase o no, pueden verse como problemas de clasificación de conjuntos binarios, donde sólo existen dos clases. Regularmente estos datos son etiquetados como "+1" las muestras positivas o que pertenecen a la clase y "-1" las muestras negativas o que no pertenecen a la clase

    A large vocabulary online handwriting recognition system for Turkish

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    Handwriting recognition in general and online handwriting recognition in particular has been an active research area for several decades. Most of the research have been focused on English and recently on other scripts like Arabic and Chinese. There is a lack of research on recognition in Turkish text and this work primarily fills that gap with a state-of-the-art recognizer for the first time. It contains design and implementation details of a complete recognition system for recognition of Turkish isolated words. Based on the Hidden Markov Models, the system comprises pre-processing, feature extraction, optical modeling and language modeling modules. It considers the recognition of unconstrained handwriting with a limited vocabulary size first and then evolves to a large vocabulary system. Turkish script has many similarities with other Latin scripts, like English, which makes it possible to adapt strategies that work for them. However, there are some other issues which are particular to Turkish that should be taken into consideration separately. Two of the challenging issues in recognition of Turkish text are determined as delayed strokes which introduce an extra source of variation in the sequence order of the handwritten input and high Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV) rate of Turkish when words are used as vocabulary units in the decoding process. This work examines the problems and alternative solutions at depth and proposes suitable solutions for Turkish script particularly. In delayed stroke handling, first a clear definition of the delayed strokes is developed and then using that definition some alternative handling methods are evaluated extensively on the UNIPEN and Turkish datasets. The best results are obtained by removing all delayed strokes, with up to 2.13% and 2.03% points recognition accuracy increases, over the respective baselines of English and Turkish. The overall system performances are assessed as 86.1% with a 1,000-word lexicon and 83.0% with a 3,500-word lexicon on the UNIPEN dataset and 91.7% on the Turkish dataset. Alternative decoding vocabularies are designed with grammatical sub-lexical units in order to solve the problem of high OOV rate. Additionally, statistical bi-gram and tri-gram language models are applied during the decoding process. The best performance, 67.9% is obtained by the large stem-ending vocabulary that is expanded with a bi-gram model on the Turkish dataset. This result is superior to the accuracy of the word-based vocabulary (63.8%) with the same coverage of 95% on the BOUN Web Corpus

    Visible, near infrared and thermal hand-based image biometric recognition

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    Biometric Recognition refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his or her anatomical characteristic or modality (i.e., fingerprint, palmprint, face) or behavioural (i.e., signature) characteristic. It is a fundamental key issue in any process concerned with security, shared resources, network transactions among many others. Arises as a fundamental problem widely known as recognition, and becomes a must step before permission is granted. It is supposed that protects key resources by only allowing those resources to be used by users that have been granted authority to use or to have access to them. Biometric systems can operate in verification mode, where the question to be solved is Am I who I claim I am? or in identification mode where the question is Who am I? Scientific community has increased its efforts in order to improve performance of biometric systems. Depending on the application many solutions go in the way of working with several modalities or combining different classification methods. Since increasing modalities require some user inconvenience many of these approaches will never reach the market. For example working with iris, face and fingerprints requires some user effort in order to help acquisition. This thesis addresses hand-based biometric system in a thorough way. The main contributions are in the direction of a new multi-spectral hand-based image database and methods for performance improvement. The main contributions are: A) The first multi-spectral hand-based image database from both hand faces: palmar and dorsal. Biometric database are a precious commodity for research, mainly when it offers something new like visual (VIS), near infrared (NIR) and thermography (TIR) images at a time. This database with a length of 100 users and 10 samples per user constitute a good starting point to check algorithms and hand suitability for recognition. B) In order to correctly deal with raw hand data, some image preprocessing steps are necessary. Three different segmentation phases are deployed to deal with VIS, NIR and TIR images specifically. Some of the tough questions to address: overexposed images, ring fingers and the cuffs, cold finger and noise image. Once image segmented, two different approaches are prepared to deal with the segmented data. These two approaches called: Holistic and Geometric define the main focus to extract the feature vector. These feature vectors can be used alone or can be combined in some way. Many questions can be stated: e.g. which approach is better for recognition?, Can fingers alone obtain better performance than the whole hand? and Is thermography hand information suitable for recognition due to its thermoregulation properties? A complete set of data ready to analyse, coming from the holistic and geometric approach have been designed and saved to test. Some innovative geometric approach related to curvature will be demonstrated. C) Finally the Biometric Dispersion Matcher (BDM) is used in order to explore how it works under different fusion schemes, as well as with different classification methods. It is the intention of this research to contrast what happen when using other methods close to BDM like Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). At this point, some interesting questions will be solved, e.g. by taking advantage of the finger segmentation (as five different modalities) to figure out if they can outperform what the whole hand data can teach us.El Reconeixement Biomètric fa referència a la identi cació automàtica de persones fent us d'alguna característica o modalitat anatòmica (empremta digital) o d'alguna característica de comportament (signatura). És un aspecte fonamental en qualsevol procés relacionat amb la seguretat, la compartició de recursos o les transaccions electròniques entre d'altres. És converteix en un pas imprescindible abans de concedir l'autorització. Aquesta autorització, s'entén que protegeix recursos clau, permeten així, que aquests siguin utilitzats pels usuaris que han estat autoritzats a utilitzar-los o a tenir-hi accés. Els sistemes biomètrics poden funcionar en veri cació, on es resol la pregunta: Soc jo qui dic que soc? O en identi cació on es resol la qüestió: Qui soc jo? La comunitat cientí ca ha incrementat els seus esforços per millorar el rendiment dels sistemes biomètrics. En funció de l'aplicació, diverses solucions s'adrecen a treballar amb múltiples modalitats o combinant diferents mètodes de classi cació. Donat que incrementar el número de modalitats, representa a la vegada problemes pels usuaris, moltes d'aquestes aproximacions no arriben mai al mercat. La tesis contribueix principalment en tres grans àrees, totes elles amb el denominador comú següent: Reconeixement biometric a través de les mans. i) La primera d'elles constitueix la base de qualsevol estudi, les dades. Per poder interpretar, i establir un sistema de reconeixement biomètric prou robust amb un clar enfocament a múltiples fonts d'informació, però amb el mínim esforç per part de l'usuari es construeix aquesta Base de Dades de mans multi espectral. Les bases de dades biomètriques constitueixen un recurs molt preuat per a la recerca; sobretot si ofereixen algun element nou com es el cas. Imatges de mans en diferents espectres electromagnètics: en visible (VIS), en infraroig (NIR) i en tèrmic (TIR). Amb un total de 100 usuaris, i 10 mostres per usuari, constitueix un bon punt de partida per estudiar i posar a prova sistemes multi biomètrics enfocats a les mans. ii) El segon bloc s'adreça a les dues aproximacions existents en la literatura per a tractar les dades en brut. Aquestes dues aproximacions, anomenades Holística (tracta la imatge com un tot) i Geomètrica (utilitza càlculs geomètrics) de neixen el focus alhora d'extreure el vector de característiques. Abans de tractar alguna d'aquestes dues aproximacions, però, és necessària l'aplicació de diferents tècniques de preprocessat digital de la imatge per obtenir les regions d'interès desitjades. Diferents problemes presents a les imatges s'han hagut de solucionar de forma original per a cadascuna de les tipologies de les imatges presents: VIS, NIR i TIR. VIS: imatges sobre exposades, anells, mànigues, braçalets. NIR: Ungles pintades, distorsió en forma de soroll en les imatges TIR: Dits freds La segona àrea presenta aspectes innovadors, ja que a part de segmentar la imatge de la ma, es segmenten tots i cadascun dels dits (feature-based approach). Així aconseguim contrastar la seva capacitat de reconeixement envers la ma de forma completa. Addicionalment es presenta un conjunt de procediments geomètrics amb la idea de comparar-los amb els provinents de l'extracció holística. La tercera i última àrea contrasta el procediment de classi cació anomenat Biometric Dispersion Matcher (BDM) amb diferents situacions. La primera relacionada amb l'efectivitat respecte d'altres mètode de reconeixement, com ara l'Anàlisi Lineal Discriminant (LDA) o bé mètodes com KNN o la regressió logística. Les altres situacions que s'analitzen tenen a veure amb múltiples fonts d'informació, quan s'apliquen tècniques de normalització i/o estratègies de combinació (fusió) per millorar els resultats. Els resultats obtinguts no deixen lloc per a la confusió, i són certament prometedors en el sentit que posen a la llum la importància de combinar informació complementària per obtenir rendiments superiors

    Advanced Data Mining Techniques for Compound Objects

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    Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is the non-trivial process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in large data collections. The most important step within the process of KDD is data mining which is concerned with the extraction of the valid patterns. KDD is necessary to analyze the steady growing amount of data caused by the enhanced performance of modern computer systems. However, with the growing amount of data the complexity of data objects increases as well. Modern methods of KDD should therefore examine more complex objects than simple feature vectors to solve real-world KDD applications adequately. Multi-instance and multi-represented objects are two important types of object representations for complex objects. Multi-instance objects consist of a set of object representations that all belong to the same feature space. Multi-represented objects are constructed as a tuple of feature representations where each feature representation belongs to a different feature space. The contribution of this thesis is the development of new KDD methods for the classification and clustering of complex objects. Therefore, the thesis introduces solutions for real-world applications that are based on multi-instance and multi-represented object representations. On the basis of these solutions, it is shown that a more general object representation often provides better results for many relevant KDD applications. The first part of the thesis is concerned with two KDD problems for which employing multi-instance objects provides efficient and effective solutions. The first is the data mining in CAD parts, e.g. the use of hierarchic clustering for the automatic construction of product hierarchies. The introduced solution decomposes a single part into a set of feature vectors and compares them by using a metric on multi-instance objects. Furthermore, multi-step query processing using a novel filter step is employed, enabling the user to efficiently process similarity queries. On the basis of this similarity search system, it is possible to perform several distance based data mining algorithms like the hierarchical clustering algorithm OPTICS to derive product hierarchies. The second important application is the classification and search for complete websites in the world wide web (WWW). A website is a set of HTML-documents that is published by the same person, group or organization and usually serves a common purpose. To perform data mining for websites, the thesis presents several methods to classify websites. After introducing naive methods modelling websites as webpages, two more sophisticated approaches to website classification are introduced. The first approach uses a preprocessing that maps single HTML-documents within each website to so-called page classes. The second approach directly compares websites as sets of word vectors and uses nearest neighbor classification. To search the WWW for new, relevant websites, a focused crawler is introduced that efficiently retrieves relevant websites. This crawler minimizes the number of HTML-documents and increases the accuracy of website retrieval. The second part of the thesis is concerned with the data mining in multi-represented objects. An important example application for this kind of complex objects are proteins that can be represented as a tuple of a protein sequence and a text annotation. To analyze multi-represented objects, a clustering method for multi-represented objects is introduced that is based on the density based clustering algorithm DBSCAN. This method uses all representations that are provided to find a global clustering of the given data objects. However, in many applications there already exists a sophisticated class ontology for the given data objects, e.g. proteins. To map new objects into an ontology a new method for the hierarchical classification of multi-represented objects is described. The system employs the hierarchical structure of the ontology to efficiently classify new proteins, using support vector machines

    Indexing and retrieval of free-form surfaces using self-organizing maps

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    This thesis describes the use of Self-Organizing Maps in combination with unique curvature based feature combinations and various training data sets as a clustering function to describe free-form surfaces. Our descriptor was successfully used as the basis of techniques that segmented, indexed and retrieved free-form surfaces represented as triangulated meshes

    Communicating Climate Change In Internet Discussion Fora: Processes and Implications

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    Communicating climate change issues in the Internet era requires new strategies that incorporate online communication. The rapid growth of new media and widespread use of the internet has marked everyday lifestyles in modern society. Information on a wide range of social issues, including climate change, is disseminated and debated through online discussions in internet fora. In this research, communication on internet fora and other potential forms of online social interaction are explored, to identify ways to enhance climate change communication on the Internet. The thesis raises three research questions to explore the communication context of internet fora discussion, namely: what are characteristics of the communication process on internet fora? Who is involved in the communication process? What influences do these online communication activities have on users’ everyday activities? The research applies a mixed-methods approach of analysing the usage of Internet fora and the contents of fora communication activities to explore these questions. This includes qualitative reviews of topic-thread discussions to reveal users’ roles in discussions, as well as surveys of fora users. It is argued that with increasing levels of interaction among communicators (people who post or reply to articles in order to express or respond ideas) on internet fora, these communicators are mobilised to join the online discussion process, competing for opinion leadership. The online discussions further contribute to the formation of opinions on climate change, as climate change and related issues are discussed The thesis thereby aims to contribute to the development of effective approaches for opinion formation and climate change communication online, and to encourage individuals to discuss changing behaviour patterns and public engagement of greenhouse gas reduction actions